FL- CO CAw Publshed w ety by eb m ten,AFL-CIO, EA ucuie Serst -Tsw Amused 9, l1963 Ng Market Streea, a Wosrla P ettage Pl 'd a* a yearw5 THOL. L Pi Vol. t 0--N. "it -Labor Housing- Bill to Spur lobs A $5.3 billion housing bill jor victory for the Johnson- 000 low and moderate-income At the that could significantly improve Humphrey administration, calls families acquire homes during job opportunities in California's for the construction Or rehabili- the next three years and. anothW depressed construction indus- tation of more than 1.7 million or provision to provide 70I0- Legislature try was signed into law late housing units during the next 000 new housing units for low last week by President John- three years. and moderate-income rentes son. in terms of volume, the two Both programs are geared *1 The the most am- major in the AFLt- to a federl interest rate sub- From the Capitol Office measure, provisions of the Executive Secretay I' bitious housing legislion CIO-backed bill are provisions- sidy which would in. effect'ro- the nation's history and a ma- designed to help nearly 500,- (Continued on Page 4) After being in onstant con- tact with representatives of la- bor interested in thle subject Confusion Reigns matter of AB 1463 and AD Public Employees' Bill 1464 throughout the session, Over Windup backers of the legislation were Is Sent to Governor able to reach agreement on Of. Legilature A session-long srggle on behalf of publie o0r amendments satisfactory to all employe Contsion reigned over the in legislative s ss parties involved. Since we were ganizations ended late last week with California legislature this week able to achieve this result, the concrence Assembly mndments to SB 1228 In after the leaders o£t the Assem- these two bills have successful- the Senate by a vote of 23 to 129 bly and State Senate came to ly negotiated passage through This measure, with Senatr George Moscone as the prin- an impass over the issue od both houses and now await ac- cipal author and the Assembly adjourning or relng. by the Governor. They deal r Commnittee on State- Employ- In a unprecentd acon, with apprenticeship training the Sete passed a resolution and -employment opportunities. Reagan Turns headed by Assemblyman (ment several Saturday calling on acing Gov- In the form in which -they were Miiasrgeamong that ernor Hugh M. Burns to ad- La- co-authors, provides recog- introduced, the California ,His Back On nized employee organizations journ the legislature sine die bor Federation vigorously ob- have the right to repre- as of 5 p.m. August 3 which jected to some of their provi- UN Day Fete shall he signed. But the Assembly sions. After several amend- sent their members in employ- Most of the nation's 50 states ment relations with public remained in session Monday menlo and extensive consulta- and Tuesday of this week and were able to arrive at this year will formally honor (Continued on Page 2) lion, we the creation and finaly "recessd" until Sep- mutually agreeable conclusions. humanitarian alms of the United Nations by tember 9-the date on which * * proclaiming October 24 "United Ex4olon Pushes the Senate is due back for a Assembly Bill 1208 by Assem- Nations Day,"-but not Califor- five-day constitutonal veto ses- blywoman Yvonne Brathwaite nia, the nation's most populous Anli*Union Drive sion. successfully ran the legis.lative state which played host to the Pending some clarification of Former Rep. Fred Hartley is the existing confuon which gauntlet and was sent to the chartering of the U. N. in San at it again seeking funds from Governor's desk in the final stems largely from the widen- Francisco 23 years ago. gullible business executives ing gulf between the Senate week of the sesion. Although 35 California com- and corporations who are in- generally with deb- and Assembly leadership, no Dealing munities have already pro- terested in saving the country comprehensve assssment of tor's exemptions, A B 2 0 8 of un- claimed it, there will be no ae- by "brea;king the power" the final achievements or fail- would exempt wages from gar- tion on the state level lbecause ions. nishment prior to judgment. ures of the 1968 regular ses- (Continued on Page 4) Hartley, who has made a ca- sion can be meaingfully un- Other significant changes in dertaken. this area will be effected if the (Continued on Page 3) Governor signs the measure now before him. Win A last ditch fight to amend Social Workers First County Govt. Pact the bill to have the garnish- An example of heads up la- when, after two and a half ers Local 535 covering social ment of wages provision strick- bor management relations was m on t h s of negotiation, the service and probation depart- en out was made on the Senate set by the Marin County Board Board signed one-year contracts ment employees. floor by Senator James Whet- of Supervisors a sit month with the AFL-CIO Social Work- The landmark contracts more. This move was defeated believed to be the first ever 13 to 20. The bill was then ap- negotia-ted in California b proved by the Senate 21 to 15. IN.4ST OF IND REL LUi$RARY- tween a local union and the The next day, AB 1208 re- counsty government - provide turned to the Assembly where pay increases averaging 10 per- on 2) 2521 CHANN I?*IGw RMaIIl O GContinued on Pace 3) (Continued Page 'M m tIs __.- A Fe af f -- Earnings Up But Workers' Public Workers' Labor Rights 'Bill Goes at The Purchasing Power Drops To Governor Legislature Average earnings for Califor- ents. Hourly earnings of fac- nia factory workers posted rec- tory workers in the area to- (Continued from Page 1) ord highs in June but purchas- taled $3.37, 16 cents more than I agencies. Other provisions es- (Continued from Page 1) ing power dropped below the June a year ago and t h r e e tablish procedures for resolu- level of June, 1967, according cents higher than the previous tion of senate amendments were con- to a report just released by the month. The factory workers' disputes. curred in 45 to 12 and the bill State Department of Industrial average workwork was 40.8 The California Labor Federa- was given final passage. Relations. hours, two-tenths of an hour tion led the drive to secure ap- * * * Weekly earnings of manufac- higher than the previous month proval of this important mile- In the waning days of the turing production workers rose and equal to the level of June, stone in labor relations legis- session, SB 397 by Sherman to $140.13, up $7.95 or 6.0 per- 1967 lation for public employees was passed by the legislature cent over the year. In the San Francisco-Oakland throughout C'alifornia. A tre- and sent to the This mendous Governor. But when theseB wesearnngse i are area, the factory workers' aver- job by Mert Walters, bill had Federation support and auding age weekly earnings totaled Ken Larson Mul- adjusted for taxes, incluing and George '150.88 up $11.98 or 8.6 per- prohibits an employer from the new federal surtax, and in. $ key for the Federation resulted discharging an employee for creases in consumer prices, the cent over the year. The pur- in this great victory. taking time off for jury duty, factory workers' purchasing chasing power of these wages After the bill was given final providing reasonable prior no- power dropped 0.2 percent be- was 1.1 percent above the June, passage in the Senate, a move tice. The measure passed the low the year-ago leve,l for the 1967 level for the worker with to reconsider was made by Sen- Assembly 60 to 1. It was pre- worker with three dependents three dependents but un- ator Ralph Dills. This stalled sented in that house by As- and 1.1 percent less for the changed from June a year ago the bill for another day before semblyman John J. Miller. worker with no dependents on for the worker with no depend- it could be sent to the Gover- * * * a statewide basis. ents. The factory workers' nor's office. Federation repre- Labor opposition, led by Bill average earnings in the area LITTLE GAIN was $3.81, three cents higher sentatives were forced to con- Plosser of the State AFT, tact members of the Senate worked for the defeat of SB Even if the 10 percent surtax than in May and 23 cents high- again. 458 on the floor of the Senate had not gone into effect last er than a year earlier. The during the last day of its ses- April, the purhasing power for average workweek at 39.6 hours However, after discussions sion. Assembly amendments both the family head and the was three-tenths of an hour with Senator Dills concerning combined with the original single worker would have in- higher than the previous month his motion he agreed to let the one per- and of an hour language made this a bad bill creased by less than eight-tenths reconsideration drop and the cent over the year, the report higher than in June, 1967. for teachers in the field of pub- bill went to the Governor. lic school employer-employee said. relations, virtually a "right-to- Most of the disparity between work" law in this field. The the percentage change in gross Union Teachers Pay Is 10 to 20% Assembly approved its version weekly earnings and buying of the bill on August 2, but the power was attributable to the Senate refused to concur on over-the-year gain in consumer Above Others, Study Shows prices.
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