ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT CATHOLIC CHURCH 1190 East Clark Ave. Santa Maria, CA. 93455 Rectory: 5075 Harp Rd. + Santa Maria, CA 93455 + 805-937-4555 + FAX: 805-934-2805 Website: sldm.org Email: [email protected] ST. ANTHONY’S , LOS ALAMOS MASS SCHEDULE: 934-3172 SAN RAMON CHAPEL, SISQUOC Daily: 6:30AM, 8:00AM First Fridays: 5:30PM Saturday: 8:00AM Vigil : 5PM Eng. 6:45PM Span. Sunday:7:30, 9:30, 11:30, 3:00 Span. & 6:00PM Holy Days: Vigil 5:30PM, 6:45 Span. 6:30AM, 8AM, 12 Noon, 6:00PM Liturgy of the Hours: M-F 6:55AM Novena/Benediction: Thursdays 7PM 270 Helena St. Adoration: 8:30– Noon –Mondays Foxen Canyon Mass: 10:15AM Mass: 8:45AM & 11:30AM Span. For 1st Friday: 7PM Thurs. to 6:30AM Fri. www.sanramonchapel.org Confessions: Sat. 3:15-4:45PM & 8-9PM Bilingual Rev. Aidan Peter Rossiter CJ - Pastor (Ext.106) BAPTISMS: Ages 0-6: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 1PM (Eng) [email protected] BAPTISM CLASSES: 2nd Sunday of the month at 1PM Pre- Rev. John Mayhew CJ - Associate (Ext. 105) registration 10 days in advance. Rev. Alfred Verstreken CJ– Associate (Ext. 109) BAUTISMOS: edad 0-6 años: Cada cuarto domingo a la Rev. Mark Newman CJ - Associate (semi-retired) 1:30PM Sr. Catherine Sullivan DMJ Pastoral Assistant (Ext. 102) CLASES BAUTISMALES: Segundo lunes del mes a las 7PM [email protected] Información: Rectorıa 937-4555 o Fé ́lix González Mona Morrisroe– Business [email protected] BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: David Dana 937-4134 Patty Zumbro– Rectory Assistant– [email protected] BODAS/QUINCEAÑERAS: Deacon Raul Blanco [email protected] Informes: Diacono Raú l Blanco 937-6642 y Deacon Chris Boerger [email protected] Coordinadoras: Gaby G.937-4435 o Marı́a S. 934-4831 Deacon Doug Halvorsen [email protected] MARRIAGES: By appointment at least 6 months in advance. Deacon Robert Maciel [email protected] PREPARACIONES MATRIMONIALES: Deacon Antonio Mejia [email protected] Martes 7PM en los salones de la escuela #7 y #8 Deacon Robert Schaefer [email protected] Informes: Rosario y Antonio Mejia - 925-2408 Deacon Richard Carmody [email protected] RCIA: Chris & Janell Hansen- [email protected] Deacon Alfredo Espinoza 928-1111 RICA - Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: ST. JOSEPH SEMINARY: 180 Patterson St. 937-5378 Viernes 6:30 á 8PM en el salón parroquial Josephite Website: www.josephite.community Informes: Mayra Morales y Jorge Farias 478-3123 DMJ SISTERS’ RESIDENCE: 937-4956 RELIGIOUS ED./FIRST COMMUNION/JR. HIGH MINISTRY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: 5095 Harp Rd. 937-5571 Kelly McLoughlin - 937-8363 [email protected] Regina Fox - Principal www.sldmschool.org EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA: Martes de 5:30 - 7PM Email: [email protected] Salón Upper Room - Kelly McLoughlin 937-8363 ST. JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL: 4120 S. Bradley Rd. CONFIRMATION/CONFIRMACIÓN: Luis Oros- Joanne Poloni - Principal 937-2038 [email protected] -937-0701 www.sjhsknights.com HS. MINISTRY: 937-0701– Luis [email protected] ASAMBLEA DE ORACIÓN: Lunes 7 - 8:30 en la Iglesia YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: Jessica Sheaff, 406-0116 or Informes: Salvador y Connie Barajas 934 -3097 [email protected] Eugenia Pacheco 934-0510 o Sergio Valentin 260-2563 St. Louis de Monort Mission Statement We are called to be and to become a loving family centered in Jesus. We acknowledge and accept that each of us is unique and has special gis from the Holy Spirit. We wish to nurture, develop and share these gis within and for the Body of Christ. Having been called by Bapsm into that Body, We celebrate our relaonship in Word, Sacrament and Family Celebraon. We are then sent to call others to Christ through whom we are and what we do. We recognize Christ’s call to be one in Him and commit ourselves to his way of life. 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 17, 2017 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 7:30am Leo & Alice Wilhelm + Fr Aidan Peter writes: 9:30am Jules Diamond + 11:30am Engracia Riloquia Pacheco + 3:00pm Ramon Vega + October brings for us two events that really need our 6:00pm Clifford Bishop + support. LOS ALAMOS, ST. ANTHONY'S: The Parish Fall Festival on Sunday 8th is a very Parishioners joyful and happy event for all of us to enjoy and sup- SISQUOC, SAN RAMON CHAPEL: port. The organization committee is working very hard Ron Guida + to make the event a success, but it will only be so if MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 you turn up with your family and friends in good num- 6:30am Wanda Brown + bers. So PLEASE spread the word. It is also a great 8:00am Shirley Stefanelli + opportunity to help out. There are plenty of opportuni- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 ties to help; please sign up on the notice board at the 6:30am Art & Marian Macabeo back of SLdM Church or talk to Patty at the Rectory. 8:00am Ron Guida + The second event of importance on the weekend of WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 th th 6:30am Richard & Ardyce Kessler + 13/15 October is the 100 anniversary of the Appa- 8:00am Art & Marian Macabeo ritions of Our Blessed Mother at Fatima. Mary ap- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 peared to three young children over a period of a few 6:30am Leticia Dayrit months and at her last appearance she told them that 8:00am Charles Hazard + she was, “Our Lady of the Rosary”, and that we need- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 ed to pray earnestly for the forgiveness and conversion of sinners. There will be an evening of celebration in 6:30am Bianchi Family l&+ th 8:00am Bismark Schmidt + English on Friday 13 , the actual date, and on Sunday SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 afternoon a rosary procession in Spanish followed by 8:00am Marian Macabeo the 3pm Mass. This would be an opportunity to bring 5:00pm Lolita Rosales Sing + your children to take part as Our Lady appeared to 6:45pm Jesus Garcia Castillo + children, whom she thought were so important to re- SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 ceive this message of prayer and praying for for- 7:30am Gabriel Garcia + giveness. Having been a pilgrimage church for the 9:30am Gloria McCormick whole of the Year of Mercy, we can continue our spir- 11:30am Julio Alvarez + itual commitment to being instruments of mercy in the 3:00pm Mateo Perez + hand of God by honoring our Blessed Mother this 6:00pm Clifford Bishop + way. LOS ALAMOS, ST ANTHONY'S: See you and your family and friends at both events, Parishioners God bless Fr Aidan Peter SISQUOC, SAN RAMON CHAPEL: John & Kiki Dominguez 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Three PARKING LOT PAVING Rezamos por Nuestros Enfermos: The large church parking lot will be closed all day on Pat Carriel, Nick Gargano, Dustin Rojas, Monday, September 18th, due to paving. Parking for all Mary Miller, Carys Tomilloso, Joe Vasquez, Masses will need to be on Harp Rd. Thank you for your Jhenna Manko, Bobbie Campbell, John Padilla cooperation. ********************************************** ****************************************** RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND JR. HI. NEWS PARISH STAFFING POSITIONS AVAILABLE Registration for Religious Education classes: REGISTRA- St. Louis de Montfort is looking to hire for 2 part time TION IS CLOSED for the 2017-2018 classes. The first week of classes was Wednesday 9/6 and Thursday 978. Late r eg- bilingual office positions. Approximately 12-15 hours a istration is available (for any classes that aren’t FULL) during week, must be available for flexible schedule. Please get office hours on Tuesdays 5:00-7pm, Wednesdays 2:30-5:30pm job descriptions and applications from the Rectory Of- or Thursdays 5:00-7:30pm. If you have questions, contact fice. Thank you! [email protected] Junior High group is open to anyone entering the 7th or 8th ****************************************** grades. We gather every Thursday from 6:00-7:30pm in Lou’s Grotto. Parents can register their son/daughter in advance dur- ing any week of the group gatherings. For more information WOMEN’S SILENT RETREAT contact Kelly via email: [email protected] October 20-22, 2017, located at the beautiful and serene Year 1 Communion Parent Meeting: Monday, September grounds of Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra. 18th 7:00-8:00pm OR Wednesday, September 20th 7:00- Retreat Master Rev. Gerard Gonda, OSB. Theme: 8:00pm This meeting is REQUIRED for parents to attend “Streams of Grace and mercy”. Bus tickets are available (no children at the meeting please) when your son/daughter from St. Louis de Montfort for $40. Reserve as soon as is enrolled in year 1 Communion. Only ONE parent needs possible; they are first come, first served. Ouble room for to attend (both are welcome). Please attend on either Monday the weekend includes food for $180.00. To register or for 9/18 or Wednesday 9/20. At this meeting we will let you know about the details of the commitment of having your child en- questions: Lori Vitiello 805-264-5606 or rolled in the Communion Process and what to expect these two [email protected] years. Please email me with any questions. [email protected] Family Night: Our first Parish family night of this ministry ********************************************** year is Wednesday 9/27 from 6:30-7:30pm in the parish hall and the topic is “Prayer”. This year we will offer a monthly SONGS, STORIES & SYRAH activity called “Family night”. This event is open to all, not Back by popular demand… you’re invited to fundraiser just Religious Education students and their families but, school concert… "Songs, Stories & Syrah" on Friday, September families and parish families. We will have a variety of activities 22, from 5:30 – 9pm at San Ramon Chapel in Sisquoc! during the hour including prayer, family ideas for meal times, Singer/songwriter Chris Beland (Bee-lnd) will be playing selections from his new album of P.P.
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