How to expand vending machines into the world Make vending machine be a good seller Gunma Chuo Secondary School 5101 Taichi Arikawa Abstract Now there are about 5 million vending machines in Japan. They are already enough in Japan, so wasteful machines are being cut. Then I think that market o f vending machines moves abroad, therefore I devised vending machines from viewpoints of increasing sales and place so that they could sell well in the world. As a result, I suggest “to put main products into the lower left space of vending machines showcase”, ”to put where people stay for a long time”, “to spread in international events”, and so on. Although vending machines can solve problems of language and labor shortage, to spread them may cause appearances of the unemployed. I have to examine where to put vending machines more carefully. 1 Introduction We often see many vending machines in our daily lives. These days we come to see vending machines which consider environment like “peak-shift vending machines”. Then I became interested in vending machines and wondered how their market is going to be, so I checked the number of vending machines in Japan and in foreign countries. After that, I found that there is the downward tendency of the number in Japan and there is upward tendency of it in foreign countries. Now vending machines are diversifying and becoming one of the Japanese cultures. Some vending machines have AED or Free Vend Service which can offer drinks for free in emergency. Besides, it is a big advantage that vending machines can be used in foreign countries easily by changing language of labels. For these reasons, I tried to think up the way to spread vending machines in the world. 2 Discussion and implications The goal of this study is to know the diffusion circumstance of vending machines and think up the way to them in the world. Divide the study into <Study1> and <Study2>. In Study1, check the fluctuation in number and sales of the vending machines in Japan and foreign countries. Then I analyze the result and predict the change in the future. In addition, I interviews the worker of Japan Vending System Manufacturers Association. In Study2, based on the information I found in Study1, think up the good seller vending machines in the world. <Study1> In Japan, vending machines and their sales had increased sharply from 1960s to 1980s, however the increase stopped around 1990s, and they have decreased since 2005. The data of 2016 says that the number of vending machines is about 5 million and the sales are about 4,736 billion yen. I can raise some reasons why they have decreased; the increase of convenience stores, the shift of consumer attitude, and high electric bill. Convenience stores are increasing 1000 stores per year, so now many people buy not only drinks but also foods or newspapers there. The shift of consumer attitude means an appearance of opposition consciousness that people feel against d isposable plastic bottles and cans. Also, vending machines cost high electric bill because of operation around the clock. Next, in the world, the US has the most vending machines and its number is 6.5 million. Japan is in second place. In Europe, it is said that there are about 4.5 million vending machines. I found that China has about 150 thousand vending machines. In the future of vending machines, in Japan they may continue to decrease, but in Europe and in China they seem to increase. In addition, I interviewed the worker of Japan Vending System Manufacturers Association and get advice from him. He said that there are extra vending machines in Japan, so it is not bad to decrease the number of them. Also, he said that the electric bill had cut 77% for 25 years, so it won’t be a problem when we spread them in the world. <Study2> From Study1, I can say that the market of vending machines will move abroad. And I understood we don’t need more vending machines in Japan, so I think up the way to spread vending machines in the world. First idea is to use vending machines made in Japan. As I mentioned before, the electric bill of Japanese vending machines had cut 77% for 25 years. Also, Japanese vending machines had become stronger and electric money-pay vending machines had developed. We can solve the problem of electricity and security by using this. Second idea is to change label of drinks into foreign language. There is an example that Japanese company “Dydo Drinco” experimentally put vending machines in Moscow in Russia. As a result, “American Coffee” whose label was written in English sold well. By the way, Moscow cooperated with this trial because it wanted to remove people who sell drinks on the street, I also can see the demand of vendi ng machines from this example. Third idea is to put vending machines where people stay for a long time. According to the research of Platform Analysis of Vending Machines Markets (by Shiro Komi in 2011), the sales of vending machines in shopping malls was much larger than those in front of stations. This research shows that we should put vending machines where people stay for a long time. I think it is also good to put them inside from a viewpoint of crime prevention. Fourth idea is to put main products into the lower left space of vending machines showcase. This fact was revealed by “eye tracking method”, which can be used to know where people look. As a result, where they look is concentrated in the lower left space of vending machines showcase. Japanese company “Dydo Drinco” actually tried to put their main products there, then the vending machine earned more money than they used to. To spread this idea may make vending machine be a good seller. Fifth idea is to spread in international events. In China, the number of vending machines have been increasing by ten thousand per year since China held the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I think we can start to put vending machines in the 2024 Paris Olympics or other international events. Vending machines are suitable for such events because they can break the language barrier easily. 3 Conclusion I thought that the suggestions mentioned above can make vending machines spread all over the world. As issues of this study, I can raise the possibility of appearance of the unemployed and the way to keep security. I have to choose where to install carefully. 4 References 自販機普及台数及び年間自販金額 2016 年 ( 平 成 28 年 ) 版 http://www.jvma.or.jp/information/fukyu2016.pdf 自販機ビジネスのプラットフォーム分析 – 小見志郎・広島大学自販機ビジネス研究会 (2011) harp.lib.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/pu-hiroshima/file/8081/20140613142144/keijoron03033.pdf 総消費電力削減に向けた自主行動計画 | 自 販 機 | 全 清 飲 http://www.j-sda.or.jp/vending-machine/kankyo01.php 飲料の購入に関するリサーチ結果 | バルクのマーケティングリサーチ・市場調査 https://www.vlcank.com/mr/report/051/ ロシアで自販機は定着するのか? ダイドードリンコの挑戦 - ITmedia ビ ジ ネ ス オ ン ラ イン http://bizmakoto.jp/makoto/articles/1502/18/news005.html ドロボーのひとり言(自動販売機ねらい編)/静岡県警察 http://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/police/kurashi/higai/mijika/dorobo/jihan.html 「 Z の 法 則 」 で は な か っ た - 日 経 ト レ ン デ ィ ネ ッ ト http://trendy.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/pickup/20130603/1049736/?P=3&rt=nocnt 独自に進化、日本の高性能自販機、着々と世界へ進出中 ロ シ ア 、中 国 、ASEAN 市 場 へ 攻 勢 | NewSphere https://newsphere.jp/business/20150612-1/ 富士電機の「自動販売機」が中国で売れる理由|日本では 50 年近くトップを維持する実力 http://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/133350 World arms exports and military industry Impact of weapons exports Gunma Chuo Secondary School 5102 Haruki Igarashi Abstract 1 Introduction A lot of weapons is using in battlefields all over the world. Almost weapons were made by large country. For example, USA and USSR. It killed many soldiers, refugees and their living. It is a problem. If large country continue to supply the weapons, it will happen serious situation, so I researched that how the military industry get same influence in the world. 2 Discussion and implications I think that each country will repeat unnecessary exports of weapons and make the world dance back to the disaster of war. Therefore, I propose the following for exporting more reasonable weapons and establishing a security system. Merit It can decrease many unemployed. More intelligent weapons development, manufacturing and export becomes possible. Sharing of technology between the investing countries and further planning will be the same, so you can fight efficiently and without fighting wartime, which will further have a deterrent effect on the partner country. High technology technologies such as tanks, fighter aircraft an d missiles can not be revived again once they are lost, which makes sense for tradition of technology. Demerit The opinion of each country is not compiled and it hinders the development and production of weapons. We will publish the unique technology that our country has developed to other countries. 3 Conclusion Based on these findings, we found that it is necessary to thoroughly investigate when Japan exports arms and imports. It is important not to be influenced by the power of the great country such as Aegis a Shore, to think by yourself. 4 References https://www.eurofighter.com/ https://www.raytheon.com/ourcompany/global https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/index.html Utilization of IT in the transportation industry Proposal of transport system according to users’ needs Gunma Chuo Secondary School 5103 Yuya Imai Abstract According to a research, users dissatisfied with “Shipping cost”, “The complex system”, “Arrival date” and “The anxiety about security”. I think these problems can be solved with establishing closer relationship between Internet shop operating companies and transport companies.
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