County Orders Major Water Supply Study SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Warm Sunny and warm today. Fair THEDMLY HOME Mid mild tonight. Sunny and Red Bank, Freehold continued warm tomorrow. I Long Braneh 7 FINAL Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 68 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1968 TEN CENTS Error Scraps Union Beach Plan School Vote^ Canceled UNION BEACH — Because "The integrity of the entire sewer installation," he conclud- Mrs. Edna Hulej, bnth mem- aren't," Mr. McKittrick retort- of an error attributed to its board is at stake," Mr. Ostran- ed. bers of the Citizens for Better ed. "If you were given a copy auitor, the Board of Educa- der said, "and if we have to Board President James Me- Education Committee and fre- then everyone in the town tion last night agreed to scrap eat crow we will, but the proj- Kittrick said the board met in quent critics of the board, said would be entitled to one, and the $475,000 school addition re- ect looked so feasible no one executive session Monday night they would not be so critical when I said you were nobody ferendum scheduled next Tues- bothered to recheck our fig- and reached the agreement to "if the board would give us I meant that in those terms, day. ures," he stated. The mistake table the referendum. something to fight for." so let's get our facts straight," Board Secretary Donald Os- was discovered by the state De- Mr. McKittrick and other "You once said I was no- he stated. trander explained that the partment of Education, he said. board members engaged in a body," Mrs. -Oeffner said to "If we are nobody," Mrs. Hu- board's auditor, George W. The board is proposing a con- brief verbal squabble with Mr. McKittrick. lej questioned, "then why do Huss, had figured the borough's members of the audience over "I said you were nobody when you concern yourself with us l struction package that includes borrowing power on a i /2 per decking the present all-purpose board policies and procedures. you demanded a copy of the so much?" cent basis of the total assessed room at the Memorial School Mrs. Eugene Oeffner and state evaluation report, and you (See CANCEL, Pg. 2, Col. 7) valuation. The percentage and the construction of an 11,- should have been 3 per cent. 000 square-foot gymnasium ad- "This would have been a def- jacent to the present school li- inite encroachment on the bor- brary. The target date for com- rowing power of the borough pletion is September, 1970. in regards to sewering," Mr. "We can still meet this date," Ostrandervsaid. U. S. Asks N. Viet "The borough can borrow Mr. Ostrander said, "if we take only 3 per cent because our a back seat until after the first of the year. At that time we STICKING TOGETHER — Two years ago tragedy struck the Rogers family of school district is from kinder- garten through eighth grade," will realize more money Racine, Wis, In ajjwtf-'week period both parents were killed in an auto accident he continued. Mr. Huss had fig- through ratables and the over- and their hojii* burned to the ground. The children, however, have managed to ured on a kindergarten through all borrowing power will be Good Faith Vow stay together. From left seated are Debby, 10, Richard, 20, and his wife Donna, ninth grade system and came higher," he explained. "We PARIS (AP) — U.S. Ambas- them from the cessation of the killed. And then they have 19. Standing next to Donna is Lisa, 6. Kneeling in rear is Patricia, 13, and three- up with the extra half of one feel we do not want a finger per cent, the board secretary of guilt pointed at the board sador W. Averell Harriman bombing." made these extraordinary year-old Susan is on tricycle. IAP Wirephoto) explained. for slowing the progress of called today for a North Viet- Harriman sidestepped direct- claims. One of them was that namese pledge to refrain from ly answering a newsman who they have knocked out in five exploiting an American bomb- had asked if the United States weeks 835 tanks and armored ing halt and so open the way in recent days had received vehicles. to serious peacemaking. a reformulation of its orders "The facts are that there Harriman's statement, made from President Johnson. were less than 30 destroyed. Detailed Study of Water Supply to newsmen before entering the Harriman's reply: "There Who believes these exaggera- 24th session of the peace talks, isn't anything new that I can ted claims and what is the appeared to take account of say. In fact, if I did have any- purpose of trying to distort the Vice President Hubert H. Hum- thing we would have to ask true facts of the war?" phrey's qualified campaign you to restrain your im- Harriman told another ques- Okayed to Assure County Safety promise to end air attacks on patience until we discuss it tioner the United States has the North. with the other side." been unable to detect anything FREEHOLD - To assure County had to do four or five the years, the water table will along the shore, he said, add- summer, water usage is two to Without commenting on The veteran diplomat called that has taken place on the that Monmouth County will al- years ago. go. down. Pumps can't be low- ing that all wells are being three times higher than normal, Humphrey's proposal, Harri- attention to what he said was Vietnamese battlefields in re- ways have sufficient potable If the county's water supplies ered anymore, he said, or there dropped from 5 to 10 feet a he added. man said: the absurdity of North Viet- cent weeks suggesting the water, the county Board of are properly engineered and could be a problem of salt wa- year. And some can't be low- If tie wells could be turned "It would be very easy for namese military plans during enemy is displaying any re- Freeholders yesterday autho- maintained, he said, there will ter intrusion. ered anymore, he said. off for about 10 or 15 years, North Vietnam to bring this recent weeks. straint. At that point he re- rized a $25,000 detailed engi- be plenty of water, adding that 'Literally Running Oat' When the wells originally Mr. Homack said, nature could conference to fruitful discus- "They have suffered fantas- called President Johnson's neering study of regional water there are vast areas undevel- "The towns are literally run- were drilled, he continued, they replenish them, but this by it sions. All they have to do it tic losses. .since Aug. 19,"speech of March 31 urging supplies. oped which puts Monmouth in ning out of water," he said, were artesian, this was at the self is not possible. If surface to indicate they are prepared he said. "Some 22,000 of sol Hanoi for some sign of as- Peter Homack, of the con- a wonderful position to develop adding that it is impossible to turn of the century. supplies were developed to sup- to restrain the military ad- diers, North Vietnamese and surance of restraint as a sulting firm of Elson T. Killam a supply at a low cost, ask the towns to get together Usage Mounting plement the well fields, the well vantage that might come to Viet Cong soldiers, have been (PEACE TALK, Pg. 3, Col. 4) Associates Inc. _ of Millbum Regardless of the water sys- to develop the Manasquan Riv- The growing water shortage areas could be replenished. ^ich"wjirperfornr ttie study, tems up to now,-he said, every er system, •-- - is being caused by over-pump- County Planning Director said that Monmouth is doing municipality has its own sys- The average wells are being ing, he said, because of the Charles M. Pike said that the something now that Morris tem. As the towns grow over dropped 500-700 feet deeper increasing population. In the county Planning Board com- pleted a study in 1961 which am contained basic concepts for meeting long range water re quirements. This study Marlboro Calls Water Parley matched major water resources Approved for County of the county with projected fu- MARLBORO - In a 3-2 vote, Some 18 or 20 families in that the franchise has been in case there's a fire?" he ture demands by water study FREEHOLD — The county ond half of 1969, next year's cooking at home and meet In- Township Council last night the new Monmouth Heights at granted to the Gordons Corner asked. areas, he said. Board of Freeholders yester- cost will be $18,000. come and resource eligibility passed a resolution calling for Marlboro development have Co." "This mayor's meeting is no The lead time that Monmouth day agreed to put up the neces- Under (fie food stamp pro- standards set by the State Di- a conference of the mayors of been without any water at all Mr. Creevy said that the good. You as the governing will gain by intiating this study sary funds so that the county gram, a family of four, for ex- vision of Public Welfare. all municipalities served by at various times, and residents mayor can call on the utilities body should present very now, he added, will prove to be could participate in a food ample, could get $84 worth of The coupons are redeemed the Gordons Corner Water Co. of the nearby Whittier Oaks authority or Councilman Law- strong charges to the state very important.
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