The NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE I ' JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SoCIETY I J~{)AFt1{, 1950 • The American Horticultural Society PRESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS July, 1949 OFFICERS President, Dr. Fred O. Coe, Bethesda, Md. First Vice-President, Mr. Frederic P. Lee, Bethesda, Md. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss, Washington, D. C. Secretary, Dr. Conrad B. Link, College Park, Md. Treasurer, Mr. CarlO. Erlanson, Silver Spring, Md. Editor, Mr. B. Y. Morrison, Takoma Park, Md. DIRECTORS Terms expiring 1950 Terms expiring 1951 Mrs. Walter Douglas, Chauncey, N. Y. Mrs. Mortimer J. Fox, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Miss Alida Livingston, Oyster Bay, N. Y. Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Gladwyne, Pa. Dr. David V. Lumsden, N. Chevy Chase, Md. Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott, Media, Pa. Dr. V. T. Stoutemyer, Los Angeles, Calif. Dr. Freeman Weiss, Washington, D. C. Dr. Donald Wyman, Jamaica Plain, Mass. HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS Mr. W. E. Walton, Pres., Mr. Harold Epstein, Pres., American Begonia Society, American Rock Garden Society, 1415 Acacia Ave., 5 Forest Court, Torrance, Calif. Larchmont, N. Y. Judge Arthur W. Solomon, Pres., American Camellia Society, Dr. W. L. Ayres, Pres., 702 W. Anderson St., Purdue University, Savannah, Ga. Lafayette, Ind. Mr. Carl Grant Wilson, Pres., Mr. Wm. T. Marshall, Pres. Emeritus, American Delphinium Society, Cactus & Succulent Society of America, 22150 Euclid Ave., 228 Security Bldg., Phoenix, Ariz. Oeveland, Ohio Mrs. Oliver B. Capen, Pres., Dr. Joseph Ewan, Pres., Herb Society of America, American Fern Society, Bedford, N. Y. Tulane University, New Orleans 18, La. Dr. Robert Craig, Pres., Mr. Frank E. Moots, Pres., Cactus & Succulent Society of America, American Peony Society, 14326 E. Holt Ave. Newton, Kans. Baldwin Park, Calif. Mrs. Carroll S. Higgins, Pres., Mrs. Frances S. Belant, Pres., American Primrose Society, Midwest Horticultural Society, 2424 N. E. 32d Ave., 101 N. Central Park Blvd., Portland 12, Ore. Chicago 24, Ill. SOCIETIES AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1949 Amer.ican Association of Nurserymen, American Primrose Society, . Dr. Richard P. White, Exec. Secy., Mr. Carl Maskey, Secy., 636 Southern Building, 2125 5th Ave., Washington 5, D. C. Milwaukie, Ore. American Begonia Society, Mr. W . E. Walton, Pres., American Rose Society, 1415 Acacia Ave. Dr. R. C. Allen, Secy., Torrance, Calif. Box 687, Harrisburg, Pa. American Camellia Society, Box 2398 University Station Bel-Air Garden Club, Inc., Gainesville, Fla. Mrs. W. J. Schminke, Treas., Arlington County Garden Oub, 315 N. Beverly Glen, Mr. Wales C. Brewster, Pres., Bel-Air, Los Angeles 24, Calif. 3015 Second St., N., Arlington, Va. Benson Garden Oub American Fuchsia Society, c/o Mrs. D. M. Bowen, Headquarters: Calif. Acad. of Sciences, 4244 Burdette St., Golden Gate Park, Omaha, Nebr. San Francisco, Calif. American Iris Society, Cactus & Succulent Society of America, Mr. Sam Caldwell, Secy., Dr. Robert Craig, Pres., 444 Chestnut St., 14326 E. Holt Ave. Nashville 10, Tenn. Baldwin Park, Calif. PubUcation 01llce, 8l1nd St. and Elm Ave., Baltimore, Md. Entered al .&<lond·clas. matter JanllU'1 n, 1982, at the Poat 01llee at Baltimore, Md., under the Act ot AUi'UI. 24, Ul1l1. California Ga rden Cl ubs. Inc. , H ol1 y Society of America, Mrs. W m. D. Shearer, Pres., Charles A. Youn g, J r., 533 South Wilton Place, Bergner Mansion, Los Angeles 5, Calif. Gwynns Fall's Park, Baltimo re 16, Md. Cali fo rnia Horticultural Society, Miss Cora I ~. Brandt, Secretary. Iowa Rose Society, 300 :vr ont.gomery St.. \/v'm. H. Co ll ins. Sec.-T reas., San F rancisco 4, Cali f. Iowa State Hort. Soc., State House, Des Moines 19, l a. Chestnut Hill Garden Cl ub, ~/I i ch i ga n Hor ticultural Society, Mrs. Bryan S. P ermar, T reas., Mrs. R. ..w. Summer, Secy., 41 Crails I ~ d .. T he White House, Bell e Isle, Chestnut H ill 67, Mass. Detroit 7, Mich. Chevy Chase (D. C.) Garden Club, lVI idwest Horticul tural Society, Mrs. Lewis S. Pendleton, P res., 100 North Ce ntral Park I:l lvcl., 3418 Quesada St., N. W., Chicago 24, Ill. Washington, D. C. Nati onal Capital Dahlia Society, Chevy Cha e (Md.) Garden Club, Mr. Lee M. Clarke, P res ., M rs. Robert Ash, Pres., 2440 Monroe St., N. E. 8921 B radl ey Blvd., Washington 18, D . C. Bethesda 14, Md. Northern N ut Growers' Assn., I ne., Community Garden Club of Bethesda. Mr. H . F. Stoke, P res., ;vr rs. L. W. Pogue, Pres., 1436 Watts Ave., N. W., 11 6 Chevy Chase Drive Roanoke, Va. Chevy Chase 15, :vId. Pittsb urgh Garden Cente r, Fauquier & Loudoun Garden Clu b, Miss Jane B. Demaree, T reas., ,,,<[ s. Will. F. Rust, Pres., Mel1 0n Park, Leesburg, Va. Pittsburgh 32, Pa. Plain fi eld Ga rd en U nh . Federated G. c. or Cin cinnati and Vicini ty. Mrs. Victor R. K ing, J r. Mrs. W . l~. Grace, Sr., Pres., 826 A rlington Ave., 79 11 l-lanliltoll Ave., Plainfi eld, N. J . Mt. Healthy 31, Ohio. Potomac Rose Society, Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati , Mr. R. I ~. Scamm ell. Treas W alnut and Central Parkway, 2810 Bladensb urg Rd., N. E., Cinci nnati 10, Ohio "'iashington 18, D. C. Gard~ n Center of Greater Cleveland , San Francisco Branch, East Boulevard at Euclid Av~ . , American Begonia Suciety, Cleveland 6, Ohio Mrs. Wm. Meyer . Garden Center Institute of Buffal o. 1422 - 27th Ave., 1500 Elmwood Ave., San Francisco, Cal if. Buffalo 7, N . Y. San Francisco Garden Cl ub, Garden Club of Alexandria, 465 P os t Street, Mrs. Charles F. H olden, Pres., San F rancisco 2, Cali f. 100 Rosemont Ave., Takoma Horticul tural Cl ub. Alexandria, Va. Mrs. A. C. Barret, P res., Garden Club of Danvil1 e. 471 9 Brandywin e St., N. W ., Danvi l1 e, Va. W ashington, D. C. Ga rden Club of F airfax. \ /v' eicome Garden Cl ub of the Twin Cities, ::vIrs. Paul Peter, P res., Mrs. Norman A. J ardine, Pres., Fairfax, Va. Red Oaks Plantation, Route 4, Ga rden Cln h of V irginia. Vi est Monroe, La. :Mrs. F rank A . Gilliam, P res ., \/v'es t H il1 s H orticulture Society, Lexingtcltl , Va. 5420 S. W . Alfred St., Geo rgetown Garden Club. P ortland 19, Ore. ~rr s. R. H . A. Carter. Woodridge Garden Club, 323 1 Reservo ir Rd .. N . 'Ill .. lVI rs. Alma C. Marshall , Washington, D. C. 1326 Alliso n St. , N. E., Ga rden L ibrary of M ichigan, WasilinI!1 1111 . 0 C. Mi s Margaret B. Bal1 er, L ibrarian \/v' orcester Co unty Horticul tural Society, ' /v' hi te H ouse, 30 E lm Street. Bel1 e Isle, Detroit 7, :\i[ich. Worcester 2, Mass. Th,e National Horticultural Magazine Vol. 29 Copyright, 19 50, by THE Al\·IERI C .. \ N H ORTI CULTt.:RAL SOC IETY No.1 JANUARY, 1950 CONTENTS Hardy Herbaceo us Ground Covers STEPHEN F. HAMBLIN ______________________________________ _________________________ __ __ ____________ _ Shrubs from the Colorado Rockies I KATHLEEN MARRIAGE 6 Ipheion uniflorul11 ALFRED BATE ________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________ 8 Cascade Chrysanthemums JOH N L. CREECH ___ _____ _______ ______________________________________________ _______________________________ 11 Rhododendron Notes : Notes on Old Varieties of Indian Azaleas B. Y. MORRISON _______________ __ __ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________ 15 A Book or Two ___________ __________ __ ________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________ 27 Gardener's Pocketbook: Notes on the Palms. Copernicia Baileyana Leon. ALEX HAWKES ___________ __ ____ ______________ ____________________ ___________________________________ 39 Six Plants from South Florida Gardens ____________________________________________________ 41 From Florida: Crinums OLIVE P. BA LDVVI N ____________________________ ________________ __________________________________ 47 Early Magnolias ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ 47 Jobs for Retirement ______________ ______________________ ___________________ _______________________________ 47 A b elio p11 yllum d is he 11~ ( 1'/ L ______ ._______________________________________________________________________ 48 This and That _______ ____________________________________________________________________ _____ ________________ 50 Published quarterl)' by The America n H orticultural Society. Publication office, 32 nd St. a nd E lm Ave., Baltimore, nid . Editorial offi ce, Room 821, W ashington Loan and Trust Builrling, Washington, D. C_ Contributions from all members ara cordially invited a nd should be sent to the Editori al offi ce. A subscription to the magazine is i nduded in the annunl du es to all members ; to non -memb ers the price is five dollars a year. 11 The National Horticultural Magazine Voillme Twenty Nine Washington, D. C. 1950 Copyright A m e rican H o rtic ultural Society, 1950 CAMELLIA ]APONICA • LURIE'S FAVORITE Hardy Herbaceous Ground Covers STEPHEN F. HAMBLIN These ground covers are to be used The only way to find out the best instead of grass to cover and hold the conditions for the growth of each of soil. They are not more than a foot these, and the conditions of the limit tall , and are not to be cut by the lawn of their endurance. is to try them out mower. These are plants hardy to fro­ in your region under several different zen ground; for warmer regions there local s·oi l conditions. Would that more would be another list. These plants are gardeners would tryout all of these and sold by dealers as perennials, but such report their findings. This list could evergreen sorts as Thyme and Vinca be made much longer by adding more are really shrubs. A li st of true shrubs names, but here is a beginner's Ji st for of low stature would be another subject our northern states. In each list the for research. order of placing is approximately in This list is divided into two grotlps, degree of general usefulness, availabili­ those with evergreen foliage, as' Pachy­ ty or general use, at least as I know sandra, and those frankly deciduous.
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