1( , Lmt-91,77L.,'L.IL: LLLii.1., J. Geils Band Hits of the Week SINGLES SLEEPERS 3 Ai047. -31-1° EXILE, "HOW COULD THIS GO WRONG" CHERYL LADD, "MISSING YOU" (prod. by :9 'SS'SSpr (prod.byChapman)(writers: G.Klein)(waiter:M. 13cr Weiner) With "In the 43 Va Chapman - Chinn - Pennington - (Foghorn/Matthew Weiner, AS - high on the charts, the b08-G 0 Lawley)(Chinnichap / Careers, CAP) (4:25). Ladd's second sin- album could be its biggest yet.I [lc BMI) (3:44). Their "Kiss You All gle has more disco flavor than title track and "Manhattan Woman" Over" went to #1 and this disco- the last with big arrangementsshow more of their tongue in cheek fied new disc should have even backing her powerfuldelivery. humor backed by an insistent and more appeal. Chapman's produc- The discos will get it first. Capitol veryinfectiousbeat.Casablanca tion isright. Warner/Curb 8796. 4698. NBLP 7144 (8.98). NIGEL OLSSON, "LITTLE BIT OF SOAP" MAXINE NIGHTINGALE. "LEAD ME ON" "VAN HALEN II." The group's plat- (prod. by Davis) (writer: Berns) (prod. by Dian:e) (writers: Willis - inum debut of last year reconfirmed (Robert Mellin, BMI) (3:25). His Lesley)(Almo, ASCAP)(2:50). the drawing power of hard rock and "Dancin' Shoes" went Top 10 Nightingale's first single in some this second effort shows more of the and Olsson follows it with an up- time is a lilting ballad, fully or-same kind of excitement. The gui- dated version of The Jarmels' chestrated and beautifully pro-tar virtuosity of Edward Van Halen 1961hit.It has multi -format ap- duced. It's meant for adult con- is in evidence as they rock through peal and top charting potential. temporary first. Windsong 11530 nine originals and a cover of "You're Bang 4800 (CBS). (RCA). No Good." WB HS 3312 (8.98). GINOVANNELLI, "THERIVER MUST FRESH, "YOU NEVER CARED" (prod. by BARRY WHITE, "THE MESSAGE IS FLOW" (prod. by G., J. & R. Van- Nesmith)(writers:Grofay-Pratt- LOVE." The Maestro sings about nelli) (writer: G. Vannelli) (Almo/ -4P4Cohen)(StoneDiamond/Alba- loving and being loved on his latest Give, ASCAP) (3:48). The third Prodigalcore, BMI) (3:49). This jangelyalbum which is nothing he hasn't single from Vannelli's "Brother to rock offering has guitar and or- done before, yet White manages to Brother"Ip shows offhis Bee gan parts at the core and a '60s sound as convincing as ever. The Gee-ish falsetto on a jazzy mel- feelinthe vocal.It'sright for spirited accompaniment should ody right for both pop and BOS AOR and Top 40 play. Prodigal take him to the top. Unlimited Gold play. A&M 2133. 0645 (Motown) J7 35763 (CBS) (7 98) OHIO PLAYERS, "EVERYBODY UP" (prod. CREME D'COCOA, "MR. ME, MRS. YOU" RAYDIO, "ROCK ON." The group by group) (writers: same) (o.p.o., (prod. by Tony Camillo) (writers: fronted by Ray Parker scored a BMI) (3:57). The group's first sin- Young -Barnum) (Audio Arts, AS - major hit last time out with "Jack gle for Arista is a pulsating disco CAP) (3:44). Their debut single and Jill" and here they serve up production withalltheir long- made noise on the BOS chart and more of that kind of infectious funk standing and sparkling vocal/in- this more traditional ballad, with with "You Can't Change That," "Hot strumentalinterplay. You can't a strong male lead vocal, has Stuff"(not the Stones song) and sit down when you listen. Arista potential for both BOS and pop "Rock On," which could be their 0408. play. Venture 106. theme song AristaAFL4219 4111) AmericanRadioHistory.Com Includes The Single "Missing You 74:,03 Produced By Gory K kin Izpr Ths Encectaininant Company hxscutive Producer: Charlie Kopp'Incin hionsgeowne: Mike Ciardase/MINB Marmipment ItTV (;-AWCA- 144g, aAie4 4 0 4 0 $ AmericanRadioHistory.Com flecxxrd L"LLILLid APRIL 7, 1979 AGAC Prepares NARM Attendance Passes 2200 Mark; For Royalty Fight By SAMUEL GRAHAM Talent and Technology Are Highlighted LOS ANGELES-In a prelude to By SAM SUTHERLAND try reps mulled over first quarterthis year-due, inpart,todis- what isshaping up as a major HOLLYWOOD, FLA.-With latereturns levels, strained cash flow tributors' andretailers'reduced confrontationbetweenthere- registrations and mid -conventionthroughouttheretailanddis- creditlines,anda consequent cording industry and music com- arrivalsswelling delegateranks tributionlevels, and the altered shiftintheir bargaining power posers over the establishment of byseveral hundredoverthe distribution terrainin the wake when dealing with manufacturers. a ceiling for copyright royalties, projected 2200 attendance mark, of major distribution shifts. And Also significant was increased the American Guild of Authors/ the 21st annual National Associa-whileformalbusinesssessions awareness of a variety of perti- Composers-contending that "we tionofRecord Merchandisers and presentations accentuated nent technological themes, usual- require the kind of expert repre-(NARM) convention saw formal the positive by examining new lyrelegated to the background sentationbefore the Copyright programming and informaldia- areasof potentialsales growth by conservativeretailanddis- Royalty Tribunal that the record- loguesalikebalancingcurrent including prerecorded tape sales tribution sectors. Spurred by the ing industry has"-has retained marketproblemsagainstnew and the advent of video software, need for new approaches to mar- a Washington, D.C.-based eco- market prospects as retailers, market woes remained a central ketgrowth,delegatesviewed nomic firm to compile a compre- rack jobbers, one -stops,distrib-topic among delegates. bothdigitalrecording and the hensive profile of the American utorsand manufacturerscon- If that tension between bullisharrival of video software as focal songwriter in time for the 1980 verged on the Diplomat Hotel forecasts and bearish recent points for future sales interest. review of the current copyright here. trends lent a mixed optimism to law. Between the convention's Fri-the convention theme of"To- Canadian Product Ina meeting with the trade day (23) kick-off and the NARM day'sSuccess, Tomorrow's Op- But closed -door internal meet- presslast Tuesday(27), AGAC awardspresentationthatcon- portunity,"thetypicalface-off ings, manufacturer -customer hud- presidentErvinDrake detailed cluded the agenda Tuesday (27) between vendors and customers dles and convention gossip also several aspects of a speech he night, guest speakers and indus- did see a more cooperative trend yieldeda darksidestemming planned to make the following from the same soft market wor- ries probed during scheduled se- eveningatan AGAC general minars, as deals on schlock prod- membership meetinginWest- Music Plus, Lieberman Win NARM Honors; uct and budget -priced goods in- wood. The principalrevelation, flamed some manufacturers.In Drake said,istheretaining of Stigwood and Bee Gees Top Music Awards particular, the quickening flow of (Continued on page 60) HOLLYWOOD, FLA.-Retailers Music Plus' partnership of Lou Canadian -manufactured hit prod- and rack jobbers, as well as re- Fogelman, David Berkowitz, Terry uct, sold to American retail and Legislator Seeking cording artists, entered the win- PringleandDavid Marker ac- distributioncustomersatrock - ner's circle at this year's NARM cepted the retailer award, while bottom levels, was emerging as a Cal. Blank -Tape Tax convention, as convention dele- DavidLiebermancollectedthe new bone of contention at mid - By SAMUEL GRAHAM gates rewarded both top -selling rack jobber honor for the third convention. MI LOS ANGELES - California acts and merchants during award consecutive year. Despitethegreaternumber legislation that would impose a presentationsattheDiplomat DuringTuesday (27) night's attendingandtheconsequent five percent tax on the sale of Hotel here. annual NARM awards banquet, logistical hassles arising from the blank audio tapes-cassette, cart- NARM's Retailer of the Yeartop selling album and single titles gathering's spread -out site, which ridge and reel-to-reel-was intro-and Rack Jobber of the Year ku- were named duringthe post - saw delegateshousedinover duced in Sacramento last Monday dos, originally slated to be con- dinnerpresentationhostedby a halfdozenhotelsandre- (26) by State Senator Alan Sieroty, ferredSaturday(24),were an-Cher and Casablanca president sorts along the coast here, sched- a Democrat from West Los Ange- nounced Monday (26), when theNeil Bogart, with "Saturday Night uled programming including both les. Details of the bill, described LosAngeles -basedMusicPlus (Continued on page 21) (Continued on page 20) by Sieroty as "the first of its kind was named as best retailer and intheUnitedStatesbut pat- the Minneapolis -based Lieberman terned after an existing West Ger- Enterprises garneredthe rack Bergman Elected NARM President (Continued on page 61) jobbing wreath. As Board Meeting Outlines Goals Record World Salimfrittliejt By SAM SUTHERLAND HOLLYWOOD, FLA - Election Named as new presidentfor of new board members, further NARM was Record Bar'sBarrie extensionofregionalseminars, Bergman, who accepted his post Albums '78'79r Singles and key priorities during its 1979 duringMonday's(26)Country 260.0 - schedule were unveiled by NARM Music Associationluncheon.In 240.0 - officials during the organization's crediting NARM for its success in 220.0 - annual convention, heldat the mounting a new recruitment and 200.0 180.0 - Diplomat Hotel here March 23-education thrust aimed at grass 160.0 - 28. oots retail and distribution, Berg- 140.0 - Announcements covering board manalsopromisedthatnext 120.0 - changesandforthcomingthe year's convention would "recog- 100.0 - gathering's
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