主旨:有關紐西蘭增訂種植用造粒種子pelleted seeds輸入檢疫措施 說明: 一依據世界貿易組織WTO109 年 7 月 29 日 G/SPS/N/NZL/617/Add.1 通 知文件辦理 二紐西蘭本次於該國種子輸入健康標準Import Health Standard:Seeds for Sowing 155.02.05,以下簡稱種子輸入標準中新增1.9 種植用造粒種 子輸入檢疫措施原文第 13-16 頁,相關內容摘述如下: (一)僅限種子輸入標準附錄 4第 167 頁所列紫花藿香薊Ageratum houstonianum等多屬種種子,得以造粒方式輸入 (二)種子輸入標準 1.9 (2)所列 Beta vulgaris 等 13 種種子第 13 頁,必 須由官方針對每個批次的種子,按 ISTAInternational Seed Testing Association所訂方法抽取具有代表性的樣品及密封,並送至紐國 初級產業部Ministry for Primary Industries,MPI認可實驗室中 測試種子純淨度,以檢查是否存在檢疫雜草種子及其他污染物,且 需符合種子輸入標準 1.9 (9)至 1.9 (11)等相關規定第 14 至 15 頁 (三)番茄造粒種子如係輸入做為根砧,無須在抵紐後進行種子純淨度測 試 (四)種子輸入標準 1.9(2)所列 Beta vulgaris 等 13 種以外之種子,如紐國 檢疫人員認為有必要時,仍應由官方針對該批次種子按 ISTA 所訂 方法抽取具有代表性的樣品及密封,並送至 MPI 認可實驗室中測試 種子純淨度如檢疫人員要求測試之種子為萵苣Lactuca sativa, 另應符合 1.9(12)之規定第 15 頁 (五)造粒種子於純度測試期間應置放於 MPI 認可設施中,直到實驗室測 試報告完成 三輸紐造粒種子仍應按其種類及生產國家別,分別辦理其他輸出入檢疫措 施相關事宜 四近來紐國新增或修正種子輸入標準相關檢疫條件內容次數頻繁,輸出前 請先查詢紐國最新版種子輸入標準參考網址: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/importing/plants/seeds-for-sowing/requirement- documents-for-importing-seeds-for-sowing/ 相關檢疫規定並參閱該國初 級產業部網頁最新消息及相關內容,必要時可洽該國查詢窗口 [email protected],以利我國種植用種子順利輸紐 G/SPS/N/NZL/617/Add.1 29 July 2020 (20-5256) Page: 1/2 Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Original: English NOTIFICATION Addendum The following communication, received on 27 July 2020, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of New Zealand. _______________ Proposed amendment to the IHS 155.02.05: Seeds for sowing and requirements for the importation of pelleted seeds for sowing This is an addendum to New Zealand's WTO notification (G/SPS/N/NZL/617) made on 5 February 2020 on proposed amendments to import requirements for pelleted seeds for sowing. The notified amendments included a requirement for a phytosanitary certificate to accompany for all pelleted seed lots. We have now considered application of this measure and have made it more trade-enabling by removing the requirement for a phytosanitary certificate for pelleted seed lots of species with 'basic' import requirements in import health standard 155.02.05: Seeds for sowing. This addendum does not extend the scope of the previously notified regulation nor will potentially affect Members as this is a trade-enabling amendment. https://members.wto.org/crnattachments/2020/SPS/NZL/20_4539_00_e.pdf This addendum concerns a: [ ] Modification of final date for comments [ ] Notification of adoption, publication or entry into force of regulation [X] Modification of content and/or scope of previously notified draft regulation [ ] Withdrawal of proposed regulation [ ] Change in proposed date of adoption, publication or date of entry into force [ ] Other: Comment period: (If the addendum extends the scope of the previously notified measure in terms of products and/or potentially affected Members, a new deadline for receipt of comments should be provided, normally of at least 60 calendar days. Under other circumstances, such as extension of originally announced final date for comments, the comment period provided in the addendum may vary.) [ ] Sixty days from the date of circulation of the addendum to the notification and/or (dd/mm/yy): Agency or authority designated to handle comments: [X] National Notification Authority, [X] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and e-mail address (if available) of other body: Mrs Sally Jennings, Coordinator, SPS New Zealand PO Box 2526, Wellington, New Zealand Tel: +(644) 894 0431 Fax: +(644) 894 0733 G/SPS/N/NZL/617/Add.1 - 2 - E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/importing/overview/access-and-trade-into-new-zealand/world- trade-organization-notifications/ Text(s) available from: [X] National Notification Authority, [X] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and e-mail address (if available) of other body: Mrs Sally Jennings, Coordinator, SPS New Zealand PO Box 2526, Wellington, New Zealand Tel: +(644) 894 0431 Fax: +(644) 894 0733 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/importing/overview/access-and-trade-into-new-zealand/world- trade-organization-notifications/ __________ Seeds for Sowing 155.02.05 22 July 2020 Import Health Standard Import Health Issued under the Biosecurity Act 1993 Import Health Standard: Seeds for Sowing 22/07/2020 TITLE Import Health Standard: Seeds for Sowing COMMENCEMENT This Import Health Standard comes into force on the date of issue, except for the import requirements to manage the following viroids: • Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid on the Petunia specific requirements (section 2.58.1); and • Columnea latent viroid, Tomato apical stunt viroid and Tomato plant macho viroid on the Solanum lycopersicum specific requirements (section 2.73.1). The requirements to manage the viroids mentioned above come into effect on 22 August 2020. REVOCATION This import health standard revokes and replaces Import Health Standard 155.02.05: Seeds for Sowing, dated 16th day of June 2020. ISSUING AUTHORITY This Import Health Standard is issued under section 24A of the Biosecurity Act 1993 Dated at Wellington this 22nd day of July 2020 Director, Plant & Pathways Ministry for Primary Industries (acting under delegated authority of the Director-General) Contact for further information Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Regulation & Assurance Branch Plant Imports PO Box 2526 Wellington 6140 Email: [email protected] Ministry for Primary Industries Page 1 of 167 Import Health Standard: Seeds for Sowing 22/07/2020 Contents Page Introduction 5 Part 1: General Requirements 7 1.1 Application 7 1.2 Incorporation of material by reference 7 1.3 Definitions 7 1.4 Requirements for seed for sowing 7 1.5 Documentation 9 1.6 Post - entry quarantine 11 1.7 Seed for sowing of New Zealand origin 12 1.8 Seed for sowing imported as laboratory specimens 12 1.9 Seed imported as pelleted seed 13 Part 2: Specific Requirements 17 2.1 Abies 18 2.2 Acer 19 2.3 Acrocomia 20 2.4 Actinidia 21 2.5 Agropyron 24 2.6 Agrostis 25 2.7 Arabidopsis thaliana 26 2.8 Avena 27 2.9 Beta 32 2.10 Brassica napus 33 2.11 Camellia sinensis 34 2.12 Camissonia 35 2.13 Cannabis sativa 36 2.14 Capsicum 39 2.15 Carpinus 41 2.16 Carthamus tinctorius 42 2.17 Carya 43 2.18 Castanea 44 2.19 Cicer 45 2.20 Citrus 46 2.21 Cocos 47 2.22 Coffea 48 2.23 Coriandrum 49 2.24 Corylus 50 2.25 Corypha 51 2.26 Cucurbitaceae 52 2.27 Cuminum 56 2.28 Desmodium 57 2.29 Echinochloa 58 2.30 Elaeis 59 2.31 Eriobotrya 60 2.32 Fagus 61 2.33 Fragaria 62 Ministry for Primary Industries Page 2 of 167 Import Health Standard: Seeds for Sowing 22/07/2020 2.34 Glycine 65 2.35 Gossypium 67 2.36 Helianthus 68 2.37 Hordeum 71 2.38 Humulus 75 2.39 Juglans 76 2.40 Lablab 77 2.41 Lavandula 78 2.42 Lens 79 2.43 Linum usitatissimum 80 2.44 Lithocarpus densiflorus 81 2.45 Livistona 82 2.46 Lophophora williamsii 83 2.47 Lotus 84 2.48 Macadamia 85 2.49 Malus 86 2.50 Mangifera 88 2.51 Medicago 89 2.52 Myrtaceae 90 2.53 Nicotiana tabacum 91 2.54 Oxyria 93 2.55 Panicum 94 2.56 Papaver somniferum 95 2.57 Persea 96 2.58 Petunia 97 2.59 Phaseolus 99 2.60 Phoenix 103 2.61 Pinus 104 2.62 Pisum 110 2.63 Populus 113 2.64 Prunus 114 2.65 Pseudotsuga menziesii 116 2.66 Psophocarpus 120 2.67 Pyrus 121 2.68 Quercus 123 2.69 Ribes 125 2.70 Rubus 128 2.71 Sesamum 131 2.72 Solanum 132 2.73 Solanum lycopersicum 133 2.74 Solanum tuberosum 136 2.75 Sorghum 137 2.76 Stenotaphrum 138 2.77 Trigonella foenum-graecum 139 2.78 Triticum 140 2.79 Ulmus 144 2.80 Vaccinium 145 2.81 Vicia 148 2.82 Vigna 150 2.83 Vitis 151 Ministry for Primary Industries Page 3 of 167 Import Health Standard: Seeds for Sowing 22/07/2020 2.84 Zea 153 Appendix 1: Definitions 160 Appendix 2: Amendment Record 163 Appendix 3: Declaration Form 166 Appendix 4: Species on the Plant Biosecurity Index eligible for import into New Zealand as pelleted seeds for sowing. 167 Ministry for Primary Industries Page 4 of 167 Import Health Standard: Seeds for Sowing 22/07/2020 Introduction This introduction is not part of the import health standard (IHS), but is intended to indicate its general effect. Purpose This IHS specifies the requirements for the importation of seeds intended for sowing in New Zealand. Background The New Zealand Biosecurity Act 1993 provides the legal basis for excluding, eradicating and effectively managing pests and unwanted organisms. Each IHS issued under the Act specifies requirements to be met for the effective management of risks associated with imported goods that may pose a biosecurity threat to New Zealand. This IHS includes requirements that must be met in the exporting country, during transit and importation, and post clearance if specified before biosecurity clearance is given. Additional information to the requirements is included in guidance text boxes. Who should read this import health standard? This IHS should be read by anyone involved in the process of importing seeds for sowing into New Zealand from all countries and outlines the import requirements that must be met. Importers of seed for laboratory testing, analysis or research (where biosecurity clearance is not required) should refer to IHS MPI.STD.PLANTMATERIAL: Dried & Preserved Plant Material, & Fresh Plant Material for Testing, Analysis or Research. Products containing viable seed that also contain organic growing media must also meet the requirements of the relevant IHS: MPI.STD.FERTGRO: Fertilisers and Growing Media of Plant Origin. Why is this important? It is the importers responsibility to ensure the requirements of this IHS are met. Consignments that do not comply with the requirements of this IHS may not be cleared for entry into New Zealand and /or further information may be sought from importers.
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