Scholars Crossing 1986 The Fundamentalist Journal 4-1986 The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 5 Number 4 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_86 Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 5 Number 4" (1986). 1986. 7. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_86/7 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1986 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. APRIL.1986 T\ ,'O DOLLARS raf*o {ClBtrJ LUV nfirn(} ;tUT{} u! X *^,{'-\ (j <c^l HN C1* 6:(iCe <i)s3 !rd}<}} I'O .F GJ lf r O' ifr & Ip ir Thehomise Given to Abralnnratu Teerqge $uicide-A Cry for Help HeardTm [ate rt#John F"'Walvmrd' ffi WhatIs;a GoodChurch? Themulti-volume MacArthur New TestamentCommentary is the ideal resourcefor activelaymen, pastors, and JohnMacArthur scholars.All fromone of America's leadingexpositors. DoesHis Homework So Seeyour local Christian bookseller andtake advantage of JohnMacArthur's homework' YouCanDolburs. r-_.,mooDv PREss ll!/ rxe NAME You ca.N Trrusr TheMacArthur Neu TestamentCommentary, at !our Christionbookstore sinal McGuffds Readers were different. They were Chrlstian Nour they're qaailoble again ofter 725 years. You can get the fu/J set here and SAVE $70 Rev.William McGuffey published his legendary Readers in the 1830s. FREE B00K Freewlth each s ertMclutley and His Readers: Piety, Motatity and Latereditions, from 1857 on, were revised without his approval, and ex- Educati\nin lgthCentuty Anerlca by John H. Woatorhofl ltl purgatedmost references to religion. They were still excellent texts, but no longerChristian texts. or 9 frnishesit, he'sreading better, and understanding more, than most highschoolers. Nowa Christianpublisher, Mott Media, has reprinted the originals. We areoffering them, with pride and admiration, for parents,godparents Echcticfourth Rerder. Quite beyond the average collegian today, yet andgandparenh who care enough to teachat home,or atleasttohelp,withinthe reach of welltrained l0{o-12-year-olds. Dozens of authors thechildren they love. theyshould meet: Johnson, Webster, Milton, Jefferson, Schiller, Bacon, Southey,Bryant, Shakespeare, etc. The Ori$nal McGuffeys:7 superbtexts EclecticProgressive Spelling Book. "Progressive" because it starts with PictodrlEclectic Primer for YoungChildnn. 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Each lesson is fol- "Let'sbring back McGuffey's Reader - to College"is how Carl Bode, lowedby l) questionsdrawn from it (e.g.,How did Washingon receive Universityof Maryland, titled his article in lhe Ghronicleof Higher Lafayette?What is theFifth Commandment? What is emulation?)and Education.Wrote Bode: "l guaranteethat regular doses of McGuffeywill by 2) spellingwords ("believed," "myrrh," "forsook"). When your brightentheir eyes and bring roses totheir cheeks. .teach them to con- childrenmaster this book, they'll be years ahead of theirpeers. centrateon the printed page...give them some of thememorable poetryand prose of our AngloAmerican inheritance. make them bet EclcticThird Rerder. Authors like Addison, Irving, Byron...Bible termen and women, not to mentionbetter-spoken menand women." selections...excursionsintohi$ory like the marvelous "Alexander the Great"- adultscan read this book with pleasure. 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Address Rxrdamerrtalist o o J o o c) An in-depth look of the Bookof Forgiven,As Christforgove your Genesisreveols the people ond sins,nothing more importontever circumstoncesGod usedto shope hoppened to you, But con you the future of Hiscreotion, forgiveto forget the sinsogoinst you? Teensuicide. A cry for helpheord AS Biog_rophy-JomesM. Groy too lote,The modern-doy trogedy E|c l-ellmon lA Forgivefo Forget '- JovE Adoms hits15 fomilies every doy, Christion fomiliesore not immune. 48 Thunderin fhe Pulpit lf tuchoeology:Unroveling The Obligotionof Love 'v lhe lrulh oboul lhe JomesM Groy Pqhiorchs-JobnJ Dovis ?7 Morioge, Divorce& v' Remolrioge-AnOverview FomilyLiving Ihe PromlseGiven lo EdwordDobson 5l 20Abrohom-WolterC Koiser.Jr Well,Exc-u-use Me! 56 ln Review 64 RussellJ Asvitt Ihe Lifeond Timesof the MinistryUpdofe 22Polrlorchs-EugeneH Merrill 59 Prolile /! J_oseph, ed Fovorife 6l -) _Irusfpotlerson YouSoid lf John F,Wolvoord l?'cnoroLJ 7 MichcelFlueni lA Jery FolwellCommenls Teen Suicide '- NewsCommenlory 27A Cry for HelpHeord Too Lote Whotls o GoodChurch? \/'tA7 MikeKing VoluesClorificotion Needs Fundomenlolismlodoy Clorificotion-An n Whorton D'- Shoringq Sensilive, Leornirrgfrom Our Weokrresses 30 EdwordDobson Sensible Heoil-WhenYour News-SupremeCourt Child ls Depressed 69 UpholdsAid to BlindMinistry AndreBuslonobv 1A Pofter'sCloy r- GettingRid of SpirituolFlob Student-MortinMowyer TylerB Flynn ? ? n PreventiveOutreoch NewsBriefs v v lo Teens-JerrvJohnston /Q )1 Glimpsesof Greofness MichelePrince - t Abrohom-Monof Foith HcroLdL Willmingion 7 A After All ? 5, Answeringfhe Cryfor Help ' - The CelebritySyndrome -- RonoldE lowkrns 41 Preoching & Posforing TrumonDollcr 4 FundomentolistJournol nly Norway-"The Land of the Midnight Sun"-could of- fer such a picture-perfect settingfor what some are de- scribing as one of this century's most important gatherings of independent Baptists. 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