3/5/2021 View Question Paper Save & Print Exam Date: 22-Dec-2020 Exam Time: 16:00-18:00 Post Name: Vidhyut Sahayak-Junior Assistant GENERAL KNOWLEDGE - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Question No.1 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Who won the Miss Universe 2019? િમસ યુિનવસ 2019ની િવજતાે કોણ હતી ? (A) Zozibini Tunzi – South Africa (Correct Answer) ઝોિઝબીની તુઝી- દિણ આિકા (B) Cheslie Kryst - United States ચેિલ િટ- યુનાઈટેડ ટેસ (C) Vartika Singh - India વિતકા િસંઘ - ભારત (D) Maëva Coucke - France મેઈવા કૌકે- ાસ Question No.2 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark What is the full form of MGNREGA, a social security measure of Indian Government? ભારત સરકારના સામાિજક સુરા પગલા, MGNREGA(મનરગાે )નું પૂં નામ શું છે? (A) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Empowerment Guarantee Act મહાા ગાંધી નૅશનલ રલ ઍપાવરમૅટ ગૅરૅ ટી ઍટ (B) Mahatma Gandhi National Regulated Employment Guidance Act મહાા ગાંધી નૅશનલ રયુલેટૅ ેડ ઍલૉયમૅટ ગાઇડસ ઍટ (C) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (Correct Answer) મહાા ગાંધી નૅશનલ રલ ઍલૉયમૅટ ગૅરૅ ટી ઍટ (D) Mahatma Gandhi Nationalized Rural Empowerment and Guarantee Act મહાા ગાંધી નૅશનલાઈડ રલ ઍપાવરમૅટ ઍડ ગૅરૅ ટી ઍટ Question No.3 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Which of the following is a west flowing river in India? નીચેનીમાંથી કઈ નદી ભારતની પિમમાં વહેતી નદી છે? (A) Krishna કૃણા (B) Mahanadi મહાનદી (C) Cauvery કાવેરી (D) Narmada (Correct Answer) નમદા Question No.4 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark What is the full form of BPCL, a company owned by Indian government? ભારત સરકાર હતકની કંપની BPCL(બીપીસીઍલ)નું પૂં નામ શું છે? (A) Bombay Petroleum Conglomerate Limited બૉબે પૅટોિલયમ કૉલોમૅરટે િલિમટેડ (B) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (Correct Answer) file:// View QP/Urjas/pdf files/22Dec2020/Roll no 300184 B-3 Junior assistant.html 1/27 3/5/2021 View Question Paper ભારત પૅટ ોિલયમ કૉપરશને િલિમટેડ (C) Bombay Petroleum Corporation Limited બૉબે પૅટોિલયમ કૉપરશને િલિમટેડ (D) Bharat Petrol Commission Limited ભારત પૅટોલ કિમશન િલિમટેડ Question No.5 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Where was India's first iron and steel plant started? ભારતમાં થમ આયન અને ટીલ લાટની શઆત ાંથી થઇ હતી? (A) Chhattisgarh છીસગઢ (B) Bihar િબહાર (C) Jharkhand (Correct Answer) ઝારખંડ (D) Maharashtra મહારા Question No.6 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Which state is called ‘Falcon Capital of the World”? કયું રા 'િવનું ફાકન કૅિપટલ' કહેવાય છે? (A) Nagaland (Correct Answer) નાગાલેડ (B) Manipur મણીપુર (C) Assam આસામ (D) Meghalaya મેઘાલય Question No.7 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Who won Australian open 2020 in Men’s Single Category? ઑટેિલયન ઓપન 2020ના પુષ િસંગસ - વગમાં િવજતાે કોણ હતું ? (A) Novak Djokovic (Correct Answer) નોવાક જોકૉિવક (B) Rafael Nadal રાફેલ નાદાલ (C) Roger Federer રૉજર ફૅડરર (D) Andy Murray ઍડી મુરે Question No.8 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Where is river Nile located? નાઇલ નદી ાં આવેલી છે? (A) Africa (Correct Answer) આિકા (B) North America ઉર અમેિરકા (C) South America file:// View QP/Urjas/pdf files/22Dec2020/Roll no 300184 B-3 Junior assistant.html 2/27 3/5/2021 View Question Paper દિણ અમેિરકા (D) Asia એિશયા Question No.9 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Which animal was involved in Ashvamedha ritual performed by the rulers? શાસકોએ કરલાે અમેધ યમાં કયા ાણીનો સમાવેશ કરાયો હતો? (A) Horse (Correct Answer) ઘોડો (B) Goat બકરી (C) Tiger વાઘ (D) Cow ગાય Question No.10 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Which country did participate in Ekatha Exercise along with Indian Navy? ભારતીય નૌકાદળની સાથે એકતા કવાયતમાં કયા દેશે ભાગ લીધો હતો? (A) Afghanistan અફઘાિનતાન (B) Sri Lanka ીલંકા (C) Bhutan ભૂટાન (D) Maldives (Correct Answer) માલદીસ ENGLISH LANGUAGE - ENGLISH LANGUAGE Question No.1 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Choose the word which best expresses the similar meaning of the given word " COMMENSURABLE ". (A) Proportional (Correct Answer) (B) Deficient (C) Restricted (D) Limited Question No.2 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Fill in the blanks with suitable Article from the given alternatives. _________ International Union for the Conservation of Nature identifies the Sumatran as critically endangered. (A) A (B) An file:// View QP/Urjas/pdf files/22Dec2020/Roll no 300184 B-3 Junior assistant.html 3/27 3/5/2021 View Question Paper (C) The (Correct Answer) (D) No article Question No.3 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Choose the word which expresses nearly the opposite meaning of the given word " CRYPTIC ". (A) Mysterious (B) Secret (C) Ambiguous (D) Certain (Correct Answer) Question No.4 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Rearrange the following to form a meaningful sentence and find the most logical order from the given options. P: a group of unidentified thieves Q: several high-end R: retail outlets in Bengaluru on Sunday night S: attempted to break in and steal from (A) SPRQ (B) PSQR (Correct Answer) (C) PSRQ (D) SRPQ Question No.5 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Replace the underlined phrase grammatically and conceptually with the help of the given options. If the given sentence is correct then select the option 'The given sentence is correct'. Bamboo is a extremely valuable resource for the panda bears that depend on it for survival. (A) an extremely valuable resource for the (Correct Answer) (B) an extreme valuable resource for the (C) a extreme valuable resource for the (D) The given sentence is correct Question No.6 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which file:// View QP/Urjas/pdf files/22Dec2020/Roll no 300184 B-3 Junior assistant.html 4/27 3/5/2021 View Question Paper part of the sentence has an error and select the option corresponding to it. If the sentence does not have any error then select the option 'NO ERROR'.(Avoid punctuation errors) (A) The Central government plans to form an empowered group / (B) under the Petroleum Minister for grant operational / (C) flexibility in enforcing oil and gas contracts. (D) NO ERROR. (A) D (B) B (Correct Answer) (C) C (D) A Question No.7 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the option corresponding to it. If the sentence does not have any error then select the option 'NO ERROR'.(Avoid punctuation errors) (A) Forty three students went to the temple (B)/ yesterday to see (C)/ the function at the temple. (D)/ NO ERROR. (A) C (B) B (C) A (D) D (Correct Answer) Question No.8 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Choose the best option from the given alternatives which can be substituted for the given word/sentence. A nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work (A) Convent (B) School (C) Primary (D) Creche (Correct Answer) Question No.9 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition from the given alternatives. John aimed at something _____________ the Lane. (A) across (Correct Answer) file:// View QP/Urjas/pdf files/22Dec2020/Roll no 300184 B-3 Junior assistant.html 5/27 3/5/2021 View Question Paper (B) until (C) during (D) since Question No.10 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Choose the best option from the given alternatives which can be substituted for the given word/sentence. Take great pleasure (A) Antidote (B) Usurer (C) Tremor (D) Revel (Correct Answer) Question No.11 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Fill in the blanks with suitable Article from the given alternatives. All the vehicles are made of ___________ steel. (A) No Article (Correct Answer) (B) a (C) an (D) the Question No.12 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Find the word which is correctly spelt from the given options. (A) Dismisive (B) Bootstrapped (Correct Answer) (C) Attrocity (D) Crediblity Question No.13 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Find the word which is correctly spelt from the given options. (A) Letargy (B) Outraige file:// View QP/Urjas/pdf files/22Dec2020/Roll no 300184 B-3 Junior assistant.html 6/27 3/5/2021 View Question Paper (C) Reitrate (D) Milestone (Correct Answer) Question No.14 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Replace the underlined phrase grammatically and conceptually with the help of the given options. If the given sentence is correct then select the option 'The given sentence is correct'. The babysitter’s charge is hundred per hour and includes eatables and light housekeeping. (A) are hundred per hour and include (B) are hundred per hour and includes (C) is hundred per hour and include (D) The given sentence is correct (Correct Answer) Question No.15 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Find the word which is correctly spelt from the given options. (A) Ladable (B) Defuse (Correct Answer) (C) Insentive (D) Accountablity Question No.16 Marks: 1.00 Bookmark Choose the word which best expresses the similar meaning of the given word " SEMBLANCE ".
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