Phytosociological Research Center www.globalbioclimatics.org Worldwide Bioclimatic Classification System S.Rivas−Martinez(+) & S.Rivas−Saenz (Adapted to Synoptical Table 14/02/2020) TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) Altitude: 50 m. Latitude: 28°55’N Longitude: 13°40’W Temperature observation period.: 1954−1960 (7) Rainfall observation period....: 1954−1960 (7) (C/mm) Ti Mi mi M’i m’i Pi EPi Jan. 15.40 18.10 12.70 21.00 11.00 45.0 40.34 Feb. 16.30 19.50 13.10 24.00 11.00 35.0 43.33 Mar. 17.30 20.20 14.40 24.50 12.50 24.0 57.95 Apr. 18.20 20.80 15.50 24.00 13.70 12.0 66.79 May. 19.60 22.50 16.60 28.70 14.40 2.0 85.01 Jun. 20.10 23.10 17.10 25.70 15.90 1.0 88.74 Jul. 21.90 24.70 19.10 27.70 17.50 0.0 108.53 Aug. 23.00 25.70 20.20 33.40 18.70 0.0 113.94 Sep. 23.00 25.40 20.60 29.30 19.00 1.0 103.86 Oct. 22.00 24.90 19.10 29.70 17.10 22.0 90.22 Nov. 19.20 22.00 16.40 25.00 15.10 32.0 61.99 Dec. 16.00 18.50 13.50 21.30 11.50 44.0 42.67 Year 19.33 22.12 16.52 26.19 14.78 218 903.36 BIOCLIMATIC INDICES AND DIAGNOSIS Thermicity index..............................(It): 501 Compensated thermicity index.................(Itc): 497 Simple continentality index...................(Ic): 7.6 Diurnality index..............................(Id): 6.4 Annual ombrothermic index.....................(Io): 0.94 Monthly estival ombrothermic index..........(Ios1): No Bimonthly estival ombrothermic index........(Ios2): No Threemonthly estival ombrothermic index.....(Ios3): 0.02 Fourmonthly estival ombrothermic index......(Ios4): 0.04 Annual ombro−evaporation index...............(Ioe): 0.24 Annual positive temperature...................(Tp): 2320 Annual negative temperature...................(Tn): 0 Estival temperature...........................(Ts): 650 Positive precipitation........................(Pp): 218 N. of P>4T P:2T−4T PT−2T P<T T<0 Months 0 3 3 6 0 Latitudinal Belt...: Subtropical Continentality.....: Hyperoceanic − Low Euhyperoceanic Bioclimate.........: MEDITERRANEAN DESERTIC−OCEANIC Bioclimatic Belt...: UPPER INFRAMEDITERRANEAN UPPER ARID 1 TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) 50 m P= 218 28° 55’N 13° 40’W 7/7 y. T= 19.3° Ic= 7.6 Tp= 2320 Tn= 0 m= 12.7° M= 18.1 ° Itc= 497 Io= 0.9 M’= 33.4° m’= 11.0° MEDITERRANEAN DESERTIC−OCEANIC UPPER INFRAMEDITERRANEAN UPPER ARID WATER INDEX CARD TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) Altitude: 50 m. Latitude: 28° 55’N (C/mm) T PE P VR R RE DF SP DR HC Jan. 15.4 40 45 5 6 40 0 0 0 0.1 Feb. 16.3 43 35 −6 0 41 2 0 0 −0.1 Mar. 17.3 58 24 0 0 24 34 0 0 −0.5 Apr. 18.2 67 12 0 0 12 55 0 0 −0.8 May. 19.6 85 2 0 0 2 83 0 0 −0.9 Jun. 20.1 89 1 0 0 1 88 0 0 −0.9 Jul. 21.9 109 0 0 0 0 109 0 0 −1.0 Aug. 23.0 114 0 0 0 0 114 0 0 −1.0 Sep. 23.0 104 1 0 0 1 103 0 0 −0.9 Oct. 22.0 90 22 0 0 22 68 0 0 −0.7 Nov. 19.2 62 32 0 0 32 30 0 0 −0.4 Dec. 16.0 43 44 1 1 43 0 0 0 0.0 Year 19.3 903 218 * * 218 685 0 0 * R = Reserve VR = Variation of the reserve RE = Real evapotranspiration DR = Drainage HC = Humidity coeficient DF = Deficit SP = Superavit TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) 28°55’N 13°40’W 50 m 7/7 y. T= 19.3 Ic= 7.6 MEDITERRANEAN DESERTIC−OCEANIC m= 12.7 Tp= 2320 UPPER INFRAMEDITERRANEAN M= 18.1 Tn= 0 UPPER ARID M’= 33.4 Itc= 497 m’= 11.0 Io= 0.9 P= 218 mm PE= 903 mm Imbibing 29 Nov. Saturation Reserve Use 11 Jan. Deficit 22 Feb. DJFMAMJJASOND 2 TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) Latitude: 28°55’N Longitude: 13°40’W Altitude: 50 m SUMMARY OF RIVAS−MARTINEZ CLASSIFICATION Continentality Index [A2b] + Type ................: A. Hyperoceanic + Subtype .............: 2. Euhyperoceanic + Variant .............: b. Low Thermic types [A3.A2] + Latitudinal zone ....: A. Warm + Latitudinal belt ....: 3. Subtropical + Thermic type ........: A. Warm + Thermic subtype .....: 2. Warm Bioclimatic types [B4.1a.3a] + Macrobioclimate .....: B. MEDITERRANEAN + Bioclimate ..........: 4. DESERTIC−OCEANIC + Bioclimatic variant .: + Thermic type.........: 1. INFRAMEDITERRANEAN + Thermic subtype......: a. UPPER + Ombrothermic type ...: 3. ARID + Ombrothermic subtype : a. UPPER Bioclimatic Classification ...............Medo.Ime.Ari.Eho TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) Latitude: 28°55’N Longitude: 13°40’W Altitude: 50 m PRECIPITATION PARAMETERS Warmest semester of the year.....................(Pss): 26 Coldest semester of the year.....................(Psw): 192 Warmest four months period of the year..........(Pcm1): 23 Following warmest four months period............(Pcm2): 156 Positive precipitation dryest 3 months...........(Ppd): 1 Positive precipitation dryest 2 months..........(Ppd2): 0 Positive precipitation dryest 1 month...........(Ppd1): 0 Positive precipitation warmest 3 months..........(Pps): 23 Positive precipitation warmest 2 months.........(Pps2): 1 Positive precipitation warmest 1 month..........(Pps1): 0 Positive precipitation coldest 3 months..........(Ppw): 124 Positive precipitation coldest 2 months.........(Ppw2): 89 Positive precipitation coldest 1 month..........(Ppw1): 45 Winter Spring Summer Automn Seasons Tr1−W Tr2−P Tr3−S Tr4−F Rainfall 124 38 1 55 Seasonal rainfall rhythms: W > F > P > S TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) Latitude: 28°55’N Longitude: 13°40’W Altitude: 50 m TEMPERATURE PARAMETERS Average warmest month [T].....................(Tmax): 23.0 Average coldest month [T].....................(Tmin): 15.4 Maximum temp. warmest month [M]..............(Tmmax): 25.7 Minimum temp. coldest month [m]..............(Tmmin): 12.7 Absolute Max.temp. warmest month [M’]........(Tamax): 33.4 Absolute Min.temp. coldest month [m’]........(Tamin): 11.0 First warmest contrasted month [M]...........(Tcmax): 19.5 (2) First coldest contrasted month [m]...........(Tcmin): 13.1 (2) Estival temperature.............................(Ts): 650 Positive temperature dryest 3 months...........(Tpd): 650 Positive temperature dryest 2 months..........(Tpd2): 449 Positive temperature dryest 1 month...........(Tpd1): 219 Positive temperature warmest 3 months..........(Tps): 680 Positive temperature warmest 2 months.........(Tps2): 460 Positive temperature warmest 1 month..........(Tps1): 230 Positive temperature coldest 3 months..........(Tpw): 477 Positive temperature coldest 2 months.........(Tpw2): 314 Positive temperature coldest 1 month..........(Tpw1): 154 3 TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) Latitude: 28°55’N Longitude: 13°40’W Altitude: 50 m SEASONAL PARAMETERS Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Warmest semester...(Sms) o o o o o o Dryest semester....(Smd) o o o o o o Warmest 4 months...(Cm1) o o o o Dryest 4 months....(Cmd) o o o o Vegetation Activity(Pav) oooooooooooo Ultragelid...[M’<=0](Pf) Hypergelid...[M <=0](Pf) Gelid........[T <=0](Pf) Subgelid.....[m <=0](Pf) Pregelid.....[m’<=0](Pf) Agelid.......[m’> 0](Pf) oooooooooooo HiperAgelid..[all>0](Pf) oooooooooooo TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) Latitude: 28°55’N Longitude: 13°40’W Altitude: 50 m OMBROTHERMIC PARAMETERS Annual aridity index.[PE/P]...................(Iar): 4.14 Mediterranean index of July.[PE/P]............(Im1): No Mediterranean index of July & August..........(Im2): No Mediterranean index of June, July & August....(Im3): 311.22 Months Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Pp(x10) 440 450 350 240 120 20 10 0 0 10 220 320 Tp 160 154 163 173 182 196 201 219 230 230 220 192 Io (Iom) 2.75 2.92 2.15 1.39 0.66 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00 1.67 Seasons Winter Spring Summer Automn Pp(x10)/Tp 1240 / 477 380 / 551 10 / 650 550 / 642 Io (Iot) 2.600 0.690 0.015 0.857 Semesters December−May June−November Pp(x10)/Tp 1620 / 1028 560 / 1292 Io (Iosm) 1.576 0.433 TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) Latitude: 28°55’N Longitude: 13°40’W Altitude: 50 m Aridity Value Index (AVI) [10xPP/TP=IO]: 2180/2320=0.94 There is No Yearly Aridity Months Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Pp [P*10] 440 450 350 240 120 20 10 0 0 10 220 320 Tp [T*10] 160 154 163 173 182 196 201 219 230 230 220 192 Iom [Pp/Tp] 275 292 215 139 66 10 5 0 0 4 100 167 Avm [200−Iom] *** *** *** 61 134 190 195 200 200 196 100 33 Seasons Winter Spring Summer Automn Pp / Tp 1240 / 477 380 / 551 10 / 650 550 / 642 Iot [Pp/Tp] 260 69 2 86 Avs E[Avm<200] *** 385 595 329 Lower ultrahyperarid [5] Upper ultrahyperarid [1] Weak lower arid [1] Strong upper arid [1] Weak upper arid [2] Weak lower semiarid [1] Strong upper semiarid [1] 4 TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) Latitude: 28°55’N Longitude: 13°40’W Altitude: 50 m BIOCLIMATIC INDICES I CI of Supan (1884) [Tmax−Tmin] ..................(Sp): 7.60 CI of Gorezinski (1920) [1.7*Sp/sin(Lat)−20.4] ......: 6.32 CI of Conrad (1946) [1.7*Sp/sin(Lat+10)−14] .........: 6.57 + Hyperoceanic (−20<CI<20) CI of Currey (1974) [CI=Sp/(1+Lat/3)] ...............: 0.71 + Oceanic (0.6<CI<1.1) Rainfall Index of Lang (1925) [R=P/T] ...............: 11.28 + Steppic (40>R>0) Aridity Index of Martonne (1926) [Ia=P/(T+10)] ......: 7.43 + Arid −steppic− (15>Ia>5) I of Emberger (1930) [Q=100*P/(Tmmax²−Tmmin²)] ......: 43.67 + Semiarid (50>Q>30) I of Dantin & Revenga (1940) [DR=100*T/P] ...........: 8.87 + Extremely arid (DR>6) Aridity Index of UNEP [I=P/PE] ......................: 0.24 + Semiarid (0.5>Im>0.2) Potencial Erosion I of Fournier (1960) [K=Pi²/P].....: 9.29 + Very low (K<60) TIAS −LANZAROTE− (ESP LAS PALMAS) Latitude: 28°55’N Longitude: 13°40’W Altitude: 50 m BIOCLIMATIC INDICES II Bioclimatic classification of Gaussen & Bagnouls (1957) + Climate ....: A.
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