Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 10-26-1976 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1976). The George-Anne. 811. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne/811 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. At McCroan Auditorium Kiker Assesses Election '76 By SUSAN CLARY impossible to challenge an and incumbent, but Ronald Reagan PAMNAULT almost pulled it off." Ford had to face a Reagan "Unless he puts his foot in convention and "Swallow the his mouth, Jimmy Carter will most conservative platform probably be our next presi- since World War II," Kiker dent," NBC Today Show said. "It repudiates his own correspondent Douglas Kiker foreign policy and his secretary said Oct. 18 at McCroan of state. He even had to Auditorium. nominate Dole with Reagan's "No where else but in okay." America could someone so But it is the independent little-known rise so fast and go voter still making up his mind so far," he said. who will determine the elec- Kiker contributed Carter's tion's outcome, according to nomination to "incredible Kiker. The undecided vote is luck." An early start, a getting smaller, but what's masterful campaign and weak happening is people are swing- opposition made him victor- ing from one candidate to the ious, according to the corres- other." pondent. No one thought Carter Carter's win destroyed the would hold his big lead in the presidential ambitions of polls after Kansas City or lose Douglas Kiker at McCroan Auditorium Hubert Humphrey, Mo Udall, it as fast as he did, Kiker said. Scoop Jackson and Edmund "It's never happened before. said. People know Ford, but "If Gov. Jerry Brown works Carthy as an independent Muskie, Kiker said. "If he In the 1960 elections, polls they are still apprehensive as hard in California for Carter candidate commands the swing wins, he may even put Teddy didn't change more than 4 per about Carter's southern back- as Reagan works for Ford, and states that can make a Kennedy out of the race. But if cent after August, but now ground and religions funda- if John Connally doesn't prove difference." he loses, he'll never be heard people are still making up their mentalism, he said. to be too effective in Texas, Carter will win if he can hold from again." minds." "The Jewish vote is unde- Carter will be the next his southern base and organ- The Republicans came out of The presidential delegates cided in states such as New president," he said. "But those ized labor and the Democratic Kansas City in "bad shape," will decide the winner of this York, California, Illinois and are a lot of ifs...it's going to be party mount a hard campaign he said. "It's been said it's election, the correspondent Pennsylvania...Eugene Mc close." for him, Kiker said. Charges Still Pending In Landrum Food Fight Investigation of a food heard. case must make an individual fight held Oct. 9 in Landrum Disciplinary action could decision about withdrawal, he Center cafeteria that may range from a warning to said. involve a campus fraternity forfeiture of the organization If charges are brought should be completed by this depending on the classification against a fraternity in the food week and a Judicial Board of the charge, Evans said. fight case, board members who hearing set if charges are made, James Orr, chairman of the belong to the fraternity will be said Shelton Evans, director of Judicial Board and advisor of asked to withdraw, Evans said. judicial affairs. the interfraternity council, said "We will all end up paying for Evans said he was interview- he will not sit in on the board's these food fights if they ing witnesses and had not deliverations if a fraternity is continue," he said. "At a determined who was responsible charged. "Though I do not have certain point it becomes a for the fight or if charges would a vote, I am concerned with the violation of rights. Students be made. "I am only gathering appearance of fairness as well as have the right to eat a meal in evidence at this point," he said. actual fairness," he said. peace, and that is something According to eye witnesses, A student board member who other students sometimes seem the fight began when salt and may have biased interest in a to forget." rolls were thrown from the general area of the Kappa Sigma fraternity table, followed by chicken patties and other food. "I know it was fraternity guys; I recognized some of them and they all sat at the Kappa Sig table," one witness said. Another witness said other students were involved but the fraternity seemed to start the disturbance. An hour and a half of "Acoustic-Turtleist" Britt .overtime labor was required to ,«w#- Dean of A Band of Desperate clean up after the fight, said Men. Ben Dixon, director of food service. Evans emphasized that no charges had been made and Desperate Men, individuals could be held responsible as well as organiza- Thursday- Hanner tions. "Witnesses saw food Sea Level Perform... flying, but is is difficult to name names," he said. "No doubt the Ticket Sales For More Pictures And Reviews, responsibility lies with a number of people." See Pages 8 And 9 Of Today's G-A He would not comment on the Begin Tomorrow content of testimony he had More Details Inside SB9SBBS9B PAG E TWO - NEWS. GSC's 'College Today' Talk Show Sees Success i Georgia Southern College's something has been said that College Today has been built "College Today" television is meaningful." talk show celebrates its fifth on the voices of college anniversary this fall. Con- College Today's viewing ter- students. As Mandes puts it, ceived by Director of Institu- ritory is immense, reaching "They can say it better than ■ CCC Promises tional Development Ric Man- audiences in a ten-state area. anyone, and they are what it's i des, College Today presently is This includes Georgia, in all about. They are straight- telecast over the Georgia addition to nearby states such forward and candid, and they Educational Television Net- as Florida, Alabama, Ten- don't mind saying, 'hey, baby, nessee, North and South Caro- Prompt Refunds work, WJCL-TV in Savannah this is the way things are right WXIA-TV in Atlanta, and lina, as well as Pennsylvania now.' " Immediate refund of rental written when the student turns and flanking states encom- deposits is the major change in in his refrigerator for assess- KYW-TV in Philadelphia. As might be expected, a The weekly television series passed by KYW-TV's signal. the new refrigerator rental ment. A number of well-known program like College Today system sponsored by the Also, improvements in the (except on WJCL-TV, where it appears on the air through the is bi-monthly) is hosted by guests have appeared on Col- Central Coordinating Com- record keeping methods will lege Today. Former North courtesy and interest of its mittee (CCC). allow the student to have his Mandes, and features discus- participating stations, which Dave Atkinson, refrigerator own contract slip regarding the sions with guests conversant Carolina Senator Sam Ervin, means the show is slotted in manager, said "The new sys- rental. with the many varied aspects who chaired the Watergate time blocks which meet the tem will lead to a more Atkinson stressed that the of contemporary college life. Investigation Committee, re- stations' needs more than complete and efficient opera- operation is "completely stu- According to Mandes, "the cited Shakespeare during his Southern's preferences. But tion." He also noted that most dent oriented," with all money purpose of the show is as stint on the show, and Erich Mandes is philosophical about of the credit for the new collected going toward some refreshing to us now as it was Segal, who wrote the best- this. "We're not on at the improvements should go to Dr. student activity. when it began: providing seller Love Story, talked about neatest times-early a.m., noon, Jack Nolen, assistant dean of The CCC currently rents out information of a positive na- how college life was reflected at 6:30 in the evenings-but students. about 325 units per quarter. ture to the public. People are in his novel. Also participating I'm amazed at how many Instead of waiting two or There is still a waiting list but hungry to hear good things on College Today have been people are watching television more weeks for the refund, a no more refrigerators are about young people and college Washington columnist James at those times of the day and check will now be immediately available. life. Our guests get letters or Kilpatrick, Georgia Lt. Gov. night," he observes, adding, responses from people all over Zell Miller and former Atlanta "The show enjoys the support the viewing territory, which Constitution editor Reg of our stations, and we have proved that when someone Murphy. viewers. But most of all, we're Continuing Ed. takes the time to write, However, the success of on, babies, we're oh!" Aids Georgia Adults "The purpose of Continuing and off-campus credit or non- Education is to focus resources credit courses as the third of academic units of college function of the Continuing toward the adult population of Education department.
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