FRIDAY January 17, 2020 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents City of Emerson applies for $750K block grant BY JAMES SWIFT ing. “They have requested that idate the nonprofi t’s non-shelter that we’re not going to be apply- [email protected] Emerson assist them with ap- programs throughout the county, ing for it in the next two years.” plying with a CDBG grant — I in turn allowing Advocates to Gilreath said the CDBG fund- Members of the Emerson do not have the exact total right better serve their clients — and, ing opportunity is a way for the City Council voted unanimous- now, but it’s somewhere around ultimately, serve more of them. City “to get involved in the bars ly Monday evening to approve a three-quarters of a million dol- Under the CDBG process, the and ropes without actually hav- resolution to apply for a Commu- lars is what they’re looking at.” City of Emerson would apply for ing anything at stake.” nity Development Block Grant Bartow County Grant Writ- the grant money, with the County Before the City can apply for (CDBG) via the United States ing Department Director Valerie grant writing department admin- the grant, however, some admin- Department of Housing and Ur- Gilreath confi rmed that grant istering the funding for the pro- istrative issues have to be worked ban Development. would be for $750,000. posed Advocates project. out. Emerson City Manager Kevin “The project itself would be “The only negatives would “One of the stipulations with McBurnett said the CDBG fund- quite a bit larger, potentially up be, with the CDBG grant, this this would be that the property ing would benefi t a proposed Ad- to $1.5 million,” she said. “The would be a two-year rollout on has to be located within the City vocates for Children project. plan is for Advocates to build a this grant, so if the City decided of Emerson,” McBurnett said. “Advocates is working towards second facility on an adjacent down the line within the next two “Currently, that property, which expanding their facility and their property to where their adminis- years that they wanted to apply is owned by Bartow County, is JAMES SWIFT/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS The Emerson City Council gathered for a public meeting Mon- ability to take care of the disad- trative offi ces and the Flowering for a CDBG grant, we couldn’t,” not in the City, it is an unincor- day evening, where a resolution to apply for federal Community vantaged children in the commu- Branch Children’s Shelter is.” McBurnett said. “Now I’m going porated island.” Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding was approved unan- nity,” he told council members The proposed CDBG-funded to be truthful — all of ya’ll have imously. at Monday night’s public meet- project, she said, would consol- been here long enough to know SEE EMERSON, PAGE 5A No bond reduction for BARTOW’S BRAVEST Rockmart man facing child BCFD fi re investigator molestation commended for charges BY JAMES SWIFT ‘exemplary work’ [email protected] Cherokee Judicial Circuit BY MARIE NESMITH a successful arrest; and whereas Judge David K. Smith reject- [email protected] without her assistance and per- ed a motion to lower bond for sistence in providing information a Rockmart man accused of Referred to as a “very valuable to fellow investigators, the success committing several sex crimes member” of Bartow County Fire of this case would have been very against a child in Bartow Superi- Department’s team, Sgt. Jessie unlikely.” or Court Tuesday morning. Aliberti was awarded a procla- Employed by BCFD since 2005, According to Bartow County mation from Georgia’s Insurance Aliberti started her fi re service Sheriff’s Offi ce records, Thomas and Safety Fire commissioner, ap- career as a volunteer in Chattoo- Ray Bishop, Sr., 61, is facing one plauding her “exemplary work in ga County in 2003. After joining count of aggravated child moles- fi re service in the state of Georgia.” BCFD as a part-time fi refi ghter, tation, one count of sexual bat- “Receiving this proclamation is she became full time in February tery against a child under the age a true honor,” she said. “Through- 2006 and was promoted to ser- of 16 and three counts of child out the years, I have worked ex- geant three years later. molestation. Cherokee Judicial tremely hard to become a fi re in- “The award is recognizing the Circuit Assistant District Attor- vestigator. Being a fi re investigator hard work and dedication she has ney Joshua Wyatt said the de- is not easy work. Most days I see to her profession,” BCFD Chief fendant’s case was indicted by a people on their worst case scenario Dwayne Jamison said. “Jessie is a grand jury in December — while day and try to give them some sort very valuable member to our team. the sexual battery charge appears of closure for the loss they have ex- She’s very knowledgeable, very to have been dropped, the other perienced by fi nding out where and dedicated and does an outstanding four charges remain. how their fi re started. job with fi re and arson investiga- Bishop has been held in pretri- “Other days, I am working to tion.” al custody at the Bartow County fi gure out who caused the fi re and As a fi re investigator, Aliberti Jail since April 5, 2019. Cherokee attempt to hold that person respon- enjoys the challenges of her work Judicial Circuit Judge Suzanne sible for their actions. So for the and its evolving nature. H. Smith set the defendant’s work I do to be recognized by John “I began arson investigation bond at $75,000 last November. King, the state of Georgia Insur- training in 2011 and became a “The alleged victim is his ance and Safety Fire commission- Georgia P.O.S.T. certifi ed fi re in- step-granddaughter,” public de- er, it reinforces my desire to contin- vestigator in 2012,” Aliberti said. “I fender Kearston Gill told the ue to work hard and fi nd the truth.” continued to work on the fi re truck court. “This case, from what I Presented to Aliberti Monday, until 2014 when I became a full- can recall, this was an older al- the proclamation was issued Oct. time fi re investigator for the coun- legation — the alleged incident 28 for her work surrounding an ty. In 2018, I became eligible to test took place several years before ongoing case with the State Fire to become an International Associ- the child made statements re- Marshal’s Offi ce. ation of Arson Investigators Certi- garding Mr. Bishop.” The proclamation states, “She fi ed Fire Investigator (IAAI-CFI). I She said there are no concerns displayed extensive diligence and successfully completed the testing about the defendant attempting was relentless in gathering facts and now hold that certifi cation as to contact the alleged victim if and information to coordinate well as several from the state. released from pretrial custody. with our agency [the State Fire RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS Nor did Gill say she considers Marshal’s Offi ce] in order to make SEE ALIBERTI, PAGE 6A Sgt. Jessie Aliberti serves as a fi re investigator with the Bartow County Fire Department. the defendant to be a fl ight risk. “I do understand he’s recently indicted, however there are a num- ber of individuals that are in cus- tody at this time,” she said. “So we Countywide initiative promotes more may not reach his case in March.” While Gill requested Judge Smith reduce Bishop’s bond, she did not sleep, good bedtime routine for kids specify an exact monetary amount for the recommended decrease. BY DONNA HARRIS retain about 50% more information the follow- “The State believes that a [email protected] ing day. $75,000 bond on an indicted “I am excited about this because the entire case that is on the trial calendar The Bartow County community has banded Bartow County community is uniting to focus for March is very reasonable,” together this week to encourage parents to make on the importance of sleep and bedtime rou- Wyatt said. sure their children get an adequate amount of tines for our students and their academic suc- sleep every night. cess,” Bartow Superintendent Dr. Phillip Page The Community Prosperity Council has said. “Through unifi ed efforts, such as the Fam- partnered with the Bartow County and Carters- ilies that Flourish initiative, we can best serve ville City school systems and local faith-based our children. Together, we are providing our institutions to promote Families that Flourish, a families research-based evidence that shows weeklong initiative that focuses on the import- adequate sleep and consistent bedtime routines ant role sleep and bedtime routines play in stu- can signifi cantly impact children’s behavior, RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS dents’ academic success. health and well-being.” Cloverleaf Elementary third-grade teacher Amanda Stover, left, Research shows that students ages 5 to 12 Cartersville Superintendent Dr. Marc Feuer- watches as Emma Saxton demonstrates proper teeth-brush- need more than 10 hours of sleep — the build- bach said a child’s education is a “partnership be- ing technique as part of a student’s pre-bedtime routine in the ing block of healthy brain development that tween the school, the home and the community.” Families that Flourish initiative. Looking on are Colton Hatch, signifi cantly impacts their health and behavior center left, and Braden Krackenberger.
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