7. A FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1961 l E w n i u g I I- ATcrige Daily Net Presa Bun The Weather F or Om Week Ended Fereeaat ot U. B. Waether Borean Jnne S, 1081 Mrs. Walter Doherty of 129 Tan­ About Town ner St. will be hostess at Lutz noudy, fag toidglit. tow In SOu. Junior Museum Sunday from 2 to 5 Town Winds Up Year 13,330 Sunday cloudy, fog, drtaslo In oarly p.m. Member of the Audit morning, ohowers, thunderetome Th« VTW AuidUary wHll apon* Bureau ot Oreulatton In afternoon. High noar 80. aor a public card party tonight at State Rep. John F. Shea will pre­ CARNIVAL DAYS CONTINUE Manchester—“A City of Village Charm 8 at the VFW Home, Mancheater sent a review of the last seasion of $104,252 in Black Green. the General Ass«nbly at a meet­ ing of the Kiwanis Club of Man­ L- chester Tuesday, July 18, at noon The Town of Mancheater ended the 1960-61 fiscgl year VOL. LXXX, NO. 242 (TEN PAGES—TV Sl^^O N —SUBURBIA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1961 (Claealfled Advortlatag on Pago 8) PRICE FIVE CENTS • Mlaa Nancy G. Goadz. daughter at tile Mancheater Oountiy Club. of Mr. and Mrs. Efg^n.und Gozdz, 17 June 30 with a surplus of $104,252.63 in the general fund. ALL DAY SATURDAY AT Main St., TaWottville, ha.s been Charles F. Perkins, son of Mr. The money ik $21,646Jl4 more surplus than the town named to the dean's list at Marji and Mrs. Frank C. Perkins, 33 had at the start of the fiscal year July 1, 1960, and $81,252.63 etta Oolleg-e, Marietta, Ohio, for Autumn St„ reported for duty more than town officials had ex-^ State News 2nd Space the second semester of her fresh­ Wednesday in the U.S. Coast pected they would have for the .Racial Strif^HKrupts man year. Mias Gosdz. a {graduate only a 2.3 or 2.4 per cert return Guard, and was sent to Cape May. current fiscal year. during the past fiscal year, where of Rockville Hi^di School, is major­ N.J. He is a 1961 graduate of General Manager Richard Mar­ ing in French. tin estimated the town would have they brought a 5 per cent return Roundup Flight Due Manchester High School. the pretious year. Senators Ask S23.000 furplus when he prepared HOUSEHALE - - 7. The interest on Uie school In Chicago Area for Emanuel LiUthe;ran Church will the current budget. be In charge of radio broadcasts, Receipts were $7,066,089.40, bond suiTlus and earnings was On Tuesday sponsored by the Manchester Minis­ Yoiinfsslers Danre and expenditures w'ere $7,044,443.- aleo about $4,000 less than ex­ Goveinor Bars terial Association, over station 26. pected. \VINF at 7:35 p.m. and daily neat 0.1 Tennis Courts The difference betw'een the re­ Some of ■ the more important Special Attractions! Third Straight Day Extradition of New, York, July 15 week. ceipts and the operational expen­ factors which affected the ex­ CLOSED CLOSED penditures for the general fund America’s second manned The weekly Friday dances con­ ditures is $103,026.14. Another $1.- “d tha . 226.49 in unappropriated .surplhs were. Prison Escapee space flight, scheduled for ducted by the recreation depart­ 1. The police department spent By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS • The violence was stirred, police Nation’s brings the total to $104,2,'i2.63. famou! acrobatic early Tuesday, again will be ment will be held tonight at the Controller Jay Etlinger attribut­ $8,183.73 less than expected. MONDAYS! MONDAYS!. Negro youth gangs, attack­ speculated, by the unsolved killing Hartford, July 15 (IP)— televised by the nation’s West Side tennis courts. The ed the increased surplus to a corn- 2. Tlie development commission Wednesday of Matthew Tolber, 16, ed a white man with ax han­ a Negro. Tolber was walking home Gov. John N. Dempsey has three television networks. younger chiidren, 12 years and un­ bination of higher receipt.s than i $3.4.^7.05 less than expect- in cooperation with in cooperation with dles and hurled explosives at turned down a request by the der. will begin dancing at 7:30, had been anticipated, and lower ex- ' j . MORGAN FAMILY from summer school with friends Spokesmen for the Nation­ two young white girls as ra­ when he was struck by a bullet. state of Georgia that he ex­ and the Teen-age Record Hop will pendilures. mo$t downtown merchant! mo$t downtgwh merchants al Broadcasting Co., Ameri­ be from 8:30 to 10:3b. Mr. and Mrs. He said that $12,548.40 was the ^822.99 less than exacted. will perform cial violence erupted for the Police say they still do not know tradite Henry Hayes, an es­ can Broadcasting Co. and the GOP Pair Robert Neil of the recreation staff amount of receipts realized in « x - j _ third successive day in a who fired the fatal shot. capee from a prison road Columbia Broadcasting Sys­ will .«!uper\ise these dances. cess of the amount predicted. And ; NOV/ through SEPT. 4 NOV/ through SEPT. 4 Ten Negro youths were picked 5. Tlie highway division spent tense, mixed neighborhood on up yesterday shortly after school gang. tem said their networks $90,477,74 was the amount not \ised Hayes, 50. has been living In New by various departments compared $5,915.26 less than expected. 2:00 p. m. the Southwest side of Chica­ was dismissed for lunch. Twenty would carry the entire flight 6. Garbage collection and dis­ more were seized minutes later. Haven since 1960 under the alias For More to amount town officials had pre go. posal used $3,354.42 less than ex­ Officers also picked up a teen- of Albert Willis. live. dieted w^ould be spent. Beefed-up police patrols cruised "There are times,” Demp.sey All three networks tele­ Throw-Them N(^ all departments had higher pected from its $101,207.92 budg­ OPEN TUESDAY OPEN TUESDAY the streets as the toll of white et. Saturday (Contlnued on Page Two) said in refusing the extradition yes­ vised the nation’s first man­ DONT ■Away receipts than had been expected, peroons injured by roving gangs terday, "when justice must be tern Still plenty of, wear left in 7. There was only $694.47 left of young Negroes rose to 18, ned apace shot last- May,. Spending he said. Some had smaller amounts. pered with mercy. This tp me shoes when brought here for Departments on the plus side of in the hoard of education budget THROUGH THROUGH An Elgin man, Fred Vaughn | expert repairing. out of $3,812,566 98, plearly stands out as one of those the ledger realized $56,640.23 more MAIN FLOOR, REAR Jr„ told police four N^;roes be­ Negro Leader Bids times.” Cape Canaveral, Fla., July , By FJINF>ST B. VACCARO Open Mondays All Day than expected, and departments on Other funds besides the general labored him wlth-ax handles early After the Governor’s announce­ 15 (j'P)—Steak and baby fwd, . Closed Wednesday the minus side of the ledger real­ fund showed surpluses at the close SATURDAY i SATURDAY today as he returned from a cigar Washington, July 15 (/P)— Afternoons President lo Issue ment, Hayes said the day w'as medical checks, star gazing, Two Liberal Republican Sen- ized $44,092.23 less than expected. of the fiscal year also. Come Early! store to his mother’s home. He "The happiest one in the last 20 Some of the more important fac­ The fire district special fund had was hospitalized with head cuts years.”’ He said he is deeply grate'- make-believe apace rides— ator.s have callecl for full con­ tors which affected the receipts a surplus of $74,245.28. The water 9:30 to 5:45 9:30 to 5:45 and bruises. 2nd Emancipation ful to the Governor. that’s what an astronaut’s gressional briefings on U.S. 5 SAM YULYES "SHOE REPAIRING for the general fund were: fund had a surplus of $144.31634. The girls, Lindd Rivers, 14, end He was convicted in Georgia in day is made of. military readiness to meet OF THE BETTER KIND" 1. The board of education cur­ Tlie Sewer fund has a surplus of Alice Raimos, 12, told ofiBcera they Hartford, July 15 (AT)—The Rev. 1942 on five counts of burglary and Virgil I. Grissom and John H. rent .services fund was $22,037.87 $31,357.77. The parking meter fund Martin Luther King haa called on the Berlin crisis. 28 OAK STREET were sitting on the Ramos front sentenced to a maximum 20-year Gl^pn .Tr. had these items oh Sens. John Shemian Cooper, Same Side As Watkins higher than expected. had a surplus of $56,919.66. And the porch when four or five young President Kennedy to issue a sec­ prison term. He escaped once and schedule as they entered the final 2. The state aid to education was dog license fund had a surplus of ond emancipation proclamation by Kenliicky. and Jacob K. Javita, Negroes stopped on the sidewalk, was recaptured. He was working phase of preparation for America’s New York, al.so said yesterday $11,258.29 higher than expected. $1,867.07. hurled a few remarks and ‘then declaring all segregation,laws un­ on a Georgia toad gang when he second manned space flight, sched­ 3.
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