May 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E661 sport, to their communities, and to our state, neighboring City of Paterson, which was home a high standard of excellence for others to Maine is a better place in which to live. to numerous wealthy silk manufacturers, emulate. Not unmindful of providing for future Mr. Speaker, please join me again in con- began to see many of its most prominent citi- generations, the Cohens made sure to encour- gratulating each of the award recipients on zens move to West Paterson to take advan- age a strong dedication to tzedakah in their their outstanding achievements and service. tage of its bucolic, small town atmosphere. four children, no doubt ensuring their legacy f The presence of the Passaic River, which is will inspire and benefit many members of the a major natural resource for the region, helped community for years to come. PERSONAL EXPLANATION attract many hotels, ball fields, amusement Mr. Speaker, tonight as the Harrisburg com- parks, and a racetrack to its banks in West munity honors the Cohens at the 2014 Sus- HON. TIM MURPHY Paterson. At the time, one of the leading quehanna Tzedakah Society Dinner, I join in OF PENNSYLVANIA amusement parks of the town was Idlewood commending them for their outstanding com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Park. Other amusement parks also located mitment to bettering the Jewish community themselves on Garrett Mountain, on the east and thank them and their family for their self- Thursday, May 1, 2014 side of the Borough, where the Garret Moun- less dedication. Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, tain Reservation is today. f on rollcall No. 183, I was predisposed at this As the Borough grew, the population con- time. tinuously rose. In 1920, the population was IN RECOGNITION OF KATHRYN Had I been present, I would have voted 1,858. By 1950, it had jumped to 3,931, and STONER O’CONNOR ‘‘aye.’’ more than doubled over the following decade, f to 7,602 by 1960. As of 2010, the Borough’s HON. FILEMON VELA population had grown to 11,819. OF TEXAS PERSONAL EXPLANATION As the Borough grew, the township’s nec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES essary municipal services did as well. Many of Thursday, May 1, 2014 HON. TOM MARINO these services were and are made possible Mr. VELA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- OF PENNSYLVANIA due to residents volunteering to carry them ognize Kathryn Stoner O’Connor and her com- out. Woodland Park has a long history of ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mitment to historical preservation. Thursday, May 1, 2014 tive volunteer commitment to the community, Mrs. O’Connor was born on February 11, reflecting the value that its citizens place on Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 1883, on her family’s ranch in Victoria County, their town and their desire to continue to make Texas. In 1905, she married Thomas O’Con- 184, I was unable to make votes due to a per- it a great place in which to live and work. Over sonal conflict. nor, a prominent rancher in South Texas. the past several decades, many townhouse In 1963, Mrs. O’Connor donated approxi- Had I been present, I would have voted and condominium units were built to accom- ‘‘yea.’’ mately $1 million to restore the Presidio La modate the influx of people wishing to make Bahı´a in Goliad, Texas. The Presidio, which f this desirable community their home. lies along the San Antonio River, was con- CELEBRATING THE CENTENNIAL In 2008, the Borough of West Paterson structed in 1749 by the Spanish army. OF THE BOROUGH OF WOODLAND changed its name to the Borough of Woodland During the Texas Revolution, the fort came PARK Park. Supporters had been attempting to under siege by a group of Texans lead by change the town’s name for 20 years, and Colonel James Fannin. Following the Battle of HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN were successful during the General Election of the Alamo, General Sam Houston ordered November 4, 2008. On December 17, 2008, Colonel Fannin to abandon the fort. However, OF NEW JERSEY the governing body approved Resolution R08- Fannin and the more than 300 soldiers under IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 253, making the town’s official name the Bor- his control were met by the Mexican army and Thursday, May 1, 2014 ough of Woodland Park, effective January 1, subsequently surrendered, believing they 2009. would not be harmed. Fannin and his men Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise Today, the Borough consists of a mixture of today to honor the Borough of Woodland Park, were imprisoned at La Bahı´a. On Palm Sun- retail, office, residential, and industrial prop- day, March 27, 1836, Colonel Fannin and located in Passaic County, New Jersey, as it erties. A significant portion of the Borough celebrates its 100th Anniversary. more than 300 soldiers were executed in what consists of municipal parkland, county parks, has become known as the Goliad Massacre. The Borough of Woodland Park was created and two reservoirs. on May 1, 1914. The area which now encom- By the early 1900s, the fort had fallen into Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues disrepair. Thanks to Mrs. O’Connor’s gen- passes the Borough began as a section of the to join me in congratulating the Borough of Township of Little Falls, called ‘‘West Park.’’ In erosity, the fort was rebuilt to its 1836 appear- Woodland Park as it celebrates its 100th Anni- ance based on archeological evidence. In 1905, the residents of West Park, concerned versary. that they were not being fairly represented 1967, Presidio La Bahı´a was designated a Na- f within the township initiated a fight to create tional Historic Landmark. their own Borough. SANDY AND MARCIA COHEN Today, thanks to Mrs. O’Connor’s generous ´ On January 7, 1913, the organization pro- donation, Presidio La Bahıa is one the best posed the establishment of the ‘‘Borough of HON. LOU BARLETTA examples of a Spanish ecclesiastical building West Paterson.’’ The proposed name of the in North America and hosts an annual living OF PENNSYLVANIA history event, which includes battle reenact- new town was chosen in recognition of its lo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cation next to the City of Paterson, America’s ments. Mr. Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity first industrial center and the birthplace of the Thursday, May 1, 2014 to honor Mrs. O’Connor. I appreciate you join- American silk industry. Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor ing me in recognizing Mrs. O’Connor’s gen- Little more than a year later, on March 25, Sandy and Marcia Cohen, who are being hon- erosity, which preserved the Presidio La Bahı´a 1914, New Jersey State Senator Peter J. ored at the 2014 Susquehanna Tzedakah So- in Goliad, Texas for future generations. McGinnis’ bill, ‘‘An Act to Incorporate the Bor- ciety Dinner for their selfless dedication to the ough of West Paterson,’’ received final ap- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Jewish community. f proval by Governor James F. Fielder. On May Mr. and Mrs. Cohen, both Harrisburg na- IN HONOR OF VELVET ICE CREAM 1, 1914, a referendum was held, and the vot- tives, are well known throughout our commu- AND THE ENTIRE DAGER FAMILY ers overwhelmingly approved the creation of nity for their selfless devotion to Jewish philan- the new Borough, by a vote of 194 to 20. thropies and activities. Mr. Cohen, CEO of HON. PATRICK J. TIBERI Twenty four days later, the town elected its Cohen Produce Marketing, and Mrs. Cohen, a OF OHIO first Mayor, Councilmen, Tax Collector, Con- pharmacist at Holy Spirit Hospital, each credit IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stables, and two Justices of the Peace. their parents for instilling a strong sense of de- In its early years, West Paterson’s major votion to helping the Jewish community in any Thursday, May 1, 2014 economic activity was agriculture. The rich, way possible. In their many years of service, Mr. TIBERI. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to verdant farm lands produced an abundance of the Cohens have always accepted requests congratulate Velvet Ice Cream in Utica, Ohio dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. The for their assistance and in doing so have set upon its 100th anniversary. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:59 May 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01MY8.026 E01MYPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E662 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 1, 2014 In a quintessential American story, 15-year- chael Ferriter, Assistant Chief of Staff for In- cerest appreciation and best wishes to Lieu- old Joseph Dager came to America from Leb- stallation Management and Commanding Gen- tenant General Michael Ferriter, a ‘‘Soldier’s anon in 1903 without knowing a word of eral, Installation Management Command, for Soldier,’’ and Mrs. Ferriter, upon the occasion English. Eleven years later he started his ice his distinguished service to the United States of his retirement from a stellar career of 35 cream business in the basement of a local of America. Lieutenant General Ferriter will be years in the United States Army. confectionary. His hand-cranked ice cream retiring from the United States Army after f batches set his family and Central Ohio on a nearly 35 years of service. He will be honored RECOMMENDATION TO REJECT path that would make Velvet Ice Cream and at a retirement ceremony on Friday, May 2, NORWEGIAN AIR INTER- Central Ohio famous. 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
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