ref-bklst.qxp 9/23/99 4:09 PM Page 1246 Reference and Book List The Reference section of the Notices Program international education and forms, write to the Executive Director, is intended to provide the reader with academic administrator seminars. For American Mathematical Society, P.O. frequently sought information in an more information contact the USIA Box 6248, Providence, RI 02940-6248; easily accessible manner. New infor- Fulbright Scholar Program, Council or send electronic mail to ams@ mation is printed as it becomes avail- for International Exchange of Scholars, ams.org; or call 401-455-4106. Ap- able and is referenced after the first 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L, Box plication forms are also available via printing. As soon as information is up- GNEWS, Washington, DC 20008-3009; the Internet at http://www.ams.org/ dated or otherwise changed, it will be telephone: 202-686-7877; World Wide employment/. noted in this section. Web: http://www.cies.org/. December 15, 1999: Deadline for November 1, 1999: Deadline for applications for support for summer Contacting the Notices applications for travel grants to ICME- 2000 programs for the AMS Epsilon The preferred method for contacting 9. Further information on application Program. For details see “Mathemat- the Notices is electronic mail. The ed- and selection criteria are available ics Opportunities” in this issue. itor is the person to whom to send ar- from the NCTM, Department E, 1906 January 1, 2000: Deadline for ap- ticles and letters for consideration. Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191- plications for the Fulbright Scholar Articles include feature articles, 1593 (telephone: 703-620-9840, ex- memorial articles, book reviews and tension 2112); or from the NCTM Web Program NATO advanced research fel- other communications, columns for site at http://www.nctm.org/ lowships and institutional grants. For “Another Opinion”, and “Forum” icme9/. more information contact the USIA pieces. The editor is also the person December 1, 1999: Deadline for Fulbright Scholar Program, Council to whom to send news of unusual in- applications for American Mathemat- for International Exchange of Scholars, terest about mathematics research. ical Society Centennial Fellowships. 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L, Box The managing editor is the person For more information and application GNEWS, Washington, DC 20008-3009; to whom to send items for “Mathe- matics People”, “Mathematics Oppor- Where to Find It Mathematics Research Institutes con- tunities”, “For Your Information”, A brief index to information that ap- tact information “Reference and Book List”, and “Math- pears in this and previous issues of the May 1999, p. 580; August 1999, p. 804 ematics Calendar”. Requests for per- Notices. National Science Board missions, as well as all other inquiries, March 1999, p. 361 go to the managing editor. AMS e-mail addresses The electronic-mail addresses are November 1999, p. 1267 NSF Mathematical and Physical Sci- [email protected] in the AMS Ethical Guidelines ences Advisory Committee case of the editor and notices@ June 1995, p. 694 March 1999, p. 362 ams.org in the case of the manag- AMS officers and committee mem- Officers of the Society 1997 and 1998 ing editor. The fax numbers are 516- bers, November 1999, p. 1269 (Council, Executive Committee, Pub- 751-5730 for the editor and 401- lications Committees, Board of Board on Mathematical Sciences and Trustees) 331-3842 for the managing editor. Staff May 1999, p. 583 Postal addresses may be found in April 1999, p. 479; June/July 1999, p. the masthead. 696 Program officers for federal funding agencies (DoD, DoE, NSF) Bylaws of the American Mathemati- Upcoming Deadlines October 1999, p. 1075, November cal Society November 1, 1999: Deadline for ap- 1999, p. 1247 November 1999, p. 1250 plications for the Fulbright Scholar 1246 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 46, NUMBER 10 ref-bklst.qxp 9/23/99 4:09 PM Page 1247 Reference and Book List telephone: 202-686-7877; World Wide the program directors for the coming Alvin Thaler Web: http://www.cies.org/. academic year in the Division of Math- 703-306-1880 January 14, 2000: Deadline for ap- ematical Sciences of the National Sci- [email protected] plications for the 2000-01 “Mathe- ence Foundation. matics in Multimedia” program of the Statistics and Probability IMA. For details, see the IMA’s Web site Keith Crank at http://www.ima.umn.edu/ 703-306-1885 Algebra and Number Theory programs.html or contact the Insti- [email protected] tute for Mathematics and its Applica- Joseph Brennan 703-306-1884 tions, University of Minnesota, 400 William Smith [email protected] Lind Hall, 207 Church Street, Min- 703-306-0565, ext. 1959 neapolis, MN 55455; telephone: 612- [email protected] 624-6066; e-mail to Fred Dulles, As- Robert Perlis 703-306-1876 sociate Program Director, at dulles@ James L. Rosenberger [email protected] ima.umn.edu. 703-306-1883 January 15, 2000: Deadline for ap- [email protected] plications for NIST/NRC Postdoctoral Andrew Pollington 703-306-1875 Research Associateships Program. Fur- Topology and Foundations [email protected] ther information may be obtained Ralph Krause from the NIST Web site, http://www. 703-306-1886 Analysis Program nist.gov/oiaa/postdoc.htm; or by [email protected] contacting Joy Brooks, Information Joe Jenkins 703-306-1879 Specialist, NIST, telephone: 301-975- Benjamin Mann [email protected] 3071; or Jack J. Hsia, Chief of Acade- 703-306-1886 mic Affairs, NIST, telephone: 301-975- [email protected] 3067; or write to the National Research Dmitry Khavinson Council, Associateship Programs- 703-306-1994 [email protected] Gerard Venema TJ2114, 2101 Constitution Avenue, 703-306-1887 NW, Washington, DC 20418; tele- [email protected] phone: 202-334-2760. Peter Polyakov January 31, 2000: Deadline for ap- 703-306-1992 Geometric Analysis plications for travel grant support for [email protected] Benjamin Mann the special meeting Mathematical 703-306-1886 Challenges of the 21st Century, Au- Applied Mathematics [email protected] gust 7–12, 2000, in Los Angeles. For Hans Engler details see “Mathematics Opportuni- 703-306-1870 Christopher Stark ties” in this issue. [email protected] 703-306-1881 February 1, 2000: Deadline for ap- [email protected] plications for NSF/AWM Mentoring Deborah F. Lockhart Travel Grants for Women. Further in- 703-306-1882 formation may be obtained by tele- [email protected] The administrative staff includes: phone at 301-405-7892; or by e-mail at [email protected]. Jong-Shi Pang Division Director February 1, 2000: Deadline for ap- 703-306-1877 Phillipe Tondeur plications for NSF/AWM Travel Grants [email protected] 703-306-1871 for Women. For further information [email protected] and details on applying, see the AWM Henry Warchall Web site, http://www.awm-math. 703-306-0565, ext. 1977 Executive Officer org/travelgrants.html; or tele- [email protected] Bernard R. McDonald phone 301-405-7892; or send e-mail 703-306-1870 to [email protected]. Computational Mathematics [email protected] February 15, 2000: Deadline for Michael Steuerwalt nominations for the Richard C. 703-306-1878 Administrative Officer DiPrima Prize. For details see “Math- [email protected] Tyzcer L. Henson ematics Opportunities” in this issue. 703-306-1873 Infrastructure Program [email protected] NSF Division of Mathematical Lloyd Douglas Sciences 703-306-1874 The mailing address is: Division of Listed below are names, e-mail ad- [email protected] Mathematical Sciences, National Sci- dresses, and telephone numbers for ence Foundation, Room 1025, 4201 NOVEMBER 1999 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1247 ref-bklst.qxp 9/23/99 4:09 PM Page 1248 Reference and Book List Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA Larry Suter Challenges, by Serge Lang. Springer- 22230; telephone: 703-306-1870. The 703-306-1650 Verlag, 1998. ISBN 0-387-94861-9. address for the Division’s World Wide [email protected] Cryptonomicon, by Neal Stephen- Web server is http://www.nsf. son. Avon Books, 1999. ISBN 0-38097- gov/mps/dms/. Division of Undergraduate Educa- 346-4. tion Drawbridge Up: Mathematics—A NSF Mathematics Education Staff Cultural Anathema (Zugbrücke ausser The Directorate for Education and James Lightbourne 703-306-1670 Betrieb: Die Mathematik im Jenseits Human Resources (EHR) of the Na- der Kultur), by Hans Magnus Enzens- [email protected] tional Science Foundation (NSF) spon- berger. A K Peters, 1999. ISBN 1- sors a range of programs that sup- 56881-099-7. Elizabeth Teles port educational projects in e: The Story of a Number, by Eli 703-306-1670 mathematics, science, and engineer- Maor. Paperback edition, Princeton [email protected] ing. Listed below are the names, tele- University Press, 1998. ISBN 0-691- phone numbers, and e-mail addresses 05854-7. Lee Zia of those EHR program officers whose The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, field is in the mathematical sciences 703-306-1670 Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for or mathematics education. These in- [email protected] the Ultimate Theory, by Brian Greene. dividuals can provide information W. W. Norton & Company, February about the programs they oversee, as Division of Human Resource De- 1999. ISBN 0-393-04688-5. well as information about other EHR velopment Emergence: From Chaos to Order, programs of interest to mathemati- Jesse C. Lewis by John Holland. Perseus Press, 1998. cians. The mailing address is: Direc- 703-306-1633 ISBN 0-201-14943-5. torate for Education and Human Re- [email protected] Euclid: The Creation of Mathemat- sources, National Science Foundation, ics, by Benno Artmann. Springer-Ver- 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA Book List lag, 1999. ISBN 0-387-98423-2. 22230. The World Wide Web address Fermat’s Last Theorem for Ama- The Book List highlights books that is http://www.nsf.gov/ehr/.
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