_7 ! 8$%.QI:*$+Q`V$.: .QC1H$2:`1*.$3V1*CVV`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6]`1C$ INFORMED Sharing Your Faith Story inspiration from our pastor Encounter Christ At Mass step up your engagement Young Adults Get Connected spiritual, sports & social events Merciful Jesus devotion to divine mercy Students Go To The Welcome, Deacon Tim! Screenagers State Capitol a homecoming of sorts growing up in the studying history & government for our new clergyman digital age info content St. Thomas More Catholic Parish 8035 South Quebec Street Centennial, CO 80112 303.770.1155 /.QI:/IQ`V8Q`$ editor: Carly McGillick contributing editors: %%%D.V`V/V%5V:%RVV 27 Deacon Bob Cropp 23 Jerry Nix 3 Sharing Your “God Story” 16 Encounter Christ photographers: By Msgr. Tom Fryar Ian Lee At Mass Dave Rich By Vladimir Mauricio-Perez 4 Faith Formation director of communications: & Sacraments 18 Young Adults Get Irene Lindemer 57%::7%<:``1/QJ Connected By Theresa Francis pastor: 5 Introducing Jesus Christ Msgr. Thomas Fryar By Fr. Dwight Longenecker 19 Bringing Light to Others By Al Hooper parochial vicars: 7 Evangelization Rev. Greg Lesher Inspiration 20 Rev. Rohan Miranda, O.C.D. Farewell, Bill Knox By Tony Mercado Rev. Ivan Monteiro, O.C.D. 8 Welcome, Deacon Tim! deacons: By Barbara Oliverio 21 Screenagers Deacon George Brown By Lisa Taab Deacon Bob Cropp 9 New Feast Day Deacon Tim Kenny By John L. Allen Jr. 22 Students Study Deacon George Morin Colorado History Deacon Alan Rastrelli, M.D. 10 Life Goal: Getting to Deacon Steve Stemper By Diane Nelson Heaven 23 Exciting Class Activities 11 Paul, Apostle of Christ At Our Parish School MORE By Jim Graves By Diane Nelson INFORMED 12 Top-Priority Issues 24 Turning Toward Christ :%GC1/.VR%G7% .V%? 8%D.QI:/%7Q`V%E HV% By Nancy Rapp Q`%GQII%J1H:QJ/%/16%IV/%:%7V:`8% 57%5VJ%7:`JV< Its mission is three-fold: to proclaim the Gospel, to build up community by 13 Merciful Jesus 25 The B.A.S.I.C. Team keeping them informed, and to call the 57%=QGV` :%?H1:I]C1HQ community to worship and service. 26 Copyright 2018, St. Thomas More Parish Hope For The Future 15 No 6:05 AM By Hannah Smith Communion Service? By Alex Jagels 27 Boy Scouts’ Adventures deadline By Bill Bergmann April 15 for the June issue and !%JV% %`Q`% .V%-%$%/ %1//%V8%-`HCV/% may be edited for clarity and space . 2 More Informed our pastor’s message Sharing Your “God Story” the beautiful art of conversation A good friend of mine sends out a sort of journal of >(:C,Q($V (1J01 VR( Q(]VQ]CV;,(.QIV,(Q VJ5(:JR(IQ`V( `VVHQJ( Q(.1,(`:I1C7(:JR(HCQ,V(:H_%:1J :JHV,(V0V`7( Q VJ( .:J(JQ (: (,QIV(]Q1J ( .V(HQJ0V`,:QJ(GVHQIV,( now and then. In it, he basically shares thoughts and .V:RVR(1J( .V(:`V:(Q`(I7(`VC:QJ,.1](11 .(?QR(:JR(1.: ( `VVHQJ,(Q`(1.: ( .V(7Q`R(.:,(,.Q1J(.1I(C: VC7(:JR( He has called me to. It also is a chance for the individual 1.: (_%V,QJ,(Q`(QG,V`0:QJ,(.:0V(.VC]VR(.1I($`Q1( :JRLQ`(`:I1C7( Q( :C@(:GQ% (,]1`1 %:C(I:V`,(1J(:(1:7( .: ( 1J(.1,(`VC:QJ,.1],5(`:1 .(C1`V(:JR(:1:`VJV,,(Q`(.Q1( >(,%,]VH (1,(JQ (:C1:7,(HQIIQJ(IV:CIV(HQJ0V`,:QJ8 he brings God to those around him. He doesn’t share 1 (,Q( .: (Q .V`,(11CC(:]]C:%R(Q`( .1J@(.1I(GVV`( .:J( >(Q VJ($V (H.:JHV,( Q(01,1 (11 .( .V(H.1CR`VJ5(%,%:CC7( themselves. He merely believes that one’s journey with : (Q%`(,H.QQC8(I.V7(:`V(:C1:7,(1J_%1,10V(:GQ% (?QR5( the Lord is meant to be lived with love and shared in the heaven, sin, the devil, what my favorite saint or Bible same manner. , Q`7(1,5(V H8(I.V7(`VVC(``VV( Q(:,@(IV( .V,V(_%V,QJ,( and know that I will give them honest thoughts and > (`:1,V,( .V(_%V,QJ5(1.VJ(1:,( .V(C:, (IV(7Q%( insights. I wonder if they ever ask their siblings, parents, told someone what was going on with you and your $`:JR]:`VJ ,(Q`(Q .V`,( .V(,:IV(,Q` (Q`(_%V,QJ,8(I.V7( `VC:QJ,.1](11 .(?QR-(:,(1 (:J(V6]V`1VJHV( .: (G`Q%$. ( have a right to, you know, as do you. 7Q%(=Q7-(:,(1 (:(C1CV(,H:`75(GV1J$(,Q(0%CJV`:GCV(GV`Q`V( :JQ .V`-(D1R(7Q%(VC1H1 (HQIIVJ ,(``QI( .VI(:GQ% ( .V1`( There are two things at play in this sort of dynamic. One Q1J(`:1 .(C1`V- 1,( .V(GV:%`%C(:` (Q`(HQJ0V`,:QJ8(JV1J$(:GCV( Q(H`: ( words and expressions that convey the most moving, I am keenly aware that I am blessed because I get to do sacred and fundamental aspects of our heart and soul. It =%, ( .: 5(`V$%C:`C78(>(RQ(1 ( Q(,QIV(V6 VJ (V0V`7(IV(>( calls forth an ability to say more than just monosyllable give a homily. If you listen closely to a priest or deacon’s %V`:JHV,(Q`(1Q`R,(:JR(]V`HV]QJ,8(I.1,(1J(1 ,VC`(H:J( homily, you will probably hear something about their own ,VVI(,QIV1.: (1JI1R:J$(%JC(1V(0VJ %`V(1J Q( awareness of what God is asking of them, inspiring them .V,V(VCR,(:(`V1(IV,(:JR(,VV( .: (1V(HQIV(Q% (IQ`V( Q(HQJ,1RV`5(Q`(HQ``VHJ$(1J( .V1`(GV.:01Q`8( V6.1C:`: VR(`Q`( .V(VcQ` 8 The second is that it goes counter to our current cultural atmosphere, which expects everyone to not be conversing with one another, but having two or more individuals in the same room, perhaps at the same :GCV5(:JR(:CC(6: VR(QJ( .V(C1$. ($CQ11J$(``QI( .V1`( R1$1 :C(RV01HV,(`: .V`( .:J(1J V`:HJ$(11 .(QJV(:JQ .V`8(( Let alone talking about something as compelling and absorbing as what the Lord is doing in my life right now. I am hoping you are hearing from all this not an :RIQJ1,.IVJ (Q`(H`1H1,I8(M: .V`5(>(:I(QcV`1J$( :J(1J01 :QJ( Q(HQJ,1RV`(G`1J$1J$(7Q%`(`VC:QJ:C( HQJ0V`,:QJ,( Q(:(JV1(CV0VC8(I`7( Q(R1$(RQ1J(:JR(,VV( .: ( .V`V(1,(,QIV .1J$( `%C7(,:,`71J$(:GQ% (,.:`1J$( your “God story” with those close to you. I am not ,%$$V,J$(7Q%(:`V( Q($Q(Q% (QJ Q( .V(, `VV (HQ`JV`(:JR( ]`Q,VC7<V8((J% (1`(1V(H:JJQ ( :C@(11 .( .Q,V(1V(CQ0V( RV:`C7(:GQ% ( .V(?QR(1.Q(CQ0V,(%,(RV:`C75(1.7(JQ -(OJR( April 2018 3 if we don’t know what we would say about God’s love :JR$:HQJ$1J$Q%`$C10V.5$1VCC$ .VJ$1 $1.$IV$ Q$GV$IQ`V$ ...When was alert to what is truly going on. the last time you 5V`V$:`V$:$HQ%]CV$_%V.QJ.$ .: $I1$. $.]:`@$:$ .Q%$. $ told someone Q`$ 1Q8$V$=%. $HVCVG`: VR$=:. V`8$.: $1.$I7$`:0Q`1 V$ .V:.QJ$Q`$ .V$@.%`H.$7V:`-$BJR$1.7-$.VJ$1:.$ .V$C:. $ what was going on IV$C$H:J$.:7$C$1:.$:1:`V$ .: $DQR$1:.$1: H.1J$$Q0V`$ with you and your IV-$EQ$C$V0V`$`VVC$ .V$]`:7V`.$Q`$Q .V`.$.:01J$$VcVH $ 1J$I7$C1`V-$.VJ$1:.$ .V$C:. $IV$.QIVQJV$:.@VR$IV$ relationship with God? Q$]`:7$`Q`$.QIV .1J$$$Q1J$$QJ$1J$ .V1`$C1`V-$.: $R1R$1 $ “ make me feel like to think that they believed my prayers 1Q%CR$GV$.VC]`%C-$.VJ$1:.$ .V$C:. $IV$C$1:.$IQ0VR$ to do something for another, even though it cost me C$.Q]V$:JR$]`:7$ .: $7Q%$JR$:$JV1$V6]V`1VJHV$Q`$=Q7$1J$ .QIV .1J$$C1@V$IV5$Q]]Q` %J1 75$:$H.:JHV$ Q$]`QIQ V$ .1.$=:. V`$.V:.QJ$:.$7Q%$:`V$HQJ.H1Q%.$Q`$GV1J$$H:CCVR$ Q$ I7$Q1J$1J V`V. .5$V H8-$.: $1.$ .V$I:1J$ .1J$$ .: $C$JR$ GV$IQ`V$:H0V$1J$..:`1J$$ .V$$QQR$JV1.$1J$7Q%`$Q1J$C1`V8 I7.VC`$]`:71J$$`Q`$C: VC7- V$11CC$.V:`$: V`$JVJ VHQ. $ .: $JV V`$:JR$ .V$:]Q. CV.$ Ask your child what their favorite story about Jesus is. came out of the house and boldly shared their story Tell them what yours is and why. Share with someone the with others. From this simple beginning, the Church was `V:.QJ$ .: $7Q%$.:0V$:$.]VH1:C$:]]`VH1:QJ$`Q`$QJV$Q`$ .V$ . :` VR8$Q%$.:0V$.1I1C:`C7$GVVJ$CCVR$11 .$ .V$5QC7$L]1`1 $ .:1J .8$.Q$R1R$7Q%$H.Q.V$`Q`$7Q%`$.:1J $`Q`$@QJ`I:QJ5$ : $7Q%`$M:].I$:JR$@QJ`I:QJ8$NV $ .: $L]1`1 $Q% $:.$ :JR$1.7-$C`$7Q%$.:R$ Q$.:7$1.: $7Q%`$`:0Q`1 V$]`:7V`$Q`$ 7Q%$..:`V$:JR$V6]`V..$1.: $1QJRV``%C5$HQI`Q`J$$:JR$ RV0QQJ$1.5$1.: $1Q%CR$HQIV$ Q$I1JR$`. -$.: $1.$ .V$ : $IV.$H.:CCVJ$1J$$ .1J$.$Q%`$DQR$1.$ Q%H.1J$$7Q%`$C1`V$ .1. Q`7$Q`$1.7$ .: $1.$.Q$1I]Q` :J $ Q$7Q%- with and bringing forth in your awareness. Faith Formation & Sacraments By Patty Harrison as well as several programs for adults. OV$1. `:QJ$`Q`$ T $`VC1$1Q%.$VR%H:QJ$:JR$ JCV:.V$H.VH@$ .V$G%CCVJ$:JR$ .V$. I$1VG.1 V$1118 .:H`:IVJ $]`V]:`:QJ$: $L 8$V.QI:.$WQ`V$GV$1J.$ ..QI:.IQ`V8Q`$$`Q`$IQ`V$RV :1C.8$@QJ :H $J:7$ 1J$B]`1C8$V$QcV`$:$0:`1V 7$Q`$R1cV`VJ $]`Q$`:I.$`Q`$ 5:``1.QJ$: $]:7...QI:.IQ`V8Q`$$Q`$8 8 $ children ranging from 18 months old through 12 th grade 6 $`Q`$IQ`V$1J`Q`I:QJ8$ 4 More Informed Introducing Jesus Christ 10 reasons why Catholics don’t evangelize but should By Fr.
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