San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1950 Special Libraries, 1950s 7-1-1950 Special Libraries, July-August 1950 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1950 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, July-August 1950" (1950). Special Libraries, 1950. Book 6. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1950/6 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1950s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1950 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A COMPREHENSIVE AT LAST!- -- METALLURGICAL INDEX WHAT IT IS: WHAT DO I NEED? The ASM-ALA Metallurgical Litcraturc. First, the booklet containing the classi- Classification is a subdivided outline ot fication proper-essential for all purposes the entire science of metallurgy that pro- . Second, a set of looseleaf worksheets vides a guide to the filing and indexing of which provide capacity for the individual metallurgical literature and data collec- user to expand minor fields, to add new tions. It can be used with standard card subjects, and to develop desired sidelines indexing and literature filing systems or -essential only for the user who wishes with a specially designed punched-card more detail than provided in the existing system. The complete classification outline outline . Third, Punched cards and and instructions for its use are contained punched-card equipment-a new and effi- in a handy 8% x 11 paper-bound booklet, cient bibliography filing method. selling for a dollar. WHERE DO I GET IT? WHO MADE IT: The cla~sification book and the Work- The classification was prepared by a sheets are available from the American joint committee of the American Society Society for Metals, 7301 Euclid 4ve., for Metals and the Special Libraries As- Cleveland, Ohio. The punched cards and sociation. Its authority, accuracy and ccm- punched-card equipment may be purchaped plrteness have been checked by experts in from Lee F. Kollie, Inc., 35 East Wacker all branches of metallurgy. Dr.. Chicago 1, Ill. For further details, write: AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR METALS 7301 Euclid Avenue Cleveland 3, Ohio Library Furniture Available Now! Sectional and Solid Card Cata- log Cabinets -Book Trucks - Magazine Rack-Dictionary Stand-Wall Bulletin Board Sectional Cabinet -Stools-Displayers and other composed of - Standard Library Furniture. Quarter sawed oak in light and 5-Drawer Section dark finish only. Sliding Shelf 15-Drawer Section Expertly made and beautifully Leg Base finished to give years of service! Please Mention Special Libraries When Answering Advertisements THE BLETCHER - ANCHORS CO. Prin ters and PubIishers FIFTHFLOOR . REA BUILDING 704 SECOND AVENUE PITTSBURGH 19, PA. Please Mention Special Libraries When Answering Advertisements Special Libraries OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Copyright 1950 by Special Libraries Association Editor ALMA CLARVOEMITCHILL CONTENTS Editorial Assistant 41 1950 6 MRS.WINIFRED YORK FORWOOD VOLUME JULY-AUGUST NUMBER Advertising Manager MRS. KATHLEENB. STEBBINS ARTICLES Widening Horizons ........ Some Libraries and Library Problems in Finland, Karl Emerik 02soni .... SLA OFFICERS, 1950-1951 The Technical Literature Service in Nor- MRS. ELIZABETHW. OWENS, President way, Gunvor Hannisdal ..... Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Business Libraries in the Netherlands, Trust Co., St. Louis 1, Mo. Gerda M. Van Andel ...... GRIEGASPNES, First Vice- President and President-Elect Special Libraries in Australia, P. Mander Brown & Bigelow Jones ........... St. Paul 4, Minnesota Australian Institute of Librarians, Edith MRS. RUTH PARKS, A. Sims Second Vice-president ........... National Safety Council, Inc. Banco de la Republica Bogota, Elizabeth Chicago 11, Illinois Baugh ........... DONALDWASSON, Treasurer Training for Democracy in the United Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., New York 21, New York States Information Centers, Martha R. Schmidt ........... MRS. KATHLEENB. STEBBINS, Executive Secretary Our New President ........ 31 East Tenth Street New York 3, New York Have You Heard ......... MRS. RUTH H. HOOKER, Immediate Pasf-President Naval Research Laboratory Washington 25, D. C. Indexed in Industrial Arts, Public Affairs Information Service, and Library Literature The articles which appear in SPECIALLIBRA- RIES express the views of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the opinion or the DIRECTORS policy of the editorial staff and publisher. MARGARETHATCH Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. SPECIAI, IJ13RARIES published n~oritlily Senternher to April, San Francisco 20, California wit11 bi-montl~lyissues JIXS to August, by The Special Libraries Association. Publication Oflice, Rea Building, 704 Second Ave., ESTELLEBRODMAN Pittsburgh ID. Pa. Address all colnrnunications for publication U. S. Army Medical Library to ~ditorialoffices at .3l lhst Tenth Street, Ncw York 3, N. Y. Washington 25, D. C. Subscription price : $7.00 n year ; foreign $7.50; single copies. 73 cents. Er~teredax x~cond-classmutter Februar$l 5. 1947, at ROBERTE. GRAYSON the Post OfJicr: ut I'ittshvrgh, Penns~lvania,under the Act of Marc7~3, 1879. Acceptance for n~ailinqat special rate of postagc New York Herald Tribune providtxl for ia the .lct of J'rhraar~98, 1925, authorized E'ebrtc- New York 18, New York or?! 5, 1957 RECOMMEND THESE BOOKS TO YOUR JULY -AUGUST BONDS OF ORGANIZATION An Appraisal of Corporate Human Relations By E. WIGHTBAKKE, Direcfor, Yale Labor and Management Center What are the forces and factors that underly good teamwork within a busi- ness organization? This book reports a pioneering study of a large organization from which emerged a new and basic concept of what the "bonds of organiza- tion" really are. Shedding new light on the dynamics of industrial relations, it is "worthy of a treasured place in the bookshelves of forward-looking industrial relations and personnel executives."-NAM NEWS. $4.00 INDUSTRY'S UNFINISHED BUSINESS Achieving Sound Industrial Relations and Fair Employment By SARA E. SOUTHALL,Formerly Industrial Relations Executive, Interna- tional Harvester Company. Foreword by FOWLERMCCORMICK. How to get such minority groups as Negroes into harmonious working adjustment with other employees is becoming increasingly important to sound personnel practice. In detailing the policy which has been successfully em- ployed in numerous companies toward this end, this book makes "an out- standing contribution to the history of industrial relations and to the cause of fair employment in the United S~~~~S."-LAWRENCEA. APPLEY, President, American Management Association, Inc. $2.50 PUBLIC RELATIONS IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY By Lours B. LUNDBORG,Vice President, The Bank of America "The best book on Public Relations which this observer has seen up to now."-ALVIN E. DODD,Honorary President, American Management Associa- tion. A frequently neglected but essential aspect of good public relations is here fully considered for the first time. The author explains why any organi- zation stands to profit from a "good neighbor policy" in its local community, and gives numerous specific examples of how such a policy can be put into practice. $3.00 BUSINESS LETTERS Third Revised Edition By WALTERK. SMART,Emeritus Professor of English, and Lours WILLIAM MCKELVEY,Professor of Business Writing, Northwestern University A new revision of one of the most successful and effective books of its kind available. Incorporating much new illustrative material, the book explains in detail the basic principles and forms for every kind of business correspondence, and contains hundreds of sample letters representing the best practice of progressive firms. "A complete and modem guide to the writing of all types of business letters."-PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY. $5.00 AT YOUR BOOKSTORE OR FROM HARPER & BROTHERS 49 East 33rd st. ~ewYork 16, N. Y. rcb Please Mention Special Libraries When Answering Advertisements Widening Horizons The present lnternational Relations Committee of Special Li- braries Association can report that its major activity - that of acquainting special librarians in foreign countries with the aims, techniques and accomplishments of SLA and its membership has definitely been accomplished. One of the results of this accomplishment was seen last year when the July-August issue of SPECIAL LIBRARIES was devoted exclusively to articles of an international character. Our foreign colleagues responded so generously at that time to requests for material that lack of space precluded the publication of all that was received. This material was considered too interesting and too informative to be discarded, however, and accordingly, a second international issue was planned. The lnternational Relations Committee has for some time an- ticipated the possibility of taking part in or promoting some formal plan that will bring groups of working librarians from specialized fields to this country. Such a congress could make an invaluable contribution to an enlarged and more unified concept of special librarianship. It is hoped that this idea will take tangible form in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, the Chairman of the lnternational Relations Committee and the Editor of SPECIAL LIBRARIES take
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