LIBRARY OF SECOND TEMPLE STUDIES 93 Formerly the Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series Editor Lester L. Grabbe Founding Editor James H. Charlesworth Editorial Board Randall D. Chesnutt, Philip R. Davies, Jan Willem van Henten, Judith M. Lieu, Steven Mason, James R. Mueller, Loren T. Stuckenbruck, James C. VanderKam i ii ABRAHAM IN JEWISH AND EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE E d i t e d b y Sean A. Adams and Zanne Domoney-Lyttle iii T&T CLARK Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 50 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3DP, UK 1385 Broadway, New York, NY 10018, USA BLOOMSBURY, T&T CLARK and the T&T Clark logo are trademarks of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc First published in Great Britain 2019 Copyright © Sean A. Adams, Zanne Domoney-Lyttle and contributors, 2019 Sean A. Adams and Zanne Domoney-Lyttle have asserted their right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identifi ed as Editors of this work. For legal purposes the Acknowledgements on p. vii constitute an extension of this copyright page. This work is published subject to a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives Licence. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher.. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc does not have any control over, or responsibility for, any third- party websites referred to or in this book. All internet addresses given in this book were correct at the time of going to press. The author and publisher regret any inconvenience caused if addresses have changed or sites have ceased to exist, but can accept no responsibility for any such changes. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Adams, Sean A., editor. | Domoney-Lyttle, Zanne, editor. Title: Abraham in Jewish and early Christian literature / edited by Sean A. Adams and Zanne Domoney-Lyttle. Description: London ; New York : T&T Clark, 2019. | Series: Library of Second Temple studies, 2515-866X ; volume 93 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifi ers: LCCN 2019021449 (print) | LCCN 2019981054 (ebook) | ISBN 9780567675521 (hardback) | ISBN 9780567692542 (epub) | ISBN 9780567675538 (pdf) Subjects: LCSH: Abraham (Biblical patriarch) | Abraham (Biblical patriarch—In rabbinical literature. | Abraham (Biblical patriarch)—In the New Testament. | Abraham (Biblical patriarch)—In literature. Classifi cation: LCC BS580.A3 A3734 2019 (print) | LCC BS580.A3 (ebook) | DDC 222/.11092--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019021449 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019981054 ISBN: HB: 978-0-5676-7552-1 ePDF: 978-0-5676-7553-8 ePUB: 978-0-5676-9254-2 Series: Library of Second Temple Studies, 2515–866X, volume 93 Typeset by Refi neCatch Limited, Bungay, Suffolk To fi nd out more about our authors and books visit www.bloomsbury.com and sign up for our newsletters . iv C ONTENTS Acknowledgments vii Abbreviations viii INTRODUCTION : A BRAHAM IN J EWISH AND C HRISTIAN A UTHORS 1 Sean A. Adams and Zanne Domoney-Lyttle Chapter 1 ABRAHAM IN THE H EBREW B IBLE 9 Zanne Domoney-Lyttle Chapter 2 ABRAHAM IN THE O LD T ESTAMENT A POCRYPHA 29 G é za G. Xeravits Chapter 3 ABRAHAM IN THE O LD T ESTAMENT P SEUDEPIGRAPHA : F RIEND OF G OD AND F ATHER OF F ATHERS 41 Jared W. Ludlow Chapter 4 ABRAHAM IN R EWRITTEN S CRIPTURE 59 Susan Docherty Chapter 5 ABRAHAM IN P HILO OF A LEXANDRIA 75 Sean A. Adams Chapter 6 ABRAHAM IN J OSEPHUS ’ W RITINGS 93 Michael Avioz Chapter 7 ABRAHAM IN THE S YNOPTIC G OSPELS AND THE A CTS OF THE A POSTLES 109 Joshua W. Jipp v vi Contents Chapter 8 A BRAHAM IN N EW T ESTAMENT L ETTERS 127 Chris Tilling Chapter 9 A BRAHAM IN THE A POSTOLIC F ATHERS 149 Seth M. Ehorn Chapter 10 A BRAHAM IN C ONTEMPORARY G REEK AND L ATIN A UTHORS 165 Margaret Williams Chapter 11 T HE F IGURE OF A BRAHAM IN THE A NCIENT G NOSIS 183 Csaba Ö tv ö s Bibliography 207 Index of Ancient Sources 229 Index of Authors 243 A CKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to Dominic Mattos at Bloomsbury, who has responded to our queries with grace, effi ciency, and patience. Our series editor, Lester Grabbe, has been responsive and supportive. Our thanks also go to our colleague, Sarah Nicholson, who read several chapters. A special word of thanks goes to Michael Mulryan and Merv Honeywood for providing editorial assistance, proof- reading, and referencing support. We owe a great debt of gratitude to our spouses, Megan Adams and Simon Domoney-Lyttle, who not only allowed us to spend many hours on this project, but had to endure innumerable conversations about it. It is to them that we dedicate this volume. Sean A. Adams Zanne Domoney-Lyttle Glasgow, UK February 2019 vii A BBREVIATIONS AB Anchor Bible AB Assyriologische Bibliothek ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary Abr. De Abrahamo Adol. poet. aud Quomodo adolescens poetas audire debeat Adv. Marc. Tertullian, Adversus Marcionem AGJU Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums AJ Antiquitates Judaicae AJEC Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity ALGHJ Arbeiten zur Literatur und Geschichte des Hellenistischen Judentums AnBib Analecta Biblica Ant. Antiquities of the Jews Anth. Vettius Valens, Anthologia Apoc. Abr. Apocalypse of Abraham Apoc. Zeph. Apocalypse of Zephaniah AYBC Anchor Yale Bible Commentary b. Sanh. Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin Barn. Barnabas BBR Bulletin for Biblical Research BCE Before Common Era BDAG Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature BDF A Greek Grammar of the New Testament BETL Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum lovaniensium Bib Biblica BIS Biblical Interpretation Series BJS Brown Judaic Studies BZAW Beiheft e zur Zeitschrift f ü r die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft BZNW Beiheft e zur Zeitschrift f ü r die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft C. Ap. Contra Apionem CBET Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Th eology CBQ Catholic Bible Quarterly CE Common Era CEJL Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature Cher. On the Cherubim CJAS Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity CP Classical Philology Congr. On the Preliminary Studies viii Abbreviations ix DCH Dictionary of Classical Hebrew DCLS Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies Deus Imm. Quod Deus sit immutabilis Dial. Dialogus cum Tryphone Disc. Discourses Dig. Puls. Galen, De Dignoscendis Pulsibus Iv DJD Discoveries in the Judaean Desert Ebr. De ebrietate EKK Evangelisch- katholischer Kommentar (Vorarbeiten) ExAn Exegesis Animae Exc. Excerpts from Th eodotus and of the so- called eastern doctrine of Valentinianism FAT Forschungen zum Alten Testament Firm. Mat. Firmichus Maternus FRLANT Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments Fug. De fuga et inventione GAP Guides to the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha Gen. Apoc. Genesis Apocryphon Gen. Rab. Genesis Rabbah Gig. On Giants GLAJJ Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism Gram. et Rhet. Seutonius, On Grammarians Haer. Adversus haereses HCS Hellenistic Culture and Society Hist. Th ucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War HTR Harvard Th eological Review Hom. Luc. Homiliae in Lucam HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual Inst. Institutio oratoria JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society JBL Journal of Biblical Literature JCPS Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series JJS Journal of Jewish Studies JPS Jewish Publication Society JSJ Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period JSJSup Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period, Supplements JSNT Journal for the Study of the New Testament JSNTSup Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement JSOT Journal for the Study of the Old Testament JSOTSup Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement JSP Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha JSQ Jewish Studies Quarterly JSS Journal of Semitic Studies JTS Journal of Th eological Studies x Abbreviations KJV King James Version LAB Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum LCL Loeb Classical Library Leg. All. Legum allegoriae LHBOTS Th e Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies LNTS Library of New Testament Studies LS Louvain Studies LSTS Library of Second Temple Studies LXX Septuagint Marc Adversus Marcionem Meg. Megillah 14 ª Migr. On the Migration of Abraham MS Manuscript MSU Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens MT Masoretic Text Mus Mus é on Mut. Nom. Philo, On the Change of Names NHC Nag Hammadi Codex NHS Nag Hammadi Studies NIGTC New International Greek Testament Commentary NovT Novum Testamentum NovTSup Novum Tetamentum, Supplements NRSV New Revised Standard Version NT New Testament NTS New Testament Studies OCD Oxford Classical Dictionary OT Old Testament OTL Old Testament Library Pan. Panarion (Adversus haereses) Phld. Ignatius, To the Philadelphians Poet. Poetica Porph. Porphyry Hom. Quaes Homeric Questions Praem. Poen. On Rewards and Punishments Poster. C. Philo, De posteritate Caini Praep. Ev. Praeparatio Evangelica Princ. De principiis (Peri arch ō n) Procopius of Gaza Comm. Gen Commentary on Genesis Ps-Plutarch Lib. Ed De liberis educandis QG Questions and Answers on Genesis QE Questions and Answers on Exodus Ref. Refutatio RevQ Revue de Qumran RSV Revised Standard Version Sacr. De sacrifi ciis Abelis et Caini Sanh. Sanhedrin 58b SAPERE Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam SBL Society of Biblical Literature Abbreviations xi SBLDS Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series SBLEJL Society of Biblical Literature Early Judaism and Its Literature SC Sources chr é tiennes SCS Septuagint and Cognate Studies SHR Studies in the History of Religions (supplements to Numen) Sib. Or. Sibylline Oracles SNTS Society for New Testament Studies Somn. On Dreams SPB Studia postbiblical SPCK Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge SPhA Studies in Philo of Alexandria Sphilo Studia Philonica STDJ Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah Strom. Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis SVF Stoicorum veterum fragmenta T. Abr. Testament of Abraham T.
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