N- N- N- TREE ! TREE ! TREE ! OUtlINE VS. FIll BRICKS AND TREES FROM THE GROUND UP FABRIC TRANSFORMATION BUILDING BLOCKS TOGETHER Our goal is to organize, coordinate and capitalize on Newark’s social capital Just as a strong family network is the building block of a community, the brick “When we come together there’s nothing we can’t create.” not just to build one-off “Gateways” on its periphery, but to transform its and the tree are the building blocks of the city. Newark is still known as Brick —Mayor Cory A. Booker interior social and urban fabric. Newark can’t be defined by an outline or city. Not just because it’s made of brick but because of the admirable way disparate “points of entry” because its edge is too diffuse to remember, and Newark turned the arrangement of a simple module and hard work into a The building blocks of Newark are bricks, trees and people. Arranging brick because many of its key gateways happen inside the city. Newark is bordered city. We propose the introduction of a second building block, the tree and after brick builds a city, planting tree after tree initially creates a line of by diverse conditions and is diverse inside, so it’s a bit hard to know when you an inspirational plan on how to build with it. Using the tree as a new build- trees, then a field of lines identifying and beautifying Newark. In light of have arrived. To strengthen its identity, Newark needs definition and presence ing block, Newark citizens and local businesses and communities can improve today’s economy and municipal budget cuts, N-Tree provides a framework of and place. What makes a place? A place is defined by its people, its built their environment, increase the value of their city, and put Newark on the map understanding that can bring together public investment & private initiatives, fabric, and its spirit. Our proposal is a green framework that will give as the resilient and inventive city it is. The goal is not to replace bricks with community improvement groups & citizens, after-school programs & activities, definition to Newark’s fabric. In a city without edges, it can best be defined trees, the urban with the natural, but to strike a balance where one improves contractors & job seekers, creating the most powerful urban gesture of all: through a “fill” condition that reinforces historic geometries and new scales the other, bringing communities together and creating jobs and local pride an invested, activated community. of movement. How can we do this collectively, cheaply, together? Let’s get in the process. The “tree-ways” that will line Newark’s roads, cross its empty back to basics! The simplest way to mark a place is to organize planted form. spaces, and connect its important sites, will act as both gateways to the city That is our proposal: N-Tree. and as a recognizable symbol of The City of Newark. SCAPE & MTWTF KATE ORFF, GLEN CUMMINGS, DANIELA SERNA, JIN YEOUL JUNG, LI-CHI WANG, JOSHUA HEARN AND KAROL MUNOZ ACTIVATING COMMUNITY THE N-TREE HAND GESTURE ROUTE MARKERS www.thisisnewark.org This is This city is looking clean and green. Newark 1H86A:3 I=>H>HC:L6G@86BE6<>C GREEN NEWARK HOW WE DOING? GREEN EVENT I:GG6C #GDJI:#B6E LOCAL GROUP <[X)Ced(&0)/0*, HOW TO PARTISPATE IN SCHEDULE 8>IN>C;DGB6I>DC 8deng^\]i'%%)"'%%.8^ind[CZlVg`!C?#6aag^\]ihgZhZgkZY#.'%7gdVYHigZZi!CZlVg`!C?%,&%'.,(,(("+)%% This is INFO CENTER Bring the Green This is How to POLICE into Our City Newark Plant? 1. Planting the Containerized Tree 2. Mulching and Staking the Tree LOCAL CHAT - for trees on flat or sloped ground GREEN CCTV TWTF CZlVg`^hCZl?ZghZnÉhaVg\ZhiX^in!l^i]VedejaVi^dcd[ ➊ 8gZViZVbjaX]g^c\VgdjcYi]ZigZZVcYV PARK Veegdm^bViZan',*!%%%VcY^hVahdi]Zi]^gYdaYZhiX^in^ci]Z ("+Ç]^\]hd^aVcYbjaX]WZgbVii]ZZY\Z ROUTE Jc^iZYHiViZhl^i]bdgZi]Vc((%nZVghd[]^hidgn!hjgeVhhZYWn d[i]ZeaVci^c\]daZ!eVgi^XjaVgandci]Z dcanCZlNdg`VcY7dhidc# Ydlc]^aah^YZ#@ZZebjaX]VlVn[gdb MOVIE i]Zigjc`# M CZlVg`^hadXViZY&(b^aZhhdji]lZhid[B^YidlcBVc]ViiVc# CZlVg`>ciZgcVi^dcVa6^gedgiCZl?ZghZnIjgce^`Z ...just a little bit more soil... >ciZgX]Vc\Zh&(6&)^hi]ZXadhZhiV^gedgiidBVc]ViiVcVcY ^hVahdVbdc\i]ZcVi^dcÉhWjh^Zhi#BVcnV^ga^cZh!^cXajY^c\ 8dci^cZciVa!jhZCZlVg`Vhi]Z^g]jWV^gedgi#=dlZkZg!i]ZgZ^h ➊ 9^\igZZeaVci^c\]daZidYZei]d[gddi My school helped plant these. bjX]bdgZidCZlVg`i]Vc_jhii]ZV^gedgi# WVaahdi]Vii]Zigjc`[aVgZ^haZkZal^i] & dg^\^cVa\gVYZ#:mXVkViZ]daZ'"(i^bZh i]Zl^Yi]d[i]ZgddiWVaaY^VbZiZg# I]gdj\]i]ZnZVgh!CZlVg`]VhWZZcedgigVnZYVhVYn^c\X^in! l^i]djiV[jijgZ#Cdi]^c\^h[jgi]Zg[gdbi]Zigji]#CZlVg` ➋ Gdj\]Zci]ZZY\Zhd[i]Z]daZ# E idYVn^hZmeZg^ZcX^c\VgZcV^hhVcXZVcY^hV\V^cVhhZgi^c\^ih edh^i^dcVhVYncVb^XX^inl^i]VWg^\]i[jijgZV]ZVY#CZl ➌ 8VgZ[jaangZbdkZi]ZigZZÉhgddiWVaa [gdbi]ZXdciV^cZg!VcYjciVc\aZVcY YZkZadebZci^hedee^c\jei]gdj\]djii]ZYdlcidlcVgZV!Vh egjcZVcnX^gXa^c\gddih# i]ZhigZZihVgZXaZVcVcYhV[Z!Wjh^cZhhZhVgZbdk^c\WVX`id P H>I:B6EqH:8JG>IN6C9EG>K68NEDA>8N8deng^\]i'%%)"'%%.8^ind[CZlVg`!C?#6aag^\]ihgZhZgkZY#.'%7gdVYHigZZi!CZlVg`!C?%,&%'.,(,(("+)%% i]ZX^in!VcYVcZlWVh`ZiWVaaVcY]dX`ZnVgZcV]Vh_jhiWZZc XdbeaZiZY# ➋ 9ZX^YZ^[hiV`ZhVgZcZXZhhVgnid]Zaei]Z CZlVg`^hi]Z<ViZlVnidCZl?ZghZnÅi]Z[^cVcX^Va! igZZgZbV^cjeg^\]i#>[hd!Yg^kZhiV`Zh XdbbZgX^Va!igVchedgiVi^dc!VcYXjaijgVacjXaZjhd[i]Z<VgYZc ild[ZZiYZZe^cidi]Zhd^aVii]ZZY\Zd[ i]Z]daZ# PLANTING PARTIES HiViZ!VcY^hi]Z]dbZd[LZZfjV]^X<da[8djghZVcYi]Z 8]Zggn7adhhdb;Zhi^kVaVi7gVcX]7gdd`EVg`# ➌ HZXjgZigZZigjc`l^i]igZZi^Zl^i]Vi aZVhiV+Çl^YZaddehcj\\anVgdjcYi]Z CZlVg`d[[ZghVg^X]kVg^Zind[fjVa^inZciZgiV^cbZci!Y^c^c\! igZZigjc`"i^ZYl^i]Vcdc"ha^ee^c\`cdi# XjaijgZ!VcYhedgih#L^i]i]ZYZkZadebZcid[i]ZIgV^c"id"EaVcZ! ➍ HiV`Zhh]djaYWZgZbdkZYV[iZgdcZnZVg#SCA CZlVg`cdlWdVhihdcZd[i]ZbdhihigZVba^cZYigVchedgiVi^dc hnhiZbh^ci]ZldgaY# ➍ <ZcianadlZgi]ZigZZ^cidXZciZgd[ LZlZaXdbZndjidXdbZhZZVaai]ZÆCZlÇCZlVg`]Vhidd[[Zg# i]Z]daZhdi]Vii]Zigjc`[aVgZ^hVidg ha^\]ianVWdkZi]Zdg^\^cVa\gVYZ#7VX` [^aa&$(d[i]Z]daZl^i]dg^\^cVahd^aid This is hiVW^a^oZgddiWVaaVcY`ZZeigZZjeg^\]i# Cory A. Booker, Mayor ➎ 8dbeaZiZanWVX`[^aa]daZl^i]dg^\^cVa hd^aVcYVYYhd^aVbZcYbZci^[cZZYZY# 1H86A:3 6YYhd^aidi]ZYdlc]^aah^YZid]ZaeaZkZa NewarkTREE I.D TAGS i]Zhd^aVgZVVgdjcYi]ZigZZ# I=>H>HC:L6G@86BE6<>C GREEN NEWARK HOW WE DOING? <[X)Ced(&0)/0*, GREEN EVENT I:GG6C #GDJI:#B6E CZlVg`7jhIgVchedgi LOCAL GROUP HZaZXiGdjiZDgVc\ZA^cZh HOW TO PARTISPATE IN GdjiZHZaZXiZY/ SCHEDULE 8,) HZaZXiHidehDgVc\Z8^gXaZh 8>IN>C;DGB6I>DC 7dVgY^c\HideHZaZXiZY/ LVh]^c\idcHi5GZXidg6kZ INFO CENTER CZmiHX]ZYjaZY6gg^kVa/ POLICE '%/&*/%% LOCAL CHAT 8,) 9ZWdVgY^c\HideHZaZXiZY/ GddhZkZai9g5I]^gYHi GREEN CCTV 6ci^X^eViZY6gg^kVa/ PARK '%/'+/%% ROUTE MOVIE TREE LINES GDJI: H>I:B6EqH:8JG>IN6C9EG>K68NEDA>8N8deng^\]i'%%)"'%%.8^ind[CZlVg`!C?#6aag^\]ihgZhZgkZY#.'%7gdVYHigZZi!CZlVg`!C?%,&%'.,(,(("+)%% COMMUNITY TOOLS LZaXdbZ!@ViZ River Bank Town Green News The N-Tree project is supported by a public an understanding of a legible and inter-connected Branch Brook Park This is 8ADH: Newark 7ajZ8gdhh7ajZH]^ZaYYZY^XViZhigZZ awareness campaign and is integrated into ongoing Newark helps create a city that is nurturing, Vi8]^aY9ZkZadebZci8ZciZg lll#i]^h^hcZlVg`#dg\ I=>H>HC:L6G@86BE6><C GREEN NEWARK This is HOW WE DOING? Branch Brook Park I:GG6C #GDJI:#B6E city management initiatives. The Planning healthy and empowering. A simplified map, which Newark GREEN EVENT NJPAC University Height LOCAL GROUP HOW TO PARTICIPATE Fairmount Department will provide the framework, Parks shows phase one of Newark’s N-Tree installations SCHEDULE Cemetery ➌ Highway Line Four Corners University Height NJPAC Downtown 8>IN>C;DGB6I>DC River Bank Park Ironbound INFO CENTER Four Corners and Grounds will provide the “raw material” and will be integrated into the city’s existing trans- LPCCD Downtown POLICE River Bank Park Newark Symphony Hall LPCCD Ironbound TOWN Newark Symphony Hall HZeiZbWZg'+!'%%.ÅGZegZhZciVi^kZhd[7ajZ8gdhh 1H86A:3 LPCCD LPCCD 7ajZH]^ZaY_d^cZYbZbWZghd[I]ZJc^kZgh^ind[ GREEN CCTV planting guidelines. The citizens of Newark will portation and identity materials. A new website CZlVg`VcYI]ZJc^kZgh^ind[CZlVg`HnhiZbXdbbj" PARK c^i^Zh[dgi]Z[dgbVaYZY^XVi^dcd[VcdV`igZZVii]Z ROUTE 8]^aY9ZkZadebZci8ZciZgÉh8dbVaHigZZiadXVi^dc#I]Z igZZlVhYdcViZYWn7ajZ8gdhh7ajZH]^ZaYZVga^Zg^c MOVIE i]ZnZVgVhV\ZhijgZd[i]Vc`hidi]Zjc^kZgh^in[dg provide the starting point, and private compa- and PDA application, “Tree Tracker”, will foster Æ\d^c\eVeZgaZhhÇl^i]^ih]ZVai]^chjgVcXZXaV^bh# Weequahic nies, local contractors, businesses will join in to outreach and understanding of the larger Park Newark Airport build the planting stock up over time. Fostering project. IDLC H>I:B6EqH:8JG>IN6C9EG>K68NEDA>8N8deng^\]i'%%)"'%%.8^ind[CZlVg`!C?#6aag^\]ihgZhZgkZY#.'%7gdVYHigZZi!CZlVg`!C?%,&%'.,(,(("+)%% lll#i]^h^hcZlVg`#dg\ This is <[X)Ced(&0)/0*, Newark CZlVg`7jhIgVchedgi HZaZXiGdjiZDgVc\ZA^cZh GdjiZHZaZXiZY/ 8,) HZaZXiHidehDgVc\Z8^gXaZh 7dVgY^c\HideHZaZXiZY/ LVh]^c\idcHi5GZXidg6kZ CZmiHX]ZYjaZY6gg^kVa/ '%/&*/%% 9ZWdVgY^c\HideHZaZXiZY/ GddhZkZai9g5I]^gYHi 6ci^X^eViZY6gg^kVa/ '%/'+/%% 8,) 1H86A:3 Newark This is ➋ Airport Way ➌ Crosstown Way ➍ Downtown Way ➎ Lincoln Park Way NJPAC University Height Branch Brook Park Newark Symphony Hall LPCCD River Bank Park Ironbound Airport EVibdgZ<gZZc6h] :c\a^h]DV` 9VlcGZYlddY <^c`\d ① Iberia Peninsula Restaurant ① BROAD AND MARKET STREETS ① MILITARY PARK ① ALL JERSEY MULTIPLE ① OPERA/MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL +,;ZggnHi!CZlVg`!C?.,(())"*+&&ó CZlVg`h;djg8dgcZgh^hVc^ciZghZXi^dci]Vi]VhWZZc I]ZaVg\ZhiVcYbdhi^begZhh^kZldg`^hi]ZÆLVghd[ I]^h&'"i]ZViZgbjai^eaZm!XdckZc^ZcianadXViZY^ci]Z I]ZDeZgV$Bjh^XI]ZVigZ>ciZgcVi^dcVaegdk^YZhegd[Zhh^dcVa LZciidajcX]Vi>WZg^V^cCZlVg`[dgi]Z[^ghii^bZ `cdlcVhdcZd[i]ZWjh^Zhi^ci]ZJc^iZYHiViZh#
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