School Annual of the 1.8.V.M. in Australia Registered a t the G.P.O., Melbourne, for t ransmission December, 1960 by post as a periodical . 11 ' , t - "- "_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"_'" 'j' I = = I I = = I I = = I I = = I I = = I ! i I = = I I = = I I = = I I = = I I = = I I = = I ! I I = = I ! &@~!£~@ I = I ! I ! I ! in which is incorporated I I- I= ! I ! 0' l GDP I ! 0 uca Yf tus lJtossoms I ! I ! (1ss6- I924) I ! I ! I I Schoof innuaf o/ t~e J .13.G/J .:Jr(,, in e.Austrafi·a j ! I ! I ! I ! I ! " T ache, toi, d'etre uai!lante et bonne - ce sont !es grand es i qualites des femmes. " i i - Fenelon. I I I I I 'Vofw11 e I 6 q)ece111Cer, '/960 I i i I I I i i I I .:.-. ~l - 41 - 11 - ll - ll - 11 - tl - ll - tl - l> - t > - l l -- C> - • 1 - 11 - 11 - 1 1 - l> - 1 1 - 11 - 11 - 11 - tJ - ll - ll - • 1 - <1 - 11 - ll - ll - l> - l l - o l - •> - l l - ll - tl - ll - l l - fl - f •!• llicture of ~t. JLuke's :iffilabonna tltntrattb for QCtnturits as tbt ~ptdal :fflabonna of tbe J!Jlltl.iftil. r-··-u-n_n_n_n_n_n_n_<> - o ~ o - o - •• - o - o - •• ~ ·· ~u- · • ~-r I I I I I I I MARY WARD Foundress of the l.B.V.M. I I i I i I (1585-1645) i I i I i i i i I i I I I I I I Editorial . i I I I The re-election of Rev. Mother M. Pauline Dunne, as I I Superior-General of the Irish Branch of the l.B.V.M., gave I I general pleasure throughout Loreto. From Australia we sent I i warm congratulations and a promise of prayers in such an i i arduous apostolate. We hope to be early on the list of Provinces I I I I to be visited. i · I I I The Australian Delegates to the General Chapter in June at f Ii Rathfarnham, Dublin, make a contribution to this number of I i the magazine on page 10. As these lines are being written I i they are on their way to Canada, where they are to stay for I I I i several days on their flight back to Australia. See page 72. I I i I This contact with the Canadian Generalate of our Institute I Ii will round off a number of happy meetings where the friendliness I I of the Australians won all hearts. The strong bond has been I I the common traditions of the Institute and the devotion to the : I Cause of the Foundress, Mother Mary Ward. I I I I The Houses in the Australian Province will receive a new I I infusion of encouragement in their work when they hear of the I I courageous and self-sacrificing labours of the Institute overseas, I I in the important apostolate of educating girls. I I I I I I i •!•-c1 - 11- 11 - •1 - 11- 11 - 11 - 11- •1- •1 - •1 - 11--•·- 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - •1- •1- •1 - 11- 11- 11 - 11 - •1- 11 - c1 - 11 - 11 - c1 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11- •i - 1•:• ·~.. - .. _.. _,,_.. _,,_,, ___,, _,,_.. _,,_,,_.. _,,_,,_.. _,,_,,_.. _,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_.. _,,_.. _ .. _,,_.. _.. _,,_,,_,,_.. _,,_,, _,,_,,_,,.r ' = 1= ' CONTENTS 1 ' = =' ~gP =' i ED1T()RIAL 3 ! != LORETO FEDERATlON OF AUSTRALIA 5 i' ! PICT . RES : MARY'S MOU T, BALLARAT, VICTORIA 7 i ! TRAVELLERS' SKY-LI ES 10 i ! SCHOOL VIGNETTES 11 i ! PICTURES: LORETO, DAWSON STREET, BALLARAT 20 i ! THIS AUSTRALIA 22 i ! PICTURES: LORETO, PORTLA D, VICTORIA 27 i ! HOLIDAY MEMORIES 28 i =' PICTURES: LORETO, ORMANHURST, N ..s W. 31 I= ! INTERESTING PEOPLE: 36 i ! Charles Nfa ckerras. i ! Across India by Train. By Ma ry Foley. i ! Inrlian niversity Delega tion. i I Review of Ma ry Durack's La test Novel. , i PICTURES: LORETO, KIRRIBILLI, N.S.W. 42 ! != SCENES I HAVE LOVED 47 'I ! PICTURES: LORETO, CLARE IO 1T, W.A. 50 i ! THE HOME CIRCLE . 53 I' I Annunciation (a Poem ) . Bv_ M.V., Loreto, Kirribilli. , f= PICTURES: LORETO, NEDLANDS, W.A. 56 ,' I- THE W JDER APOSTOLATE 58 , i Helping on th e Kimberly M i s ~ ion s. By M. Wall work 60 '! i Student Contributions. ! I PICTURES: LORETO, MARRYATVJLLE, S.A. 62 , = ' !' THE I.B.V.lVJ. ABROAD 66 I' I Loreto Missions in India. ', i Interview wi th a Loreto Nun in Mauritius. ! i Cyclone Des truction in Mau ritius. ! ' Loretto Pupils at the Shakespearean Fc ~ t i va l Theatre, Ca narla. I ! Loretto Coll ege, University of Toronto, Ca nada. i ! A Sydney Vi sitor in Toront o. By Isabel Russell. i ! PICTURES : LORETO, TOORAK, VICTORIA 74 t 1 1 =' A 10 G OUR OLD GIRLS . 8i I= ! Careers : Dame Mary Daly. i ! Ursula Clinton. i ! Viva Murphy. 1' I Loreto Old Scholars' Asrnc iati on, Ma rrya tville. , =I The Arl elaidc Festival of Arts. By Clair• Hackendorf. ,' i Teaching Diplomas: Lucille Purce ll. ! ' Joa n Stevens. j ! M. Louise Wales. i ! Ma ri e Webb. i ! Qu ecnslan<l Past Pup il s' Report. i ! Burmese Student at Universit y of Rangoon. i ! PICTURES: LORETO, CAVE DISH ROAD, BRISBANE 89 i ! PICTURE: ST. MARY'S HALL, MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY 93 i ! INDEX OF SCHOOL-GIRL CO TRIBUTIONS . % i i' ORJGlNAL ANECDOTES FROM OUR SCHOOLS != = ' · '= · - tl- Cl - ll- Cl - ll- ll- ll- ll- ll- ll- IJ- <1 - - ll- tl- \1 - ll- Cl - Cl - ll- ll- ll- ll- Cl - Cl - ll- ll- ll- ll- ll- ll- l!- ll- 1> - ll- ll- <1 - ll- ll- 1f- 11 - f ·:·= LORETO Loreto Federation of Australia THIRD BIENNIAL CONFERENCE "Cruc i dum spiro fido" ; it was th is, perhaps, set I he theme of the Conference of 1l w Loreto Fedna­ tion of Australia held in Sydney from the ninth to rh e twelfrh of Ocrober, 1959. For, under the general h eading, "Awaredness," " Preparedne s~ ," each of rhc rpcakc rs made it h er task lo inl crprct the answers a Christian mu t give lo rh c proble m posed by our age of indecirion allfl cha ll en ge lo the Cross o: Chris!. Thus, while the Conference had it s social a s pc c l ~, uuclouhr·edly its most profound dfeets go far dee pe r as indeed it was the aim not me re lv of Marv \Varel h e rself, but of our own M. M. Gonzaga . Barry; " Tach e toi d'etre va illanl e . .. " The first meeting wa f. h e ld al Anzac House, where the first paper, on Marriage Guidance, was presented hy the delegate from tlw lotht' r House, \l ary's Mount. This pape r, and all o thers, was followed h y a cl i. cuss ion at w hich rn ern be rs exch a:1gcd their V l e W S. Delegates met the Press at the luncheon followin g this paper , at the Pick wick Cluh. Throughonl the Confe rence, indeed , th C' Pre :- s. howecl interest in tl1 <' vi.ews put forwar<l , parti cularly on thf' suhjeet of r·he Divorce Bill, al that time a mattPr of cont roversy. The first day concluded with two papers, " I-1011~­ ing," prcrnnted b y Lorelo, Marryatvi le, and "Cul- ture," b y Loreto, orrnan hurst. Saturday saw Solemn Pontifical lVfa ss cclehratC' d in the heautiful chapel of Loreto Convenl, I\'orrn an­ hurst. Those who were p ri vil eged lo takC' parl in this :Mass will always rem ember the ])f'a nty of tlw . unlit chapel, the m agnificent vestmcntf. , lhe g"loriou ~ singing of the ch oir, and the deep spirit of prayer and peace' of the con gregation. T h e luncheon that fol lowed fornwd a tri bute from Lore lo Pa ~ t Pupils lo His Em ir; C'n<'<' and rhe pric ;ts of the A rchdiocese for all they h ad done and arc doi ng for the chilclrcn of Loreto. Th<' paper. " Fa£11ion, B ehaviour and Language." presented h~' Lorelo , Kirrihilli, served lo highli!!;h t the prohlctrn' fa cing this work, while Lo reto, Ballarat, in rh e ir paper on " Social Service"' sh owt'<l alrn whal rol f' of the laity can h e in a iding !he ir priests. Hi Exce1l ency the Governor, Sir E ri c \Voodwar<l, and Lady \Voodwarcl honou red the Federation by t·heir presence on the fo ll owing cla\', Su nd a~r, a t rhc Garden Party h eld at Loreto, Kirribilli. Mother Provincial and the Community were prcrnntcd to Hi~ Exce11 ency, as al so were the prcfccls of Kirribilli and Normanhurst, r epresenting th <' pr e~e nl pupils. Above: His Eminence Cardinal Gilroy with the late Mrs. Tom Bateman after Pontifical High Mass at Loreto, Normanhurst. Fr. Banett (Cardinal's secretary) is in the background. Oval: Sir Eric and Lady Woodward meeting guests during the Garden Party at Loreto, Kirriibilli. (Sir Eric Woodward is Governor of New South Wales.) 5 LORETO That evening, at Sancta Sophia University College, tion, a pledge of their loyalty and affection to His the subjects were " The Political Scene," presented Holiness.
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