Kl ' . ' / / MONDAY, APRIL 87, 1864 PAGE EIGHTEEN iiattrljfrHter lEwnins li^ I i Avwrtfe Didly Net P re« Ri For the Week Bnded SP^U. M. April 36, 1964 tlaiis a t $360,000 abova the Capt. Alfred F. Brodeur of Members of St Margaret’s The Home League Ladiee of $619,000 alfsady cut by Marttn. the salvation Army wlU meet Board Resumes the United Statea Army, eon of Circle, Daughters of Isabella, Three budget workAops last O lo u iy , Bata tieigta, taW About Town will meet tonight at 7:30 at the at 2 pjn. tomorrow in the Youth 13,953 iEutmtig 16. Eugene Brodeur, 31 Finley St, week turned up several possible Choiceit Meats In Benjamin J. Callahan Funeral Center at the Citadel. "A t Study of Budget Town/ Member of the Audit ia parUclpaUng in Exercise Home” program hoetessea will appropriatkm cuts, and this Ugh hi 66a. KutUMff rorwt, Tall Cedars Springboard, a two-week com­ Home, 1602 Main St., East wedt’s seasioas win undoubted­ Bureau of Circulation •r Leltanwi, win meet tonisht Hartford, to pay respects to the be MaJ. Myrtle Turidngton, The town board of directors Maneheater^A City o f Village Charm mand poet training exercise Mm. Annie Nlcklen and Mrs. ly turn up several more, lending TUESDAY ONLY! at 7:80 at the Maeonlo TSm^e. \rith the Seventh Army at late Mrs. Julia O’Neill Torpey, tonight wUl start on the last lap credence to the oft-repeated Jamea H. Wright, chaplain, wlU mother o f the Rev. Eugene F. Rebecca Grant. lean; n«*oiiTBik §uc*i> Stuttgart, Germany. of a series of budget workshops statements of most of the direc­ (Ctasalflad Adverttetag an Page 14) ocndiMt a memorial aervlee. Torpey, chaplain of the circle. (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1964 PRICE SEVEN CENTS ’ihe Frances Herron Council scheduled to end ^ t h the fix­ tors that they will do their ut­ VOL. L X X X m , NO. 178 The Klwanls Club will hold a of the iS'thlan Sunshine Girls ing of next year's tax rate. most "to hold the Une.” n o Xancheetor Chapter of The Army-Navy Club Auxil­ luncheon meeting tomorrow at will meet tonight at 6:30 at Next Monday has been set as 0PBB8QSA has canceled Ita the Manchester Country Club. iary will hold a card party to* meothig tonight, but wUl meet Memorial Pythian Hall. In4 the day on which the board will John A. Sullivan, district man­ night at 8 at the clubhouse. stallation of officers, originally decide on one of three courses: iHKt Monday at 8:80 pjn. at the ager and a 44-year veteran of Greeks Shell Events Bonoa Center. scheduled, has been postponed. ■ (1) To hold the tax line at its Backache & Hartford Man Held the Canadian Pacific Railroad, 'The Connecticut Association present 43 mills. will be the special guest in rec­ of Medical Record Librarians The Rainbow Mothers Club (2) To accept General Mana^ Positions at ognition of "Canada-United will meet Wednesday at 9 a.m. will meet at 7:30 tonight at the ger Richard Martin’s recom­ In State Scranton Chiefs Press States Goodwill Week.” at S t Francis Hospital, Hart­ Masonic Temple. Allen Hill will mended |9 million budget, with ford. ’The association will be the (LIMIT 3 LB*. PER OUSTOOUMl) show elides of a Western Holi­ its necessary mill and a half tax tttsIlMi »«««t W w Mswsrw— n M Castle^ Pass In Newest Murder St. Maurice’s Church, Bolton, guest of the hospital for lunch­ day Tour. A teacup auction will increase. eon. ’The afternoon meeting will ) will sponsor a rummage sale be held, and refreshments (3) To compromise on a tax erSkUon koUi 4er sndplsM. awpndyUy, Preitio Rites tomorrow from 9 to 11 a.m. in begin at 2. served. j hike somewhere between the you «•» low (low apdwftw.trow Hwd- HIGHLAND PARK MARKET HARTFORD (AP)—A 21-year-old man was charged oetMo, SsStMlM oM fwl ,0l4, hrod, ^ NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) the church basement. two. srtiitd. In oeohlrrUotloo. OiniTM 817 HIGHLAND STREET— PHONE 648-4376 —Greek C^riot forces re­ with murder today in the death of an 83-year-old widow Set Thursday A spring dessert bridge and 'The Junior Century Club of^ To hold the tax rate at its nnoUy Iniaw toot, rasstos oowt” * who was found with her wrists and ankles bound and food sale, sponsored by the enrbtss trrlUUDO.cotBS is otrm W newed their drive for St. For Primary Write-Ins The Women’s Club of St. Manchester will hold a coffee present level would necessitate SMim one br wwlsoilo OJ Women’s Division of the Man­ Hilarion Castle and the her head wrapped in a blood-stained sheet in her bed Carriage Hotue ’Thomas the Apostle’s Church, social for prospective members, cut in departmental appropria- urerax st dnmMi. FmI bottor toot. HARTFORD (AP) — A West Hartford, will sponsor a chester Country Club, will be tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at the' strategic K y r e n 1 a Pass yesterday. solemn high requiem Mass B eau^ Salon held May 14 at the club house. Police at the time broadcast owner of the apartment build­ tour of homes in that area, in home of Mrs. Lawrence Decker, shortly after dawn with ing. Police said she was found will be sung Thursday for 525 Main Street which contemporary religious Tickets are now available and 189 Laurel St., Wapping. Mrs. an alert for another man, whom may be obtained by contacting mortar fire on Turkish they described as an accom­ lying on her back, barefoot and State Insurance Commis­ Manchester art will be exhibited, ’Thursday John Frank, Mrs. Donald Smith, Pennsylvania from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Tickets Mrs. Bert Davis, 7 Nye St., or positions. plice in the killing. They re­ wearing a thin print drees. Her sioner Alfred N, Premo. | and Mrs. Charles McKenzie will wrists and ankles were bound Tel. 648-0695 may be obtained at the Cath­ Mrs. Robert Shepherd, 1522 After a night of sporadic tir­ fused to identify him, but eaid Premo, 70, died yesterday at j Manchester Rd., Glastonbury, be co-hostesses. with stockings. Part of the olic Library, Hartford, Doran’s ing, Greek national guardsmen he would also be charged with his Hartford home apparently who is in the Manchester tele­ sheet had been forced into her Votes Today, Flower Shop, West Hartford, The American Legion will lobbed three 60mm mortar murder. He ia believed to have of a heart attack. He was' phone exchange. or Mrs. Joseph Stafford, West- hold a business meeting tomor­ shelle Into gunpoeta near the fled the state. mouth as a gag. stricken shortly after arriving field Rd., West Hartford. row at 8:15 p.m. at the post Uth century castle. Charged with murder was They said she had been badly for lunch. ! Weather Bad Manchester W A’TES will home on Leonard St. The tempo appeared reduced Richard Lse Stallings, 344 beaten but an initial autopay Named deputy state Insur- j 'The Auxiliary of the Veterans meet tomorrow at the Italian from heavy fighting Monday. A Cleveland St., a Negro. Stal­ concluded that the injuries on ance commissioner in 1955. | U.N. apokeaman said poaitiona of World War I will hold a American Club on Eldridge St. lings WSJ free on $1,000 bond her body were not sufficient to Premo was promoted to com­ PHILADELPHTA (AP) LECLERC seemed unchanged overnight. kitchen social Wednesday at 8 Weighing-in will be held from on another charge of aggravat­ have caused her death. But po­ missioner by Gov. Abrahaim Greek forward elements were Rain over most of Pennsyl­ FUNERAL HOME p.m. at the VFW Post Home. 7 to 8 p.m. Members are remind­ ed assault dating from last No­ lice said a ‘‘criminal act” did Ribicoff two years later. Members are reminded to bring ed to bring items for white ele­ Personal Notices reported within a quarter-mile cause death. vania today threatened to of the fortress. vember. Earlier, he had been insur­ canned goods. Mrs. Florence phant sale to be held after the “Stallings’ only statement Stallings was arrested at 7:20 ance supervisor for the City of make an expected light vot­ meeting. Members planning to A Turkish Cypriot spokesman FUNERAL Streeter is Chairman of the In Memoriam waa that he had nothing to p.m. Monday at his home. Hartford serving from 1932 to er turnout even mor* attend the Mothers’ Day pro­ said the Turks held the castle committee. say,” according to Capt. AocordUig to police, witnesses 1946. In 1948, he was named the gram on May 5 may make their In loving memory of our wife I and that the Greeks had been sparse in the primary elec­ SERVICE and mother. Ruby Swain, who | Thomas J. Hankard, head of the placed him in the building on city’s special insurance adviser. reservations for c o n g e s at paaaed away April 1968. driven back. There was no con' tions. WALTER N. Manchester Lodge of Masons 71. detective division. Westland St. in the early morn­ His municipal insurance dis­ will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. this time. flrmatlon of the latter claim. Republican politicians, UDCXjERC Loving memoriea navtr die. The offensive opened before The body of Mrs. Ida Kan- ing hours Monday. tribution plan had been adopted Director at the Masonic Temple. After Aa years roll on and daya piaaa by. witnesses by many cities throughout the pressing for a large write- Memorial Temple, Pythian In our hearta a memory ia kept.
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