University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 3-13-1968 Kabul Times (March 13, 1968, vol. 6, no. 305) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (March 13, 1968, vol. 6, no. 305)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1690. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1690 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , , • \ I. \ MARCH 12, 1968 I:' "\" PAG~4 THE KABUL TIMES , II fIl1~~~~ l,t •,\,\ ' b ~1f\1" , , Hippies Discarded Rusk, FUlbfig t,jki( \ Developing Notions Agree On Land Locked 'NationsAsk: For (Continued from pagc I) l~li • spendmg $ .,0 bllhon a venr 11 'I From San-Francisco Special Transport Facilities Vletnaln but I am askmg myself ~ Draft Preferences Motion we can altod the loss Jf e"nflJ • NEW DELIlI, March 12, (Reu- Cbnference on Trade ahd Develop- NEW DELHI March 12, (AFP, 2) To contribute through mul- ence and lLc I (trayal of ;hc :l'a~ ter~NJne landlocked- countnes, ment here , \ -Develop109 countries Monday t.lateral and bIlateral arrange values" Post Office d~med direct access to the sea, have It asked that when mtcrt'lahonal reached a compromise agreement ments to the pI ICe stabilisation He :ld-:l"J UWhat In Ie.. t we . \1 asked for speCial aid to help them fmanclal mstitutlOns and governm- on a dlaft motIOn on tallfr pre- of their Imports al e orov,ng tI Vietnam IS II-at ') SAN FRAN(j:ISCO, March 12 break out from their seclUSIon. cots of the developed countne,g ptan \ .' ret ences [01 thclr manuf<1ctu- 3) To take IOta account the "ranelSco-buth-~la"'; even With nn army of .1 half a (Reuler)-San •The nine countrtes-AfghaDlstan, fInanCial and techmcal aSSIstance '"',' ', VOL, VI, fl'{O. lJ05 Y, MARCH 13, 1968 (HOOT 22, 1346 S H) , ' PRICE ,AF. 3 red goods the crucial ploblem of productIon "nd export capablh- millIon men and expenditures ap ...._ •• 1 _Pin ~ -""" ~ of thc hlpI/leS-1S to lOSe Its f1ower­ Bohvta, Chad, Laos, Lesotho, Mall, programme$, they should give spe- ro;"'~~1 ~ ._-~I"---"----,;,;;~;:;,,,;,;.;;,;.--= the UNCTAD \\ otld t, ..de can ties of the developIOg countlles L power postmen who dclrver the mall proachmg 1" bIllIon a :-rear, ' .. e 10 I ' I} M \ 1 [erence here when cit awmg up their own de Nepal, Upper Volta and zambla- cml pnonty to the Improvement 01 cannot 1'1 C \.11 \\ al f(,r n , 10 bare ffet wllh unkempl beards Observers expect that ,ndus- velopment plans listed then ambitions In a resolu~ transport and communication facl- and shouldcr-Iength bau reglme \,,'1 n l:'l IIc;llltllc of tn _:r~~~' • USSR'Tries 10 trlailsed counl""S Will be reluc 4) Not to re-export goods tlon tabled At the Untted Nabons htles and to landlocked countnes SpIrmg \e patr I of Its ,,'.tJ RAIN DISRUPTS - ~~)' The blow agamst lbe hlPPIC gene ~____ ... \ I , tant to accept Ihc mollon becau bought from the developIOg .....__.. _ It also wants thc UNCTAD secre- people Even If We can afford th~ rallon of letter carners fell when se It mcludes Pi ocessed farm ('ountnes \\ Ithout theJr consent tanat 10 make a special study of theIr money, can we afford the sacrJ...I the US Post OffIce decIded to ap­ • iCOMM~J'N'ICA ploducts tinned flUil JUices and agreements WIth nelghbourmg coa­ {Ice of Amencan lives In so dou­ ., TI'ONS To Dispel ply stnCt dress regulahons m a CIty ~. ahd floul 51 To \'lork for the conclusion U.S. GOVT. ASKS st: owihng nallons [or guaranteed blOus a cause?" , .' 1:1 '.$. .J where r.oslmen have set a new trend i:,"'1, }; ~.,." IndustTlalJsnl cflunlll('S \\ III of agleements for the supply of problems and aSSISt In secunng Senator Mansfield sttesst<l . receiVe the draft todaY It \\ III _ plant and eqUIpment and accept 10 CIVIl service apparel transit for their Imports and exports, that aIr bombIOg of 'North VIet­ v Along WIth the beards and hippie Last Doubts be negotiated frum Tursd: \t In payment goods produced In $3 BILLION IN Includmg the use of roads, raIJways, nam had achIeved only one of its 40,Of)O Metres' Of Power Li,w-lIi POints propcseci by the 7{ dc~ ... , ~he developing ,"ounlnes new heads, sandals and cowboy boots Inland watcrways, and pipelines three aIms to harm North V,el .. veluplng countrres Include ' factones or some of thell other were also barred ~ Because of the hIgh transport co· nam But he asserted that these " l New order of the Qay-busmcss :FOREIGN AID Dow,n In City's Old Sectia 1I Appllcallon of the plefe ; ploducts sts mvolved 10 movIng goods across air raids had not stopped 1Ofll­ ~J/! On Treaty l:~ntl~d st~m type trousers, shirts and shoes S\ no latci ttllln A special section of the reso- the transit countnes, the sponsors tl8ttons from Ihe North towards GENEVA, March 11. (AI PI-l he ve.H~ The rules apparently came direct WASHINGTON, March 12, (AFP) By Our Own Reporter J I1lLJan I 1970 four lOS ,"'lutlon asked the developmg also call for estabhshment of a spe­ the Scuth and had not brought ' t~,tld from ASSistant Postmaster General -u S Secretary of Slate Dean , Snvlel Union made a supreme effort of J(l \e31S Ploposed b} t countlles to give to the com- Cial fund to SUbSidise these hIgh co­ peace negotIatJons yestcrd.ty to dlSpd h"g~r1llg doubts OECD (OlgamsatlOn fOI Econo ~ mUnist countries conditIOns of Richard Murpby-alarmed by tbe Rusk Monday a~ked the Senate Fo­ ,The iac.r days of ra1l1 and sleet whIch have dIsrupted communI sts, which tend to lower theIr com­ among non~nuclcu countr es 'ond ml(' Cooperatlcn and Devehp ~ trade no less favourable than fantastic get,ups he saw at the post reign Relations Committee to app ,(latIOns t1)roughout the country are exnected to end pehtlve pqslt10n compared With other He regreted that the govern • t.nsure npproval n[ rhe reVised r office durmg a tnp from Washing­ rove nearly S three bIllion In foreign ,todaY at least 10 Kabul the wea Iher Forecast Department said ment) countne' th0se granted to develooed mar countries ment had not followed un val I, S -USSR draft '"aly on the nOn­ 21 All Ti lDuntl H'S 10 hpne ket economy countnes aid for (Iscar year 1969 'thIS monrnmg ton 10 Janu<try Another rtport saId the develop­ 10US oeace oroposals, Includm1 J pi ohfcrlltlon of nlomlc weapons ~ The Johnson admInistratIOn 5 re­ '-" Skies WIll be cloudy throughoul tomorrow however, It said III 109 nattons have also made a bId to that of United I NatIOns Secre \ \ Bolh lhe SOVI~t UOIon and the .n lemporalv lXcr::ptlonS per ~ _ quest mcludes $25 billion for econ­ persuade big IOsurance companles to lary Genel al U Thant , l 1.'1lllcd Stales would like to succes­ mlsslbl(, undel I Speclell com .. omic ald and $420 million for mili­ The CommUniCatIons MInIStly Twenty-fIve telenhone poles cut their rates for busmess an poorer Rusk afliI med that 'the UOit \ , !>Jlllly Wind up the p;~"l>nt session uf 1111tt('{ namt'd bv UNCTAD not tary assIstance has 21 teams or workers alOund have fallen down from here 10 countries and to reinVest some of cd States has examined nil pro tilt dlsurmnment l,.unl~ ill C bv nex.t l,A r I Rusk In prescntlOg the request, the clock remstallmg telephone Gardez the centre of Paklhla WORLD BRIEFS their profits 111 economic devclopm posals from all sources' But { r f10uy 41 Oev('l(l~Hd (OUnlllt" to ad emphaSised that the sccunty Bnd poles and nuttmg 10 ordel the There are some 40,000 melres LONDON March 12 (Rculerl­ WASHINGTON March 12 (AFP) cnt schemes there they were only variations on rhe dud SOVlct delcga1e. Alex! <lIlt Ihell InrlllSllled :-;tIU(tUIC''' well bemg of the UOlted States were neady 4CO mope. at,ve telepho­ of Power lines In Ihe older parts 1 he Indian Dt:can Island of Maufl Poor nation delegates at the Un the same theme It Is clear," he Roshl hlO Its~urcd Ihe representatl­ \.. lht nl~\\ SItlldlH n - rhc launehlOg of the giant Saturn directly hnked to a secure and pro nes .. of Kabul sllll danglmg, with 800 Hed N:1hons Conference on Trade said. that HanOI will not accept vr., of nnn nude,lr t;'.unlnes 'hat AdoptIOn p[ tht tli~lt It 110\\ llll' marked lis achievement of 10­ rm.:kcl carrymg the unmanned Apo­ Telephone communcatlOns be­ poles on the ground gresslvc world and Developmcnt (UNCTAD) have a oartlal cessatIon of the bomb , prl,I~" ~ h~ ld lon_ m~tllltlll(lns b('t\\({n t.Jcpcndence toda~ by signing a mul llo (, space cabm has been postpon­ , tween Kabul ahd southern oarts Ple.: y would be j gu,lI ar. rhe secretary of stale said that de cnlLctsed the giant msurance compa II1g as a stcp for ward to peace , The flow of electriCity from I .It n :'\ml'llCcln r()Untll('~ and lIa I defcOl:e paci With Brllam the ed from March 5 to March 28 a of the country are slill disrupted Chake Wardak to Kabul was also Ices l:onCernlnK lontrols mcluded spite progress by the aeveloptng na­ OICS for sklmmmg profIts from bus­ III In ,lsreemCnt w,'l1 the Inu Ina~ \lftl,.
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