> Vy • '/ *■ PAGS 8IXTEEW MONDAY, DECEMBER. 2. 19B7 llaurhrat^r lEu^ittitg iSrralli Average Daily Net Press Run FAt the Week Ended - I The Weather The regular meeting of the Sal­ Our Lady of Fatima Mothers Xbvdmber 80, 1957 Fareeaa* »f D. B. fVMttar B onaa vation Army Home League will be Circle will meet tomorrow at 8 (dfsinopnlitairH Guest Elks Honor Pead by Chetelat and Chase. Refreih- About Town held in the Citadel tomorrow p.m. at the home of Mrs. N. J. nienta were served hy the Man-1 Snow tealght, not aa raid. Itaw afternoon at 2 o'clock. Hostesses Chester Emblem Club after the! • 12,682 near SO. Wedneaday mow or raBi Liipacchino, 47 Hamlin St. Co- Al Sunday Service .sen-ices. ■/The '■ Rftgin* d'ltalia Society will be Mrs. Fannie Keibish. Mrs. hoatesaea will be Mrs. Jules Les- ■•Vf OLLIE'S Member of the Audit •adfaig by afternoon, Snovr aeenm- will hold tu annual Christmas par­ Etta Hope and Mrs. Dora Spatig. Tlie Memorial Committee In­ sard and Mrs. Daniel Puzlnaa. cluded George R. English, past . Bureau of Circulation N . ulatton S to 4 tndiea. ty at the\Jtallan American Club Members are reminded to bring The Memorial Services for the tonight. A fchlckcn dinner will be Ladies of the Army and Navy exalted ruler; Paul Gagne, es-: ItfancheUer-^A City of pillage Charm 50-cent grab bag gifts. department memoers of Manches­ quire; and Hugo Benson, chaplain. ( : . served at 6;Sn .Members arc re­ Club Auxiliary will hold a public ter Lodge of Elks was held Sun- ■ AUTO BODY minded to bring gifts for the setback party tonight at 8:30 at VOL. LXXVII, NO. 54 the clubhouse. The Past Mistress Club of day at 3 o'clock in the Elka home. WELDING. AUTO BODY and FENDER REPAIRS (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1957 (Clasairied AdvertiilBg en Page II) PRICE FIVE CENTP grabbag. Daughters of Liberty. LOLl. will This annual service is held on the Jury Conimillec Manchester Emblem Club, No. Manchester Lodge, No. 73. AF hold a Christmas part.v tomorrow first Sunday of December in niem- I COMPLETE CAR PAINTING 251. will meet Wednesday at 8 and AM, will hold a special meet­ ■ at 7 p.m. at Cavev's Restaurant, i I ory of Elk.s who have died since i Named by Martin p.m. in Tinker hall. -Mrs. George ing at the Masonic Temple tomor­ I ■ ■ ■■ i the memorial service of the pre-! l A iPQME r a n d e n a m e l Snow on Way English, chairman of the Christ­ row night at 7:30. The -Master ! .Mi.vi Har-el Kuhnly of St. John's | I reeding .year. Sunday, five were on Indonesian^ mas party, w-oulo like all officers Mason degree will be exemplified j Epi.scopal Church. RockvDIe, will I the list. A committee to choose Jurors for 8 GRISWOLD ST. TEL. Ml 9-5025 and committee members to report and this will be the last opportuni­ j be guest speaker at he meeting n ie Lodge ceremonies wene con­ sen-ice in Hartford courts has ■Windsor Locks, Dec. 3 i/Pi I of St. Mary's Prayer Group in the ducted by Exsited Ruler Maurice —You won't have to watt any at 7:30. ty for the members to witness the been named by General Manager' Grab Dutch degree work'by the officers In Guild room toiiiorrow at 8 p.m. Her , Gaudet as.sisted hy the lodge of- Richard Marlin for 1958. longer than tonight/or the ad­ Jan P. Peterson, son of Mr and I their present stations. The an- ■ s bject will be "The Abundant ; fleers. The Rev. Erich Brandt of .Members reappointed are Clar-1 vent of winter-llUe weather the President Asks Adlai I Concordia Lutheran Church de- \ Mrs. Harold C. Peterson, 490 Tay­ jnual meeting and election of of­ Life " The public is cordially in- ence Lupien of 12 Bank St. and: U.S. Weather Bureau advised ficers will he held on Dec. 10. Fol­ . vited to attend. livered the eulogy and the 11 Miss Jennie B. Wind of 4S Foster ' today. _ lor St., is scheduled to graduate o'clock toast was given b.v James St. ^ Ship Lines A special bulletin from the from recntit training E>ec 7 at lowing the degree work there vnll I Reardon, past exalted ruler of: the' Naval Training Center. Great be a social hour and refreshments. The .Stanley Circle of the South Mr.s. John L-imenzo of 19 Jean bureau said: .Methodist W'SCS w ill meet tomor­ New London Lodge, "Ave M aria"' Rd.- has been named to succeed Jakarta, Indonesia, Dec. 3 "The first measurable snow I^akes,' Til. and "Tlie Lord's Pra.ver" were Mrs. Katherine Bourn on the 3- for sbuthem Nev England is I -Xi Gamma Chapter, Beta Sigma row at 8 pin., for a Christmas sung by Ralpli .Macenrone and In-j (iP)—Indonesian wqrkers I Phi. will meet tomorrow evening i, part.v at the home of Mr.s Adrian member committee. on its way, spreading cast struinental selei tions were given | Terms run for one year. stretching out their govern­ northeastward from a storm in 1 at 8:15 at the home of Mrs. .lames :' St. Pierre. 199 W. Center .St. Dol- ment sponsored -strike Richmond. 23 Elro -St. .Members |I lar gift.a will be exchanged. squthern Illinois. The snow is Attend NATO Talks Mrs. Hooka K. Johnston against Dutch enterprises expected to begin near mid­ i are reminded to bring Christmas HOME PERMANENT gifts for mental institutions and Siin.set Council. Degree of Poca­ took over two Dutch shipping night tonight, and continue un- the nece.ssary wrappings. hontas. will meet tonight at 8 Mrs. Hooks K. Johnston, direc­ / The Indoneiian newspaper »' til Wednesday afternoon. o'clock in Tinker Hall. As many tor of religious education at Cen­ Keng Po said workers alto had "However, warmer air mov­ SPECIAL ter t.'ongregational Church, will •taken over the Dutch owned Geo ing northeastward from the A general meeting of the Con­ as can do so are asked to meet offer a program of varied Clirist- necticut .Section of the American at the \V P Quish Funeral Home Whery Trading Co. on ah order Mississippi Valley may caur| Ike’s Paris ilamea' Hair Shaping m.-is inlorprelations at the Christ- purportedly Issued by sn Army the snow to become mixed with, Institute of Electrical Engineers at 7:30 to pay respeels to Mrs ni.-i.s parly of the Co.«mopolilan T h e J W I U L C I • Regular tPrice 82.00. will he held at 8 o'clock tomorrow- Nora Keenev. who was a memlier CORK major. , rain along trie .coast tonight. night ih the auditoifiim of the of the Poeahontas Club Frid.ay afternoon al Center M a n c h i s t i r C o n h * Trade union workers moved into and*lhere Is also the chance of Trip Plans Toni Home Permanent Clmrch. the offices of the Royal Nether­ snow changing to rain in all • Refill (withoiif squeeze Connecticut Light and Power Co.. Mrs. .iohn.SLon has done exten- 2 Berlin. Lt. Paul J. Fionime of i 17ie Waddell i PA will meet to­ CORNER MAIN and OAK STREETS lands Shipping Line IKPM), hoist­ sections except the Beikshires battle) Headquarters 63rd AAA Group morrow at 8 p m at the .school .Sivo work in tlie field of children SPECIAL THIS WEEK ed the union's red flag and in­ by Wednesday morning. Regular Price 82.00 and youth programming, and has M1M.MI M OF formed /Dutch Nationals they At present our estimate is "Nike " located at New Britain w 111 The Round Table Singers of Man­ spoken frequently to this a g e Still Vague talk On "The Nike Missile" i chester High School will present were taking over on government for 2 to 4 inches of snow ac­ Regularly 84.00 group and parents on the theme orders. , cumulation. Hazardous driving a program o seaaonal seleetion.s. of trying to make the observance SHOE REPAIR SHOP 5 SHIRTS LAUNDERED-$1.00 This Cnmblnatlnn under the dirertio; of G Albert ATao going into -the hands of conditions will develop tonight Washington, Dec. 3 (IP)— of Cliristmas more ClirisUan. USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT union workers was the Dutch and caution is advised for all r-arson. A showing of the film. Members are requested to bring motorists. Adlai E. Stevenson said after Now Only GENERAL "Leading l>ad.v." will follow A MEN'S SUITS-99C owned Royal Interocean Lines a White House conference to^ their packages for the .Norwieh (KPM) .which operates among free-will offering will be received •State Hospital. Special For Tuesday Only! EXPERTl.V ri.K.ANEI) and PRESSED day* that President Eisenhow­ *3-00 for the benefit of local handicapped Indonesia's 3,000 Islands. TV SERVICE children in a progi-am sponsored MEN'S, LADIES'and ^ ^ ^ ^ A .protest from the Dutch em­ er wants him to'attend the Jam*s' Bcaufy Sden Days M AC A CaU by the Manehe.stcr Recreation ' How To Hold CHILDREN'S SHOES X A bassy brought from the Indonesi­ Doctor Warns NATO aumniit conference in Nights Plus Part* Dept. WE GIVE H'H' GREEN STAMPS an government the statement the Paris. 14S 5IAIN ST.—MI 9-5701 TEL. Ml S-5482 takeover was not in the govern­ The 1952 and 1956 Democratle FALSE TEETH ment plan to boycott Dutch en­ Of• *^New,1 Peril’ presidential candidate said h.a INVISIBLE terprises.
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