Benton and Southern J. J. $500 REWARD Going East _ 4lisrcdl h.. BLESSING, Will be paid by the undersigned for the ap- -OR- STAGE LINE. prehension with sufficient evidence to con- -It's. a great coImftrt to be left alone." vict, the first person or persons found kill- From Benton to said an lrith lover, "'eqpecially when your ing or stealing cattle or horses belonging Going West Billings. swateheart ij wid ye." CAIRPETER AHD BUILDER to any of the undersigned on their ranges No matter which, the The best in eastern Montana. stock and finest "Your lhandwriting is very bad!" "Yes, Wav,.s S~,u.h•r Springs, .. T. A liberal reward will also be paid for the coaches in the Territory. apprehension with sullicient evidence to but don't youl ee. it I were to write better NORTHERN PACIFIC convict, any further party or parties of kill- Easy and Rapid Transit. people would find out how i spell." ing or stealing cattle or horses as above RAILROAD stated. D)Avxs. IIaulER & Co., IS YOUIt LINE, The Most Direct Route From Northern It consists ot two pieces of hard wood, each Sash, By Granville Stuart. Montana to the States East or West. As it will take you in either direction between about ten inches long, sharpened at one end JUDITH CATTLE CO., Doors, WALTER and having a hole bored in the other. These By '1'. C. Power, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, GLYNDON, BURKE, C. 1 Superintendent. are to be tied to the legs of the chickens that L. Vawter, DULUTH, CASSELTON, MOORIIEAD, Counters, James Fergus & Son. ______________ - infest the gardens, with tile sharp ends of Andt all kinds of 16 I)emlpsey & Ranges. FARGO, the sticks in such a manner as they will VALLEY CiTY, JAMESTOWN, MIN- WM. WOOLSEY'S drag behind. Then when the chickens be- SHIOP DONE Td ORDER. H. M. PARCHEN & Co., NEWAUKAN. gin to scratch, the sharp ends of the pieces WORK (Devil's HELENA, M. T. Lake), Staje, Exjreso of wood will stick in the ground, and thus Stair-Building, Scroll-Sawing and Saw- MILNOR, LAMOURE, BISMARCK. &Freight Lilln -FROM- walk the chicken right out of the garden in Filing a Specialty. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN MANDAN. GLENDIVE. BILLINGS. LIVINGISTON spite of itself. CONTRACTS TAKEN HELENA, Soliloquy of a theif, professionally occu- -TO- pied-"My pals have called me a bird. So For buildings of every description. Drugs, I am, I'm a robin." Yllowstone National Park. White Sulphur Springs, DEER LODGE, BUTTE CITY, MISSOU- SThe kidneys act and Hotel. LA, SPOKANE FALLS, Leaves Livingston on and after the first Monday Toustin's Ferry in March, making of the one trip a week as follows: as purifiers Medicines, WALLA WALLA, THE DALLES, Leaves Livingston Monday arrive at White Sul- OLU/ATED blood, anti when A Reliable Crossing. hur Springs iuesday; leaves White Sulphur Springs Thursday, arrives in Livingston again on interterred with PORTLAND, Friday. Montana into Paints, Oils, Glass, OR. through weakness The shortest route from southwest Passengers and express safely carried county. Good accommodations lor man OLYMPIA, NEW TACOMA, SEATTLE, at reason- they need toning. Meagher rble rates. Also heavy fheight transported o or and beast. from either They become BUILDING VICTORIA. B. C., point with dispatch. healthfully active All Points in BRITISH COLUMBIA, by the use of Hos- Geneva Nurseries. AND and ALASKA, NOTICE OF FINAL ENTRY. tetter's Stomach YORK. SALEM. ALBANY, AND Bitters when fall- GENAVA, NEW ROSEBURG, ORE. Land Office at Helena, M. T. ing short of relief W. & T. SMITH, Propr's. WALL March 26, 1884. from other sources PAPERS, Notice is hereby given that the following This superb stim- ESTABLISHED IN 1846. REMEMBER named M A H That the Northern Pa- settler has fi ed notice ot his inten- STO C ulating tonic also cific Railroad runs tion to make Anal proof In support of his and ar- OVER 500 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. prevents S• Stationery, Lamps, THE ONLY claim, and that said proof will be made be- and EMIGRANT SLEEPERS? Srests fever Send for our new Descriptive Catalogue of old fore L. Rotwitt, deputy clerk of the Dis- Ornamental Trees, THE ONLY DAY COACHES! ague, constipation, liver complaint. dyspep and new varieties of Fruit, NOTIONS, ETC. trict Court 3d Judicial District, Montana Roses, Shrubs, Etc., to THE ONLY PULLMAN SLEEPERS! Territory, in sla, rheumatism and other ailments. Use J. A. GOODHUE, Gen. Agent. and for Meagher county, at it with regularity. For sale by all druggists 4-451-tf Helena. Montana. Agents for THE ONLY DINING CARS! White Sulphur Springs, on Saturday May 3, 1884, viz: and dealers generally. -BaETWEEN- Simon S. Hobson, who made Mallinckrodt's ST. Homestead application No. 2255 for the N E Caibolic Sheep PAUL AND PORTLAND, ORE. I of section 14, in Tp. 14, N of R 13 E. He LOUR ILl Dip, Moore's Sulphur ELEGANT HORTON CHAIRS are run between names the following witnesses to prove his Sheep! Sheep! U. Dip, Aus- DULUTH and BRAINERD. continmuous residence upon and cultivation COmLETE $675. of said FrenchForBurrs, Bolt, Smutters, F Elevators, &c. tralian Scab Exterininator, and land, viz. Isaac B. Dawkins, of Philbrook; James W. Wadleigh, of Utica; Full information in Portable Corn Mill and Corn Shellers the Italian regard to the Northern Charles H. Severance, of Oka. and William Sheep wash. Pacific lines can be obtained FREE For Farmers. by address- D. Cameron, of White Sulphur Springs, all We carry by far the largest stock in our ing C(OAS. S FEE, of Meagher county, Montana. EVERYTHING A MILLER NEEDS. line in Montata, and can offer inducements General Passenger Agent, 20 F. ADKINSON, Register. 17-tf ST. PAUL, MINN. aMrS.ND pon PAMPrLET AND PR•aCLIsT. to cash buyers not to be found elsewhere. THEu SIMPSON & GAULT MFG. CO. NOTICE OF FINAL ENTRY. Established 1844. CINCINNATI, 0. White Sulphur Sqrings Land Office at Helena, M. T. Receive's Sale March 26, 1884. BIG ELIK STAGE CO. AND Notice is hereby given that the following Martinsdale Stage The unersigned Receiver of the partnership named settler has filed notice of his inten- Line. property of the firm of R. H. (lendenln, now of- tion to make final proof in support of his fers for sale a large and complete stock From Martinsdale to Big Timber. of claim, and that said proof will he made be- Tri-Weekly. fore L. Rotwitt, deputy clerk of the District 800 Head of Rams For Sale Court 3d Judicial Distrid, Montana Territo- Good Stock and Wagons ai.d good accommoda- Groceries and ry, in and for Meagher county, "Thoroughbred Cotswold and Merinos, Leaves'the at White tions for passengers en route. Leave Martinsdale Springs Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sulphur Springs on Saturday Cross-bloods of pure Saturdays. Good stock and new coaches. May 3, 1884, Merino and Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. viz: James W. Wadleigh, Leave Big Timber, Tuesday, Thursda' and Sat- who made D. S. Cotswolds; also Rams -Meri- J. M. POWERS. Proprietor. General No. 5490for the NEj no. - Cotswold. and Rams urday. Wx. CoATas, Superintendent. NW theSE}N Fare from Martinsdale to Big Timber $8; teight 45 W} the N E} S W} and . Cotswold, t Merino. lot No. 1 section 30 and express2 cents per pound. This is the short- Tp. 13N R 12 E. He names the following rhese sheep are:rom the best flocks in Wis- est and best route from White -ulphur Sprlngs, witnesses to prove his continuous residence Martin'dale. Judith Basin and Musselshell valley CANTON SALOON, Merchandise, consin, Vermont and Canada. upon and cultivationot said land, COOK & HUSSEY. to points east on the N P. I . R. at the old place of business, MARTINSDALE viz: Isaac G M IoATCH. B. Dawkins, of Phiibrnok ; Simon S. Hob- P. O. Address.--Unity and White Sulphur- Proprietor and U. S. Mail Contractor. son, of Utica; Charles Springs, Montana. LODGING HOUSE, H. Severance, of Oka and William D. Cameron. of White Sulphur The stock of IELEN A -AND- goods is full and complete in ev- Springs, all ot Meagher county. Notice. ery respect, and is being sold under an order of Montana. the Court to wind up the partnership affairs of 20 F. ADKINSON. Register. Resolutions passed at the last meeting of the said firm. The attention of buyers is invited Stock to Olganization of Missouri Valley, held on this sale as an unusual opportunity, to secure Sept 23d, 1883. FEED STABLE. great bargains. OF FINAL ENTRY. WHEREAS, It is known that certain parties NOTICE heretofore have drivea in stock from the range Land Office at Helena that was unbranded without the consent of this AND M. T., All claims against the firm of R. H. Clendenin March 26, 1884. organization ; we, therefore, enter our protest Fe,,d the Hungry, Rest the should be presented against any parties driving in stock from the to me to be filed with the .Notice is hereby given that the following ut- Conrt, and persons owing the firm will make named-settler side ranges and branding them without the con- ENGLISH TRAINI'G SCHOOL, Weary, and Make the payment to me. has filed notice of his inten- sent of this organ zation. tion to make final prood in support of his By BROADWAY, - HELENA, M. T. Despondent Glad. I order of the Organ zation. also ofter for sale, two fine Freight claim, and that said proof will M DOGGETT, President. Teams, be made be- J. E. 8 animals and 3 wagons to the team. fore L. Rotwitt, Deputy Clerk of the Dis- KANO•rs, Sec'y. 47 at a bergain.
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