THE AMERICAN SEE PAGE 20... IS OUR CONSTITUTION DOOMED ? MAGAZINE You can stop the trend toward a socialistic United States MBER 1952 The Constitution of the United States and the Deelaration of Independence in the Library of Congress ". We moved out on the porch and hashed the ball game over . .Jim still said he should have bunted . Sally said he was right to swing at it . then we all allowed the game was history . that it was time to bring out the Schlitz." 9 Schlitz is the beer that looks, acts, and tastes the way most Americans like beer. Sprightly stand-up character, that comes from Schlitz know-how in handling the sensitive ingredients of beer. That clean taste — that matchless flavor — that subtle tang that comes from just the kiss of the hops. No wonder more people prefer {and buy) Schlitz than any other beer. If you like beer you'll love Schlitz On TV every week enjoy the popular Schlitz " Playhouse of Stars". See your newspaper for time and station. 7 * V © 1952 JOS SCHLITZ BREWING CO MILWAUKEE, WIS. The beer that made Milwaukee famous 1924 CHRYSLER— the first Chrysler — was a sensation when it was in- troduced. Its new, high compression (for those days) engine produced 70 horsepower and guaranteed a top speed of 75 miles an hour. CARS RUN THEIR RESTON THE REST GASOLINE Over two thousand makes of cars have been built in 1929 RUXTON claimed to be Amer- the U. S. in the past sixty years. Only twenty are ica's first front-wheel-drive car. Only five feet high, it was distinc- left. These are the ones that answered motorists' de- tive when the "long, low silhou- mands for greater reliability, comfort and perform- ette"wasmorea phrasethan a fact. ance. Car buyers always seem to want a more power- ful car than the one they are trading in. Today, you can get the power you want from mod- ern high compression engines and "Ethyl" gasoline. 1931 MARMON was modestly an- "Ethyl" gasoline is high octane gasoline. It helps nounced at a price "under $5,000." engines their The big 16-cylinder aluminum en- modern develop top power and economy. gine developed 200 horsepower. That's why millions of motorists stop at the pump It was really something to drive. with the familiar yellow-and-black "Ethyl" emblem. They've proved to themselves there is a powerful difference between gasoline and "Ethyl" gasoline. 1937 BANTAM was designed to sell ETHYL for around $400. The car was only CORPORATION a little over six feet long, weighed New York 17, New York 1,200 pounds, and was powered by Ethyl Antiknock Ltd., in Canada a twenty-horsepower engine. 1952 CHRYSLER features the spectacular 180-horsepower FirePower engine. This engine is designed to "develop full compression, full combustion and full work from every drop of fuel." . , tnore thv/gorofing -to THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE VOL. 53 No. 3 CONTENTS FOIt SEPTEMBER, lf>52 THE HARD GUY (fiction) 11 BY CHARLES SHEA The story of a man who was looking for trouble. $500,000,000 — COME AND GET IT! 14 BY SAM STAVISKY You may own a part of this fortune. 50 seconds' brisk massage with tingling Physically, our Consti- Vitalis Hair Tonic and you feel the invigo- tution is well pro- THE EXPLOSIVE MIDDLE EAST 16 rating difference in your scalp. Vitalis not tected, but on page 20, William LaVarre de- BY ALFRED M. LILIENTHAL only prevents dryness, but refreshes your scribes another danger. scalp as no other leading hair tonic can. Concerning a powder keg we helped to load. POSTMASTER: Please What's more . send copies returned under labels Form 3579 WHAT HUNTING RIFLE SHOULD I BUY? 18 to Post Office Box BY RAYMOND R. CAMP, BUD JACKSON, 1055, Indianapolis 6, RAY TRULLINGER, COL. TOWNSEND WHELEN Indiana. Expert advice on shooting irons. The American Legion Magazine is the official IS OUR CONSTITUTION DOOMED? 20 publication of The Ameri- BY WILLIAM LaVARRE can Legion and is owned exclusively by The Ameri- The attack is on property rights. can Legion. Copyright 1952 by The American Legion. Published month- COUNTRY FAIR 22 ly al 1 100 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Acceptance Photographs of a great American institution. for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1 103, Act of Oct. CLAP HANDS! 24 3, 1917, authorized Jan. BY BERTON BRALEY 5, 1925. Price single copy, 15 cents; yearly subscrip- Very often applause doesn't just happen. tion, $1.50. Entered as second class matter June 30, 1 948. at the Post THAT'S NOT FAT, THAT'S MUSCLE 26 Office at Louisville, Ky., under the Act of March BY COL. GEORGE REINH ARDT 1879. Non-member sub- 3, An army needs more than front-line fighters. scriptions should be sent to the Circulation Depart- ment of The American Legion Magazine, P. O. Til i\ NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE 29-36 Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Ind. EXECUTIVE AND Features ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Indianapolis 6, Indiana SOUND OFF! 4 ROD AND GUN CLUB ... 28 EDITORIAL AND 10 seconds to comb and you see the differ- ADVERTISING EDITOR'S CORNER . 6 NEWSLETTER 37 ence in your hair. It's far handsomer, health- 580 Fifth Avenue PRODUCTS PARADE 8 PARTING SHOTS 64 ier looking — and it stars in place longer. New York 36, N. Y. (Vitalis contains new grooming discovery.) WESTERN OFFICE Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not 333 North Michigan Avenue be returned unless a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. PROOF: VITALIS ALSO Chicago I, Illinois KILLS DANDRUFF GERMS tests Vitalis Donald R. Wilson, Notional Commander Indianapolis Laboratory prove Please notify the L. Ohio kills germs associated with in- Circulation Depart- John Stelte, McLeans- Lang Armstrong, Spo- Sears, Toledo. Chairman kane, Wash.; Charles D. fectious dandrulT on contact, ment. Publications boro, Illinois, George Levy, Sum as no mere oil dressing can. of the Legion Publica- E. Booth, Huntington, ter, S. C, Roland Coc Division, P. O. Box Va. Dr. Charles R. tions Commission; Dan W. ; reham. Baton Rouge Indianapolis, 1055, f ra, Keokuk, Iowa; W. r m m e 1 1, Ve n u Logan, La.; George D. Baron Indiana, if you have Fleischer, St. California, and Earl L. Dave H. Bethany, Conn.; Her changed your ad- Meyer, Alliance, Ne- Louis, Mo.; Emmett schiel L. Hunt, Austin dress, using; notice braska, Vice -Chairmen. Safay, Jacksonville, Tex.; Earl Hitchcocl form 22S which you Members of the Com- Fla.; Clovis Cope land, Glens Falfs, N. Y. may secure from mission: Max Slepin, Little Rock, Ark.; Paul Edgar G. Vaughon, St your Postmaster. Be Philadelphia, Pennsyl- B. Dague, Downingtown, Josephus Daniels, Paul, Minn.; Harold A sure to cut off the vania; J. Russell Lar- Pa.; Vitalis combe, Malta, Mont.; Jr.; Raleigh, N. C; D. Shindler, Newburgh, Ind address label on your Magazine and Director of Publications Advisory Editor Advertising Director Gardiner Fred L. Maguire HAIR TONIC paste it in the space James F. O'Neil Alexander New York, N. Y. provided. Always Managing Editor Eastern Adv. Mgr. and +he give your 1952 Consultant Boyd B. Stutler William M.DeVitalis membership card James F. Barton A rt Editor M number and both Indianapolis, Ind. Al Marshall en Adv. Mgr. H.. J. Prussing, Jr. '60-Second Workout your new and your A ss't to Director Associate Editors old address. Frank Lisiecki Robert B. Pitkin Detroit Adv. Rep. Product Bristol-Myers A o) Editor Joseph C. Keeley Irving Herscbbein John D. Gillman The American Legion Magazine • September, 1952 IN JUST 10 SHORT WEEKS THESE 4 VITAL "KEY BOOKS" CAN SHOW YOU. How to Win the Recog nition that Means PER YEAR An Executive Salary of $12,000 AND UP... —and yon get 2 of these 4 key books FREE!. The four "techniques" these books show you how to develop are basic elements in winning the "recognition" that means success! Just one of these "techniques" may get you $1000 to $2000 more per year . just one can make the difference between a better job and staying in the same old "rut"! It's no long-term project, either. Now, these are very special books Ten weeks of interesting 30-min- —the best books on these four sub- utes-a-day application will make jects the Editors of Executive you the master of all four of these Books could find. They are NOT vitally important techniques. "theory" books or collections of In short, if you really want to anecdotes about successful men. get ahead — and stay ahead — you They ARE amazing "method" will mail the coupon below at your books that help you train yourself very first opportunity. 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