Translations of MATHEMATICAL ONOGRAPHS M Volume 239 Wavelet Theory I. Ya. Novikov V. Yu. Protasov M. A. Skopina American Mathematical Society 10.1090/mmono/239 Translations of MATHEMATICAL ONOGRAPHS M Volume 239 Wavelet Theory I. Ya. Novikov V. Yu. Protasov M. A. Skopina Translated by Evgenia Sorokina M THE ATI A CA M L ΤΡΗΤΟΣ ΜΗ N ΕΙΣΙΤΩ S A O C C I I American Mathematical Society R E E T ΑΓΕΩΜΕ Y M A Providence, Rhode Island F O 8 U 88 NDED 1 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE AMS Subcommittee Robert D. MacPherson Grigorii A. Margulis James D. Stasheff (Chair) ASL Subcommittee Steffen Lempp (Chair) IMS Subcommittee Mark I. Freidlin (Chair) I. Novikov, V. Protasov, M. A. Skopina TEORI VSPLESKOV M.: Fizmatlit, 2005 This work was originally published in Russian by Fizmatlit under the title “Teori vspleskov” c 2005. The present translation was created under license for the American Mathematical Society and is published by permission. Translated by Evgenia Sorokina 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 42C40. For additional information and updates on this book, visit www.ams.org/bookpages/mmono-239 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Novikov, I. IA. (Igor IAkovlevich), 1958– [Teoriia vspleskov. English] Wavelet theory / I. Ya. Novikov, V. Yu. Protasov, M.A. Skopina ; translated by Evgenia Sorokina. p. cm. — (Translations of mathematical monographs ; v. 239) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8218-4984-2 (alk. paper) 1. Wavelets (Mathematics) 2. Harmonic analysis. I. Protasov, V. IU. (Vladimir IUrevich), 1970– II. Skopina, M. A. (Mariia Aleksandrovna), 1958– III. Title. QA403.3.N6813 2010 515.2433—dc22 2010035110 Copying and reprinting. Individual readers of this publication, and nonprofit libraries acting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy a chapter for use in teaching or research. Permission is granted to quote brief passages from this publication in reviews, provided the customary acknowledgment of the source is given. Republication, systematic copying, or multiple reproduction of any material in this publication is permitted only under license from the American Mathematical Society. Requests for such permission should be addressed to the Acquisitions Department, American Mathematical Society, 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904-2294 USA. Requests can also be made by e-mail to [email protected]. c 2011 by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. The American Mathematical Society retains all rights except those granted to the United States Government. Printed in the United States of America. ∞ The paper used in this book is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. Visit the AMS home page at http://www.ams.org/ 10987654321 161514131211 To my beloved wife and children. I. Ya. Novikov To my father Yurii Ivanovich Protasov who taught me to love hard sciences. V. Yu. Protasov My mathematical dynasty was founded by my grandfather I. A. Skopin. It was further continued by my father A. I. Skopin. I dedicate this book to them. M. A. Skopina i Contents Preface ix Chapter 1. Wavelets on the Line 1 1.1. Riesz bases 1 1.2. MRA and scaling functions 7 1.3. Wavelet spaces 15 1.4. Haar, Battle-Lemarie, Str¨omberg, and Meyer systems 23 1.5. Uncertainty constants 30 1.6. Computational algorithms 40 1.7. Convergence of wavelet expansions 42 1.8. Wavelet frames 52 Chapter 2. Multivariate Wavelets 63 2.1. Separable MRA 63 2.2. Matrix dilation 66 2.3. Nonseparable MRAs 69 2.4. Construction of refinable functions 74 2.5. Conditions of biorthogonality 79 2.6. Construction of wavelet functions 90 2.7. Wavelet bases 98 2.8. Haar MRAs 105 Chapter 3. Compactly Supported Refinable Functions 115 3.1. Existence, uniqueness, and weak convergence 115 3.2. Strang-Fix conditions 117 3.3. Approximation by shifts of refinable functions 125 3.4. Linear independence, stability, and orthogonality of integer shifts 130 3.5. Examples and applications 140 Chapter 4. Wavelets with Compact Support 143 4.1. Construction of orthogonal wavelets 143 4.2. Wavelets generated by a compactly supported scaling function 152 4.3. Time-frequency localization 156 4.4. Asymptotics of zeros of Bernstein’s polynomials 175 Chapter 5. Fractal Properties of Wavelets 191 5.1. Refinable functions and fractal curves 191 5.2. Fractal curves in the space Lp 198 r r 5.3. Smoothness of fractal curves in the spaces Wp and C 200 5.4. Local smoothness of fractal curves 204 5.5. Examples 216 v vi CONTENTS Chapter 6. Factorization of Refinement Equations 219 6.1. Operators corresponding to the clean mask 219 6.2. Mask cleaning procedure 222 6.3. Space A˜n and the general form of the operators T0,T1 on it 226 6.4. Factorization theorems 231 Chapter 7. Smoothness of Compactly Supported Wavelets 233 7.1. Matrix method 233 7.2. Local smoothness of wavelets 236 7.3. Special cases and examples 241 7.4. Method of pointwise estimation of the Fourier transform 256 7.5. Estimation by invariant cycles 262 Chapter 8. Nonstationary Wavelets 271 8.1. General theory of nonstationary wavelets 271 8.2. Nonstationary infinitely differentiable orthonormal wavelets with compact support 280 8.3. Decay rate of the Fourier transforms of elements of a nonstationary scaling sequence 288 8.4. Uncertainty constants for Ψ 294 8.5. Nonstationary wavelets with modified Daubechies masks 299 8.6. Uncertainty constants for Ψa 302 8.7. Nonstationary wavelets bases in Sobolev spaces 305 Chapter 9. Periodic Wavelets 315 9.1. PMRA and scaling sequence 315 9.2. Construction of wavelet functions 325 9.3. Wavelet packets 330 9.4. Generating function 332 9.5. Kotelnikov-Shannon system 338 Chapter 10. Approximation by Periodic Wavelets 345 10.1. Convergence of wavelet expansions in norm 345 10.2. Convergence of wavelet expansions almost everywhere 349 10.3. Direct and inverse theorems 358 10.4. Convergence of wavelet expansions at a point 370 Chapter 11. Remarkable Properties of Wavelet Bases 381 11.1. Unconditional wavelet bases 381 11.2. Optimal polynomial bases in the space C(T) 390 11.3. Optimal polynomial bases in the space C[−1, 1] 393 11.4. Wavelet bases in Besov and Lizorkin-Triebel spaces 407 11.5. Linear operators in the Lizorkin-Triebel spaces 431 Appendix A. Auxiliary Facts of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis 453 A.1. Bases 453 A.2. Linear functionals in normed spaces 454 A.3. Distributions 455 A.4. Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem 458 CONTENTS vii A.5. Spectral radius 458 A.6. Joint spectral radius and the Lyapunov exponent 459 A.7. Smoothness and the decay rate of the Fourier transform 462 A.8. Wiener theorem for L2 464 A.9. Lebesgue sets 465 A.10. Absolutely continuous functions 469 A.11. Nonnegative trigonometric polynomials, Riesz’s lemma 469 A.12. The Enestrem-Kakey theorem about zeros of polynomials 470 A.13. Sobolev spaces 471 A.14. Moduli of continuity 471 A.15. Approximation by trigonometric polynomials 472 A.16. Multidimensional Fejer means 473 A.17. Self-similar sets 474 A.18. Difference equations 475 A.19. Landau-Kolmogorov inequality 478 A.20. Legendre polynomials 478 Appendix B. Historical Comments 481 Bibliography 493 Index 505 Preface Wavelet theory lies at the intersection of pure mathematics and computational mathematics, as well as audio and graphic signal processing and compression and transmission of information. The English word wavelet is a translation of the French “ondelette” originally introduced by A. Grossman and J. Morlet. Under the wavelet system is usually understood dilations and shifts of a single function that form a system of represen- tation in some sense (for example, orthogonal basis in L2(R)). In some situations the wavelet systems consist of shifts and dilations of several functions or an entire sequence. In our monograph the notion of “wavelet” as such is not introduced; a specific meaning is given to such phrases as “wavelet function”, “wavelet space”, “wavelet expansion”, etc. Interest in the study of wavelet systems emerged long before the appearance of the terminology and the laying of the foundation of the theory and was primarily attributable to the need of using them for signal process- ing. In connection with these tasks wavelet analysis was formed (in some sense as an alternative to classical Fourier analysis) in the late 1980s–early 1990s in the works of S. Mallat, Y. Meyer, P. J. Lemarie, I. Daubechies, A. Cohen, R. De- Vore, W. Lawton, C. K. Chui, and others. Wavelet bases have several advantages compared to other bases which are used as tools of approximation. They have the so-called time-frequency localization; i.e., these basis functions as well as their Fourier transforms rapidly decrease at infinity. Due to this property, when we ex- pand in such bases signals whose frequency characteristics vary over time and space (such as speech, music, and seismic signals as well as images) many coefficients of harmonics that are not essential for a space or time region turn out to be small and can be neglected, which leads to a data compression. Permissibility of this deletion is explained by another important property: wavelet expansions are uncondition- ally convergent series. In addition, there are efficient algorithms that allow the fast calculation of coefficients of wavelet expansions. All this attracts numerous special- ists in various fields of applied and engineering mathematics to the use of wavelets. On the other hand, wavelet systems have proved useful for solving some problems of approximation theory and functional analysis. So, the wavelets provide a rare example of where the theory and its practical implementation develop in parallel.
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