Außenfarbe nach Wahl / Exterior color to sample Farbbezeichnung Farbcode uni metallic color name color code '98' '99' 911 / Boxster Cayman Panamera changes absolutrot / Absolute Red Y3F ? achatgraumetallic / Agate Grey Metallic M7S aetnablau / Etna Blue Y31 amarantrot / Amaranth Red ??? ? amazonasgrünmetallic / Amazonas Green Metallic 37Z FF? amethystmetallic / Amethyst Metallic M4Z ? anthrazitbraunmetallic / Anthracite Brown Metallic M8S ?? apricotbeige / Apricot Beige 548 ? aquablaumetallic / Aqua Blue Metallic M5R aquamarineblaumetallic / Aquamarine Blue Metallic W33 ? aquamarine Z62 arenarotmetallic / Arena Red Metallic 84S arktissilbermetallic / Artic Silver Metallic 92U ? atakamagelb / Atakama Yellow Y30 ? atlasgraumetallic / Atlas Grey Metallic M7X aubergine 025 ? ? F F ? auratiumgrünmetallic / Auratium Green Metallic ? FF? aventuragrünmetallic / Aventura Green Metallic 39S ? azzurrocaliforniametallic 3F3 ?? azzurro tirreno W83 ? azzuro thetys metallic W53 ? ballonweiss / ballon white ? ? basaltschwarzmetallic / basalt black metallic C9Z blaumetallic / Blue Metallic 334 ? brewstergreen / Brewster Green 22B blucaelum metallic LY5Q ? blue francia metallic W29 ? blutorange / Tangerine ??? ? britishracinggreen / British Racing Green 21D carbongraumetallic / Carbon Grey Metallic M9Z ? carbonschwarzmetallic / Carbon Black Metallic 7C3 ? carraraweiß / Carrara White B9A ? carraraweissmetallic / Carrara White Metallic S9R cashmere ???FF? cobaltblaumetallic / Cobalt Blue Metallic 3C8 cobaltblaumetallic hell / Cobalt Blue Metallic bright M5N ? cognacmetallic / Cognac Metallic M8Z ? continentalorange / Continental Orange 107 ? cremeweiss / Creme White 51A dark cashmere metallic K8X ? daytona grau / daytony grey X7A ? ? ? dunkelsaphireblau metallic / Dark Sapphire Metallic Y96 ? diamantschwarzmetallic / Diamond Black Metallic Y74 ? dunkelolivemetallic / Dark Olive Metallic M6X = available = not available F = feasibility check started ? = feasibility check necessary 1 = compulsion to z-option 70003 for 970 and z-option 90144 for 9X1 1 Außenfarbe nach Wahl / Exterior color to sample Farbbezeichnung Farbcode uni metallic color name color code '98' '99' 911 / Boxster Cayman Panamera changes eisblaumetallic / Ice Blue Metallic M5Q eisgrünmetallic / Ice Green Metallic 266 ? felsengrünmetallic / Rock Green Metallic 699 ? feuerrot / Fire Red 86D ? ? ? fountain blue metallic / Fountain Blue Metallic W41 gelbgrün uni / Green Yellow Uni 137 ? geminimetallic / Gemini Metallic 086 ? Glasurit Colour SB272.20 ? ? goldbronzemetallic / Gold Bronze Metallic Z52 grauschwarz / Grey Black 7A1 grigiocampovolo Y99 grigiotelestometallic / Grigio Telesto Metallic Z69 grigio granito metallic W49 ? grigio titanio metallic W37 ? grün / Green 2D8 GTS rot / GTS Red M3E golfblau / Golf Blue W91 ? gulfblau / Gulf Blue 328 ? gulforange / Gulf Orange 019 ? helloxfordgrau / Light Oxford Grey Y62 ? horizontblaumetallic / Horizon Blue Metallic 37X FF hot rod pink metallic ? FF? indischrot / Guards Red 84A ?? irischgrün / Irish Green Y79 ? ipanemablaumetallic / Ipanema Blue Metallic 3S2 jaramabeigemetallic / Jaramabeige Metallic M1W ? jetgrünmetallic / Jet Green Metallic Z6H karminrot / Carmine Red M3C ? klassikrotmetallic / Classic Red Metallic Y20 ? klassiksilbermetallic / Classic Silver Metallic X7W ? lagogrünmetallic / Dark Teal Metallic M6W ? lasergrünmetallic / Laser Green Metallic Y95 ? leinenmetallic / Linen Metallic 550 ? leuchtgrün / Luminous Green ? libelltürkismetallic / Ocean Jade Metallic 25K ? lichtgrün / Light Green 253 ? lindgrün / Lind Green 226 FF? limegoldmetallic / Lime Gold Metallic 5P1 leinengraumetallic / Linen Grey Metallic ???FF? luxorbeigemetallic / Luxor Beige Metallic M1S macadamiametallic / Macadamia Metallic M8W malachitgrünmetallic / Malachite Green Metallic 2B5 ? maritimblau / Maritime Blue 38B maronenbraunmetallic / Chestnut Brwon Metallic H8Z ? meerblau / Dark Sea Blue A5G ? = available = not available F = feasibility check started ? = feasibility check necessary 1 = compulsion to z-option 70003 for 970 and z-option 90144 for 9X1 2 Außenfarbe nach Wahl / Exterior color to sample Farbbezeichnung Farbcode uni metallic color name color code '98' '99' 911 / Boxster Cayman Panamera changes meissenblau / Meissen Blue Z54 FF? merlot sunglo / merlot sunglo ??? ? meteorgraumetallic / Meteor Grey Metallic M7W mexicoblau / Mexico Blue 336 minervablaumetallic / Minerval blue Metallic 304 ? ? ? ? mintgrün / Mint Green 22R ? moccabraun / Mocca Brown ???FF? modegrau / Fashion Grey 61H moonlightbluemetallic C5M nachtblaumetallic / Night Blue Metallic 39C ? navyblau / Navy Blue W67 ? nordischgoldmetallic / Nordic Gold Metallic M2Z oakgrünmetallic / Oak Green Metallic 22L olympiablau / Olympic Blue Z16 ? olivegrün / Olive Green 274 ? orangerotperlcolor / Zanzibar Red 1A9 ? orientrotmetallic / Orient Red Metallic 8A3 ? orionsilbermetallic / Orion Silver Metallic A92 ? 1 1 oryxweiß perlmutteffekt C9A 0K0 / Oryx White Pearl Effect C9A 0K0 0K1 ozeanschwarzmetallic / Ocean Black Metallic ??? FF? pantone 296C W50 ? palladiummetallic / Palladium Metallic C1Y ? pascharot / Pascha Red W15 ? pastellorange / Pastel Orange Z17 1 1 perlglanzeffektweiss / Pearlescent Effect White 947 perlgrau / pearl grey W00 ? peridotmetallic / Peridot Metallic 2S1 ? perurot / Peru Red 042 ? pfeilgrauperlmetallic / Arrow Grey Pearl Metallic Y66 ? phoenixgelbmetallic / Phoenix Yellow Metallic Y11 ? pinkmetallic / pink metallic Y86 ? platinmetallic / platinum metallic 665 ? platinsilbermetallic / Platinum Silver Metallic M7T ? polarsilbermetallic / Polar Silver Metallic 92M porscheracinggreenmetallic / Porsche Racing Green Metallic 22G ? quarzgraumetallic / crystal grey metallic Y7G ? racinggelb / Racing Yellow 1S1 ?? Racing Green DBR9 ? ? ? F F ? reingrün / Pure Green Y56 ? rivierablau / Riviera Blue 39E rotbraunmetallic / Auburn Metallic M3T rosso corsa / Rosso Corsa Y81 ? royalrose Y88 rubinrotmetallic / Ruby Red Metallic M3X sandgelb / Sand Yellow M1C ?? = available = not available F = feasibility check started ? = feasibility check necessary 1 = compulsion to z-option 70003 for 970 and z-option 90144 for 9X1 3 Außenfarbe nach Wahl / Exterior color to sample Farbbezeichnung Farbcode uni metallic color name color code '98' '99' 911 / Boxster Cayman Panamera changes sandweiß / Sand White R9A ? schiefergrau 6601 / slate grey 6601 615 ? schiefergrau RAL 7015 / slate grey RAL 7015 Y97 ? schiefermetallic / Slate Metallic 23F ? sepiabraun / Sepia Brown 415 ? signalgelb / Signal Yellow 114 ? signalgrün / Signal Green 22S ? smaragdgrünmetallic / Emerald Green Metallic 2G6 ? smaragdschwarzmetallic / Emerald Black Metallic W05 ?? sommergelb / Summer Yellow Z21 ? speedgelb / Speed Yellow 12H sprintblaumetallic / Sprint Blue Metallic Z5F ? steingraumetallic / Stone Grey Metallic Y7U ? steingrau / Stone Grey Z67 ? sternrubin / Ruby Star 82N ? Superior Red Metallic W10 ? tannengrünmetallic / Forest Green Metallic 2B4 ? tiefseeblaumetallic / Deep Sea Blue Metallic A76 ? umbrametallic / Umber Metallic M8U verde britishracinggreen / Verde British Racing Green 611 ? ? ? verde itaca (Lamborghini) ? ? violametallic / Viola Metallic 3AE ? violetchromflairmetallic 3C4 ? vipergrün / Viper Green 225 ? viridiangrünmetallic / Viridian Green Metallic Y89 ? voodooblau / Voodoo Blue Z12 ? westminstergraumetallic / Westminster Grey Metallic W65 yachtingblaumetallic / Yachting Blue Metallic M5S ? = available = not available F = feasibility check started ? = feasibility check necessary 1 = compulsion to z-option 70003 for 970 and z-option 90144 for 9X1 4.
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