/" "N November IS, 1984 Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N:Y. Volume 30, Number 8 Housing project to cost $4 million, Murray says by Lou Ann Seelig . currently organizing the inside and that any evaluation would be layout of the communications done only if a large number of The proposed student apart­ ' building with the advice of ex­ students approached him on the ment complex will cost a total of perts in the communication arts subject. $4 million, $1 million more than fields. Murray said that he recognized was originally reported in local ' ' He also said that, although the the possibility for a conflict. newspapers, according to Marist suggestions from the profes­ between LaMorte's roles. But, he College President Dennis J. Mur­ sionals will weigh heavily in the said, "To say there is an inherent ray. "'',"' college's decisions about organiz- difficulty there, I fail to see that The cost of the complex, which ' ing the building's space, students as a case." the college plans to construct on a may have the opportunity input The concern over an apparent site behind the Dutchess Bank, in­ .some ideas. "I would hope that duality between LaMorte's two cludes $3 million to construct the where the ' students would be , roles on campus was raised in two complex itself and an additional specifically involved, that the recent issues of The Circle. Si million to buy the.land, Mur­ students would have some input," Turning to . other campus ray said Friday at wide-ranging he said. issues, Murray commented on the press conference with student Murray added, however, the recent break-in that occurred journalists. college could not accommodate Nov. 1. He said, "I will ask that all the requests for space in the the entire circumstances that led The apartments will be built on up to this event be reviewed." a site next to land given to the col­ new center. • "There was three lege for new athletic fields in a , times as much request for space as grant from the McCann Founda­ we had space," he said. Increasing the security on cam­ tion. When questioned about the When asked about space in the pus is one possible solution to the completion date of the proposed center for media clubs, specifical­ potential recurrence of a break- project, Murray said, "I feel ly the television and radio sta­ in, Murray said, "provided the uneasy at even projecting a date." tions, Murray said, "Definitely students are willing to go along He added, "I just don't know all the plans are to have the TV sta­ with tightened security." the eventualities that that 'project tion in the Lowell Thomas He went on to say that the could involve." He also pointed • Center." He added, 'There is Marist campus, although it is but that the apartment proposal is room in the Lowell Thomas somewhat isolated from the city completely independent, of. the Center for the radio station if it is of Poughkeepsie, is a small city Lowell Thonfas Center and has decided that it should be there." unto itself and that students nothing to do with the delays in •*• .Murray stressed, however, that should be encouraged to take its construction the college is following the advice common-sense precautions, such '.of experts 'aifd that, an the case of as-locking their doors, to guard .'rtKeYadfo'statiorif."there are^m'any - : against-the recurrence df'a-break- • '"••".••.,*'-•.. v .'^;.T.- • ai'h 'i?ir^M$^''~^^i'^U?;&*^^^$^£d^a(c|ngS£e;h^£.''£ e ' advantages,of-having it where it -• Dennis Murray considers a question'posed at Friday's press > • new^ebmmunication arts~builaing in: •' conference.' ' *"*'-''' , ' .' . " " . •'" is." "But, '.'he" added, "If' we has been "delayeda couple mon­ ultimately want to move it to the (photo by Margo Kucich) ths" due to a combination of pro­ center, there will be room for it.". blems with the site. He also said that an important On other topics, Murray said deterrent to the repetition of such he is willing to look into the ap­ incidents would be "students Murray added that, despite the parent .conflict between the roles looking out for other students, Faculty near vote difficulties the college has had of the'Rev. Richard LaMorte as being willing to help." with the site of the new com­ assistant dean of students and col­ When asked about Marist's munications center, "The ar­ lege chaplain. plans for Western Publishing on CORE'S future chitect is still convinced that that "If this is a concern that is felt building, now Marist East, Mur­ Oust north of the college's north by a large .number of students, ray responded, "We would be in­ entrance) is the best site for the we'll discuss it. with Fr. LaMorte terested in purchasing the office by Andrew Schiavoni -7- A second course in each of Lowell Thomas Center." and Dean Cox," Murray said. part of the building," but added these'five areas: natural science, Murray added, however, that that for time being, "we should The faculty will vote next social science, history," literature Continuing on the subject, the students he knows are in continue to maintain long-term month on a proposal that would and mathematics. Murray said that the college is general supportive of LaMorte lease situations." create a new CORE/Liberal — A "capping" course in the Studies program at Marist. student's major. The new program, proposed by Students taking a foreign the faculty Academic Affairs language would be allowed to Committee, would replace the /substitute intermediate courses in Vietnam—a personal experience current CORE, but would not the language for up to six of the change requirements for students credits in the second group of by Douglas Dutton suicide, another was killed by founder of the Ulster County now enrolled at Marist. distributive courses above. police, and others were involv­ chapter of the VVA, hanged If passed, the new requirements Also under the proposal, no Imagine being in a fatal auto ed in auto accidents involving himself in the Peekskill jail will go into effect with next year's students would be exempted from accident once or twice a day, either drugs or alcohol. after being arrested on a freshman class. taking at least one writing course. seven days a week, for a year Although Adin's group is an charge of disorderly conduct The program is still being Students placing highest on the of your life. Then imagine that extreme example, it is not uni­ last December. Jerry Serino, modified by the AAC, which is freshman placement exam would the person killed was sitting que. Studies have shown that president of the Mid-Hudson taking suggestions from faculty, take a new honors writing cQurse, right next to you in the driver's combat exposure in Vietnam is chapter of the organization, the Student Academic Committee Currently, those students are not seat, and just happened to be associated with increased ar­ shot himself in early October. and the mentor staff. A faculty required to take a composition one of your best friends. rests and convictions after Although accurate statistics meeting will be held tomorrow to course. According to Marc Adin, discharge, and that alcohol use are hard to find, Adin said the review and discuss the proposal, Other students would be placed director of personnel at Marist tends to increase with greater suicide rate is about 25 percent according to John Scileppi, AAC in either College Writing or and a Vietnam veteran, that is combat experience. For these higher than normal for Viet­ chairman and associate professor Rhetoric of Exposition, according how it felt to be in combat in veterans, readjusting to nam veterans. of psychology. A vote is expected to their levels of competency, as is Vietnam. civilian life can take years. Adin recalls that the feeling "It took me probably five early in December. now the case. Students assigned to "Of the 120 guys I went he had when he first arrived in As it now stands, the proposal College Writing in the first years to really recover from Vietnam was pure panic. "I over with in 1968, 18 came Vietnam," Adin, who was calls for students to take: semester would continue to take back," said Adin. "For the was stationed in Germany, sit­ — CORE 101 (Introduction to' Rhetoric in the second. wounded twice in action, ting in a coffee shop, when first six months there, I cried remembers. He said he bounc­ i Philosophy) and CORE 102 As for the capping course, at night. For my last six, I some MPs came in and told me (Ethics). AAC members said it would be ed around for a few years until I was going to Vietnam," Adin believed that since I was still finally pulling his life together. — At least one writing course. designed to link the student's alive, I was immortal." said. About four stops later, — One course from each of study in a major to the broader He has been at Marist since Adin was there, dressed in the these seven areas: natural science, concerns of the liberal arts. Veteran's Day was Monday, 1981. same clothes he was wearing in social science, history, literature, Currently, students take 21 to and again America honored all While Adin learned to cope the coffee shop. fine arts, mathematics and 30 credits to satisfy CORE of its soldiers, past and pre­ with the Vietnam experience, Adin said his first job in philosophy/religious studies. continued on page 7 sent. But for the veterans of some who didn't have turned Vietnam was to load body Vietnam, the honor doesn't to suicide.
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