COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2020 SESSION OF 2020 204TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 35 SENATE HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE AMENDMENTS TO HOUSE AMENDMENTS TO SENATE BILL WEDNESDAY, July 15, 2020 The Senate met at 11 a.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. The Clerk of the House of Representatives informed the Sen- ate that the House has concurred in amendments made by the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Senator Jake Corman) in the Senate to House amendments to SB 836. Chair. COMMUNICATION FROM THE GOVERNOR PRAYER NOMINATION REFERRED TO COMMITTEE The following prayer was offered by Hon. MEGAN MAR- TIN, Secretary of the Senate: The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate the follow- ing communication in writing from His Excellency, the Governor Let us pray. of the Commonwealth, which was read as follows and referred "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in to the Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations: Him, and I am helped." These words from Psalm 28 give us strength in every decision we need to make and every challenge MEMBER OF THE PENNSYLVANIA we face. We ask, Heavenly Father, let no task overtake us and no PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION burden overcome us. Restore our courage and our faith in You. Give us strength for today and wisdom and direction in all that July 15, 2020 we do. All this we ask in Your name. Amen. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled.) In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate, Thomas J. Yablonski, Jr., 1408 Rose COMMUNICATION FROM THE Lane, Mechanicsburg 17055, Cumberland County, Thirty-first Senato- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE rial District, for appointment as a member of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, to serve until April 1, 2025, and until the successor The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate the follow- is appointed and qualified, but not longer than six months beyond that ing communication, which was read by the Clerk as follows: period, vice Andrew Place, Waynesburg, resigned. SENATE OF PENNSYLVANIA TOM WOLF Governor July 15, 2020 APPOINTMENT BY THE To the Honorable Members of the Senate: MAJORITY LEADER Pursuant to Senate Rule 5, this is to advise that I have appointed the Honorable Jacob Corman, Majority Leader of the Senate, to preside The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair wishes to announce over session today, Wednesday, July 15, 2020. As the Presiding Officer the Majority Leader has made the following appointment: today, Senator Corman is authorized to sign all bills and resolutions Mr. Michael T. Baker as a member of the Small Business today, July 15, 2020. Compliance Advisory Committee. Sincerely, BILLS SIGNED JOE SCARNATI President Pro Tempore The PRESIDING OFFICER (Senator Jake Corman) in the HOUSE MESSAGES presence of the Senate signed the following bills: HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE AMENDMENTS SB 836, HB 672, HB 732, HB 1437, HB 1459 and HB 2484. TO HOUSE BILLS BILL REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE The Clerk of the House of Representatives informed the Sen- ate that the House has concurred in amendments made by the Senator BROOKS, from the Committee on Health and Human Senate to HB 732, HB 1437, HB 1459 and HB 2484. Services, reported the following bill: 740 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE JULY 15, SB 1189 (Pr. No. 1855) (Amended) Senator GORDNER. Mr. President, I request a recess of the Senate for purposes of an off-the-floor meeting of the Committee An Act amending the act of April 23, 1956 (1955 P.L.1510, on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure to be held No.500), known as the Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955, here on the Senate floor by ZOOM, followed by a Republican further providing for definitions and for control measures. caucus to be held by ZOOM. LEGISLATIVE LEAVES The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair recognizes the gentle- man from Bucks, Senator Santarsiero. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair recognizes the gentle- Senator SANTARSIERO. Mr. President, Senate Democrats man from Columbia, Senator Gordner. will caucus by ZOOM after the committee meeting. Senator GORDNER. Mr. President, I request a temporary The PRESIDING OFFICER. For purposes of an off-the-floor Capitol leave for Senator Browne, and a legislative leave for meeting of the Committee on Consumer Protection and Profes- Senator Scarnati. sional Licensure, followed by Republican and Democratic cau- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair recognizes the gentle- cuses to be held by ZOOM, without objection, the Senate stands man from Bucks, Senator Santarsiero. in recess. Senator SANTARSIERO. Mr. President, I request legislative leaves for Senator Haywood and Senator Anthony Williams. AFTER RECESS The PRESIDING OFFICER. Senator Gordner requests a tem- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of recess having ex- porary Capitol leave for Senator Browne, and a legislative leave pired, the Senate will come to order. for Senator Scarnati. Senator Santarsiero requests legislative leaves for Senator LEGISLATIVE LEAVES Haywood and Senator Anthony Williams. Without objection, the leaves will be granted. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair recognizes the gentle- man from Columbia, Senator Gordner. JOURNAL APPROVED Senator GORDNER. Mr. President, I request legislative leaves for Senator Martin, Senator Stefano, and Senator Judy The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Journal of the Session of Ward. May 28, 2020, is now in print. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair recognizes the gentle- The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the Session of man from Bucks, Senator Santarsiero. May 28, 2020. Senator SANTARSIERO. Mr. President, I request a legisla- Senator GORDNER. Mr. President, I move that further read- tive leave for Senator Leach. ing of the Journal be dispensed with and that the Journal be ap- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Senator Gordner requests legis- proved. lative leaves for Senator Martin, Senator Stefano, and Senator On the question, Judy Ward. Will the Senate agree to the motion? Senator Santarsiero requests a legislative leave for Senator Leach. The yeas and nays were required by Senator GORDNER and Without objection, the leaves will be granted. were as follows, viz: RECESS YEA-50 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair recognizes the gentle- Argall Dinniman Leach Stefano man from Columbia, Senator Gordner. Arnold DiSanto Martin Street Senator GORDNER. Mr. President, I request a recess of the Aument Farnese Mastriano Tartaglione Baker Fontana Mensch Tomlinson Senate for the purpose of a meeting of the Committee on Rules Bartolotta Gordner Muth Vogel and Executive Nominations to be held on the Senate floor via Blake Haywood Phillips-Hill Ward, Judy ZOOM. Boscola Hughes Pittman Ward, Kim Brewster Hutchinson Regan Williams, Anthony H. The PRESIDING OFFICER. For the purpose of a meeting of Brooks Iovino Sabatina Williams, Lindsey the Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations to be held Browne Kearney Santarsiero Yaw on the Senate floor via ZOOM, without objection, the Senate Collett Killion Scarnati Yudichak Corman Langerholc Scavello stands in recess. Costa Laughlin Schwank AFTER RECESS NAY-0 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of recess having ex- pired, the Senate will come to order. A majority of the Senators having voted "aye," the question was determined in the affirmative. LEGISLATIVE LEAVES CANCELLED The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Journal is approved. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Senator Anthony Williams and RECESS Senator Judy Ward have returned, and their legislative leaves are cancelled. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair recognizes the gentle- man from Columbia, Senator Gordner. 2020 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 741 CALENDAR House of Representatives, and, indeed, in this legislature, when it comes to the pernicious effects of gerrymandering. THIRD CONSIDERATION CALENDAR Here in Pennsylvania, using current statistics, about 48 per- cent of all voters are registered Democratic, only 38 percent Re- HB 196 CALLED UP OUT OF ORDER publican, and yet, under the old congressional district maps that were approved by this legislature and agreed to by former Gover- HB 196 (Pr. No. 168) -- Without objection, the bill was nor Corbett back in 2011, of the 18 members of our congressio- called up out of order, from page 1 of the Third Consideration nal delegation, only 5 were Democrats, and in this legislature, of Calendar, by Senator GORDNER, as a Special Order of Busi- course, there are lopsided majorities for the Republican Party. ness. Again, the work, primarily, of gerrymandering when you con- sider the registration among voters in this State. If you look at BILL ON THIRD CONSIDERATION those offices that are elected on a statewide basis, however, Mr. AND FINAL PASSAGE President, the Governor, for example, the Attorney General, the Auditor General, the Treasurer, where there are no district lines, HB 196 (Pr. No. 168) -- The Senate proceeded to consider- no artificial lines drawn by politicians, each of the current hold- ation of the bill, entitled: ers of those offices happen to be Democrats, and I would suggest that is no coincidence. Among our two U.S. Senators, who are A Joint Resolution proposing integrated amendments to the Consti- also elected on a statewide basis without having to worry about tution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, organizing the Judiciary into representative districts and further providing for residency require- the effects of gerrymandering, one is a Democrat and one is a ments. Republican. Now, I understand that when looking at our State Supreme On the question, Court, which currently has a majority of Democrats, it might Will the Senate agree to the bill on third consideration? frustrate some, because that is the makeup of the court. Of course, right now, Mr. President, under our Constitution here in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair recognizes the gentle- Pennsylvania, the members of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court man from Philadelphia, Senator Hughes. are elected on a statewide basis without regard to any gerryman- Senator HUGHES.
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