HENLEY PAGES AND TOWN GUIDE 2019-20 y r to c e ir D s es in us l B ia fic Of published and gifted by Invesco is proud to be part of the Henley community We’ve always believed in taking a fundamental, long-term approach because we are committed to delivering the best outcome for investors. This principle has helped us build a world-class investment culture spanning many asset classes and geographies – not least our home in Henley-on-Thames. The value of investments and any income 3DDaEQa#QQ03=O# 5=aDQa and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Invesco.co.uk Invesco Asset Management Limited. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. TELEPHONE NUMBERS Useful telephone numbers Doctors - Bell Surgery 01491 843250 www.thebellsurgery.co.uk Doctors - Hart Surgery 01491 843200 www.thehartsurger y.nhs.uk Eyot Centre 01491 574989 www.eyotcentre.co.uk Henley Farm and Country Show 01491 413619 www.thehenleyshow.co.uk Henley Citizens Advice 01491 578267 www.citizensadvice.org.uk Henley Cricket Club 01491 577743 www.henleycricketclub.co.uk Henley fire station 01491 572938 www.oxfordshire.gov.uk Henley library 01865 815278 www.oxfordshire.gov.uk Henley Life magazine 01491 419449 www.henleylife.co.uk Henley police station 08458 505505 www.thamesvalley.police.uk Henley Rowing Club 01491 573943 www.henleyrowingclub.co.uk Henley Royal Regatta headquarters 01491 572153 www.hrr.co.uk Henley Rugby Club 01491 574499 www.henleyhawks.co.uk Higgs Group printers 01491 419400 www.higgsgroup.co.uk Henley Standard 01491 419444 www.henleystandard.co.uk Henley Town Council 01491 576982 www.henleytowncouncil.gov.uk Henley Town Football Club 01491 410389 w w w. h e n l e y t o w n f c . c o . u k Leander Club 01491 575782 www.leander.co.uk River & Rowing Museum 01491 415600 www.rrm.co.uk Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading 0118 3225111 www.royalberkshire.nhs.uk Tourist Information Office 01491 578034 www.henleytowncouncil.gov.uk Townlands Memorial Hospital 01865 903703 www.nhs.uk Upper Thames Rowing Club 01491 575745 www.utrc.org.uk HENLEY PAGES DIRECTORY 3 CALENDAR November 6, Shakespeare Schools Festival 2019, Kenton Theatre, OF EVENTS 7pm, www.kentontheatre.co.uk 2019-20 8, National Youth Jazz Orchestra, Kenton Theatre, 7.30pm, www.kentontheatre.co.uk 8 to 17, Brakspear Jazz and Blues Week, various venues w w w. b r a k s p e a r j a z z a n d b l u e s . c o . u k 9 and 28, Farmers’market, Market Place, Henley, 8am to 2pm, www.visit-henley.com 9, Mendelssohn’sElijah, Aliquando Chamber Choir, St Mar y’s Church, Henley, 7pm, www.aliquando.co.uk 10, Remembrance Day service Henley town hall steps, October 10.45am. 16, Blake: Movies & Musicals, Kenton Theatre, 7.30pm 3 to 8, Henley Art & Crafts Guild autumn w w w. k e n t o n t h e a t r e . c o . u k exhibition, Old Fire Station Gallery 17, Michael Wooldridge, organ concert, Henley town w w w. h e n l e y - a r t - c r a f t s - g u i l d . o r g hall, 2.30pm for 3pm, www.henleyorgantrust.org.uk 3 to November 23, Run for Your Wife, Mill at 17, Henley Symphony Orchestra winter concert, Sonning, www.millatsonning.com Concert Hall, Reading, 4pm 5 to 20, Chilterns Walking Festival w w w. h e n l e y s y m p h o n y o rc h e s t r a . c o . u k w w w. v i s i t c h i l t e r n s . c o . u k / w a l k i n g f e s t 18, The Ladies of Nettlebed concert featuring Charlie 6, Henley Ploughing Match, Ipsden Dore, Rowan Godel, Megan Henwood and Jackie Oates, w w w. t h e h e n l e y s h o w. c o . u k / p l o u g h i n g m a t c h Nettlebed village club, 7.45pm 10 to 14, Finding the Edge painting and sculpture w w w. n e t t l e b e d f o l k c l u b . c o . u k exhibition, Old Fire Station Gallery, Henley 20 to 23, Henley Amateur Operatic and Dramatic 12 and 24, Farmers’market, Market Place, Henley, Society presents Jesus Christ Superstar, Kenton Theatre 8am to 2pm, www.visit-henley.com w w w. k e n t o n t h e a t r e . c o . u k 13, Henley half marathon and Henley Standard 10km 21 to 24, Country Homes and Interiors Christmas, w w w. h e n l e y h a l f m a r a t h o n . o r g Stonor Park, 10am to 4pm daily, www.stonor.com 13, Jon Smith, organ concert, Henley town hall, 25 to December 15, Christmas at Stonor, Stonor Park 2.30pm for 3pm, www.henleyorgantrust.org.uk w w w. s t o n o r. c o m 16 to 19, Henley Players present Dangerous Corner by 27, Christmas Artisan Craft Fair with free mulled wine, JB Priestley, Kenton Theatre Henley town hall, 6pm to 9.30pm. w w w. k e n t o n t h e a t r e . c o . u k 28 to December 3, Henley Art & Crafts Guild 19 and 20, Autumn Food Festival, Stonor Park Christmas exhibition, Old Fire Station Gallery w w w. s t o n o r. c o m w w w. h e n l e y - a r t - c r a f t s - g u i l d . o r g 23 to November 3, Halloween Half Term, Stonor 29, Henley Christmas Festival, including Christmas Park, www.stonor.com lights switch-on and late-night shopping, 5pm to 9pm, 26, Spooktacular fireworks display, Sue Ryder, Joyce various locations. Grove, Nettlebed, www.sueryder.org 30, Handel’sMessiah, South Chiltern Choral Society, 26 and 27, Lipstick on Your Collar, Kenton Theatre, Great Hall, University of Reading 7.30pm, www.kentontheatre.co.uk w w w. s o u t h c h i l t e r n c h o r a l s o c i e t y. o r g . u k 31, Rock photographer Danny Clifford, Old Fire 30 to February 8, Singin’in the Rain, Mill at Sonning Station Gallery, Henley. w w w. m i l l a t s o n n i n g . c o m 4 HENLEY PAGES DIRECTORY C A L E N DA R December Februar y 1 to 24, Living Advent Calendar, various locations 9, Andrew Nix, organ concert, Henley town hall, w w w. l i v i n g a d v e n t c a l e n d a r. c o . u k 2.30pm for 3pm, www.henleyorgantrust.org.uk 4, Cinderella 2: The Mrs Charming Years, Kenton Theatre, 17 and 18, Immersion Theatre presents Rapunzel, 7.30pm, www.kentontheatre.co.uk Kenton Theatre, various times 7, Henley Choral Society Christmas concerts, 2.30pm w w w. i m m e r s i o n t h e a t r e . c o . u k / r a p u n z e l - 2 0 2 0 and 7pm, www.henleychoralsociety.org.uk 27 to April 18, Relatively Speaking, Mill at Sonning 8, Chris Stanbury, organ concert, Henley town hall, w w w. m i l l a t s o n n i n g . c o m 2.30pm for 3pm, www.henleyorgantrust.org.uk 8, Christmas Opera at Danesfield House Hotel w w w. d a n e s f i e l d h o u s e . c o . u k 12, Pete Burness-Smith, Old Fire Station Gallery, M a rc h featuring a “Do They Know It’s Christmas Tree”. 2 to 15, Henley Youth Festival, www.hyf.org.uk 13 to 28, Sleeping Beauty, Kenton Theatre, various times 5, World Book Day, www.worldbookday.com w w w. k e n t o n t h e a t r e . c o . u k 5 to 17, Reading Guild of Artists, Old Fire Station 14, 18 and 22, Farmers’market, Market Place, Henley, Gallery, www.rga-artists.org.uk 8am to 2pm, www.visit-henley.com 6, Steve Norman of Spandau Ballet, Kenton Theatre, 15, Henley Symphony Orchestra Christmas concerts, 7.45pm, www.kentontheatre.co.uk Christ Church, 4.30pm and 6.30pm 7, RIBA Henley Design Day 2020, Henley town hall, w w w. h e n l e y s y m p h o n y o rc h e s t r a . c o . u k 10am to 3.30pm, www.architecture.com 30 to January 4, Henley Children’s Theatre presents 8, Jean Martyn, organ concert, Henley town hall, Puss in Boots, Kenton Theatre 2.30pm for 3pm, www.henleyorgantrust.org.uk w w w. h e n l e y c h i l d r e n s t h e a t r e . c o . u k 15, Henley Symphony Orchestra 50th anniversary gala concert, Hexagon, Reading, 7.30pm w w w. h e n l e y s y m p h o n y o rc h e s t r a .
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