DRIVE TO EXIST THE WESTFIELD LEADER DURING 1966 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEICLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY 3C 1ullshed YEAR—No. at Wt'stflfld. N. J. VVESTFJKLD, NKW JKHSEY, THURSDAY, Al'KIL 28, li)(>G Kvery Thursday 32 Page*—10 Cent. ic Group Replies Now It's Her Country 'Tis a lee9 Ceiling Collapses, Smashes Reader Editorial Antiques, Hurts Exhibitor „,«;,„ Civic improvemen Boy Badly Burned But the Show "would like to reply U ial oT the Westfield Leade: Bruce Dodds, 9, son of Mr. and Music WWk Theme Goes On Mrs. W. J. Dodds of 320 Jtlfcrsoi With an explosive roar a 35 by 25 focal respect for the edi Ave., suffered second degree burn foot section of ceiling in the First , uader and have alway of the body yesterday alter no^i Congregational Purlsh House col- when a chemistry set exploded in 'Let's Make Music ,-ssed with his journalisti' lapsed Tuesday night burying three in Inost in his home, setting his clothing afire. displays of valuable antiques and in- m•iraess and. ' He was rushed lo Overlook Hospl ..,,.. iB "setting the juring slightly, a woman exhibitor the to I, Summit, by the WesUleld Ices cue Squad. A Living Force' who managed to flee from the full impact of falling plaster and wire , from lhe editorial "We Mayor Hobert 11. Mulroany ha luth. > corrected, but our proclaimed the week beginning Su The mishap occurred shortly after »as to town affairs day and emit inning through May 9 p.m. while a throng of visitors lo Tknown incidents, actions •is National Music Week urging , lhe annual antique show sponsored on tfie part of our town Arbor Day citizens of tin1 community lo ohsci by the Women's Fellowship of the „ se to exclude Negroes and lake part in lhe activities, recoi church milled about the display i," The Westfield Civic Im nizing tlu1 importance of music, in area, I Association submits as Plantings sicimis and musical organizations Mrs. lsabclle Klvin of Upper Mont- He following incidents. As (he cultural life of our town, stat cliiir, who had the center portion of „ "deliberate" applying in Million and the world. the display nren lo (he left of the tnple, there is room for de- The theme for the 43rd annu main auditorium, received a head He results speak for llicin- Planned celebration is "Let's Make Music wound. She was taken to the West- Living Force." field Medical Center by the llescuo aK Street-The town. In The elementary and junior high National Music Week is sponsoro Squad and treated for cuts und temove dwellings of Negro schools of Westfield will participate by the National Federation of Mus shock. of Spring St. after inform- tomorrow in the observance of Ar- Clubs of which lhe Musical Club i The parish house has a central jtiKiis that it was being bor Day by planting dogwood trees Westfield is an affiliate. on school grounds, according lo an auditorium portion which rises to reasons of safety, health. Mayor Mulreany's proclamation ie future development of a announcement by Dr. S. N. Evvan the roof and the side sections havo Jr., superintendent of schools; Mrs. as follows: an upper and lower floor area. It i park was to be for the "Whereas, music plays an invalu tl (he south side and would Marie Scian. coordinator of elemen- was in the lower section where the tary education and Mrs. Edward L. nblc influence in lhe life of oui ihat was described .us on world; and, Wnereas, music is one o Mrs. lioardninn yeaterdny cred- •Tho means of land acqui- Coffey, members of the Planning Committee. tlw most .sublime of human pursuit: ited (lie church custodian with . matter of record. There and is subscribed lo by all race; n verting whut might have been a tioti problems but dls- Trees for the townwidc event have JACK II. STEMMING and creeds; und. Whereas, music I Named executive vice prenltlenl Irtigedy. lie hoard the ominous made for those fanii- been donated by local gardening lhe language of all peoples and cracking muml In the area and irt simply "upended," clubs wliicli will take part in the uf Wculficld Area Chamber quietly hut (Irmly urged the show of the greatest forces in creatini of Commerce e and left to fend for observance. peace and harmony; and, Whereas vlxltiirs to move out from under best they could." The At 10 a.m. the nearly 7,000 ele- the National Federation of Musi' the celling urea, clearing it of all eslficld believed, as lomentary and junior high school pu- Chilis — dedicated to encouragin Chamber Appoints but Mrs. Elvln iM'furc the crath. Ution of the proposed pils will gather for meetings in their young musicians, lo Increasing mus jt has as much chance respective assembly rooms to carry cnl knowledge, mid to udvaiicin ceiling gave way almost its entire reality as an ant mov- out a six-point program beginning American music—find ils coopernt Former Resident length leaving only n quarter of tho p." The town fathers with the salute lo the flag and the ing organizations join forces to d ceiling area still in place. The dis- "soul searching" con- inging of "America" and ending reel attention to the dynamic infli Executive VP play of UuiT Maxwell was partially equest on the part of wilh the planting of the tree on a I'lice of music in everyday living damaged and those of Mrs. Klvin !o purchase part of the site chosen by the students. Now, Therefore, 1, Robert II, Mu Jack H. Stelllny of Buth. Maine, u and Mrs. Marion D. Boehlert of proposed high school. former Westflold resident lins re Dusking Itldge were completely One of the features of each ineet- renny, Mayor of the Town of West t property was devel- field, tlo hereby proclaim the wee turned liero as executive vice pies juried under the debris. •arking lot. Deliberate? ng will be a brief talk by a guest dent of the Westfield Area Chnmbe Valunblo glass and (itlier antique speaker from a local garden organ- of May Ml. JtftMi, as Nuiional Musi' Results?—Negroes dis- Week and ask Hint nil citizens c of Commerce. Hits appointment t items were smashed and furniture ization, preceded by one of the stu- the post wa.s annuuiiml (his week pieces were scratched and othcrwlso dent's giving a history of Arbor YOUNGEST OF THE NEWKST—Pofrlcln DcWcevor, 3, smiles prettily for the photographer, na her tin's comiminjty observe und Ink <«4 - The proposed by Hobei't ,f. to, chamber presi- dmiingcd. Day. Speakers will describe the na- "brother" Duaiol, 5!i, takes advantage of the situation In ln-lp himself lo lu-r "goodies." l'nlrldii, the part in activities, recognizing tin dent. »" pan, covering ap- adopted daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. Carl DeWvevtr of 2(11 .Srucrn I')., lii'i-ainc an American citizen Monthly importance of music, musicians and One of tho most valuable items on ture of the tree and tell about its display was In Mrs. Itoehlert's cor- fi toes is another in- (Continued on page 2) in the Union County Courthouse. Daniel ulso is adopted, und he too Ixxnnir a citizen sevenil years ago. (Continued on page 2) Mr. Sidling, who began work Muri- Jfsin, Negroes will bo Jay, replaces Hie lule Everett E. ner. A Queen Anne high boy nearly ft ipje they will A liltle, blonde, blue-eyed, 3-year- Ifioinas. who directed the Chamber icveii feet tall and valued at $2,200 consideration by the old girl, became a citizen of the iclivilies .since HJliO. emained upright and acted as a irup for a large section of the fallen n falhcrji toward re I'nilcd States .Monday, when she Going! Going! Gone!! For the past live years Mr. Stoll- * Ik borders of West- Saturday Bloodmobiie stood with her adopted parents be- wiling which smashed portions of fore Union County Judge Carroll W. ng managed the Hath Area Chum- he high boy's top trim. jcr of Commerce in Hath. A former Hopkins and raised her right hand to Hobert Evans, senior deacon 'of Plan-Tim two areas totarlan in Bath he was president innocently mimic her parents as Iliey Bidders Send Price For 17 Town-Owned ie church, was present. He said Md Columbus School) if the Maim; Association of Cham- A Red Cross 'First' « "stood in" for her in the naturaliza- hat he heard a muffled explosion «*d on page 4) tion ceremonies. Lois Soaring From $48,700 To $71,000 jer of Commerce Executives in The semi-annual drive lo recruit ma and blood derivitives when they 'JIM, and was a member of the New ml suddenly the ceiling gave way. at least 225 donors for the next Blood- are needed by the residents of this Patricia DcWecver, a native of Land values skyrocketed in Westfield Tuesday niglit when Onglnnd Association of Chamber of irsl in the middle and then tho cn- Jrcus Trip mobile program was announced to- area, support of the Uloodmobile Canada, and adopted at the age of spirited bidding for 17 town-owned lots wliicli had been assessed tomniercu Executives. Prior to his ire section came crashing down cn- day by Mrs. Harvey C. Gibncy, must not only continue but increase," five weeks by Carl and Kathleen for roughly .$2;J,(K)O brought tho purchase price from an original ihnmbcr work ho was active In elopiny the entire area in plaster- 1(M PAL under the f offer uf $4U,7O() lo a final bid of $71,000.
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