Mesa• State College• October 12, 2005 T h e v o i c e o f s tu d e n t s s i n c e 1 9 3 1 Volume 75 • Issue 7 The map below provides a selection of formidterms, or simply unwind during fall Feel.Ing the buzz of m·1dterms coffee shops where students can study break. Continued on p•ge 3 Photos Matt Windsor/Criterion Design Ramana Konantz/Crlterion Calendar Bechtel's lecture in the College Thursday, Library Room 133 Houston Hall 129 on lung cancer, Center Referenda C and Q Saturday, KMSA Oct. 22, Skilfest, 6- / Today, and A 2 p.m. Weldon Thursday, Fall D Rally with Gov. MetalFest, 7 p.m. 11 .m. Saunders with Mesa State Lecture Hall Choral Festival, Bill Owens, 5 p.m. Mesa Theater Fie kdhouse President Tim Today, Gonzaga 7:30 p.m. LiffAuditorium Foster, 1 0 - 11:30 University School Robinson Theater, Friday, Sunday, World Oct. 26, Loca I a.m. Academic of Law visit, Admission: $8 Teleconference Hunger Day hunger relief, quad 6-7:30 p.m., Krey- adults, $5 seniors, on World Hunger, Oct. 20, World 5 p.m. Liff Today, Dr. Joel Ziegel Room $3 students 1 O a.m. - 1:30 p.m . Dinner, 5 p.m. Auditorium -----.. .... - .--_ - '. News Taylor Stonehouse, editor• [email protected] Pakistan Hunger Day earthquake Students addressing global issue kills thousands Max Ryan realize about this issue is that it is absolutely relevant and Report:er will play an important role in our lifetimes." . By Elizabeth rlew is Oct. 16 marks the celebration ofWorld Hunger Day. ASG is helping with the global teleconference on The Student I.life Mesa State College Associated Student Government, Cul­ World Hunger that will be hosted from 10 a.m. lo 1:30 (Washington Uroversrty) tural Diversity Board, International Relations Olub [IRC) p.m. on Friday in Tomlinson Library. The teleconfer­ (U -WIRE) ST.101JJtS-A nia...._~~-e iWI'tlr,i1.J1<" l1e and other organizations are hosting a number of events ence will feature guest speakers Nobel Laureate Wangari with a rating of7.7 on the Richter scale hit6U> miles throughout the month of October to raise awareness of Matthai, Kenya Assistant Minister for Environment and north-northeast of Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, on the hunger problem of the world. Natural Resources, and "Diet for a Small Planet'' author Oct. 8 at 8:50 a.m. (9:50 p.m. Mountain Tirme on Fri­ 'This is about Franc:isLappe. day). The earthquake also affected major c:ities in In­ awareness," ASG Presi­ "The best part is dia such as Labore and New Delhi. dent Joel Dyar said. to be involved in the As of Oct. 9, 20,000 dead, mostly in the IPakistani­ "There's a difference Global Teleconference controlled Kashmir, and over 43,000 injuri4es have between reading in a on World Hunger," been reported, according to Prime Minister of Paki­ textbook and walking Dyar said. "To be a part stan ShaukatAziz. in someone's shoes, of this is really cool. Balakot, Pakistan, a village of about 30,000, was We're trying to really The fact that we're in­ hit the hardest. ln Kashmir, rhe death toll climbed capture what the expe­ teracting with schools even higher, with 30,000 casualties as of yesterday. rience of going hungry around the world is Thousands is Like." . impressive. Big schools more are in­ The week of Oct. like Harvard and Yale jured through- 10 through the 14 will are the kind of schools out Pakistan. be one of support for that are involved, and Major Gen­ those in hunger. Par­ now Mesa State is." eral Shau- "This disa S:ler ticipants may wear an The joint efforts of kat Sultan, a armband to show sup­ the groups have in­ spokesperson is by far die port or even give up !lr<'it h Kitchen/Criteria n creased student orga­ for the Paki­ meals. ASG Pres.dent Joel Dyar, left, and ASG D"irector of Ex­ nization interaction. stani President biggestinllfls "It's amazing what temaJ Affairs Shannon Robinson are helping sponsor Soc:ial Sciences and Pervez Mush­ you can talk yourself events forWorld l-ilunger Momtlil at Mesa State. Each are Humanities Senator arraf, told magnitude into,'' Dyar said. "I, my­ wearing t!he bJue armbands that are being seen around Leslie Moniot said, CNN, "The self, am trying to fast campus ora t'nosewh(i) are fa:smng. "We can give students army has been and scah for the whole week. It's a chance to contribute fully mobilized important to give Mesa in the best way, to feel to bandle this so far tbait State an introduction to issues that have a tangible im­ involved. We can do creative and fun things like this. IRC situation. This pact on lives and careers." got this started. The ASG can use its resources, connect­ disaster is by we have The events began with the showing of"Super Size Me" ing everyone from the Black Student Alliance to the Cul­ Jar the biggest on Oct. 6. A hunger relief rally in Liff Auditorium on Oct. tural Diversity to all contribute to this. It is a tool to in· in its magni­ witnessed 26 will wrap up the month. crea,;e communication between ASG and the student." tude and scale "So many people in the world are scraping by and ex­ so far that we periencing hunger," Dyar said, "What I want students to [email protected]• have witnessed in Pakista.us in Pakistan's history." history:." A school to the UN Tony HaJI. The teleconference will -Major Gemerail Shau­ crumbled 40 kat Sultan, Pakistani World Hunger be held from 1O a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in Tomlinson miles from Is­ spokes1person library 133. lamabad, and 250 students Events Oct. 16: National World Hunger Day were killed. Oct. 10:.. 14: ASG will be handing out blue Three other Oct. 20: A World Dinner wm be hosted in school buildings have also been demolished in the armbands and encouraging students to skip Houston Hall 129 at 5 p.m. to help increase Pakistani Kashmir area, resulting in more than 20D snacks, a meal or fast for longer periods of time. child deaths. the awareness of world hunger. The event is The death toll is expected lo continue tID climb Oct. 14: An interdenominational Prayer for free, but reservation or invitation is required. because rescue workers and the military have been World Hunger will take place at 9 a.m. in the For more information, contact ASG Director of unable to access certain areas due to mass;ive land­ slides. Academic Quad. External Affairs Shannon Robinson at 248-1010. The army is trying to help the injured by setting Oct. 14: Global Teleconference on World Oct. 26: A local hunger relief rally will be held up medical camps and aid cent~rs. Military forc- es are also airlifting supplies and taking thie injured Hunger featuring guest speakers "Diet for a at 5 p.m. in Liff Auditorium and will feature live lo hospitals but report that the roads are tmo full of Small Planet" author Francis Lappe, Kenya bands and Speak Poets. Canned food sculpture rubble to transport any supplies for the victims of the Assistant Minister of Environment Nobel contests will be among the activities at the earthquake. Laureate Wangari Matthai, and UK Ambassador event. 2 Criterion Octobell' 12, 2005 Fostering discussion on campus ASG to hoidl Q a.nc/ A with president in the a-cademic qu,adl rMax[Byan ''I'm excited about it," Foster said. "It's fun to get "I feel that this is a representation on ·Jifferenl topics," Reporter around, hear the questions folks ask. It's great to get all Soper said. "Part of effective leadership is listening, then Mesa State College's Associated Student Government is the different perspectives from the students." The student speaking. Students have questions that involve underly­ hosting an open forum withl?resident Iirn Foster tomor­ body has many different faces. "Everyone contributes to ing issues to address. It's a chance to connect with con­ row in the academic quad. It will provide an opportunity the diversity of college," Foster said. "Everyone has a dif- stituents. It's part of civic participation." for students to get in touch with the decision mak- ''Students make Mesa State the place it is," Nor­ ers at their college. man said. "The main concern here is the student. It is roster, S:tudent Trustees Matt Soper and Reggie good to have things like this, more things to have stu­ Norman, andASG President Joel Dyar will be in at­ dents be involved." tendance. "llt's fun to get With students taking active roles in the college and "For student voices to be heard, the student gov­ its atmosphere, focus can be directed to the future. ernment has to be in tune with the student body," "It's our purpose Lo educate people," Foster said. Foster said. "The ASG has done a good job in orga­ around7 hear the "In five years, it should be afocns on how to get peo­ nizing this little Q and A with students. It will al­ ple educated and get them to college. With the region low information to be brought in, and then pushed 1 growing, it becomes our responsibility to provide an out." question·s folks a.s'1t!'' opportunity for a college education." The student voice will be represented by Nor­ -Mesa~State College President Tim Foster "As students themselves, the ASG officers do a man, Soper, and Dyar.
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