and J. Pniewski (1969), M. Miesowicz and J. Gierula (1970) and L. Sosnow- Polish Physical Society ski (1972). Honorary members of the Polish Physical Society have been, among H. Checinska, General Secretary others, Maria Sklodowska Curie, Irene and Frideric Joliot-Curie. The living The Polish Physical Society (Polskie the German Democratic Republic. honorary members of the Polish Phy­ Towarzystwo Fizyczne) was founded The Polish Physical Society pub­ sical Society are : W. Rubinowicz, in 1919. Its seat is in Warsaw and lishes some periodicals. The perma­ A. Jablonski, A. Hastier and S. Mro- there are 15 regional branches nent organ of the Society Postepy zowski, who, in 1970, made a gift throughout Poland. The greatest and Fizyki is devoted to the diffusion of of many books and scientific pe­ the oldest are branches in Krakow, the knowledge of physics all over riodicals to the Society library, which Poznan and Warsaw. After the Second Poland. It Is edited in the Polish lan­ was opened in 1972 in Toruh. World War, there came into existence, guage every two months. The second The Polish Physical Society has in the chronological order, the bran­ periodical is Acta Physica Polonica, been an Ordinary Member of the Euro­ ches in Gdansk, Wroclaw, Lublin, printed in foreign languages and pean Physical Society since 1972. The Lodz, Toruh, Szczecin, Gliwice, Bia- edited by the Society jointly with the delegates to the Council of EPS are lystok, Opole, Katowice, Koszalin and Physical Institute of the Polish Aca­ M. Miesowicz, J. Kolodziejczak and Rzeszow, cities which have Univer­ demy of Sciences. The third journal, H. Checinska. sities or other institutions of higher a quarterly Reports on Mathematical education. The main objective of the Physics is edited jointly by the Polish Computational Physics Polish Physical Society is to pursue Physical Society and the Institute of Group and propagate physics and related Physics, Nicholas Copernicus Univer­ The Proceedings of the First Euro­ fields of science, taking into consider­ sity In Toruh. The two last journals pean Conference on Computational ation their didactics, history and appli­ are devoted to the publication of the Physics, organized by the EPS Inter- cations. Among its other activities, the original scientific works and articles. divisional Group at CERN, 10-14 April Society arranges scientific meetings In the second half of 1973, the Polish 1972, have been published with the and debates, lectures, exhibitions and Physical Society intends to publish title The Impact of Computers on competitions, and organizes summer jointly with the Polish Mathematical Physics. The volume was edited by schools in physics. The general Society a new periodical Delta, in­ G.R. MacLeod and is available from meeting of the Society is called every tended to stimulate the interest of North-Holland Publishing Company, second year. In 1973 it will be held young people in physics and mathe­ P.O.Box 1270, Amsterdam, The Nether­ between 4-7 September in Krakow, matics. Jointly with the Polish Aca­ lands. the seat of one of the oldest Univer­ demy of Sciences, the Polish Physi­ sities in Europe. The Society also cal Society edits in foreign languages, holds conferences specifically intended a series of books Polish Men of THE PROPERTIES for physics teachers, as well as Science devoted to outstanding Polish OF lectures for young students, presenting scientists who have passed away. advances in recent research work. The Polish Physical Society arranges LIQUID METALS Since 1951, the Polish Physical the exchange of scientists between Society has held yearly competitions Poland and other countries and the edited by in Physics, called Physics Olympics, delegates abroad who represent the Sakae Takeuchi in which all secondary-school students Society. Every year, about 25 scien­ Proceedings of the Second International Conference held In may take part. The principal aims of tists come to Poland from Bulgaria, Tokyo, 3-8 September 1972 the Olympics are the following : to Hungary, Czechoslovakia and the stimulate the interest of young German Democratic Republic. people in physics, to increase their At present, the Society has 1480 Contents knowledge of physics and to de­ members. The present Executive Com­ Structure of Liquid Metals velop their abilities, to select the most mittee elected in 1970 is a follows : and Alloys talented students, to encourage them President : W. Rubinowicz ; Vice-Pre­ Electronic States and Electronic to enter science departments of col­ Transport Properties sidents : A. Jablonski and A. Traut- Thermodynamic Properties of leges or universities and to guide man ; General Secretary : H. Checin- Liquid Metals and Alloys them into careers suited to their abi­ ska ; Treasurer : K. Rosinski ; Editors: Atomic Transport Properties in lities. There are approximately 2000 Z. Zielinski and W. Czyz ; and four Liquid Metals and Alloys students participating in these Olym­ more members : J. Auleytner ; K. Lel- Melting Phenomena of Metals pics every year. Several of the win­ bler ; M. Suffczynski and J. Petykle- ners of the competitions have achieved wlcz. considerable success in science and Each year, the Polish Physical So­ 84 papers 16 abstracts xxiv + 646 pages technology. ciety awards several prizes in reco­ illustrated cloth Although only a small number of gnition of major contributions to phy­ 0 85066 065 3 students eventually become winners, sics in Poland, as well as prizes for there are no losers, for each student the physics teachers. The most dis­ £ 12.00 net derives benefit from competing in the tinguished award of the Society is the Olympics : he Increases his know­ Marian Smoluchowski Medal. M. Smo- TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD ledge and skills in physics. The first luchowski, a famous Polish scientist, five winners may take part in the lived from 1872 to 1917. This medal London ‘International Physics Olympics’ organ­ has been awarded to W. Rubinowicz ized by Czechoslovakia, Hungary and (1967), A. Jablonski (1968), M. Danysz 3.
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