1.f iss Pi.ncus Only Anglo-Jewish Serving 35,000 ·Newspaper_ - 1 in This State in Rhode Island VOL. XXXVI, No. 22 FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1951 - PROVIDENCE, R. L TWELVE P AG ES 10 CENTS THE COPY Ben Gurion At Israel Polls In 1st-Radio Photo El( -J WV Chief Bounced; Blames Pro-Mac -Stand • CHl(:AGO (AJP) - One of Guard Gen. Harry L. Bolen t.o American Jewry's t.op ranking "choose between further indul­ military officers was stripped of gence in political controversies or National G uard units under his membership in -the guard_" . ~ command this week and he I m m e d i a t e l y following the - promptly charged that he was transfer of units which left Klein "fired" because "I spoke _out in without a single soldier to com ­ support of General MacArthur's mand, the former JWV national policies." commander- issued a statement in The military leader, Brig. Gen. which he complained of pressure Julius Klein of the Illinois Na­ on Governor Stevenson o"f Illi­ tional G uard is a past national nois by "political" major generals. commander of the Jewish War ''When General MacArthur was Veterans. He recently resigned fired there was nothing he could as a member of the national do about it. I have been fired ex e c u t i v e committee of the and there is nothing I can do American Jewish League Against about it other than to state what Communism after the/' organiza­ a dastardly trick it is." tion's direct.or, Rabbi Benjamin Schultz. flayed G eneral George C. Klein added that ''this is the Marshall and Admiral Chester culmination· of a series of events I Nimitz. which began when I spoke · out General Klein. was notified late in pport of General Mac­ this week that units under his Arthur's policies last April." command would be transferred The Jewish general had served August 1 t.o the 133rd Artillery under MacArthur in the Pacific Division. Earlier Klein had been Theater of Operations during ordered by_ Illinois Na t.ion a~ World War IL Jewish_Leaders Worried :(ran Blocks Visas F6r U. S. Jews,.-1solates JDC Chief NEW YORK (AJF) -Reports Jewish Appeal leaders in the that American Jews have suddenly CJ n it e d states were frankly encountered serious difficulties in worried. getting visas for Iran was added The Damascus radio for the this week t.o a mounting list of past month has been st-eadily _developments pointing to Iran as predicting that Iran wolild be the the next Arab state likely to expel next Arab country to institute its Jews. what it termed "compulsory repa­ Any mass expulsion of Iran's triation" of- its Jews. Like any one of the m ore -than 800,000 Israelis who turn ed ou t for M onday's importan t n ational 80,000 J~ws would pose a, tremer;)­ Another devetopment which elections, Prim!t_ Mini.sta- David Ben Gurion a ppeared_ at the registration booth t o have his name dous new threat to Israel's al­ increased. the worries of J ewish checked off prior to easting his vote. A wom an clerk smilingly gives B - G the go-ahead. Minu tes later ready strained i.m.migration pro­ officials about Iran was that he cast his ballot. The p h oto is the first ever to be sent directly from- Israel t o the United States by gram. state's action in closing its con­ radio for the English-Jewish press-by the n ews agency of the American Association of English -Jewish Another development was the sulat-e in Jerusalem on July 7. Newspapers, the American J ewish P ress. F or the co m plete story behind this ph oto see page 8. disclosure tha t Stanley_ Abramo­ Iran was one of the few Moslem <American Jewish Press Radio Photo by Pinn) vitz, Joint Distribution Commit­ st-ates which did ·not participate tee official stationed in Teheran, in the 194B invasions of Palestine. has been virtually isolated in the Germanys War 'Against Israel Iranian capital. Abramovitz, the Flays Zionists American Jewish Press learned, Heckler of Jewish can no longer leave Telieran with­ Not Ove~ Says Foreign Office out police permission. Players Fined $200 For lnterf erence Both Jewish Agency and United TEL AVIV - Reacting quickly sued a hostile course against the • - CHICAGO - Nineteen-year-old and firmly to President Truman's Jewish people with a ruthless per- JERUSALEM - Rudolf Sonne- Louis Passi, mem~ of a gang that recommendation that Congress born, chairman of the United Israel Helpful In made it a practice to abuse Jewish slstence unparalleled in any war," end the state of war with Ger­ Palestine Appeal, lashed out here players on the White Sox baseball many, the IsraeU Foreign Office and that "such a course ended against Zionist leaders in America Korean Armistice team, was fined $200 here on a made It clear that Israel has no with the slaughter of 6,000,000 who, he said, "have almost com­ charge of disorderly • conduct. Intention of going along with the Jews In Europe," and that "six pletely "!ilvorce<f. themselves from UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-Is­ Marvin Rotblat.t, one of the Jew-. three-power move because "the years after the end of hostilities dally practical work for Israel In rael's proposals with regard to ish hurlers who ,had been the tar­ German war again.st the Jewish Germany has not yet made ex­ the United States and have time solving the Korean conflict have get of the gang's abuse, testified people cannot be regarded as hav­ piation or reparation for the for constant maneuvering to asso­ been very helpful in the current against Passi and another youth, ing ended." crime committed by the Nazis, nor ciate the Zionist Organization of armistice negotiations, It was de­ who was discharged when none of Jl. spokesman of the Foreign yet abjured or solemnly disso­ America with the General Zionists clared here by Dr. A. Bebbler, Yu­ the witnesses was able to identify Office (ll.sclosed that Israel had ciated Itself from the appalling In Israel." goslavia's Ambassador to the Unit­ him as one of the participants in been Informed by the Big Three record of Nazi rule," the Israeli He hoped, he said, that the ed States and Its chief delegate in the campaign of vituperation. Pas­ of their Intention to proclaim an spokesman stressed that "so long forthcoming World. Zionist Con­ the United Nations. si was ident.tlled by Pbllip Cohen, end to the state of war with Ger­ as this state of affairs continues, gress will establish the relation­ The YUgoslavian diplomat made one of the Jewish 1:ouths who en­ many and that Israel's reply was Germany's war against the Jew­ ship between Israel and the Zion­ the disclosure in a radio broad­ gaged the hecltlers in a fight over a negative one. Declaring that ish people cannot be regarded as ist movement outside the Jewish cast sponsored· by the Association their anti-Semitic activities at "for twelve years Germany pur- having ended." State. of United Nat.ions Correspondents. Comiskey Park. " ·- - ----·--= ·=~~==~===~=~~~------~-----------------~ dent of this city, an.d had operated C'-l every . part of his . small-nation. c· , / - -· · G · -Softball League Leader's. Liquor Store on We.y_s Ben ·~ urion Party Makes · . ains·;- r "The General Zionists rose frpm · · ·' ' fifth place to secon.d~ collecting bosset Street for 20 ,years before Resumes Action retiring las.t year·- He was a \Sf "J' 1 -.S'h 't f · D ·d d -n. If • ·t · about 20 pel' cent of the turnout i£i 1 _.1 _ Or O · eman , e 1v1QJOil Y on· the oasis of incomplete re- member of the Providence Lodge, Their one-month hot-weather B.P.O.E., and the United Com­ , : TEL AVIV <BY AMERICAN Gene'ral Zionist~ to Israel's s~co'nd turns from Israel's military per­ break completed, eight teams of mercial Travelers, and was one . JEWISH PRESS CABLEi - ,'Fhe largest party and _the refusal . of' sonnel. The soldier v,ot~will not· the Jewish Softball LeJ1,gue · re­ of .the charter members of Tem­ -- ~ k t· · f , - be ~abulated_ for several more turn to the battlefields on Sun­ 00 ,roe e _mg nse o the middle-class Israel's voters in tlie second na- d ple Emanuel. i:l ;,-;;.:,-;;.;;.-;;,:;,-;;.-;;,-;;.-;;.-;,.;,-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;.-;;: tional election this week , to give ay~. · . • day to resume the 1951 cham­ Besides his widow, Muriel (Cotel c.:, A the ' Socialisr.Mapai an absolute , , The left-wmg Mapam ~rew pionship competition. The sche­ 1 Levin, he leaves· 'two sons, Julius ~ $ LK S M~NO;R . inajority pointed to anothei' ¼J ·S of._ the , accounted vote; the dule for this Sunday follows: Levin of the Army, sta'tioned at . NARRAGANSETT PIER uneasy coalition- government for r1g_ht-wmg . Herut, an outgrowt~ Waldorf Tuxedo vs M & F -In­ Camp Campbell, Ky., and David • - ' the Jewish state. of th~ extremist Irg~!l Zva1 surance at Richardson Park-; Lin, Levin of East Providence; two One 4~Room ' Leumi, accounted for 7.5 per coin Woods Dairy vs Richards at daughters, Mrs. Avis Smira and With slightly 'more than two- cent; Hapoel Hamizrachi, 6'.3; Hopkins Park; Mathewson Tog­ thirds of the more than 850,000 Progressive~ 3.5; communists,. Mrs. Shirley Mills; two sisters, Apartment gery vs Natcor at. Sessions Street; Mrs. Bessie Malin. and Mrs. Min­ ballpts tabulated, Prime Minis- 3.3; Agudah,. 2.2; Mizrachi, · 1.2, Broadway Auto vs Arden's· at All-Electric.
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