~ s ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSUUSSSSSSSSSSsssSSSSSSSSSSSS ~ sssssssUssssssUssssUssssssssssssssUssssssssssssssssssssss) h c s e ~ s "Three. -j I VaU(hcs(.Babes : .vs,.guH Pupa Cornered Moon" st ~ Sattedsy'do.a..f'n.~ j-. ~ i~ a ','.'y ~ ~ ~ ::.',ilg~) '„'I'Ig~).'-', I,cr,.'I;~ MacLea'n Field Friday and Saturday ~ I l is ~I ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ IUUUI UUIUI I IIUUIIÃllllll((IUIIUI(slaioll(l rill(l(IUIII IIV .NIUUUUIIUUIUINWWUIUIUU~I~ s!~~'~~~4(ee++„' "i 'I'oLUM~xv( ~ TH;E IDAHO'ARGONAUT, MOSCO%') FRIDAY,. OCTOBER 26, 1934') 'Fingedrs'NUMBER:13 'xpect "."".,'" All 'Studencts.'- i:Ir.aiii a I'I:2I,'~ il.l.I:.Or'Jjl <"".'".... .Opponents:Fear His Sticke j ''Yo;Attend Rally on"' 1te't of V IId' Bravtng a:diizznng rain(la gafr '.- ll'el I.eflleret III When the native. Kaffir,."boys" 'ioimyd eel , sized and Ienthusia'stic 'ga-; ' of South Africa mnk a cow, they theieddat the train'esterday:af; . '.„g,,g.':; use a two-fingered .."stripping"- 'ernoon,to see the teamioffdpn';tlieir as,though, I1plding a;.cigaret, ' grip , trip to the:.;Montanay'campy The according to.TN, Warren; 1nstruc- 'Band showed 'their:quaHty by University Players Make Initial Bows uni- Pep tor in dairy husbandry at the pi ping 'ptio Ily iH,:.d 'Pite Aspirants. for .1M4 Rhodes In Performaces ,versity.. What is more, they smear the weather. "": ':Elections Must 'File In- . Friday-Saturday; vaseline on their 'handy before ..';.,'at Gamma "de riliyi started the 'a'ub'stit(ite,'rdln- i tentiOn NOV~ber.:7,.:: nIIIkil1g;. or as Phi house an'd:proceeded down to One Act Plays Will Be asry harness oH. the BetaaPhi Delt co'rner mheie the Mr. Warren recently retI(rned band 'Played'and'4ongs mere, sung. Presented Thursday from Cape Town where he took a.:. Ie)eglOI. 's shipment of Purebred Holsteins foi', station where'they mere led in yells Carnation -farm near. Seattle.":. 'he. asnd'SOngS'by tile Cheer leaderS And .: The riotous, rollicl.-ing '. 'ommitte Iteiiresente|II' Rimplegar family will appear tonight and to- Sa11th Africa Is 'np tsavac'ge land; entertained by '. a fern:bs'nd -num- Id»o morro'(v night in the university 'players'resentation of "Three( Corn- Mr. Warren explained,'but i:coun 'e'rs.,Just before the train pulled Pr«Eugen~ Tayi« ered Moon." I re'd C. Dhnchard direct'sy'the.p'roduction. try. with.a climate simLIIai, toy that out, Coach sCaHand made a state- l'I'hc slightly'dizzy characters, the sometimesi unwise wisecrapks, an(l of -southerri California'lrhere .'the, ment that the boys mere set'n could'njoy" 'eating scholar-. the fast Imoving action' of "Three Cornered Moon" combine to average:Americail life. Montana and mere coming Applications for Rhodes make it an evening of 'While,fheie he: visited Iivo- agri- back as victors. ship for 1934:are due with the Idq,- hilarious cultural colleges.' committee, represei(ted by prof. ' '..- .,"We are going to welcome the ho Improved dairiess ln"South jlfrica. team .home Sunday ..night at,'1".00 Eugene: Taylor, Ad.: 205,'n "Nov- ei1-4';.;",'„".';;"'.;„:;,:„-„";„;„,;„„,PickCommdittiei 'are 'the exception, riot the 'rule,. he; "., a; m., win or lose,".said Paul'Kerr, ember. 7. 'lections'ill .be held found.,".Some'haaye imported stpck, yeH king. "AII"fraterriity:and sp the'first"meek in J'anuarp.1925,rand with.'produc(tlpn Xecordi ..up..to 20;. members'i'.are 1equeited; to spholar's 'elected ae thati ttme-,'mIH .They".h(a-.". rority 000 po'unds".Of'm'ilk'(l year" have th'eir frosh attend anid'are'te-: erlter the Ijiiiversitp osf:oxford., In piogram of one-act plays mHI .however, .'are '-Iiae.";beeh —:@n- be 'in jority, unimproeed'uch queStedrtO attend themzeIVeS.ILetsa OCtOber:1935, -It: presented thel U hut, Thurs- dairies'have from 50 to,400 day, November:l,,under. - pOrganization Plans ImPort- get the good old Idaho spirit." Pounced. the dire cows-queer, looking native,ani- Competitibn Tor"Rhf('hei'.BcIIOchi(I- tion of Miss Jean:collette, dram- ant Programito be Pre- inals'nown as Kaffir.cat'tie,.w'ith atics instructor., No.admission wiH sentect Month and long that they i'orns be Net so huge charged. would the old-time Texas long- drsid-sd'a-ro eisr'h'I..d(s- Miss put .Aliii sisics arc conette's students in cle- committees for.the EngHsh club's hprn to shame. Ieehhefii -Ilelie ment;ary play production will pre- new year mere chosen by the ex- .Kaffir cows are milked', about sent a one-apt play, ".A.Letter of ecutive board of the club .at its three months, and a daily produc- '- -'"'-'".'"""'-""'- Introduction" by William Dean Chooseo Six Noii - meeting last Tuesday. This organ- tion of two to four quarts. is con- a Howells, The A cast. Includes pam- Ization, composed of upperclassmen, sidered satisfactory. Na'tive grass- K e(s(B- 4'rom;.the 12:men so noniinatkd; the cia Persons, c Bea Jane Fisher, Mar- EngHsh majors and under classmen es are deficient in proteins a'nd d icommittee,'selects.'fo Qwenna 'istrict r to garet Brendell, James Laing, Glenn mhp hs,ve distinguished themselves phosphorus. Peanut and cocoa- . Hunt Ward Rich ', represent their. states at, Oxford. Stai-5 and Gordon Barnett. in, the entrance examination'or in nut meal supplements are used, as Robertson, Giese Tak- 'The state maIr thus'secede'mIO "Grandma, Old Style,",a com- - English 1 or 2, is look'Ing forward well as cottonseed cake 'and soy en Into Honorary - sc»larships or edy by Walter Prichard.Eaton, wiH to a special meeting for those who beans. AH are cheap. Bonemeal MONTANA, WILL Be running into this. fighting face accordance with the:cpeg- conclude THE GRIZZLIES year in the program with the have in this way become its new is fed,for its phosphorus content. when they tiy to roun((I the Van dal's left eiid'-,at 'Missoula tomor- its of its candidates. following cast of. Scabbard and Blade chose six. characters: Jean members. A more definite ~ an- When not included in the ration, The I(IIaho wingman saying "No" to".any and an row afternoon. Wednesday Boomer, Jewel Bennett, patherine nouncement wjH be given later cows gnaw old bones from which in his territory is Norm Iveisoir: Opponents keep Pledges at their meeting every -c@ege and. univeisitp transgressors were Vincen I Schultenhelm, Robert Granvi/Ie, when complete arrangements have they often contract the germs of a Norm when is on the ONlense,'or he has de- night. Those chosen h.ansinstitutionaI represent- their'eyes on Idaho there'n'unt,:Kenneth Andrew James Robertson, Alfred and gary Eleza- been made i'or an important pro- strange and fatal disease. veloped a knack for hanging on to passes'that come his way. ative of "the RhMes Sch'olarships ', Rich, gram to be held about the middle of Labor is cheap for the South Giese, Glenn Owens, George from whom'copies 'of.-'the'memor'- These prog ams, mhich miH start November, according to Dr. George African dairyman. Native Kaffirs, and Theron Ward. ', .andum of regulations; -,aPPHcatloii : o, wiH K scheduled for aH the Engnsh de- called "boys" no m'ptter how an- The National Society. of Scabbard blank, and other i forlriationmay M Miner, head of 30 c ree night I November, De- partment'and sponsor of the club. cient they may be, are paid 12 "Little Giant" Going Strong and Blade was founded nearly be obtained. Prof; Tayiorhtufgeen February Any to 25 cents a day, and "scoof," yearS agO at the UniVerSity Of WiS-c desfgnated to,aet,aS,reprezentatIVe who 'by and is interested may attend. The cpmmittees include: mem- which consists of 60 to 100 pounds consin five cadet officers, at Idaho of white cornmeal a month and a -ln Tough Professional Ball two years ago a memorial flagPple bership —Ruth . Farley, chairman, . committee of selection:for 'this was erected at that . Institution II Jane Baker, Ruth Ferney, Barnett half pound of meat per week. by the National Society in honor 'hestip nd aahodeslscholar- Baker, John Brcscsc; Program— '78 of Ii "Even and founders. now has ~ OOefli iierliOIOO Margaret IHingsworth, chairman, Willis. Smith, Sensational the shattering tackles of the It s'hip. Is fixed at 400sppund's a year profession- in 45 states and a total. Doris McDermott, William C. Banks; BaD Packer, Gets crashing blocking of the chapters No iestriction is (placed''upon a ~, Idaho al league can not stop him. He membership of approximately 22,- candidate's ch o I'ce of studies. chlmcs —Dock Hades, chairman, ' lO - " - )eIte heitel Munins; Elsie Wahl; Ruth Praise In East played. only one period ago,irist 000,' ., Scholars are elected for tyro years I Robert for Haner, Eleanor Echternach; Book- Brooklyn and gained 53 yards To Celebrate Anniversary 'n the first instance, but a'hird shelf —Coacina Amstutz, chairman, The "Little'faiit" has come into the Giants, three more'than-.Har-'y 'on'octolier'27'11u'various com-] wear may" be awarded to men- who Concert Violinist Well Re Edith si tt r, ~rdld sparks his own! Newman, the former Michigan panies and alumni posts oi the na- have made an outetanding record ace acquired in the entire first ) ceived at Monday Night publicity —Elva .Anderson, Et~n After winding up a brilliant col- tional society. of Scabb'ard and during their first tmo pears, O'Neal, compositions. Ot11- No Absentee Ballots For co'ast, half. 331ade will celebrate"the Quanties" LIsted original legiate career on the Pacific anniversary:'A Performance er committees yet to be chosen, will Those Who Failed to Willis Smith,'hief ball-toter for "The littlest'Giant brims self- of the birth oi'ormer president ~andidate inay apply either in be announced later.
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