EGYPTIAN RESEARCH ACCOUNT TENTH YEAR 1 904 SAQQARA MASTABAS PART I BY MARGARET A. MURRAY LONDON REKNARL) QUARITCH, 15, PICCADII,LY, \V. I 905 LONDON : PRINTED BY GII.BERT AND RlVlRGTON LTD., Sr. JOHN'S HOUSE, CLERICEXWELL, &.C. EGYPTIAN RESEARCH ACCOUNT. 6eaeraI aommittee. LORDAVEBUKY, D.C.L., F.R.S., &c. SIRHENRY H. HOWORTH,K.C.I.E., F.R.S. WALTEKBAILY. DK. A. C. HEADLAM. HENR~BALFOUR. *SIR ROBERTHENSLEY (Chniman). PROF.T. G. BOXNEY,LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A., SIR RI'CHARDJEBB, O.M., D.C.L., M.P. RT. HON.JAMES BRYCE, D.C.L., M.P. tPno~.MACALISTER, F.R.S., F.S.A. PROF.J. B. BURY,LL.D., LITT.D. DR. R. W. MACAN. *~SOMERSCLARKE, F.S.A. PROF. MAHAPPY,D.D., D.C.L., &C. EDWARDCLODD. *J. G. MILNE,M.A. ?W. E. CKUM. SIR COLINSCOTT MONCRIEPF, K.C.M.G. PROP.BOYD DAWKINS, F.R.S. PROF.MONTAGUE. PKOP.S. DILL, LITT.D. WALTERMORRISON. *,MISS ECKENSTEIN. DR. PAGEMAY. DR. GHEGORYFOSTER. PROF. H. F.'PELHAM,F.B.A., F.S.A. DR. J. G. FKASEK. DR. PINCHES. ALANGARDINER. D G. W. PROTHERO,LITT.D., LL.D. *+PROF.ERNEST GARDNER. F.B.A. PROF. PERCYGAKDNER, LITT.D., F.B.A., SIK WILI.IAMRICHMOND, R.A. F.S.A. PKOF.F. W. RIDGEWAY,F.B.A. RT. HON.SIR GEORGE T. GOLDIE,K.C.M.G. MRS. STRONG,LLD. PROF.GOWLAND, V.P.S.A. +MRS.TIRARD. MRS.-J. R. GREEN. YE. TOWRYWHYTE, M.A., F.S.A. DR. A. C. HADDON,F.R.S. ~SIKCHARLES WILSON, K.C.B., D.C.L., JESSE HAWORTH. F.R.S. Creasurer. *?F. G. HrLToN PRICE,Director of the Society of Antiquaries. Director. PROP.FLINDERS PETRIE, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.B.A., &c. monornrp Secretarlea. MKS. H. F. PICTKIEUniversity College, Gower Street, *DR. J. H. WALKER London, W.C. " Esecutine Corirmittee. t Also on Expioration Fund Contrniftee. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. SECT. FAG% SECT. PAGE 17. The West Wall, south side of stele . 9 I. Introductory . I 18. ,, ,, ,, the south side . 9 2. Description of cemetery and of work . I 19. ,, ,, ,, the north side . 10 20. South, East, and North Walls . 10 21. Outer Walls . 10 CHAPTER 11. 22. Construction of tomb . 10 STELESOF SEKER-IIHA-BAUAND HATHOR-' NEFER-HETEP. CHAPTER VII. 3. Seker-kha-bau . 2 4. Hathor-nefer-hetep . 4 23. Description of tomb . 24. Painted chamber . CHAPTER 111. 25. Chamber B . 26. Chamber C . TOMBOF THE SHEIKH-EL-BELED. 27. ,, ,, The Stele . 5. Description of tomb . 4 28. ,, ,, South Wall. Ptahhetep and 6. The statues and table of offer~ngs 4 his son . 7. Construction of tomb . 5 "9. ,, . , Dwarf animals . 30. 9, ,, Farm-women and their offer- ings . CHAPTER IV. 1 31. ,, ,, The upper register . OF TOMB I<A-EM-HEST. 32. 3, ,, East Wall . 8. Description of tomb 33. ,, ,, North Wall. Farm-women . 5 and the~rofferings . 9. Construction of tomb . 5 34. ,, ,, The upper register . 35- >, ,, Doorways . CHAPTER V. 36. Chambers D and E . 37. Fragments . DOUBLETOMB OF PTAHHETEPI. AND 38. Construction of tomb PTAHHETEP-DESHER. 10. Pfahhetep I. Entrance. Stele . 5 CHAPTER VIII. I I. Use of plaster Port~coand chambers. 6 TOMBOF ATETA. 12. Ptahhetep-rz'esher. Portico and chambers . 6 13. Construction of tomb . ,. 7 39. Description of tomb . 40. Construction of tomb . CHAPTER V1. CHAPTER IX. TOMBOF SEKHEMKA. TOMBOF USER-NETER. 14. Description of tomb . 7 IS. The West Wall . 8 41. Description of tomb . 6. ,, ,, ,, north side of stele . 8 42 Chamber A . CONTENTS. secr. PAGE CHAPTER XII. 45. Chamber A. The Stele . 19 44. >, ,, South Wall . 20 MISCELLANEOUSOBJECTS AND INSCRIPTIONS. 45. ,, ,, East Wall . SECT. I'dCE 46. ,, ,, North Wall , 6~.Stele . 28 47. Doorway . 23 63. Coptic remains . 28 48. Chamber B . 23 64. , Inscription. By W. E. Crum . zg 49. Chambers C and I) . 23 50. Construction of tomb . 24 CHAPTER XI11 CHAPTER X. 65. Hyaenas . 51. Description of tomb . 24 66. Lotus 67. Papyrus ' . 52. The Stele . 25 . 53. The decoration of the Walls . 25 68. Sacred oils and perfumes 54. Construction of tomb . 25 69. Lists of offerings . 70. List of Seker-kha-bau . 71. List of Hathor-nefer-hetep . CHAPTER XI. 72. Lists of Vth Dynasty . CHAPTER XIV. 55. Description of tomb . 26 56. Stele . 26 HIEROGLYPHS. 57. South Wall . 26 58. North Wall . 27 73. Human beings . 40 59. Outer Walls and doorway . 27 74. Living creatures . 41 60. Architrave . 28 75. Inanimate objects . 42 61. Construction of tomb . 28 76. Colours of hieroglyphs . 45 LIST OF PLATES. FI.AP& PAGE PLATE PAGE I. Stele of Sekerkhabau . 3t32 XXI. User-neter N. Wall . 22 11. Stele of Hathor-nefer-hetep . 4, 35 XXII. ,, ,, E. Wall . 21 111. Inscriptions of Ka-em-hest, Ptah- XXIII. ,, ,, S. Wall . , 20, 36 khun, Sheikh-el-Beled . 4. 5 XXIV. ,, ,, Niche . 23 IV. Inscriptions of Ptahhetep I . 6 XXV. ,, ,, Architrave. Doorway. V. Stele of Ptahhetep I. 6 Fragments . 23 VI. Ptahhetep-desher . .6,7 XXVI. Ptahshepses I. Stele . 25 VII. Sekhemka . 8229 XXVII. ,, ,, Walls . 25 VIII. Ptahhetep 11. Stele . 12 XXVIII. Ptahshepses 11. Stele . 26 IX. ,, ,, South Wall . 13 XXIX. ,, ,, N. Wall . 27 X. ,, 3, ,, 33 , . 14 XXX. ,, ,, S. Wall . 26 XI. ,, ,, East Wall. 15 XXXI. X? ., Doorways. Frag- XII. ,, ,, North Wall . 15 ments . 27, 28 XIIJ. ,, ,, Akhet-hetep. Farm- XXXII. Plans. Sekerkhabau. Sheikh-el-Be- woman . 13, 16 led. User-neter . 3, 4, 19 XIV. ,, ,, Doorways . I7 XXXIIJ. ,, Ka-em-hest. 5 XV. ,, ,, Painted Chamber. XXXIV. ,, Ptahhetep 11. Ptahshepses N.S.W. Walls 11, 12 I. 11, 12, 25 XVI. ,, ,, Painted Chamber. XXXV. ,, Ptahhetep I. Sekhemka. E. Wall . 11 Ateta. Ptahshepses I1 7, 8, XVII. ,, ,, Altar. Doorways. 18, 26 Fragments 12, 15, 17 XXXVI. Stele. Granite statue. Coptic in- XVIIJ. Ateta. Stele . I9 scription and pottery 3, 28, zg XIX. ,, Statue . '9 XXXVII-XL. Hieroglyphs . 40-45 XX. User-neter. Stele . I9 XLI-XLV. Colours of hieroglyphs . 45, 46 SAQQARA MASTABAS PART I CHAPTER I. House, and to Prof. Ihrt Skthe for his valuable translations, to be issued later; also to Miss Phcebe INTRODUCTORY Slater for help in finishing some of the drawings, and to Mr. R. A. Yule for his assistance in drawing 1. Our work during the winter of 1903-4 lay at the plans. It is due entirely to Mrs. Petrie's sugges- Saqqara; for, owing to .two lady artises having tion that I made a list of the colours of the hiero- volunteered to join the party, Prof. Petrie obtained glyphs in these early tombs. For this suggestion I for us permission to clear and copy some of the am sincerely grateful to her. Mr. Weigall has given many sculptured tombs which were excavated by a large amount of timc and attention to assisting our Mariette about the middle of the 19th century. work in many ways ; and the thanks of our party aye Mariette's notes on these tombs were published after specially due to him on behalf of the Research his death by M. Maspero under the title of Les Mus- Account. tubas de I'Ar~cienEqnpire, and are the only record of theseearly monuments. The notes consist of ground- 2. The cemetery of ~a~qaradates back almost to plans of tQe tombs, and rapid hand copies of the ,the limit of the historic period, but the bulk 6f sculp- inscriptions, with here an& there a sketch of some tured tombs belongs to the Vth Dynasty. Through specially interesting piece of sculpture. Since the the middle of the cemetery is a slight ridge running publication in 18~8of the tomb of Ptahhetep by the east and west, sloping steeply to the north, more Egyptian Research Account, followed by Mr. Davis' gently to the south. To the north lie all the IVth work for the Egypt Exploration Fund, it has been Dynasty tomhs which we copied, though the most felt that facsimile copies of the smaller and less northern one of all is of the ~1thDynasty, dated known mastabas were very desirable, and with two by the cartouches of Unas and Teta. artists to help in the copying it was a good oppor- The valley to the south of the ridge is broad and tunity to start the work. We opened and copied flat and constantly used by tourists as a road from nine tombs at Saqqara, and copied one in the Cairo Mariette's House to the tombs of Mera and Kagemni; Museum. to the south of the valley is the high ground on Our party consisted of Miss Hansard, Miss Jessie which the Step-pyramid stands. It is on the Mothersole, and myself; and the division of labour northern slope of the ridge and on the southside of was that the two artists copied the figures, animals, the valley that, with one exception, our Vth Dynasty and tables of offerings, while I was responsible for tombs were found. User-neter is due north of the all the hieroglyphs and the plans. It is owing to Step-pyramid, close to the enclosure wall; Ptah- the steady work and skill of these two ladies that hetep I1 and Ateta adjoin the great mastaba of the Egyptian Research Account is able to publish Ptahhetep and Akhethetep published by the Egyptian facsimile copies of ten tombs; three of these are not Research Account and the Egypt Exploration recorded by Mariette, whose records of the rest are, Fund; the tomhs of Ptahhetep I, Ptahshepses I as I said before, only hand copies of the inscriptions. and 11, Ka-em-hest, and the Sheikh el Beled are on The tombs recorded by Mariette which we opened the northern slope; but Sekhem-ka's tomb lies are A z, C 6 and 7, C 8, D I, D 62, D 63, and north-west of Ptahhetep I1 and Ateta in ground E 2.
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