THE AL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA . Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya --a Vol. XXXM.-No. 31 NAIROBI, June 18, 1935 Price 50 Cents Registered as a Newspaper at the G. P. 0. Published every Tuesday TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Gl>vt. Notjce No. 425-Arrivals, Departures, Appointments, etc. ... ... ... ... 704 Proclamation No. 51-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance ... ... #. ... ... ... 705 Govt. Notice No. 426The Courts Ordinance, 1931-Appointment ... ... ... ... ... 705 I ,, ,, 427-The Xing's African Rifles Reserve of Officers Ordinance, 1927-Appoint- ments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 705 , ,, .. 42%-The Public Travel and Aoeess Roads Ordinance, 1920-Appoiqtment ... 705 , , , ,, 429-33-The Defence Force Ordinanc,e, 1927-Notices ... ... ... ... 706 It ,, ,, 434--The Mining Ordinance, 1933--Notice ...... ... ... ... ... 707 Oene~alNotices Nos. 775-809 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 708 t04 fl'1112 OPW CIAL GAZECPTE June 18, 1:3$ GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 425 ARRIVA LS N From leave or on 17ate of leaving Daye of Date of arrival am e Rank !st Appointment England Embarkatj on at M otrtbasa ' Leave WH. CA. WHe'ilpsopnes ETdelueegartaiopnh lOnmspceecrt or dft '1 16etth Mayp, 11935 ) 1 o6tlht June, 1935 *' E. W . Barham Irlstrttctorto Kenya Royal Nav'y 1st Appomtment do do Volunteer Reserve G. S. Gritlirhs Inspcctor of Police Leave do - do C. Clark Firema.n, Class 1, K. U. R. & Ha do do t6th M ay. 1935 do A. Leqgning Guard, K. U. R. & H . do do do do H. J. Condon Artisans Class 1, K. U. R. & H. do do do do F, Overend Yard Foreman. K. U. R. & H . do do do do * Dar ea Salaam. ' . j ' j ). H. Owen Sub. Telegraph Engineer , Leave zrtd Junej 1935 S. o. v. Hodg: Dl'strict Oëcez' do $ th June, 1935 G. R. B, Browrz Dist n'ct Omcer do do T . c. colclzgster Dist n'ct t'Aflieer de do H. C. 'V. B. Barnes Assistant Auditor do do capt. G. J. Stroud, M.B.I. Educa t'lon omcer. (Principal, N. 1. 'r. D. do dp Kabete) w , M unro Forester Leave pending retirement do capt. A. T. A. Ritchie, M.c. Game W arden Leave do L. G. Thomas 2nd grade Msistarzt lnspector of Police l do do G. C. Pocock Telerraph Engineez' ' do d. J D . Gray Postmaster l do j do N .H. Blake Pilot, K. U. R. & H. l do h do M do do îss G. H . R. Bell, Shorthand Typisf '' Special '' grade, 1, ' , .1 . ' K .U . R .& H e ! ' . $ . $' c. T. ldutson ' Senior Clerk. K. U. R. & H . ! do ' ' ' 1, ' ' do er. C. W . 'rippin Second Engineer, Lake Steanwrs, ( do do K. U - R. & H. A. A. saull Driver, K. U. R. & H. do do ' J ' AP POINTMENTS . REVERVTON .' '' I47 vyxxt'r Etrglxl Barxs, B.A., k&.n. (()A>'l?AB.), Baœristez'- Joax CITARSRS Gaz>msox reverted ,to 1)îé stsbstansive at-luaw, to be Private Secretary to H is Excelleney raznk of Postmaster, witl, el'eçt rfrom the :2nd M ay, the Actin) g Gove'rrtor, with efect from the 21s1 May, 1935. 1935. W umlwM Tlolzn'ss Hzu.x to be District Oflkter, Em bu D istrict, Central Province, witk efect from Ist krune, 1935. ltolmlt'r I'lowlerrt W ISXMAN, At.B., cs.u. (Glasgow), to be M edical Ofllcer of H ea1th, Northern Frontier Distrlet and contained townsllipsj with effect from the 28th . June, 1935. cxausss yw osswx oaxvzsso posxx to be ltesident JUXO.N BARTON. Magistrate, Eltloret, with efect from 13tl1 June, 1935. 1ot Xc&4# Colonol fecafa'r'y. 'J4!ie. 18,7 1935 THE OFFTCIAL GAZETTE r,705 . = C olony and Protectorate of K enya paocsauwaaox xo, sl Govsaxusx,r xovzcs xo. 427 TTW 'S DISEASES OF ANIV ALS ORDINANCE TH E KTNG'S AFRTCAN IRIFLE S RESERVE OF OFFICERS OEDINANCE, 1927 (Cbapter 157 oj 'the J?tlrf.st'tl Ediiion, #cctïo'?z 4) . AND TH E Secretary of State for the Colonies, on the TIZIE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL reeom m endation of H is Exeelleney the Governor CLAUSES URDINANCE has been pleased to appoint the following persons to, Lclzapter 1 oj f7l: Reviued Edition, .sccfïo?z 13). be omcers of the King's Afriean Riies Reserxe of GovpmxMlrx'.r Norrzcs No. 281 oF 1919. Oflleers to servc 1or a period of three years in the Patlczuaxxrrzox. rank of Seeond-Lieutenant :- IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling M r. C. E . Corbett, me, 1 hereby declare the following area to be an in- M r. A . 1$ . Tannahill, feeted area for the purposes of' thè saitl Diseases oî M r. W . 'S. G. W ilkinson, Aniznlftls Ordinanee :- ' Mr. J. 1. Nicolson, M r. J. 1:t . Nimm ot RlxoE:npEs'1'. Mr. T. H ughes Rlce, Farrn L.lt. No. 6767, J . D. Evans, Esq., Kericho M r. 1%. H . M . Bristow. Distriet. Nairobi, And further, 1 llereby deelare the following por- tions of Proelam ations to be revoked :- . 12th June, 1935. ' That portion of Proclam ation No. 44 dated the H . G. PILLTNG, 21st day of June, 1933, declaring- Aeting Colonial S'ccrcfcrp. L.R. No. 1157/ 5, W . A. Mbclelland, Esq. , Na- kttru, Nakuru Distriet, to be an infected area (llast Coast f ever). GOVERNMENT NOTICE N O. 428 That portion of Proclamation No. 82 dated tlne THE PUBLIC TRAVEL AND ACCESS ROADS 4th day of Oetober, 1933, declaring- ORDINANCE, 1920. L.R . Nos. 4773, 3370, 2603, 6309, 6308, 5163, AlalaofxTlu xr:r op D lsTluc:r l-toAo B oARo. 3367, 2.599, 3365, and 2.592/R, the Government IN' EXEIRCHSE of the powers eonferred upon Reserve, leased by M r. Nelson,. M essrs. 'Shaw Bros. , and M atthias, and M r. 1R, B . Nelson, H is Exeelleney the Governor by the Publie Travel P.'0. Lamuria, North Nyeri Distriet, to be an and Aceess Roads Ordinanee, 1920, which power injtected H is Exeelleney, in exereise of the powers eonferred . area (East Coast fever). upf)n him by the lnterpretation and General Clauses Tltat portion of Proelam ation No. 5 date; Ordinanee, 1912, has been pleased, by Government 10th dlty of January, 1984, tleelaring- Notice No. 501 of 1925 to delegate to District I'u.It. No. 3362, H . Pentz, Esq. i Ngobit, Laikipia Comm isàioners, I hereby m ake the following ap- Dlstrict, to be an infected area. (East Coast pointments to the Nyeri Distriet Road Board for the year 1935 :- ' f ever). ' Given under my hand at Nairobi this 5th day of ' Captain D. 'Sharp, June, 1935. vice H . H . BRASSEY-EDW ARDS, M ajor W . T. M atthias, resigned. Chief Fef8riAstzzp 0//,061.. llated at North Nyeri this 10th day of June, 1935. GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 426 J. E. H . LAM BERT, D intï.ict Comm i88ioner, X/TIJZ Ny61'i. r .I?H E COURTS ORDTNANCE, A PpolxTMSNT. IN KXERCISE of the powers eonf erred upon him GENERAL NOTICE N O. 757 . by secttfons 6 and 8 of the Courfs Ordinanee, 1931, H is Excelleney the Governor has been pleased to M INING AND GEOLOGICAL DEPARTM ENT. appoint, with effect from 1st June, 1935, W llliam APPOTNTMENT OF XOR ER TNSPECTOR. H olden Hale to be a M agistrate of tlle Seeond Class, APPLICATIONS are inviiecl for the post of Boiler with pcwers to hold a Subordinate Court of the Tnspeefor whieh entails periodie inspections through- Second Class izl the Em bu Distriet, whilst holding out the goldfields. Applieants should possess Board llis present appointm ent as Distriet Offlcer, Embu of Trade qualifieations or their equivalent, and l listrict , Central Province. sllould state the feeB required. Applieationg shoulcl reaeh the Comm issioner cd By (iomm aud of H is Exeelleney tlle Aeiing M ines, Box 339, Nairobi, by the 30th June, next. tlovernor. Nairobi, Nairobi, Thïs 11tl1 day of June, 193J. Dgted. this 4th day of June, 1935. ' (j; g . sv. c. TISDALL R. P. PLATT, @ .; jo'r dcff'n,g Colonial S6crcftup. Aoting Ctlln,pli#dit?nt'T of Xi48#. 70ô TR E OFFICIAL GAZE TTE Juùe 18, 1935 -- - -- - - - --- --''-- - --J-- -- -':. zr -----...-.s .- . .. .... ... -. .o. ..- - . .. .. - GOVERNMBNT NOTICB N O. 429 TI.1l pzlz'zits'cl y'tm cl tm plx,kxcx, 192z. (No. 12 ()/ 19G'$.) APPOINTMENTS. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred uyon him by Regulation 13 of the Defence Force Regulations, 1930, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to make the following appointments in the Defence Force with efect from the dates stated :- ' Dr. J. C. J. Callanan to be Acting Senior M edical Oëcer, 'tice Lt.-Col. R. A. W . Proctor, M .C., proceeded on leave 25-5-35 C.S.M . A. F. Archer to be 2nd Lieutenant 30-4-35 By Com mand of H is Excellency the Acting Governor. N airobi, 'I'his 10th day of J'une? 1935. T.I. G. PILLING, Aciin'g t7olosftzl ks'6c'r6ftzw?/. GOVERNMENT N OTICE NO. 430 TH E DEFENCE FOR CE ORDINANOE, 1927. (No . 12 OJ 19ES.) AprcplxTzfxxms--Tuocykru Dzlrlxcll CoMMzzrTll. ' IN ACCORDANCE with the provisions of section 6 (1) of the Defence Force Ordinance, 1927, as alxended by the Defence Force (Amendment) Ordlnance, 1931, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the undenpentioned to be membere of the Local Defence Comm ittee in the Nzola, District : - Tlae District Commissioner, Kitale . 2-1-35 The District Comm issioner, W est Suk . 2-1-35 Lt.-Col. J. G. Kirkwood, C.M .G., D.S.O. g'-1-85 A'f aj or B . I-lill . - . 2-1-85 A.f a.j or F . AI' 2oysey . , . 2-1-85 W ing-commander T.
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