University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1970s) Student Newspapers 4-10-1973 Current, April 10, 1973 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, April 10, 1973" (1973). Current (1970s). 95. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1970s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • Issue 171 Un iversity of Missouri-St . Louis Apri I 10, 1973 UMSL Quadrangle Quadrangle landscape designed to be a -, profusion of greenery Preliminary plan s lo rthe quad­ fee t square. Thi s central area rangle formed bl' th e Thoma s wi II be I ight ed by a number of Jeffer so n Libran, C lark Hall, modernistic bench seat l ight s. Lucas Hall, and th e So c ial Sci ­ The perimeter of the quadrangl e ences, Bu siness and Education wi ll be lighted by fixtures sim­ Building have be'e n co mpleted, ilar to those presentl y in use on according to UMSL Bu sin ess Of­ ca mpus. fi ce r John PerrI . Perry said he Three lar ge planters will run i s hope ful th at wo rk ca n be gin the approximate length' of Clark b)' .lun..: I and be fini shed by Hall and will be enc losed bvan ' th e tim e the fall se m ester starts. 18-inch high bri ck wall,designed The ol'erall effect \\ill be a to attractilely set off the plant­ pro fu sio.n of greenerl', with an in g area. The t ype of plants and abundance of plants, bush es, trees tree s to be used in the land­ and assorted shrubbe rl atlracl­ scaping has not been decided, ilell situated in planters and according to Perry, and he said planting areas of larious th e decision' will ultimately r est A r ec tangular area in th e ce nter wlti, the un i I ersity' s land scape Sk ew/) IW 8111 Conry. dr.lftslII.111 1/1 (he /I"~.~I('. J I plan t of th e quadl-angle II ill be of a architect. A large planting ar ea n brolin- tinged rebbly surface. In­ wi II front each of the other bui Id­ terspersed throughout this area ings fo rming the quadrangle. Student body officers, reps to be elected will be a se ri es of I ~ gr ound­ Architect for the project i s leve l planters, appr ox imately 16 th e Drake Partnership. Central Counci l elections will candidate, and several candidate s ne ss Education Building. The be held Tuesday night, April 10 running for the r ep resentative hours are 10 a. m . to 3 p.m. and Cafeteria to sell salads through Friday afternoon, April positions. Ther e are three inde­ 6:30 p.m . to 8:45 p.m . 13. President. Vi ce -President pendents running for r ep resenta­ Paper ballots will be used for and 21 representatives are to be tive. th e secret vote. Th e polls will elected. In addition there are Of the two referendum ques­ be manned by volunteers from of romaine and leaf two referendum questions to be tions, one asks if the stud ent th e student body and student o r­ voted on. body i s in favor of, or against gani za tions. The ca feteria has agreed to bidding using state fund s. That's The candidates for Pres ident amnesty for drall r es i stors or To prevent possible tamper­ offer sa lads made of onl y ro­ state law. If the people want to are Bob Engelken and Althea in fa vor of th e provision for ing with the ballot s. th ey will ma ine and leaf lettuce, yet will get the laws chan ged to allow Matthews. For Vi ce -Pres ident alternative se rv ice. be locked up in a filing cabinet continue to se ll sa lad s made this they should talk to their Representati ves and Congress­ th ey ar e Bob Braun and Byron The other question i s on ath ­ in hi s office during th e day. with non - union ice berg l ettuce. letics, to see how many student s Th e r omai n and leaf lettuce men. They shou ldn't put the Clemens. "I've got the only key," sa id 28 candidates are running for attend the sports eve nt s at UMSL, John Greenwell, Chai rman of salads will be situated on th e squeeze on us in this mattei­ the 21 co un c il seat s. whi ch ones, and to see if th e Central Counc il's Appointment s l ell - side of the sa lad displays beca use we just aren't allowed Two politi ca l parties have e­ student s know what their activitv in the ca fet eria and snackateria. to di sc riminate whom we ' ll buy and Election Committee. merged, th e Something New Par­ fees are being used for. M ember s of the PFP and th e from ... At th e end of the dav' s ballot­ ty and th e Pe ace and Freedom Ballott ing will take place in the admini strators invo lled in the Perr y also stated that if the ting, th ey will be locked in the Party. Ea ch ha s its own presi­ lobby of the University Center l ettuce question are awaiting le­ Peace and Freedom Party tried o ffi ce of th e Dean of Student s. dential and vi ce-presidential and th e se cond floo r of the Bu si- gal judgement on whether unre­ to set up a tabl e to se ll l ettuce It I~ as es timated that when all stri cted bidding for lettuce i s a in the University Center, it would the ballot s were in, it would state law o r a uni vers ity poli cy. have to be terminated . " There I ntersession COU rses of.fered take approximatel y nine hours If it is a state law. then legal chan­ are three or four reason s whv to co unt them . ges would have to be made in the sa lad bar i s out of line. The He al so mentioned th at all ' o rder to r estri ct bidding to a co ndition s under which th ey are Intersession co urses, both be­ pending on the number of c r edit disputes co nce rning the conduct spec ific union, that of th e United se ll ing the lettuce was not san­ fore and after th e regular sum­ hours. Most classes will meet of the el ect ion wi ll re st with Farmworkers. itary." Bes ide s se ll ing lettuce mer session will be offered for for either two or three weeks. him although ' if anybody wi shed Acco rding to chiefbus inessof­ that was not prepared under co n­ th e fir st time th i s yea r at UMSL. Pre- summ er sess ion co urses to conte st th e final r es ults th e ficer John Perry, the Un i ve r sity ditions required by th e hea lth de­ Some 14 courses in five ar eas beg in the lI'ee k of May 14-~I, Stud ent Court would be r espon­ would not bu y all FarlT1workers partment, Pern' al so questioned wi II be ava ilable for th ose able and po st-summer sess ions ar e sbi Ie. l et tu ce because it would restrict wh et her sa les tax was bei ng char­ to attend c la sses daill for a two ,sched ul ed to begin August 6, In most elections of t hi s tl pe the price bidding that produce ged on th e l ettuce, and wheth er o r three-llook period during th e with the except ion of one grad­ "usua lly about t ell percent of the se ller s make to se ll lettuce to those manag ing the sa lad bar summer. uate -l eve l ed uca tion course whi ch student body votes," he sa id . the University. "We are re­ wer e running a profit-making Courses in biology, ed ucat ion, begi ns Ju ly ~. Reg i stration will He dec lined to I'enture a guess as to ho \\ c lose anI' of the races . quired to buy product s from the operation for which th ev would math emat ics , philosophy and be held during the first c la ss bidder with the best price." have to pay taxes. .- speech will be offered at the mee ting of each course. might be, a It hough he co mm ent ed "The main r eason for not eli ­ Bill Edwards, director of the intersession. For further info rmation on r e­ th at th e campa igns will soo n he in full s II ing. "The I-e II ill pro­ minating th i s lettuce i s that thi s Uni ve rsity Center, felt that the gi stJ-at ion for both new and cu r­ Most co urses will mee t dai" i s a state institution, and we alternati v'e sa lad was the bes t r entl y enrol led student s i savail­ bab l~ be sign s up in th e next and class length will vary be~ are not allowed to re strict th e Continued on page 14 abl e by contact ing the UMSL Ad­ wee k," he de c lar ed.
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