• Herlan a bullying prevention conference imarron Alliance Foundation and other community partners september are sponsoring Stop Hate In The Hallways- A Bullying PFLAG OKC Ti JPS Sept 4 Church of Prevention Conference to address the Open Arms 7 pm bullying based on race, religion, sex­ OGLPC Meeting Monday Sept 1 O ual orientation, and gender identity. Neighborhood Alliance 1236 NW Training will be provided for the inter­ 36th 7:30 pm vention and prevention of bullying and harassment in a variety of break-out General Voting for OK County sessions. Keynote speaker will be Commissioner Iues_Sfptembe.r__il Kevin Jennings, Founder & Executive PFLAG Norman Thi Jrsday Sept 1 3 Director of GLSEN. The one-day con­ St Stephen's Church 7 pm ference will be held: Her/and Supper Club Sat Sept 8 October 1 1, 2007 rather benign in Superbad, in reality TG I Fridays 4239 NW Expressway Metro Tech Springlake Campus almost all LGBT students report hav­ 5:30 pm 1 900 Springlake Drive ing been harassed or assaulted at Her/and Scrabble Sati Jrday Sept 1 5 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma school for their perceived or actual orientation. Two-thirds of those stu­ 2 pm Why is this conference needed? dents never report it and LGBT stu­ Her/and Board Meeting Si mday dents are much more likely than Harassment and assault in high Sept 1 6 4 pm everyone welcome straight students to say that they do schools is still a big problem for les­ not feel safe at school. Her/and Craft Day SatULday_Sep_t_ll bian, gay, bisexual, and transgender 2-5 pm teens. Most teens (75%) report hear­ Students of a race other than white ing homophobic remarks at school of­ are also much more likely to experi­ McPride Family Picnic Sati Jrday ten or at least sometimes. As the cur­ ence harassment due to their race. Sept 22 Chadick Park McAlester rent hit teen movie Superbad illus­ Most schools do not have an anti­ Queer Queens of Oomedy S.atur:: trates, calling someone "fag" is still a harassment policy that includes sex- day Sep_tll Ft Worth 8 pm very common putdown in high Her/and Voice Mailing Wednesday: schools. While the name-calling is see Conference P. 2 S.epL26_ 6 pm come play at the herland fall retreat AIDS Walk Sun~_epL3.D. Myriad Gardens registration 12:30 stepoff t's that time of year again! Time for a quick getaway to womyn and 2 pm nature. Don't miss this opportunity to relax, hike, read a book, tie-dye a Center Cinema Free films _ey_eLy.£ci= T-shirt, bird watch, ride a bike, fish, play games, listen to live music, or dC!f' at Tul sa Equality Center 7 pm Iplay your new song at the open mic. Coming up on Halloween weekend in October, Herland will have its Fall Retreat at Lake Eufaula State Park. october We've always had great weather at Eufaula in the fall and we don't expect this Stop Hate in the Hallways-A Bul­ year to be any different. Since it is Halloween weekend, consider bringing a lying Prevention Conference Ihurs.: costume (for you and any four-legged friend you might bring) and enter the day Oct I I Metro Tech Saturday evening costume contest. Another contest will feature pumpkin carving (please bring one if you can). Last year's entries in both contests were Her/and Fall Retreat ErLSaLS_un great! Look for more details and a registration form in next month's Voice. O..c.L26-=2..8. Lake Eufaula State Park The Herland Voice is a publication of Herland Sister Resources, 23 I 2 NW 39th, OKC. OK 7 3 I I 2. Our bookstore and lending library is open Saturdays from 1-5 pm. Contact us at (405) 521 -9696 or [email protected]_ Visit us on the web at www.herlandsisters.org. IJllitn the news oklahoma must recognize out of state adoptions by gay couples he 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Constitution by singling out a specific COnferencel cont'd. from P. 1 Appeals has ruled that a state group for discrimination. Now the law preventing gay couples 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ual orientation, gender identity, or from getting birth certificates upheld Cauthron 's ruling and declared gender expression, specifically. But for children adopted in other states is Oklahoma's law unconstitutional. most teachers believe that anti­ unconstitutional. (Likewise, in 2004, Oklahoma's own harassment and anti-discrimination Attorney General gave an official opin­ The Adoption Invalidation Law, hastily policies would be helpful in securing ion that the law would violate the Ninth passed at the end of the 2004 Okla­ a safe learning environment for Amendment.) homa legislative session, had said that LGBT students. Oklahoma "shall not recognize an In a 31 page ruling, the court was Who should attend? adoption by more than highly critical of the state one individual of the "The very fact that the legislature for passing the School Administrators, Classroom same sex from any other adoptions have oc­ law. "The very fact that Educators, Mental Health Profession­ state or foreign jurisdic­ curred is evidence that the adoptions have oc­ als, Law Enforcement Officers, curred is evidence that a School Psychologists, School Super­ tion." Although single a court of law has gays may become the court of law has found the intendents, National, State & Local parent of adoptive chil­ found the adoptions to adoptions to be in the best Policy Makers, School Police Offi­ dren in Oklahoma, same­ be in the best interests interests of the children," cers, Social Workers, Attorneys, and sex couples were barred of the children," wrote wrote Cauthron. "To now School Board Members are encour­ from adopting and the U. S. District Judge attempt to strip a child of aged to attend. state could invalidate one of his or her parents Robin Cauthron. Total tuition for the conference is $35 adoptions where couples seems far removed from have been awarded joint the statute's purpose and which includes lunch. You may ap­ parenting rights in states where co­ therefore from [the state's] asserted ply for a conference scholarship by adoption is legal. important government objective." sending a letter of need to: Mr. · Randy Tate, Conference Chair, North "Gay and lesbian parents in Oklahoma Lambda Legal, representing same-sex Care Center, 4436 NW 50th Street, couples, took the state to court. can now breathe a collective sigh of Oklahoma City, OK 73112. Or call Lambda represented two same-sex cou­ relief because their relationships with him at (405) 858-2700 office or fax ples and their families who adopted their children are no longer threatened (405) 858-2720. children while living in other states by the state of Oklahoma," said and later moved to Oklahoma or Lambda attorney wanted to visit the state with their fam­ Ken Upton. "We're ily. Lambda Legal argued that the law gratified that justice Dr. Dawn Singleton, Ph.D. was unconstitutional based on the has been handed United States Constitution's guarantees down in our case and of equal protection, due process and that the court saw to right to travel, as well as the mandates it that Oklahoma has Licensed Professional Counselor of the Full Faith and Credit Clause. to treat the children Licensed Marital & Family Therapist of gay and lesbian In 2006, U.S. District Court Judge parents the same as SOOS N. Pennsylvania #204 OKC, OK Robin Cauthron agreed, finding that all other kids." the statute violated the United States 40S-232-3296 1 :,-~:.-. ' ' .' -1 . - ..;~ ·~.:.g:-· ._:_-: ·,·•,.~~~- ;"-~ '.· .-~'" · 1.; - ,~.,!'«.:~-~- . -c-:.-- - . 'Efhe V9ic~ i~h PJlR.lisQ .EZd ~ m~cifiihly by Herlabci . S!~te1; Re ·~oµrc;f§T Jhc. ..; ; ·231TNyY, 3 ~9JT~Kqr oK' 73.112. The VoJpej~:,.oJt~·r~d as a~1Jpef1 ; i foru fll,fQr'cQ:nim.unity discourse. Article$Je'ffet:l1Jtle'opini6ris~ of the :. · auth ~r; ~~!1P ~t !}B<iessacrffythose of H~ri¥~cf"~~t~l'Re~&u rces. · \ . un·salidte.d'il~r:tieles and letters to the· euito~·are!W elcorite d -and ,,' .~ -~~1~r;~ff~~~~~(~i.i~-}~a~ 1 ~het~~1ii~~·~~,~~i~!tt· ~~~n~r~ Y · qfiorJy1!Jou~sly. : Herl~~a re:;~rve:s the rignM§ ~eqit!b [ t10f p_µ98 1i.sh ~my : artlcle :;· Subscrip@hs to . Tne• yr()jce . are : freE\ · ~Q pO-ffi'{.~qLiest?although ' bath, body, spa ' •• '" " i . - ...• ·~ '""·. .,. "··-·;0 • ,_,~. • - if· ,~ .. ~ ...;· ·' ·a donat19n IS .. re ue·sted !O rneefpublicatioli ;Jn·a;8istfibutiori COSfS i · http://jordanrep.com/10522 : ' -- ~~-· --~~~_:'-;"·;:. }~.: .• ., . ~'··.=' . , • .. >/-.,'-~_:,~~ . ~. eventtlll supper club craft day This month the Supper Join us on Saturday, wishing chair Club will meet at T.G.I. September 22, from 2 to 5 Fridays, 4239 Northwest pm for Craft Day at Expressway, on Saturday, Herland. This is a family­ September 8, at 5:30 pm. friendly event. We'll have They have everything glass beads and wire for from salads, sandwiches, making wire animals and and burgers to pasta, sea­ decorations, glass tiles for food, ribs, and steaks. A decorating light switch little something for every­ covers, glass objects and one, no matter what your coasters, and a variety of taste. papers for making small Afterwards, you are wel­ artist books ... these are all come to head back to Her­ flexible craft ideas which land with us for the last can be combined into few episodes of the L multi-media pieces. Jeanne will be available Word, Season 4. for instructions and idea he musical duo Wishing Chair will perform at development. If anyone Church of the Open Arms Thursday, September wants to bring their own 20 at 7:30 p.m.
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