■ 1 ■ . 3 / 1 7 / ' 5 6 ............' :....... 7 5 "5902"* crocraphics ’ '• WESTERN MlCR S M O . ^ P s a l t l a k e Cl T l i ■ me VS- itin rn in g r t u t s ^Avalai] - - Today’s forecs* a s t:/ I g e C ' Mostly cloudy^ withw highs around 40.\ ..; ‘ Republicansqsfcritici^e^lah, ct)ncede:; it w ill end dcdeficits Tonight.mostly dcloudy o with loV/s in tfae 'i:’' victiiiislis die ______2 0 s - :: ______ - ____ Tl__ton.pIan.w.ould.cut.taxc;axcs.oyciL5e.Ycn_______ iJaroB »n:H :ft4lzz:■—r-ycar8-by-$87-billion,-w«-well-below-the------- IbeA ssasodated'IYes------ ■ , WASHINOTON —i^dat'Clin- Prc I — O O P’s $240 billionn fproposal. It' ton bowed,to;mt>nths o fKf' ^u b itcan the table” ththat Republicans can evalu-u- would extract savingsI of S102 billion KETCrCHUN^ r-.T w p tcen-sgcrsre fahave died af^er they were demands Satttrd^ and. oflpfleira^^sev* sie, safd H<House ^d g et Committee:e from Medicare and $52iS2 billion from trapp^d ini an avalandie at daletiaa SummitioSi tbe central Ida- en*yeor balanced-bud^.'l^.'plan, a'key ChoimunJ<John Kasich, R-Ohio. Medicaid, about halfwlr whst'Republi- ho moununtains. j-i.'/.i,'' -., moment at White HbujCibic:btidget talks Kasich andai Senate Budget Com-1- cans want, plus an oddiidditional. S295 , The vlctimsiv v^^''rd^*fied asB.PetBr;Hall, .?< Ketchum, and FlgfonTEisiracrack that wtU allow the cndiv'xe {govemment mittce Chailairman Pete Domcnici, R-I- billion from other domesnestic programs Richiudd Rilece^-.Ked B ^ N J; Bodi.Pdi.were,19. In his best Mict;ichelangelo imitation, to em e r^ from itt three--ee-week sh u t-, N.M„ lold1 reportersr that CHnton hadid — about 75 percCTt of)f thetl GOP pro- Hall’sI’s brothff, Chris, was.iibhaxmaxmed and notified audiori- Kimberly artist GaryGa Stone paints the down.' ■ • : ' made che piproposal, and i^ was con-1- posal. ties aboiout 3 p!m. Fritfay. A'lidicopiMpter brought a ski rescue ^Um g ofthe newV Twin7 Falls airport ter- R^ublicans criticizedd tlthe proposol lirmed laterer by ^ i t e House adviser Another feature oPClH in to n ’s new ' teamandnd a.dog to tbe scene an JioiiiLl>UcJater nnd-wilhin3Q min. as containing too muchI spispading and__G cor^.stcjtcpbanopoiilos. WhUc_not)t , plan would provide-timt.ilat.if the econo-- .^t^nhe<o4oglocated the tw a youths,IS. ai:tually increasing M, ; than s, they were sitting just out-t- my performs as Well1 as the W hite ■ Blainene County Sheriff Walt Femliimling soid the tliiec appar- ----- House^s-Omco-oWvlanduiagement-and------- ently-weiMreAiowboarding an d '^ lkIking in on Idaho Highway 75 Up in smoke -But they idhccircd'thaithat the Con- The two> RepubliconsI said the pro-f- Budget projects it will,ill, ithere would nrarthele 8,700-foot summit when the snowslide occurred, gressional ^^gc^OfT;(;e.[qe .believes it' posal, origt:ginally written, by Senatee be an additional SI94I bilbillion for the ‘Therem happened to be a doctorn- fromf^ San Francisco who , WestEnd^ireDI Dnartm ent volunteers B ldeficits by Minority LeaderL< Tom Daschle, D-I- govemment to spendI overo\ the next was upI theretl sightseeing, so medicallical anention was given to hold Paul's antiuoltal Christmas tree bon- 2002. U^.le^UtttioriI CcCongress a p - ' S.D., woulc>ld spend J400 billion to6 seven yeiirs. Ono-third-ird'O f the extra these nids d right away,” Femling said,aid. fire and hot-dog.roasoast. ' ■ . proved Fntx^'tHat lyill1 'inimmediately SSOO billionon more than RepublicansIS money would be usedd fifor domestic The vivictims were Uikqi lo Wood>od ^ v e r Medical Center, Pa8ttB1.^V-r' —trigger. a'-it6pJ5nihg--^-at-atle^t until--have propoiosed.through 2002. Theyy program; Clinton saysrS wouldv spark....... Sun Vallililey. Both had been buried1 in ihe snow for up to two ‘ Jan. 26 — ofall' federal pmgnmisprr that also said i:t twould ' not.do. enough to0 the economy, oncrthird:d ffor more tax ^ hours ancmd were suffmng from severe/ere hypothermia, said hos- - r ----- -------------- revnmp-Mexi t s a r : : — ----------- ;--------------- - And (hey said Clinton’sI’s <embrace' o f social prognpwns Republicans want to0 duction. Hall waswi pronounc^ dead as he; waswt being moved to a he- tbe plan was crucial becausause. it woiild oveihaul. “Wc arc thrilled thatiBt theI govern- licopterr foraft flight to Boise, she said,aid. N o rest help clarify how cl(ue to a sweeping “Of oil theth< budgets presented, thiss m ent is going to reopen," Reece'e was flown to Boise’s S t AlphonsusAlp Regional Medi- budget deal the two sidessmightbe. m ' is'the mosi)st.lib eral o f all,'*, saidd Stephanopoulos said inn anai interview. ' cal CcriteIter. He died at the hospital,, saidsai Ada County Coroner The Twin FallsI b(boys’ basketball team "The good news is th:that at least Domcnici. "And We have shown thatthai the budget Ei;wtn SoSonnenbcrg. had-.iittle' time to> s<savor Friday night’s we’re going to have a .document-on.doc , AccordingIg to Dembcrats, the Clin-- can be balanced widiin; sc\seven years.’’ . w in over Burley as the Bruins'travelled to Borah. Pag«D1 Tough test The Burley Botiobcats, fresh off a thrilling: girls bosketlketball victory over ri- i L a ’i iker•s ta(ckle gra) V8l'Minico, tackledd ssecond-ranked High- land Saturday.- - P»g« D3 Lesspub]blicized,~H . One more stepV butnolesi;ss a part H • The Pittsburgh Ste<Steelers and Green Bay Packers, moved with'ithin a victory of the Super Bowl. Saturdaylay. oifthiss year I P a g » D 1 for school buildingMig construction.'c< intiielegi^slature H Among the lawmak'nakers' options ore rais- ^KaraToOddnen ing the sales tax or>r imposingii “sin taxes” Tiracs-l^ews writer liquor or dgarettc::ttes to esmblish a fund that could be ujjcd to . : L^aiiiing l e r b i ^ ; to repay existing debts BOISE - Deface publi«iblic or private prop- or used in place o f a schoolsi district levy, ' Itxip^dding ps^nth<ithbod tw M ^e im^i* ■ and you lose yourr dridriver’s license. - It is still unclearr underur those proposals ^nation ^dnerwflfmfm anym en.' ..........• .That’s the mesiage thaithat a Filer Republi>> r ^ ^ | who would decide; wlwhen a school district V - p » g # d catTlawiiulker,’RepTDoii,)oi]g Jpnes i^ d arch needed a new bulldinIding or which district.s .. gratlitLenomy .DavidI.Buddec'ke.want .Bi Jo. would be allowed to drawd iipm the fund.- - Eaj^eproji^ send to g n ^ t i artists statstatewide. Anothcf proposal,ll, ffloated'by Jones ond . Two Twin Fall?j S<Scoiits haVe gone to It’s'perhaps pne o f the least publicized fellow Republicanin IRep. Jim.Kempton. unusual lengths to earn ^hfeir-Eagle issues o f the 1996 Lisgiibgislature, which is from Albion wouldd allowal schpol di.stricis expected to reform the: sUstate’s welfare pro- | ^ H | ' to tax income as wellell tas property, ^ c i . grams, hold hearingss oion nuclear waste H H . People living in cacieach district would still and decide .whether io} requirere farmers to M B vote oh whether to0 bibuild the schc>oli but . iiitinn inciimnj-» IWWB jecke'say their pro- ^■fyifkirnalw a^^rds majprity to a'siniple posed.law hits hard at a »serious problem - ( B H 50 pereent plus onejvotc. vo • > graffiti markings are sometimesso: tied to RBW Terrell Donicht, su;superintendent o f the Be c o n c e rn ^, nnot scared _ gangs.- While the T w n FalFalls Police Depart- BMBM ■ T w n F ^ S c l w l DisDistrict,* .said he would • .Today’s-editoriatt cexplores gangs and ment discounts (he nouoi)HocrQi«~gan^~5re~fl|H rfimdrbufifiharfirils:------ -^ then would prefer to see the income tax violent crime in,(he M arie Valley. rampant.locally, Jones: anand.Biiddecke sa^ . they want tp erase thee problempi before it ■ plan pass through thehe ILegislature, ^ w s . ' ■ ,!■ In any case, he said,aid, something must be “I think you’ve got a1 lillittle bit pf'O prob- done. lem brewing." said Buddiiddecke, director of H "We could teach1 th(these kids in bams if Grafilti Busters, whichh hhas removed 150 -^ ^ B that’s what folks want,ant,’’ he .suid. “But up- spots o f graffiti -since JuiJune. He has seen' ^ ^ B to-date facilities thatlat aret technologically : Motel on fire the initials “WSC” whicl[lich h e said stands. H H adapted, that is goingIg tto be crucial in pro- viding a decent cducaticotion." Fire engulfed a How[ovrard Johnson motel for West Side Crips, in blue,1 the gang's ^ 'i, , SUDCHJDOV CHARLES MANOncm* Ttna»N« . colors. • in Bowling Green, KjKy., Samrday mom-’ - d Buddecke, director ofol Graffiti Busters, hasIS rremoved m ore than 15150 Schoolreform In^' killing th m guesbests. I f passed by the Legissgisiatiire, the law David l ^ ' A S would allowJudgM to strstrip an ofrendp-’s epotss of graffiti slnce-llurie.e. Now, with ^ e aid offRep. Ri Doug Jones, he Lawmakers will take:ike another run ot an is­ driver’s license for one! yearye at the first of- h o p ee18 to strengthen (eglelallatlon against vandals’, sue that failed in lastst yyear’s Legislature - ■ fense, ahd for two yearsrs oat the'second of- charter schools. ■ , :U5.;te;Pei^i(iG u lf fen^e. Offenders, withoutout licenses would ine tax or higher re g i^ tioion n fees - to Schools The schools would al or ah estimalcd S4.1 billion b d allow people outside have to wait one’or two/o iyears before ap- n backlog in ' Two yearsre aftera majorly reworking theth the-school system to starts up alicrnative Defense Sec^ettiy/ VWilliam Perry says ^ y and bridge'rcpair.* the'thieat of aggr^ioision by Iran and I r ^ plying fpr one.
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