• / AEA87BDC OFFICIAL STAR OF STARS BALLOT RADIO GUIDE Mail to: Star of St.rs Editor, Radio Guide, M. L. ANNEN BERG, Publisher 731 Plymouth Court, 5 CURTIS MITCHELL, Editor Chicago, Illinois. My Choice for the Star of Stars Is ........••..•••••...•.......•...•••••........ CONTENTS My Name Is ...........•.•............•....•....••..••......... This Week! Selected Outstanding Programs 1 My Address Is . Broadcasting Under the (This Ballot May Be Pasted on a Penny Postcard) American Flag The American System By LENOX R. LOHR 2 Hear the National Open Golf Tournament at Denver 4 The ballot above is for this week's election only. Read the instructions below Highlights of This Week's before you vote. This ballot must be mailed by midnight this Saturday, June 11 Programs A Picture-Plan for Listening 5 The March of Music By LEONARD LIEBLING 6 Fun at Fibber McGee's Fibber McGee and Company 8 Listening to Learn RADIO GUIDE'S ANNUAL Education on the Air 9 Hollywood Showdown By EVANS PLUMMER 10 STAR OF STARS POLL Airialto Lowdown By MARTIN LEWIS 11 On Short Waves THIS WEEK-THE STAR OF STARS! By CHARLES A. MORRISON 12 Program Locator Index to aU summer air HO is radio's Star of Stars? That's the portant for you to vote in this Star of Stars poll. schedules 13 W question of the moment! It is a question This year there are other reasons, too. For Radio Guide's X-Word Puzzle 15 that will be answered by thousands upon instance, there is every indication that the ballot­ Between Us thousands of listeners when the ballots in Radio ing of this week will see a closer fight for first A Forum for Listeners 16 Guide's annual Star of Stars poll have been count­ place than has been the case for the last three Radio's Story- Book Romance Andre Baruch Wins a Bride 17 years. In 1935, '36, '37, Jack 8enny won the covet· ed and tabulated. Climaxing twelve weeks of pop· The Stars Have Hearts ular voting in every division of radio ed Star of Stars honors. One of the Entertaining the Blind 18 entertainment, Radio Guide this week PQ\l[[.1 Rl '{ world's great entertainers-he has al. Biggest Guest Stars • ready been named the best comedian Snow White's Dwarfs offers its readers the opportunity of Visit At Jotson 20 naming the top-ranking star of 1938! of 1938 in that division of the Star The Man Behind "Vic and Sade" Your vote is important! of Stars poll-Benny may well repeat, Homecoming for Paul Rhymer 22 In no phase of the vast and busy make it four in a row. But this year Fred Waring Turns Inventor The Waring Mixer 24 world of entertainment is the com· he has new competition. Charlie Mc· Programs for Sunday, June 5 25 petition for stardom hotter or harder Carthy is on the scene now, and while Programs for Monday, June 6 27 than it is in radio. Today's favorite he may be a mere dummy to some Programs for Tuesday, June 7 29 may be forgotten by tomorrow, and people, to most of the radio listeners Programs for Wed., June 8 31 the star of yesterday is only a name of America he's one of the funniest Programs for Thurs., June 9 34 today. Never a week passes without the dis­ things that ever happened! Will Charlie usurp Programs for Friday, June 10 36 covery, somewhere, of a new and brilliant talent. Jack Benny's long-time rule as Star of Stars? Programs for Saturday, June 11 39 In this America, literally thousands of highly gifted The standings of the runners-up, too, are almost men and women come to the microphone every certain to change. Last year, Nelson Eddy finish· Winners in the Commentators Poll Results in the Tenth Division day, fame and fortune hanging on their words. ed just behind the mighty Benny. Lanny Ross was of the Star of Stars Poll A newcomer is given a chance audition; an es­ third, Frances Langford and Lulu Belle of the Inside Back Cover tablished but little-known performer gives an ex­ National Barn Dance fourth and fifth respectively. Summer Contests on the Air ceptionally moving performance-and a star is Bing Crosby was in sixth place, just ahead of Rudy Inside Back Cover born! The pressure at the heels of the established Vallee. Crosby fans, noting the rising popularity R,\'HO GI'IIHIl (Trade Mark Reii:l~tered U. 8. PaL greats of radio is fierce. They never know when of Bing's deft and dexterous Music Hall program, Offire) , VoluIne VII. !\Ull1hcr 34. Week Endlnlt ~une 11,1938. I'ublhhed II-eakly by Rel\"all'reu, Inc., 731 public favor will recede, leave them stranded, expect a higher ranking this year. Joan Blaine was l·h·nHlU~h Court. Cl:leuo. IlUnols. Enteretl .. lecond· cla~, Illllller at the 1'0l0~ ornee, l'hte3l'l:0. Jlllnob, ).·eb· perhaps temporarily, perhaps for good. ninth in 1937, with Jessica Dragonette in tenth ruary 2~, 1932. undor act of Uareh 3. 1879. A.uthor· Jr.ed lJy I'ost ornee Department, Ottawa, Canada. u lecond·r!u, maUer. ('OIlHlltht 1938, by ReI\"II Pre... That's why it's important for the radio listeners place, Fred Allen in eleventh and Don Ameche Inc, All tlllhl' rc,cl'Ved. Arnnld Kruse, l'rel1dent; O('('tl\"l1 d'Utany, General Manol{er; ('uft" Mitchell. of America-those of us who appreciate and en­ twelfth. nee-Pre.lldent; Ed 7.o~~·, Clrculatlnn :\tanager, Unso­ llelled manu,erlpt. thoohl IHl oPfOllIllallled by stamped. ,clf-addre< ed en.. e!ope for return. 'l'en centl per coP1 joy the immensely varied entertainment that is This week's official Star of Stars ballot is printed In lIle United Slatel. Subscription rate' In the U. 8. and J){I' e~~lons and l'Ountrtes of the Pan·Amerlran ours for the flick of a dial-to support the stars at the top of the page. Fill it out and mail it Po'UtI Union: tilx Hlonths, $2.50; one 1ear. 5~.00. Sull;erlpUon rate~ In f(lrell\"n rotllltrles: till: mOl1~h'. WI;' 55.&&; olte )'ear, 58.00. ltelllil by po.lal money order. like. Their fortunes, their places in the hier­ before midnight, Saturday, June I I. Remember­ e:q)reu money order. or ehedc drawn to order or }J.jJ)lO archy of radio-and our continued enjoyment of there is no better way of assuring your own con­ GUII.tIrl. (.;urrellcy SCllt al J;uluct'lbcr'l rlill:. them--hang on one thing. and one thing only: tinued entertainment than by enthusiastically sup· the support we give them. That's why it's im· porting the star of your choice! Vol. 7. No. 34 June II, 1938 Turn to inside bock cover for resu'ts in the Commentators Election! 1/3-1 :'ol Peter Van Steeden takes over the orchestra of "You I H it Parade" on Saturday for an Charming Singer Loretta Lee will be Peter Van Steeden'. extended series of broadcasts. He succeeds Mark Warnow as conductor of the program, first guest star on 14Your Hit Parade" over the Columbia heard over the Columbia Broadcasting System from 10 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. EDT Broadcasting System, 10 p.m. EDT this Saturday night SUNDAY, JUNE 5 Social Security ... today's problem "Everybody's Bu.ine....-CBS. 7:45 p.m. EDT. Pan-American Broadcast ••• economic cooperation Frank Bane, executive diredor of the Social Se­ CBS. 2:30 p.m. EDT. curity Board. will be interviewed by Reporter Ruth This broadcast will bring to the microphone min­ Brine on this program, one of a current series. Bane isters ot four Pan-American countries: General will talk on this subject: "Social Security-Every­ Estigarribia of Paraguay, Dr. Don Diogenes, Esca­ THIS body's Business." lante of Venezuela, Foreign Minister Carlos Concha of Peru, and Foreign Minister Jose Espalter of Uru­ FRIDAY, JUNE 10 guay. Tennis Stars ... at Wimbledon Concert ... last of the season Wightman Cup Broadcalt-M BS, 10:15 a.m. EDT. Ford Sunday Evening Hour-CBS. 9 p.m. EDT. WEEK (AI.o Saturday, 7:50 p.m. EDT.) Katherine Meisle, contralto, will be featured as The famed Wightman Cup tennis matches will be guest singer, and John Barbirol1i will conduct the described, via short wave, direct from the Centre Court, Wimbledon, London, by F. H. Grisewood, orchestra in this, the last broadcast of the season BBC commentator. The matches, outstanding wo­ for this weekly symphonic program. W. J. Cameron, PREVIEWS OF SOME OF THE men's event, are played in alternate years at Forest Ford spokesman, will speak briefly at intermission. Hills and Wimbledon. MONDAY, JUNE 6 BETTER REGULAR AND SPE. Amateur Musicians ... recreation Visiting Artillerymen ••• first muster "Music Is My Hobby"-NBC, 7:15 p.m. EDT. NBC,9 p.m. EDT. Dr. Maurice Appel and Dr. Louis Topper. two New CIAL BROADCASTS TO BE York dentists who play the violin and the piano, The ceremonies commemorating the first muster respecti\'ely, will be guest non-professional musi­ of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company cians on this program, which features performances of Massachusetts in 1638 will be closed with a fteld­ PRESENTED THIS WEEK by men and women ot conspicuous musical talents. day banquet at which the Massachusetts group will be host to the Honourable Artillery Company, Lon­ Senior Prom ... from Baltimore don. Paul Whiteman Program-CBS, 8:30 p.m. EDT. TUESDAY, JUNE 7 (7:30 p.m.
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