REE.IBELT OOPERATOR AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published Every Friday By The Greenbelt CDoperative Publishing Association, Inc., 8 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland Volume 10, Number 1 Greenbelt, Maryland, Friday, August 31, 1945 Five Cenua Schools Will Open September Tenth Citizens Elect 7 Fourth Annual Town Fair Under Way As New Pupils Are Re~,istering To Study Mutual With Concert, W!Iter Show Tonight School will open on Monday, September 10, at 9 a. m. Housing for To,vu Toilight's outstanding f~atures Children living north of Eastway will attend the North of Greenbelt's Annual Town Fair Hnd school, while those living south of Eastway will attend The future of Greenbelt was the Pool Shifts Hours are the Community Band Concel"t the Center school. To enter the first grade, children must subject of the Citizens Association Swimming pool hours have been and water pageant at the swim· be six years old prior to January 1, 1!~46. meeting held Monday night in the changed, without notice, to 1 p. m. ming pool, the stage show in the Ail n~w pupils will register in y~------~·-·-· .. -·-_-- .. ·-··-~---; elementary school auditorium. to 9 p. m. each day, several moth~ Auditorium, and the boxing e~bi­ the auditoriums of their respec- Western U mon Has i Greenbelt was described as a town ers and children were disappoint­ ed to learn early this week. tion at the handball court by the tive schools on M:onday, September I N Ph N b • either to be owned hy possibly Prince Georges County Police Boys 10, from 9 to 11 a. m. ~ parent i ew one um er ! speculative real estate interests, Club. must _accompany the pupil. The • The ·western Union agency 1 f<?IIowmg ~hould be br~ug~t along: l for Gn!enbelt has been relo- j owned cooperatively, or owned by Topping Saturday's. entertain­ ~Irth certlfi~ate,. vaccm?tlon c:er- 1 catea. Its new ~ite is 1-D , a mutual housing association, by 3 More File Bids ment there will be the U. Coast .Tohn Carson, Washington repre­ s. t!ficate, certifications of 1mmumza- J \'Voodla:nd Way, and the new ! Guard Attack Dog Show on Elra­ t10n, and transfer and report phone number is 4841. Mrs. j sentative of the Cooper at i v e 1 League, U.SA, and an authority on For Town Election den Field at 7 p. m., and protes­ cords.. I Thelma Newton will take tele- • the subject of mutual houl>ing si_onal wre~;qing later in the Eve­ _Pup1ls of the North End school ~ grams and other business from ! Three m:Jre candidates have nmg. w1ll report to 1·ooms assigned to ~1 8 a. m. to 8 P. m. daily. j plans. According to Catson, the town filed pt~titions for nomination to Eli Radinsky, direct<.r of erqer­ the group;;. Pupils of the Center +·-·~_,,_,,_,._m,_,,_,._,.,,_, _ ·- ,j. school will report to the t·ooms • · of Greenbelt could be owned by the·town council this week, Donald tainment for the Fair, expres~d himself as well-satisfied with he which they occupied last year with the pr·esent or future residents at Cooper, Jesse E. Smith, and Wal­ Bryan Plans Means cooperat !on from residents < nd the exception of the chilriren who probably no greater paymt'nts than ter Volckhausen. This brings the a!tendecl kindergarten last yeai', To Leg·alize Setup their nresent rent, through mutual visitors ;who are presenting the who should report to the Home • G housiri.g. T•.vo towns ad·opted this total nur.'ber of petitions fi'.ed to three days of fun for the comlfJ.U­ Economics room at 9 a. m. School Of Audjhng roup plan. h~ said, to insure their for­ nine. The other six that filed pre­ nity. Nrany other events sup~i>le­ ... will in session for the fol­ nler government-0\.,.ned communi­ viously are David Granahan, Sher­ ment the principal attractLn.,. Free movies in the social roor.~ of lowing hours: Group OPe, 9 a. m. Three .:nembers of the interim ties from falling into thE~ hands of rod "J<;ast, Wells Harrington, Allen to 12 noon; Group Two, 9 a. m. to aurliting committee appointed at speculative real estate interests. the school Saturday aftemoon at D. Morrison, Ruth Taylor, and 4 o'clor::k is sure to be a hit with .2:30 p. m.; Groups Three and the unt•fficial quoru:n-less meeting The essence of the pLan is the Four, 9 a. m. to 3:15 p. r.1. Lunch pu•:chase of the town from the John Cain . the children-no one else will be hour wilJ be from 12 noon to 1 p. of Greenbt•lt Consumer Services on government by the c i t i z e n s, Town Clerk Bertha Bonham an­ admitted. m. August 22 may become official through a loan issued to them by nounced that on September 1, the A program of each day's events Children entering kim•,ergarten members o.f th;:: committee, it was the government t:> the amount of closing date of registration for will be sold at the doors of the council election, her office will be Auditorium, one of two items not this year must register on Mon­ learned th1s -,.,·eek, if Allan A. eighty to a hur.dred per cent of the open from 2 to 5 p. m. to accept free. A refreshment stand in the day, September 10, and Tue.:day, Bryan's proposal for legalizing the appraised value of the property. last-minute reglstrees. Thre~ hun­ home economics room will be the Septembr~r 11, at the North .L~nd committee is adopted. The payments on the loan are then School for kindergarteners living made on a monthly bssis, instead dred and fifteen citizens have reg­ other money-raising feature of the A new committee was due for istered so far, and the office holds Fair. Everything else is free. north of Eastway, and at rooms election at the May membership of rent, and the residents "'.cquires four hundred carry-over reg!s­ The awarding of pr:zes for the 121 and 1!!3 in the Center school meeting' which also lacked a quor­ an equity in the dwelling unit as for kinder~tar"tene:rs living south of he pays. trants. Mrs. Bonham calls especial numerous cont¢sts will take place um, anc! with no Je;!al action pos­ attention !.«:> a list posted in the Saturday evening. Some of these Eastway. The scheduie, 1·eferring sible at either the May or August FoUowing Mr. Carson's talk, a to the first letter of the last name, lively question and answer period local post office of people who awards will be broadcast ·over the meeting, President Dayton W. Hull registered for elections of 1941 and will be as follows: appointed the four candidates for concerning some- of the details by WWDC program, and others 1943 but did not vote. Those are ·likely be' A to E on Monday, September the committee to serve until the which the plan operates. {there to ~· to names have all been withdrawn, 300> will be announced in between 10, 9 to 12 a. m. adjourne<.' meeting, cal!ed for Sep­ A nermanent committee of the F to L on Monday, September 10, tember 26. Association was formed to study and it will be necessary that those entertainment features. Cash 1 to 3 p. n1. mutual housing or any other form residents register again to be elig­ prizes as well as ribbOns and cards Mr. Bry.'l.n suggested to the in­ ible to vote in the corning election. are available this · year by vi;:-tue M to R on Tue~>day, September tE!rim comr.tittee that inasmuch as of housing plan by which Green­ 11, 9 to 12 of donations from local resiCients a. m. Max H. Sahman. chairman of the belt could be maintained on the S to Z on Tuesday, September leve1 at least of its present effi­ and from the Maryland 3tate Fair continuing committee, had resign­ Board fund. Paul Dunbar, Plan­ 11, 1 to 3 p. m. ed, the reml.\ining two members ciency and coordination. The New Vets' Group ning Committee member, WllS able All kindergarten ciasses will be­ might appoint one of the interim problem of disposal of Greenbelt to s~cure $250 from this organiza­ gin on Wednesday, September 1.2. comtnittee to fill the Vflcancy. was spoken 0f as an acute one, While school does not start till because of the war hous!ng section tion for prizes of local orize­ William A. M<.>ore is ready to re­ Elects Officers winners in baking, needlecraft, Monday, the teaching staff will sign anc his place would be filled which, under the provisions of the report Wednesday throu.~h Friday Lanham Act, must be sold by the gardening, and other skills. also fron' the mterim committee. Topping o~her prizes will be the of the previous wePk to get things If Steve Comings decides to with­ government within two years after ready for the opening session. the war. It has been suggested At First Meeting annua: Atl-:letic Club award-$10 draw a third membe1r would be ap­ .in cash th1s year-for the best ex­ There will be 18 regular teachen; pointed, aTlcl a new and legal com­ that when this is done, old Green­ A pre-charter organizational and 4 ldnJergarten teachers this belt will probably be included.
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