THE TORCH IN THIS ISSUE: MEDIA REFORM ACLU -NM MEMORIALS DINNER REGISTRATION Fall 2005, VOLUME 40, NUMBER 3 Donahue Takes on Media Reform at ACLU Dinner Kimberly Lavender 1 Communications Manager LEADER IN MEDIA REFORM We are very excited to announce that Phil Donahue will provide the keynote All Your TV’s Rick Ellis quoted a network source: “I personally like Donahue, speech on the topic of media reform at the ACLU-NM Bill of Rights Dinner on but our numbers were telling us that viewers thought he has too combative and Friday, December 9 at Hotel Albuquerque. often said things that some respondents considered almost unpatriotic.” Does the First Amendment still protect a “free marketplace of ideas,” or has CELEBRATING OUR CIVIL LIBERTIES our increasing dependence on corporate-owned electronic media make that an anachronism, if not a myth? These are the questions that Donahue will Consistent with the theme of media democracy and free speech, explore in his speech at the annual awards dinner. public radio talk-show host Arcie Chapa will moderate the Bill of Rights Dinner. Most people know Donahue for his talk show fame, but may not be aware of his civil liberties significance. ACLU-NM continues to grow, due to the work Donahue actively supports gay and lesbian equality; he of many dedicated volunteers, and this year we 40 NUMBER3 2005, VOLUME FALL served on the boards of the Gay Men’s Health Crisis have selected several of them to honor with and the Ryan White Foundation. In 1999, he re- the following awards: ceived the Family Equality Award from the Human Civil Libertarian of the Year: Bennett Rights Campaign. He is also a leader in the media Hammer, for his years of dedication as a reform campaign. state board member and as representative to FIRED FROM MSNBC FOR ANTIWAR the national ACLU Board of Directors, and STANCE in securing a new office building. In February, 2003, MSNBC cancelled Donahue’s daily Cooperating Attorneys of the Year: Ousama “liberal” talk show–the first of its kind–a mere six months Rasheed and Roger Smith for their successful effort after it debuted. The network claimed poor ratings as the reason, to challenge the City of Albuquerque’s over-zealous but at the time, Donahue was the highest rated show on MSNBC. His DWI property-seizure law. 440,000 viewers a night far exceeded viewership for Volunteer of the Year: Joyce Briscoe, for her the now long-running conservative MSNBC talk show American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico work to promote civil liberties in schools, the “Hardball with Chris Matthews” and approached the state legislature, and for her organizing efforts numbers for “O’Reilly Factor.” against reauthorization of the Patriot Act. In commenting on his 2003 MSNBC firing in an Please go to page four of this newsletter today interview for the October 28 edition of FOX News to fill out the dinner registration form – just Channel’s Hannity & Colmes program, Donahue clip and mail or fax it to us! remarked that “we were the only antiwar voice that had a show, and that, I think, made them very nervous. For the second year in a row, you can also reg- I mean from the top down, they were just terrified. We ister online at our secured website: www.aclu- had to have two conservatives on for every liberal. I ILL nm.org was counted as two liberals.” Bof For questions call 505-266-5915 or send an When Donahue’s show was canceled, The New York email to: [email protected]. Times reported that “he was actually attracting more viewers than any other show on MSNBC.” RIGHTS DINNER Friday, December 9, 2005 Hotel Albuquerque (formerly Old Town Sheraton) 800 Rio Grande Blvd. NW · Albuquerque, NM 87104 Executive Director's Notes Peter Simonson Executive Director The decision to defend the free speech access. Even the most persuasive speech Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and other radi- rights of neo-Nazis in a 1977 parade in can’t compete in the ideas marketplace if cal conservatives. Despite achieving the THE Skokie, Illinois marks the most decisive it can’t get on the shelves in the first place, highest ratings of any show on MSNBC, moment in ACLU history. Even today, or if another corporation floods the market Donahue was booted off of the air, report- TORCH people identify that event as the turning with its product. edly due to fears within NBC that his point in their departure from or continued critical perspective on the invasion of Iraq support of our organization. The ACLU regularly confronts this truth. would mark the network as “unpatriotic.” NEWSLETTER When no other network thought the story OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL The ACLU believes that the solution to was worth covering, FOX News Chan- When a public figure of Phil Donahue’s LIBERTIES UNION OF racist or hateful speech is not censorship nel took an almost perverse interest in prominence can’t get airtime on a third- NEW MEXICO but confronting “bad” speech with more, our recent troubles with the Minuteman tier cable news network like MSNBC, better speech. Our Constitution upholds who infiltrated our Southern Chapter. In electronic media no longer permits the FALL 2005 a “free marketplace of ideas,” the theory the space of one month, FOX conducted open exchange of ideas. It is singularly Volume 40, Number 3 goes. Truth naturally will emerge from the no fewer than four nationally-broadcast an apparatus of ideology and propaganda competition of ideas in a free and open interviews with the individual, hammer- masquerading as an open public forum. 2 Peter Simonson society. So said Justice Oliver Wendell ing us over and over again for an alleged First Amendment or not, the vaunted “free Executive Director Holmes in his dissenting opinion in double standard for free speech. Never did marketplace of ideas” is well on its way George Bach Abrams v. U.S.: they mention the Minuteman’s internet to becoming a myth. Staff Attorney manifesto proposing that conservative war Ruth Koury “…when men have realized that time has veterans infiltrate our organization and Development Director upset many fighting faiths, they may come disrupt it from within. Knowing FOX’s Kimberly Lavender to believe even more than they believe the penchant for creative editing and shock- Editor/Communications Manager very foundations of their own conduct that jock tactics, we refused to appear on their In Remembrance Julie Miller the ultimate good desired is better reached programs. Editor/Administrative Manager by free trade in ideas – that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get FOX News Channel averages over a P O Box 566 itself accepted in the competition of the million viewers throughout the day–the Albuquerque, NM 87103 market, and that truth is the only ground most successful cable news network in the (505) 266-5915 upon which their wishes safely can be car- country. The ACLU has no such access to ried out.” the minds of Americans. E-mail: [email protected] Writing in 1919, Justice Holmes probably The keynote speaker for our Bill of Rights never envisioned an American society dinner this year offers another compel- GO TO OUR WEBSITE AT in which corporate-controlled electronic ling case of media access distorting the www.aclu-nm.org media would serve as the primary forum “free marketplace of ideas”. For six short FALL 2005, VOLUME 40 NUMBER 3 2005, VOLUME FALL for news and political discourse. In today’s weeks, Phil Donahue hosted the only “lib- Membership is $20 and up world, Holmes’ “power of the thought” eral” talk show on cable television, finally takes a second seat to the power of media adding a counterpoint to the likes of Rush A Special Volunteer: Daniel Williams Bob Levin, 1919-2005 Getting to know Daniel Williams this summer was one of the best things to Published here are our most recent happen for the staff at ACLU-NM. This memorials. Each year we honor the remarkable young man adeptly performed a wide variety of clerical and administra- memories of deceased ACLU-NM tive tasks, on an almost daily basis, in our members in our Program Book for office this summer while he was on break the Bill of Rights Dinner. Following from his studies at Albuquerque High is a list of those who died in 2005. School. For details on how to pay tribute to Being “on break” for Daniel meant these members, please refer to the not only offering his time and talent to ACLU-NM, but volunteering as a junior registration and progam booklet docent at the Museum of Natural History information about the Bill of Rights and Science. Daniel’s commitment to Dinner on Page 4, and find out how civil liberties, his exceptional intellect and to place an ad or list your name on thoughtful understanding of social and the memorial page. political issues impresses everyone who meets him. The staff at ACLU-NM is very Lucille Adler grateful for his wonderful volunteer work for us, and proud to count him among our Glenda L. Crevenna Daniel Williams hard at work on a project in the ACLU office, Summer 2005 membership. Edward “Ed” Everett Eschliman Daniel is currently in his sophomore year at AHS and still works for ACLU-NM Belvin Friedson in his spare time. He also serves as Vice President of his class’s Student Senate, Margaret “Maggie” Gover Torch Publisher: Peter G. Simonson. Editors: Kimberly Lavender, Julie Miller. is President of the ACLU’s Youth Advi- Production: Zelma McIlwain.
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