Residents get a yummy taste of Allston ... PAGE 11 ~ Community Newspaper Company www.allstonbrightontab.com FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2003 Vol. 7, No. 41 48 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ ~dvisory Board recommends Diamond; ..:: ..: By Phoebe Sweet Co. wasn't made lightly or without dis_, ._; • . STAFF WRITER Selection for Waterworks developer sent among members. ... state advisory committee rec­ "We didn't have a perfect candidate, ommended Boston developer but we had a group that were serious and A• . Diamond & Company to take now moves on to DCAM put together the best proposals they' d'.ver the Cleveland Circle Waterworks could," said committee member Joe slte this week. The committee released for adaptive reuse of the three historic historic buildings and design of the new L'lan this one. It just combines a lot of Teller. ks recommendation Wednesday to the Waten\orks building includes both construction a key to the choice. things that I'm passionate about: archi­ "The Dhanda team had the best de­ state Division of Capital Asset Manage­ new and adapted luxury condo , a "I am honored that the Advisory tecture, history, conservation," said Dia­ sign hands down, but there were conJ ment after months spent pouring over restaurant and a large museum devoted Committee and their constituents have mond. "I think it's going to be a lot of cems with his financial capacity. It turns the details of several proposals. to Boston's Golden Age ( 1800-1910). placed their trust in me to protect and fun, too." out that in the end, the one who had the The next step in the process rests in The committee recommendation enhance this important cultural asset Boston Development Group of New­ most balance of all the criteria ...was Di­ DCAM\ hand. It may either follow the cited Diamond\ experience with simi­ and I won't let them down," said Dia­ ton was ranked second by the commit­ amond," said committee member Ar­ recommendations of the board or pick a lar adaptive reuse project!), a promised mond on hearing the news of his en­ tee and Raj Dhanda of Brookline third. turo Va.'>quez of Brighton, "If the deci­ different developer. $5 million in community benefits and dorsement. Advisory Committee members say sion was based on a single criterion we Diamond' tlex1bilil) on both u e of the "I have never wanted a project more the decision to nominate Diamond & Principle Menill Diamond\ proposal WATERWORKS, page 26 . Say bye Viking discovers the Charles to smelly smoke Smoking ban kicks butts on Monday By Phoebe Sweet STArF WRI l Starting on Monday, smokers can get their butts out of town if they want to light up, says the Boston . Public Health Commis­ sion. because Allston-Brighton and the rest of Boston wi I1 be ofti­ ... cially smoke-free . The PHC is trying to clear the air of ., ·no!\ , that is - with 1 ........ · 1 c: 4tfl ,n · ue ;11 all mdoor \\Orkplace-;. The ban take:- el'tl!l.:l Ma} 5 and mcludes bars. n.::-.taurants and clubs that were previow .. ly excluded from smoking regulation . .. This will both sa\e lives and prevent disability," -;aid John Auerbach. PHC executive direc­ tor. "This is the k.ind of regulation whose time has come both in Massachusetts and around the Bnited States and increasingly around the world." Boston is one of 76 cities and towns m Massachusetts to have passed I00 percent smoke-free regulations, according to the PHC, and joins New York City, Framingham, Watertown and STAFF POOTO BY MICHAfl MANNING Saugus in enacting similar bans. "Sven the Viking" a Boston Duck Tours driver, was on hand for Sunday's 21st annual Run of the Charles Canoe and Kayak Race on Sunday. The event attracted 1 ,800 The ban is supposed to protect racers. See story and more photos on page 10. SMOKING, page 30 ·INSIDE Finally • ·Un dia de mUsica y de·diversion ~"·• By Nicolas Parasle going CORRESPONDENT :~...... - """1tl• .···.··1 The Latino community of Q:. .-~ ·.. ···•. ·. .. ••.. .- ·. All ston and Brighton present­ green ed a spectacle of folk dances ....... •. etr. ·- •.. and music at the Jackson By Phoebe Sweet Mann Community Center last ~ -~ .,~- STAF" W ITE? Friday to celebrate El Dfa de Work on landscaping at 309 las Americas. Summit Ave. in Bnghton was ex­ The Day of the Americas, pected to be fini hed this week officially held on April 14, ENTERTAINMENT after the owner tore up an illegal symbolizes the historical and front-yard parking lot and re­ cultural unity of all Latino Keith Lockhart: placed it with green space. countries. Some residents, who have been The event was organized by Pop of the Pops fighting for the change for 14 the Cornite Latinos en Acci6n, years, are calling the landscaping a branch of the Allston­ ""'SEE PAGE 17 a major neighborhood victory. Brighton Community Devel­ "Hopefully'this et!) the prece­ opment Corporation. dent for the re t of Brighton, INSIDE Founded in 2000, the com­ where people are ha\ing prob­ mittee was established to lems and are almo t surround­ Commentary 12 meet with the needs of the ing," said Michael DePierro. of Latino community in Allston 306 Summit Ave Community Notes 3 and Brighton, says board DePierro has been fighting to member and Allston resident change illegal lots in his Brighton Crime 5 Bertha Mejia. neighborhood back into lawn for POOTO BY lAAA TZANEV "Newcomers to the commu­ years, and says that the lots are a Joanna Karczmarek and Clifton Chow of the Tango Society of Boston dance at the Days of the Entertainment 17 Americas celebratlon at the Jackson Mann Community Center. CULTURE, page 27 PARKING, page 26 Library Notes 6 :\1AEL FREE O NLINE • ~~ 'If j\} AJJo1f>tcialfl'O"jn Obituaries 29 BANKING ~~\<~~~~ ~\) &o·.<S .~i~ 1··' 1:>:.' for kids l'f~ t<<llagtn CllIIU H,H.\( :TH: ~~""" \..;•\'' ~ l i • .. Ntw raJI °"'5u ~·~"•' '' for Kids and Ttenagm Political Notebook F REE C HECKING 28 25 )'CJI' experience Ontu~ 1 ACCOUNT Learn to dance #.[:- Sports Private and group lessons with or without 1 8 Auto partner • weekly dances • low rates . ~21 --~ MERCANTILE (I} BANK Minihane's Flower Wedding preparatiQI\ specials Shawmut Properties ] Work Injuries Banking on a first name basis FREE Oooll~ll<illiTJ ©00@!7 134 Tremont Street • Brighton & Garden Shop 617-566-7850 423 Washington Street • Brighton DanceSport Academy Your Neighborhood Realtor® 556 Cambridge t., Brighton 617-783-3500 425 WASHINGTON STREET ('°J<. of New England (617) 787-8700 www.mercantileboston.com BRIGHTON CENTER • 617-254-1130 [ 384 Harvard St. Brookline (617) 787-2121 7 98238 60009 2 Member FDIC Ample Free Parking 1 '\www.DanceSport·NewEngland.com -. Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, May 9, 2003 www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton We want your news! COMMUNITY 1• ••· •• •_.!!i:: mis WEEK on townon 1ne • com . • . £d•· ............... w~ Braverman (781) 433-8365 Welcome to the Allston-Brighton TAB! We . , . • . ............. [email protected] The Allston-Br}ghton TAB is published online at www.townontine.com/allstonorfghton and ~fnerJca are eager to serve as a forum for the conununir Phoebe Sweet (781) 433-&133 1 e...-................. Online Keyword: Town Online. Town Online features news from more than 45 local publications, ty, Please send us calendar list;Qlgs-,. social · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ........... [email protected] profiles of more than 200 Eastern Massachusetts communities, and items of regional jnterest. , news and any other ite.lllS of cotnrlnmi~ Edttar In dlilf ............. Greg Reibman (781) 433·8.345 mterest. Please mail the in.formati.on to Way~' ., ................. [email protected] Arts & Entertainment Town Online Reports Ametica at War ~~ ·Braverman. editor, Allston-,Brighton 1'AB. ~ DinldDr .......... Cris Warren (781) 433-8313 AdVlrtisint sales ........ Harriet Steinberg (781 ) 433-7865 Find out what's hip and hap. The hottest news, sports, As our t'tmed forces deaf with P,O. Box.9112.. Needham,MA02492. You Rtll Eslate sal• ........ Mark R. Macrelli (781) 433-8204 pening in Eastern Massachu­ and entertainment stories the aftermath of combat in may fax materialto (781) 433~82()2. Our- . RUllian lldlon .. Yuri Tabansky (617) 965-1673 setts. Click on Town Online's in Eastern Massachusetts Iraq, BQt;ton Herald photogra­ deadline for press releases is Mon.day. S p~m.,, Ci.atfted,fleip .................. (800) 624-7355 Arts & Entertainment section. are featured at Town pher Kuni Takahashi and · . prior to the next Friday's issue. CtlMdar listings. .. (781) 433·8211 It has all the latest dining, Online. reportet Jules Crittenden are with the troops. R:lllow their , Residents are invited to call.,us with story Mtwnom tu nu .................. (781) 433-8202 music, museums, literature, coverage at: MIAlstlngs Ju bar ................. (781) 433-8203 performing arts, and movie www.townonllne.com • ideas or reaction to our cov~ge. Pl~ call www.bostonherald.com ' Allston-Brighton TAB ,Editor Wayne 10 lllllcrlbe, ca11 ..................... (888) 343-1960 news. , Gfl*ll TAB num .................... (781) 433-8200 ~B:t:avemian at (781) 433~8365 or News Hews Hlail .................. [email protected] . Reporter Phoebe Sweet at (781) 433--8333 Parents & Kids "'°"' ... .. .. ... allston-brighton [email protected] , with your ideas and sug~tions,. ·" £writs i:alendar . ...... [email protected] Community Newspaper Company's online guide to smart parenting from baby to preteen Arts and enlaftal 8111 .................. [email protected] has been completely redesigned. Check out the new site al. Ml i:alendar. ................ [email protected] www.townonllne.com/ parentsandklds CHC Editor In chi ..... Kevin R. Convey..J<[email protected] T The Allston· Brighton TAB (USPS 14·706) is PIJl:>Ust\ild by TAB Commi.mrty Newspapers 254 Second Ave., Needham, MA 02494, TOWN ONLINE INDEX weekly. Periodicals postage paid at Boston., MA. P<i$lmaster~ Send a(ldress correcllons o the Allston-Brighton TAB, 254 Second • MetroWest Dally News • Parents and Kids • Town Onllne Business Ave., Needham, MA 02494.
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