Your Hometown Week in Review . FEBRUARY 11, 2019 SHERIDAN | NOBLESVILLE | CICERO | ARCADIA | ATLANTA | WESTFIELD | CARMEL | FISHERS Hamilton County Your Hometown Week In Review www.ReadTheReporter.com Reporter Facebook.com/HamiltonCountyReporter Numerous officers receive awards for valor, saving lives . Carmel mayor’s Noblesville Police award trash used for political agenda NWMS staff for bravery The REPORTER “The mayor attended The REPORTER The Reporter has learned an event and I mailed him a The Noblesville Po- a handwritten thank you note handwritten thank you note,” lice Department present- was taken from Carmel May- Aasen said. “I make it a policy ed three medals of valor, or Jim Brainard’s to send handwrit- four lifesaving awards, a trash, which was ten notes to anyone Purple Heart medal and on private proper- who attends my distinguished citizen ser- ty, not on the curb events.” vice awards to Noblesville for collection. While May- West Middle School staff A note ex- or Brainard was at an awards ceremony on pressing thanks unavailable for Thursday. for the mayor’s comment Friday Noblesville West Mid- attendance at a afternoon, Allan dle School teacher Jason campaign event Sutherlin, retired Seaman and school nurse for Adam Aasen, Brainard campaign advisor Megan Schlueter were giv- candidate for Car- and long-time po- en the NPD’s Distinguished mel City Council, Southeast litical consultant to Brainard, Citizen Service Award for District, was posted on so- was available. their heroic actions on May cial media at approximately Sutherlin said he saw the 25. This award is the highest 9 a.m. Friday morning. original note while visiting honor the police department Aasen told The Reporter Mayor Brainard at his home can bestow to a civilian. the note was intended to ex- Sunday evening. Sutherlin The department also dis- Photo provided press support for the mayor’s also confirmed that this is not tinguished school resource (From left) Noblesville West Middle School teacher Jason Seaman, school re-election campaign and did only a matter of going through officers Patrolman Michael nurse Megan Schlueter and school resource officer Mike Steffen were not indicate he would unilat- someone’s garbage but of al- Steffen and Sgt. Andrew recognized at the Noblesville Police Department’s awards ceremony on Feb. 7. erally support all Brainard’s legedly trespassing to do so. Reiss by awarding them vehicle approximately 130 Medal of Valor Lifesaving Award policies, which is what the with the Lifesaving Award feet into the pond that was social media poster indicated. See Trash . Page A2 for outstanding police per- beginning to sink. The air Lt. Jason Voyak Det. April Kline & formance in the saving of a temperature on this particu- On Oct. 23, 2018, Voyak Patrolman Corey McGriff human life on May 25. lar evening was 36 degrees was the first to arrive on the On March 11, 2016, Additional awards pre- and the water temperature scene of a residential fire Kline and McGriff, along sented include: was estimated to be approxi- in the 300 block of Great with several other NPD offi- Commissioners mately 40 degrees. The offi- Lakes Drive. He could im- cers, responded to a residen- Medal of Valor mediately see smoke com- tial fire in the 1000 block of Master Patrolman cers removed their duty gear and began to swim towards ing from the apartment and Watermead Drive. As smoke hire new 9-1-1 Matthew Johnston & could hear someone moan- and open flames had con- Sgt. Jordan Granger the vehicle. Once there, both offi- ing inside. Voyak found that sumed the front door area The officers demonstrat- cers worked to breakout the the front door was unlocked of the apartment, Kline and Comms Director ed heroism in the face of rear window and to remove but was overwhelmed by McGriff proceeded to the The REPORTER ber of the statewide 9-1-1 danger on Nov. 11, 2018, the driver from the vehicle. smoke after opening it. He rear of the apartment where The Hamilton Coun- Board Training Standards when they responded to the The three were assisted back then got into a crawling po- they heard a person inside ty Commissioners have Committee and serves as 5500 block of East 146th to the shore with the assis- sition, made entry into the coughing. McGriff used his announced the hiring of At-Large Vice President Street in reference to a mo- tance of the fire department, apartment, located the vic- baton to break a nearby win- Jeffrey Schem- for the Indiana tor vehicle crash. transported to area hospi- tim just inside the doorway dow and both officers pulled mer as the new Chapter Na- Once on the scene, John- tals and treated for signs and was able to pull the vic- the victim through the win- 9-1-1 Commu- tional Emer- ston and Granger observed a of hypothermia. tim to safety outside. dow to safety. nications Cen- gency Number Purple Heart Medal ter Director. Association. Schemmer Master Patrolman Schemmer has received Jason McDermott comes to Ham- ilton County certifications On May 19, 2015, the from Monroe from Nation- NPD responded to the al Emergency 17900 block of Phillips County where Number As- Drive in Noblesville in ref- he served as Schemmer erence to a complaint of Communi- sociation as a theft from vehicles. Officers cation Manager for the Certified Manager and arrived a short time later Monroe County Central Association of Public and encountered the alleged Emergency Dispatch Safety Communications suspect in the parking lot. Center. Officials as a Certified During the investigative Prior to his appoint- Communications Train- process, a struggle ensued ment as Monroe Coun- ing Officer. as Master Patrolman Jason ty’s Communication Di- Schemmer fills the Artistic rendering provided McDermott was attempt- rector, Schemmer served county’s vacant Com- The future home of Miller Auto Care will be at 969 N. Range Line Road. ing to place the suspect into as training officer, public munication Director spot custody. Master Patrolman safety telecommunica- after Mike Snowden McDermott sustained mul- tor and as an EMT for resigned to accept a po- tiple fractures to his right Bloomington Hospital sition as City Admin- Carmel works to redevelop leg requiring an extensive Services. istrator for the city of recovery and rehabilitation Schemmer is a mem- O’Fallon, Mo. parcel for Miller Auto Care period. The REPORTER “The improvements of the property where Mill- The Carmel Redevelop- we continue to make along er Auto Care currently sits. Deceased had not been seen since early November . ment Commission (CRC) Range Line Road between Based on financial estimates has announced plans to part- 136th Street and Clay Ter- by the Carmel Redevelop- ner with Old Town Compa- race have allowed us to ment Commission, the an- Body of man recovered nies on a $3 million project create a beautiful new lo- nual property tax revenue to redevelop a parcel along cation for this business that from this Midtown parcel north Range Line Road into has been family owned is expected to increase from from pond near Sheridan the future home of Miller and operated in Carmel for $8,737 (in 2018) to about Auto Care and acquire the more than 50 years,” said $120,000 annually once a The REPORTER black shorts and a black call of a suspicious person land where Miller currently Mayor Jim Brainard. “This new mixed-use project is On Thursday, Hamil- hooded shirt. matching the description operates. The long-anticipat- will allow Miller Auto completed. ton County Sheriff’s Office An autopsy of the de- was reported later the same ed move by Miller is the re- Care to improve their ser- “In the big picture, this deputies were notified of ceased male was conducted day in the 2800 block of sult of the city’s long-range vices to customer with a move will help us finalize a body located in a pond on Friday. Utilizing sev- West 246th Street. Sheri- plan to bring new redevelop- new and possibly expanded the last piece of the puzzle in the 2400 block of West eral identifiers including dan Police were unable to ment and private investment service center.” for this part of our Midtown 246th Street near Sheri- clothing, fingerprint char- locate the suspicious per- into the Midtown area – a Previously, Miller al- transformation,” said CRC dan. The deceased person acteristics and tattoos, the son on that date but it is be- multi-story, mixed use proj- lowed the city to build Elm Director Henry Mestetsky. was found face down in partially decomposed body lieved the reported person ect that will generate more Street and the roundabout Keith Stockberger, own- the water surrounded by ice was identified as John Paul was Waters. Waters had not commercial tax revenue for at Range Line Road and er of Miller Auto Care, said and appeared to have been Dawson Waters, 25, Sher- been seen by anyone since the City of Carmel for gen- Elm/4th Street SE on its he was happy to be part of in the water for an extend- idan. No signs of trauma early November. erations to come. property. Construction of a project that will allow him ed period. A Sheridan po- or apparent foul play were Anyone with informa- Miller Auto Care plans Elm Street was a vital part to serve his customers for lice officer found the body noted in the autopsy. Toxi- tion on the incident is asked to move its business to 969 of the Monon Expansion many years to come. while checking the prop- cology tests were conduct- to contact Sheriff’s Office N. Range Line Road where project and for Midtown “We are excited to be a erty for owners who were ed with results pending at detectives through Hamil- it can remain in the central projects such as the future part of the new improve- out of town.
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