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YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS SI NCE 1880 YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO T HURSDAY, JULY 7, 2011 VO LUME 132, NUMBER 27 PRICE: $1.50 Most incumbents Village gives to run again business a hand By Megan Bachman By Lauren Heaton Long-time Mayor Dave Foubert, unop- posed in his last three election runs, will Last week it looked like Yellow Springs face a candidate this fall who wants to might lose another of its small but growing transform Yellow Springs from its “old businesses to a neighboring community. hippie image” by promoting the village’s But due to creative thinking and swift innovative, green and community-centered action from the Village, e-Health Data Solu- ways of living. tions now has a chance at leasing a bigger Michael Cannon, who got his first space and remaining inside the village. glimpse of Yellow Springs as a Dayton teen- E-Health is a national health care data ager in the 1970s, said he would represent management company that has grown too the village as a more modern town. big for its MillWorks location and needs Cannon, in his �rst try for public of�ce, about 5,000 square feet of professional challenges Foubert, 68, who is completing of�ce space to move into. Creative Memo- his 10th term as mayor. ries has 20,000 square feet of of�ce space Foubert and Cannon are among seven at its Dayton Street facility, but dividing candidates now seeking to �ll eight posi- it would cost the company, according to tions in local public of�ce in the Nov. 8 elec- a statement last week from Mark Lerud, tion. Candidates are still needed to �ll seats vice-president of operations at Creative on the school board and Village Council. Memories. And though e-Health doesn’t Those interested can obtain petitions from want to leave Yellow Springs, the business the Greene County Board of Elections and has an option on a space in downtown need to �le them by Aug. 10. Spring�eld that is move-in ready and less expensive than the Creative Memories Mayoral race heats up space, e-Health President John Sheridan Foubert, also a Presbyterian minister said last week. and nonpro�t consultant, has faced oppo- So going along with an idea proposed nents in about half of his races. He said he PHOTOS BY LAUREN HEATON AND MEGAN BACHMAN last week by Village Economic Sustain- still has passion for the position, which con- Go Fourth! ability Coordinator Sarah Wildman, Village sists largely of presiding over the bi-weekly Council members agreed to loan Creative Mayor’s Court in addition to making proc- A festive time was had by all on Monday as the village celebrated July 4th with a parade that featured kids, candy and clari- Memories $30,000 to divide the office lamations, serving as a spokesperson for nets and, after dark, fireworks that drew thousands. Shown above are, clockwise from left, patriotic stilt-walker Andy Partee facility to suit the needs of e-Health. That the community, and performing weddings. preceded a tractor full of Odd Fellows; the Yellow Springs Community Band tooted patriotic tunes; kids lunged for candy; the amount plus a private grant of $15,000 from Foubert has performed more than 500 fireworks as seen from U.S. 68 South; 10-thumbs up for the parade; and visiting grandkids Sophia Potamitis her brother Phillip the recently established Yellow Springs weddings, which he can do as a minister or tossed candy rather than chasing it. For a video of the parade and photos of the fireworks, visit the News website at ysnews. Economic Development Assistance Fund mayor, including one on Christmas Eve in was “an amount that made some sense to the Pine Forest when the temperature was Creative Memories,” according to Bruce below zero. Cornett, who helped to create the assis- Regarding Mayor’s Court, Foubert said tance fund. While Creative Memories is he enjoys helping people have a positive YS Experience focus on creativity considering the Village loan and private court experience and carefully listens to grant, its leaders and e-Health agreed that a both sides before making a decision. By Diane Chiddister lease contract must be signed by July 13 to “What I’d like to do is to continue to main- allow e-Health time to move before its cur- tain the values of Yellow Springs in a local Organizers of the Yellow Springs Experi- rent lease terminates at the end of August. community court,” said Foubert. ence are doing some things differently than Local resident Roi Qualls, one of e- Cannon, a designer for Proctor & Gamble at the event’s debut last year. In 2011 the Health’s three principal owners, said this in Cincinnati, has lived in Yellow Springs on Experience takes place in one event-packed week that he is “cautiously optimistic” that several occasions and attended Antioch weekend rather than being spread out over a �nal lease agreement can be reached. College. He has worked at Yellow Springs a week, and more activities are free and “We’re de�nitely coming up from behind Chamber of Commerce and volunteered aimed at local participants. on this one,” he said. “We were down love– for African American Cultural Works. But the aim of the Experience remains 40, then we got to deuce, and it’s advantage Cannon wants most to use the public the same, according to organizer Nancy Yellow Springs right now.” relations function of the mayoral of�ce to Mellon of the Yellow Springs Arts Council, Lerud could not be reached for comment coordinate and share the village’s “smart” which is collaborating with YS Kids Play- this week. ways of living, including localism, slow house, Cirque Carnival and Destination The Village authorized the loan at its food, green building, “art as a way of life” Yellow Springs.com to put on the event. regular meeting on Tuesday, July 5, in a and compassionate community, in part “The Experience is Yellow Springers resolution which states that “public sup- through a weekly blog. On the Mayor’s making good times together,” she said. “It port for economic sustainability is a valid Court, Cannon said he will use precedent really is about experiencing what Yellow public purpose necessary for the growth and common sense. Springs is about. It’s your neighbors and of job opportunities in the village and tax “The prime thing for me is that people you having fun together, learning about revenues for the village.” Though the understand what they’re being charged for each other and making wonderful memo- amount of the loan is roughly equivalent and they have the opportunity to express ries to talk about in the years to come.” to the resources that remain in the Village what they want to express,” Cannon said. The 2011 Yellow Springs Experience PHOTO BY DIANE CHIDDISTER Economic Development Revolving Loan kicks off with the Cirque Carnival (see Fund, the loan will come from the Village Councilors run again, move on sidebar) on Friday, July 15, from 6–10 p.m. Organizers and participants in the upcoming YS Experience weekend include, from General Fund, which, according to Wild- Incumbents Lori Askeland and Rick It will continue all day Saturday, July 16, left, clockwise: Matt Housh, drummer for The Show; dancer Jill Becker; Mindy Harney, man, allows the Village to work quickly Walkey are running for two of three open through Sunday, July 17. organizer of Cirque Carnival; metalsmith Rhonda Newsome; artist Deb Housh; artist and avoid some of the time and contractual spots on Council. The election winners will The weekend will include live music, and organizer Nancy Mellon (below); artist Sarah Strong; and artist and musician Ryan constraints of the revolving fund. The loan join councilors Judith Hemp�ing and Karen dancing, original art, healing arts events, Henry of The Show. has a 3.5 percent interest rate and a three- Wintrow, who are both in the middle of literature, theater, movement, stargazing, year payback time, and it may be forgiven if their second four-year terms. The two high- foot massages and educational programs Creative Memories is able to facilitate the est vote-getters will serve four years while about the natural world. A GREAT PARTY, FRIDAY, JULY 15 creation of a certain number of jobs at its the third will get a two-year term. “There’s so much creative energy in this Aerial artists, belly dancers, accordian will include two stages, on which The rehabilitated site, according to Wildman. Walkey, who was elected to a two-year town,” Arts Council member Deb Housh music, jugglers, two bands, improvisa- Undercovered and Sport Fishing USA Though Council Member Karen Wintrow term in 2009, said he is running again so said in a recent interview. “The Experience tional dance and a children’s parade — will play and spoken word artists John stated during the Council meeting that she that his work as part of an open and diligent is pulling together under one roof these these are just some of what villagers will and Maria Booth will perform. would be willing to remove any of the loan Council can continue. things that are already happening.” find at the Cirque Carnival, the kick-off of New this year will be vendors who terms because she doesn’t want to risk “I especially like the Council’s process And while organizers hope villagers take the 2011 Yellow Springs Experience.
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