' voWvA^-^l' '5:<‘ ^'’i 't l ^ ^ c3ci Ilf?? The Weather Ti p e a r and cold tonight with the low in the 30a. Ckmdy Toeaday lJlanrI|jp0tf r Eupntng Mfralh with snow likeiy the high around 40. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, l»n VOL. XCH, No. 60 MANCHESTER — 4 City o f Village Charm THIRTY-TWO RAGES — TWO SECnONS PR IC E FIF TE E N CENTS Three Days Of Exploring Planned Moon Walk Tonight SPACE CENTER, Houston Challenger, leaving their crew- He will probe toe iiioon from '‘(-AE) - American explorers mate, Ronald E. Eyans, alone above with an array of science Eugene A. Cernan and Harrison in the larger command ship, instruments and special H. Schmitt pulled away from America. cameras. toe Apollo 17 command ship in a Evans threw switches to un­ Ahead, for Cernan and lander named Challenger today dock toe moon landing craft and Schmitt, are three days of and prepared for touchdown in Challenger sprang free. exploration among tte craters, a lunar box canyon and man’s Cernan and Schmitt began hills and canyons of a steep­ Wk^'-- last planned moon exploration final preparations for a dive to sided valley called Taunis- for decades. a lunar touchdown at 2;55 p.m. Llttrow. Wearing their white EST and Evans started toe spacesults, Cernan and Schmitt three days of solo moon orbiting As toe nth and 12th lunar sealed themselves in the small aboard America. explorers, they will walk and . 4 ^ >2 ^ ■ ■ cab of the spider-legged The astronauts awoke to drive more than 20 miles over music, piped to them from Mis­ ^ ■ . 7 ' '“'t' the valley floor searching sion Control, at 7;45 a.m. EST among rock and soil for secrets 0 after spending toe night or­ needed to complete toe moon Infant biting 15 miles above the history already partially ^ ' i i moon’s barren surface. recorded through five earlier The music, a vocal, included American landings. Dies Of the phrase, “ Good morning, America” . America and Challenger, still “ Thank you,” Cernan locked nose-to-nose, swept responded sleepily. “ We’re behind toe moon and out of Injuries moving on.” touch with Mission (}ontrol at Cernan and Schmitt donned 2;36 p.m. EST Sunday. Eleven space suits and started A six-month-old boy died this minutes later, they fired transferring equipment and morning from injuries he suf­ America’s powerful service supplies into Challenger. fered in a Sunday night auto ac­ prdpulslon rocket engitae to Evans will remain in lunar cident in South Windsor. slow the speeding craft and set­ orbit aboard toe command ship. The boy, Christopher Kim­ tle it into lunar orbit. ball, was a passenger in a car operated by his father, Michael Kimball, 31, of 30C Deerfield Court, East Hartford. The Kimball car was in colli­ Truman's Condition 0 sion with a pickup truck at Rt. 5 and Newbury Rd., South Wind­ Firemen Fete Mayfair Garden Residents sor, at about 11:15 p.m.. South Remains Serious Windsor Police reported. 8th District Fireman Tom Moore d « s the honors Saturday night, at firemen of the 8th District. Everything needed for the dinner was According to police, toe Kim­ KANSAS CITY (AP) — The heart of Harry S. Truman a dinner in Cronin Hall of Mayfair Gardens for residents of the donated by Top Notch Foods, Pero’s Market and the Parkade ball car was making a turn continues to show irregularities in rhythm, doctors from Rt. 5 to Newbury Rd. housing for the elderly. Moore and Bob Eschmann were co- Bakery. The firemen donated the wine. (Herald photo by reported today, but the former president told them “ I feel chairman of the dinner, given for the second year by the volunteer Buceivicius.) when it wak struck in toe rear by a pickup truck driven by all right” and spent a restful night. Philip Dyjak, 82, of 235 Main The 88-year-old Truman remained in serious condition St., East Hartford. this morning, hospital officials said. Kimball, his wife Carol, 25, A nmrntng metocal report Lo«al Parties End and the child were thrown from Blue Law from Research Hospital and normal limits. His kidney (unc­ Ppint their car, police said, when toe Medical Center said T i ^ a n 'S'* tion was adequate and con­ Up In The E^hicliL impact caused toe vehicle’s was asked Sunday night’ about tinued to take tube feedings vinyl roof to fly off. 11; p.m. EST how he felt and he well, Dreves added; Near Kimball, his wife, and their responded; “ I feel all right.” The next bulletin was BY SOL R^ COHEN legislature. The other three Alleged child were taken to St. Francis This came after his heart had scheduled for 10 p.m. Newsmen (Herald Reporter) GOP candidates were defeated. PARIS (AP) — Henry A. Kissinger and Hanoi’s Le Due Hospital at Hartford. The boy developed irregularities. asked for an afternoon briefing Both of Manchester's Richard Rittenband, the By The Assoriaied Press Tho met for the 13th time in three weeks today at what was pronounced dead at 2;M Truman also wgs asked if he and Dreves said he would she If political parties wound up in the defeated GOP candidate for a.m. Owners, managers, and may be a turning point, in their secret negotiations on a hurt anywhere, and replied one could be arranged. black in the recent election First District congressman, Kimball was listed in critical employes in at least 17 Connec­ “ no,” the hospital report^. Sunday began on an op­ campaign, according to man- also received $500. Vietnam peace settlement. condition today. His wife’s con­ ticut stores were an-ested Sun­ A medical bulletin issued at timistic note as toe former The Republicans received President Nixon’s security adviser and the North Viet­ dition was listed as serious. datoiy campaign statements day for alleged violations of toe 10 a.m, today said Truman’s president was taken off toe contributions of $100 or over The pickup) truck driver, filed in the town clerk’s office. Sunday closing law. namese Politburo member met in an American-rented blood pressure was 120 over 60, critical list after four days of However, the report filed by toe from 19 sources, including rae Dyjak, was not injured in toe The law, kiwwn as toe Blue villa in suburban Neuilly where they held several secret his pulse 76, respiration 28 and hanging neaf death, but late Democratic Town Committee for $350 from toe Manchester crash, police said. Law, permit only those stores meetings last week. ’Their talks were recessed Sunday temperature 97.8. John Dreves, Sunday doctors reported “ more will be amended by actions it Republican Women’s (Hub. In The accident is still under in­ that sell essential or perishable hospital spokesman said all frequent abnormalities” In toe may take Wednesday night. addition, they received con­ while experts of both sides met to discuss details of a vestigation. goods to open on Sunday. these indications were within rhythm of Truman’s heart. Ihe committee is meeting tributions of under $100 from possible cease-fire agreement. Arrests were reported in then to review deficits run up 155 sources. Except for a i^e-day break, return to Paris immediately Hartford, East Hartford, The largest campaign Kissinger and Tho have met and soon thereafter go on to by Democratic candidates for Glastonbury, Enfield, East toe state legislature and to expenses for toe Republicans, almost daily since Nov. 20, Saigon to give President Windsor, Milford, Wallingford, allocate its surplus funds to other than $2,900 allocated to when they began their current Nguyen Van Thieu a personal Stratford and ’Trumbull. A $50 Strauss Begins Task them. their candidates, were $1,114 session to revise and finalize report on toe Paris meetings. fine is provided for persons who Ihe Republican Town Com­ for newspaper advertising, $646 the agreement they drafted But White House press sell or require employes to sell mittee ali^dy has allocated for telephone service, and $152 here in October. secretary Ronald L. Ziegler general merchandise on Sun­ funds to its candidates for toe for postage. said; "W e don’t have any plan Of Uniting Party day. state legislature, as reflected in The Democrats received con­ During Sunday’s recess, set on that.” Meanwhile, a toy store owner its report. The Republicans tributions of $100 or over from- Kissinger’s top aide, Gen. The meeting of technical who was arrested the previous WASHINGTON (AP) - the left because of his deep rals&l 16,147 for toe campaign 23 sources, induding $831 profit Alexander M. Haig Jr., was in experts Sunday resulted in and Baltimore city councilman weekend for operating his Robert Strauss has taken on the roots in the conservative Texas and spent $5,360— leaving them from a Meet toe Candidates Washington conferring with speculation that the two sides Barbara Mikulskl. business in violation of toe Blue posture and perils of a tight­ wing of toe party. with a $781 balance. D an ce and $150 from the Nixon. had gotten to the point of The new chairman also en­ Law claimed toe law “ hurts rope walker in his new job as Strauss’ victory was hardly a The Democrats raised $5,606 Manchester Democratic Haig left Paris Saturday and checking the fine print of a dorsed toe membership list for only the small merchant and national Democratic chairman mandate. A vote to oust Mrs. and spent $3,449— leaving them Women’s Club. In addition, they met for several hours with the draft peace agreement.
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