Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Community Relations 367 Cultural 371 Overseas Aid 376 Religious, Educational 378 Social, Mutual Benefit 396 Social Welfare 398 Zionist and Pro-Israel 401 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations 409 Women's Organizations 410 Youth and Student Organizations 411 COMMUNITY RELATIONS to the State of Israel as self-segregating, inconsistent with American constitutional AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM (1943). concepts of individual citizenship and sep- 298 Fifth Ave., NYC 10001. (212)947- aration of church and state, and as being a 8878. Bd. Chmn. Clarence L. Coleman, Jr.; principal obstacle to Middle East peace. Pres. Alan V. Stone. Seeks to advance the Report. universal principles of a Judaism free of nationalism, and the national, civic, cultu- AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). In- ral, and social integration into American stitute of Human Relations, 165 E. 56 St., institutions of Americans of Jewish faith. NYC 10022. (212)751-4000. Pres. Theo- Issues of the American Council for Juda- dore Ellenoff; Exec. V.-Pres. David M. ism; Special Interest Report. Gordis. Seeks to prevent infraction of civil AMERICAN JEWISH ALTERNATIVES TO and religious rights of Jews in any part of ZIONISM, INC. (1968). 501 Fifth Ave., the world; to advance the cause of human Suite 1600, NYC 10017. (212)557-5410. rights for people of all races, creeds, and Pres. Elmer Berger; V.-Pres. Mrs. Arthur nationalities; to interpret the position of Gutman. Applies Jewish values of justice Israel to the American public; and to help and humanity to the Arab-Israel conflict in American Jews maintain and enrich their the Middle East; rejects nationality attach- Jewish identity and, at the same time, ment of Jews, particularly American Jews, achieve full integration in American life; 'The information in this directory is based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. 367 368 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1987 includes Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Center and those working in other areas of Jewish for Human Relations, William E. Wiener communal service. Quarterly newsletter. Oral History Library, Leonard and Rose Sperry International Center for the Reso- CENTER FOR JEWISH COMMUNITY STUDIES lution of Group Conflict. AMERICAN JEW- (1970). 1017 Gladfelter Hall, Temple Uni- ISH YEAR BOOK (with Jewish Publication versity, Philadelphia, PA 19122. (215)787- Society); Commentary; Present Tense; AJC 1459. Jerusalem office: Jerusalem Center Journal; The Washington Report. Pub- for Public Affairs. Pres. Daniel J. Elazar. lished in Israel: Tefutsot Yisrael, a quar- Worldwide policy-studies institute devoted terly, and Alon Yedi'ot, a monthly bulletin to the study of Jewish community organi- of the Institute on American Jewish-Israeli zation, political thought, and public affairs, Relations. past and present, in Israel and throughout the world. Publishes original articles, es- AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1918). Ste- says, and monographs; maintains library, phen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 St., archives, and reprint series. Jerusalem Let- NYC 10028. (212)879-4500. Pres. Theo- ter/Viewpoints; Survey of Arab Affairs; Ig- dore R. Mann; Exec. Dir. Henry Siegman. geret. Works to foster the creative cultural sur- vival of the Jewish people; to help Israel COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ACTION OF RE- develop in peace, freedom, and security; to FORM JUDAISM (1953, under the auspices eliminate all forms of racial and religious of the Union of American Hebrew Congre- bigotry; to advance civil rights, protect gations). 838 Fifth Ave., NYC 10021. civil liberties, defend religious freedom, (212)249-0100. Chmn. Harris Gilbert; Dir. and safeguard the separation of church and Albert Vorspan; Assoc. Dir. David Saper- state. Congress Monthly; Judaism; Boycott stein. Develops materials to assist Reform Report; National Report. synagogues in setting up social-action pro- grams relating the principles of Judaism to ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI contemporary social problems; assists con- B'RITH (1913). 823 United Nations Plaza, gregations in studying the moral and reli- NYC 10017. (212)490-2525. Chmn. Bur- gious implications in social issues such as ton S. Levinson; Dir. Nathan Perlmutter. civil rights, civil liberties, church-state re- Seeks to combat anti-Semitism and to se- lations; guides congregational social-action cure justice and fair treatment for all citi- committees. Briefings. zens through law, education, and commu- nity relations. ADL Bulletin; Face to Face; COMMITTEE TO BRING NAZI WAR CRIMI- Fact Finding Report; International Reports; NALS TO JUSTICE IN U.S.A., INC. (1973). Law Notes; Rights; Law; Research and 135 W. 106 St., NYC 10025. (212)866- Evaluation Report; Discriminations Report; 0692. Pres. Charles H. Kremer; Treas. Al- Litigation Docket; Dimensions; Middle bert Sigal; Sec. Paul Schwarzbaum. Com- East Notebook; Nuestro Encuentro. piles and publicizes records of Nazi atrocities and labors to bring to justice the ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH CENTER WORK- perpetrators of those crimes. Remains ERS (1918). 15 E. 26 St., Suite 1302, NYC committed to preserving the memory of all 10010. (212)532-4949. Pres. Allan Just; victims of the Holocaust, and actively op- Admin. Dir. Lois Carol Schlar. Seeks to poses anti-Semitism wherever and however enhance the standards, techniques, prac- it is found. tices, scope, and public understanding of Jewish Community Center and kindred CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS OF MAJOR agency work. Kesher; Viewpoints. AMERICAN JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS (1955). 515 Park Ave., NYC 10022. (212)- ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RE- 752-1616. Chmn. Morris B. Abram; Exec. LATIONS WORKERS (1950). 155 Fifth Ave., Dir. Malcolm Hoenlein. Coordinates the NYC 10010. (212)533-7800. Pres. Muriel activities of 40 major American Jewish or- Berman; Exec. Dir. Ann Plutzer. Aims to ganizations as they relate to American- stimulate higher standards of professional Israeli affairs and problems affecting Jews practice in Jewish community relations; in other lands. Annual report; Middle East encourages research and training toward Memo. that end; conducts educational programs and seminars; aims to encourage coopera- CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH OR- tion between community relations workers GANIZATIONS-CCJO (1946). 135 William NATIONAL JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS / 369 St., NYC 10038. (212)349-0537. Cochmn. works with the AFL-CIO and others to Clemens Nathan, Joseph Nuss, Adolphe combat all forms of racial and religious Steg; V.-Chmn. Arnold Franco; Sec-Gen. discrimination in the United States and Moses Moskowitz. A nongovernmental or- abroad; furthers labor support for Israel's ganization in consultative status with the security and Soviet Jewry, and Jewish com- UN, UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF, and the munal support for labor's social and eco- Council of Europe; cooperates and con- nomic programs; supports Yiddish cultu- sults with, advises and renders assistance ral institutions. JLC Review. to the Economic and Social Council of the UN on all problems relating to human , NATIONAL TRADE UNION COUNCIL rights and economic, social, cultural, edu- FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (1956). Atran Center cational, and related matters pertaining to for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 21 St., NYC Jews. 10010. (212)477-0707. Chmn. Sol Hoff- man; Exec. Sec. Martin Lapan. Works COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGAN- with trade unions on programs and issues IZATIONS (1947). 1640 Rhode Island Ave., affecting both labor and the Jewish com- NW, Washington, DC 20036. (202)857- munity. 6545. Pres. Gerald Kraft (B'nai B'rith), Leonard Kopelowitz (Board of Deputies of , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1947). British Jews), David K. Mann (South Afri- Atran Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 21 can Jewish Board of Deputies); Exec. V.- St., NYC 10010. (212)477-0707. Natl. Pres. Daniel Thursz (U.S.); Dir. Internat'l. Chmn. Eleanor Schachner. Supports the Council Warren Eisenberg. As an organi- general activities of the Jewish Labor Com- zation in consultative status with the Eco- mittee; provides secondary-school and col- nomic and Social Council of the UN, lege scholarships for needy Israeli stu- represents the three constituents (B'nai dents; participates in educational and B'rith, the Board of Deputies of British cultural activities. Jews, and the South African Jewish Board , WORKMEN'S CIRCLE DIVISION OF of Deputies) in the appropriate UN bodies (1939). Atran Center for Jewish Culture, for the purpose of promoting human 25 E. 21 St., NYC 10010. (212)477-0707. rights, with special attention to combating Promotes aims of, and raises funds for, the persecution or discrimination on grounds Jewish Labor Committee among the of race, religion, or origin. Workmen's Circle branches; conducts COUNCIL OF JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS IN Yiddish educational and cultural activities. CIVIL SERVICE, INC. (1948). 45 E. 33 St., JEWISH PEACE FELLOWSHIP (1941). Box NYC 10016. (212)689-2015. Pres. Louis 271, Nyack, NY 10960. (914)358-4601. Weiser. Supports merit system; encourages Pres. Naomi Goodman. Unites those who recruitment of Jewish youth to govern- believe that Jewish ideals and experience ment service; member of Coalition to Free provide inspiration for a nonviolent philos- Soviet Jews, NY Jewish Community Rela- ophy and way of life; offers draft counsel- tions Council, NY Metropolitan Coor- ing, especially for conscientious objection dinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Jew- based on Jewish "religious training and be- ish Labor Committee,
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