Q: Inside The Greatest Intelligence Drop In History Paul Furber ii Contents Preface 3 Acknowledgments 5 The Foundation 7 The Campaign 15 The Silencing 21 The Laptop 29 The Pizza 37 The Discord 45 The Questions 53 The Buildup 59 The Disconnect 67 The Prince 75 The Shootings 81 The Princess 89 The Hierarchy 99 The Map 109 The Temple 115 The ambush 125 iii iv CONTENTS The Cult 139 The Migration 147 The Board 155 The Visitor 165 The Markers 171 The Rescue 181 The Hijack 195 The Channel 203 CONTENTS 1 To Admiral Mike Rogers, who saved the world 2 CONTENTS Preface This book is an examination of a unique event in history: a massive secret war between good and evil at the very highest level of geopoli- tics, mostly under our very noses. On the one side: President Trump, key people in his administration and loyal patriots in the US Military. On the other: a small group of very powerful people who have been bringing a centuries-long plan to conquer the West to completion. Some of the skirmishes and battles in this conflict have been visible, many have not. The West was founded on Christianity, the European nations and the Greco-Roman tradition. It values justice, social order, heroism, chivalry and empiricism. So in order to destroy the West, all of these have been almost completely subverted over the last century by en- emies from within. The decline has been observed and commented upon in many quarters but perhaps nowhere stranger than among a group of online users who started out by sharing pictures of anime characters on an anonymous Internet discussion board. Free from censorship and any kind of imaginary social approval, the users on this board forged their own ruthless and complex subculture charac- terized by truth, empiricism and almost limitless energy devoted to complex investigative work. As the Internet’s power and pervasive- ness has increased, so has this board’s influence, so much so that the forces for good saw fit to employ its help to report to the world some of the details of the ongoing war. In the past, it was next to impossible for any ordinary citizen to under- stand the real thoughts of their leaders. Nor could they comprehend the truth behind any secret operations. About the best that could be hoped for was the occasional declassification of operations from a generation ago or perhaps the published efforts of a particularly good - or lucky - investigative journalist. The age of electronic com- munications has changed that forever. The inmost thoughts of many powerful people as well as the details of some very secret contem- porary operations are now freely available to browse and study by anyone with an Internet-connected device because of some or other 3 4 PREFACE lapse in online security. And the discussion board is always ready to get involved: digging, joining dots, creating memes and sometimes disrupting other helpless online communities because it’s fun. What the other side had planned for the world wasn’t much fun though. To truly appreciate the horrifying truth of it, I now invite you to go on the same journey as I did. You be the judge of whether, like Jeremiah’s scribe Baruch, I was a faithful transcriber of these cataclysmic events. Acknowledgments This book depends on the various individuals and organizations who passed on details or leaked sensitive information that helped provide background and context. The list of sources includes but is not limited to Cryptome, Crazy Days and Nights, Seth Rich, Julian Assange and Wikileaks, FBIAnon, Anonymous5, MegaAnon, HIVAnon, Brenden Dilley, Q and Big Dick Anon, originally known as GhostAnon. Without them, this book would not exist and millions of people would still be ignorant of the horri- ble plans the ruling elites had for us and our planet. To them my profound thanks. To my parents, Reg and Amanda, who taught me the importance of history, geography and proper research, and who introduced me to the United States, her politics and her history at an impressionable age: thank you and much love. To my long suffering family who have had to put up with Q decodes and red pills from me morning, noon and night for the past four years: thank you and much love. Finally, to the rag-tag bunch of patriots around the world who I got to know on this journey, my profound indebtedness to all your hard work, insight and encouragement that made the journey so exhilarat- ing. 5 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Foundation “Style appalling. Patently a fabrication from beginning to end. Just could be the real thing.” - Bill Haydon, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011). On July 2nd, 2016, an anonymous user created a new discussion thread on the 4chan Politically Incorrect message board, /pol/, and claimed he was intimately familiar with the inner workings of the Clinton case. The ever-skeptical users of the board - called anons - were dubious at first and rightly so. 4chan is anonymous: anyone can post from anywhere in the world and claim anything. And natu- rally, people do. It’s a common game on the board to Live Action Role Play or LARP, that is pretend you’re someone you’re not just to yank the chains of other anons or lead them down the garden path with incredible inside information that turns out to be entirely made up. Sometimes this caution can backfire: real leaks can and do happen on 4chan although they are somewhat rare. A leaker from the Aus- tralian intelligence services had dumped highly sensitive information onto 4chan in 2015 only to have it dismissed by the hostile hivemind as ‘fake and gay.’ The initial reaction to the supposed Clinton insider was little different, at least at first. “You’re a liar friend” said one poster. “FAKE FAKE FAKE” chimed in another. “What reason do we have to believe you?” said another. “None - it’s better that way”, replied the as yet unverified investi- gator. He got right to the point: he was sitting at home brows- ing 4chan because he had been sent home as a result of the huge firestorm caused by the US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. A week before, she had been spotted conversing with former President Bill Clinton on the tarmac at a regional airport in Arizona. When the story broke and serious questions were asked about the discussion, she had claimed that the two of them had discussed various innocu- ous topics such as their grandchildren. Few believed this - it was 7 8 THE FOUNDATION far more likely that Bill was putting some kind of pressure on Lynch to drop the issue of Hillary Clinton’s email server, a topic that was causing some embarrassment to the Democratic presidential candi- date with the November 8 election day just over four months away. Exactly what the FBI and the DoJ were planning to do about Hillary’s indiscretions was as yet unclear. “Will she be indicted?” asked one anon hopefully. “There is intense pressure for us not to do so,” replied the insider. “I am posting from a position of near anonymity and enough plausi- ble deniability to evade prosecution, as we have all been given gag orders. There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down. People do not realize how enormous this whole situ- ation actually is. Whether she will be or not depends on how much info about others involved gets out, and there are a lot of people involved.” The entire US government could be brought down? From some Clin- ton emails that Wikileaks had released? From the private email server she ran at home? No, said the insider. His concern was else- where. “The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server,” he wrote. “We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the CF. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought. She had SAP level programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause an uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war.” This accusation would set the tone for the rest of the discussion. It rapidly became clear to most onlookers that this was no LARPer but a real insider and that he worked for the FBI as a high level ana- lyst. If he was on 4chan exposing incredibly deep and wide levels of corruption within the US Government, then clearly things had got so out of control that he felt there was no other choice but to enlist the help of /pol/. The Special Access Programs he referred to are above top secret classified operations by the US government and include such information as missile silo locations and the identities of covert agents around the world. They are strictly allocated on a need to know basis and merely possessing them without permission is treason. What had Hillary been doing with them? Selling them to overseas donors claimed the FBI insider. She had already been un- der the spotlight about her use of the email server, most recently by the State Department Inspector General’s office which had issued a report the week before. The FBI would go on to question her on the subject that very Saturday, mere hours after one of their employees was claiming off the record that the email server was actually not 9 the real problem. If Clinton had been peddling US secrets to foreign donors, he had a point. One of the immediate pushbacks from the audience was why the FBI was even considering not prosecuting Hillary Clinton.
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