Powers can supply Supporters Jackets for a individual or a whole footy club with GANMAIN-GRONG GRONG­ embroidered club emblem MATONG COACH RAY O'CONNOR and/ or sponsors name! ~--a=; FIRST GRADE UNDER NINETEENS GAN MAI N ARIAH GAN MAIN WAGGA GAN MAIN LEETON G.G.-M. PARK-M. G.G.-M. G.G.-M. RIVERINA · ~------' ti ;,____ ___ ---. z RIVERINA FOOTBALL ~ f--------. LEAGUE Sponsored by cn;omALU Moore Paragon :3 ACI Homes Carlton. STURT HIGHWAY SPE~A~~ENIR ISSUE Wagga .. "' Airport, Forest Holl Cjty SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1984 - NARRANDERA SPORTSGROUND VOL. 2, No. 25 REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST PUBLICATION NO. NBP 0250 ................. 3 §j~A&aNBarb Till ~J I FOR YOUR FRESH FRU IT, ~>" · ·. VEGES AND BREAD. · . ,, PH ON E 27 3086 "'-~ . • ' ········~·\ ·. J THIS WEEK ON RADIO: THANKS! 2WG with Allan Hull & Mick Daniher The 'RECORD' thanks the many peo­ PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE RFL Grand Final: A.P.-M. v G.-G.G .-M. ple who have helped compile the River­ ina Football League section of 1his programme. League President, Frank The 1984 football season fo r our League is coming to a very successful conclusion, with REPLAY: Gaynor; League Secretary, Graeme the Li ons having sides in all three finals, the RVN-2 will show a full replay of to­ Woolno ugh; League Treasurer: Vic Ariah Park-Mirrool Bombers in Fi rsts, and day's Grand Final between Ariah Woolnough; The Daily Advertiser for the Wagga Tigers and Leeton Redlegs being Park-Mirrool and Ganmain-Grong equipment and photos; Rod Manning; the other two clubs represented. May I say Grong-Matong in full tonight (Sur · Michael McCormack; Bert Schmidt; congratulations and well done. day) at 10.30 p.m. Mick Daniher; Paula Hempton; Club It is my pleasure to compliment and con­ :;cribes and secretaries; Ross Faulkner gratulate our Winfield side on their commit­ for supplying footballs for competi­ ment and success in winning Division Two of tions; Just Football for supplying VFL the Winfield Championships. The final of DALGETY-BOREE CREEK which was played at Nar-Nar-Goon on June Jumpers for competitions; Powers Au­ 15, 1984 . Success such as this brings honour FOR ALL YOUR STOCK & MERCHANDISE stralia for supplying Supporters Jack­ NEEDS AT BOREE CREEK, SEE • and recognition for our League and the Ri ve r­ • KEITH OR BETTY AT: ets for competitions; and of course the ina District Council. We tha nk Winfield for advertisers. The 'RECORD' looks for­ thie interest and sponsorship to the V.C.F.L. GIFFORD AGENCIES ward to your support in the 1985 Foot­ and country football. PHONE 27 1411 ball Season. Our thanks to Carlton Breweries for their To the Clubs, players and all concerned at ge nerous sponsorship to this League over the Club level, to o ur executive, umpires last three years. the financial support is great, (A. U .L. a nd V.F.L.) the independant tribun­ and your Company's encouragement is worth al, our sponsors, trophy donors, press, radio so much. We look fo rward to continued co­ and television and all that have assisted in any operation. way, we say thanks. BOREE CREEK HOTEL To our district director, Mr. Lyle O' Brien, I wish all clubs the best for today, may it be FOR ACOLD CARLTON AFTER THE GAME WITH MINE HOST ROD WILDE we appreciate your co-operation and the hard injury free, good luck and safe travelling. work you do fo r so many over such a large We look forward to 1985. area of N .S. W . I am sure the thirty-plus FRANK GAYNOR J OPEN SUNDAYS 11 a.m. · 2 p.m. & 5 p.m. · 8 p.m. I senior Clubs are grateful. President R.F.L. r•••••••• ••••••••••• •··~ : RJ~5fl.'!t1t~ftl1L/8~ i I Presents top class LIVE entertainment I I for Members and Guests: I SOFT DRINKS PTY. LTD. : WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY : • WEBSTERS FAMOUS SOFT DRINKS . FRUIT JUICES & CORDIALS I OCTOBER 3rd: OCTOBER 10th: I • PEPSI COLA BOTTLES AND CANS : "THE ANGELS" .. A~~l";t.l.AN : • SCHWEPPES MINERAL WATER, FLA VO URS & MIXERS Griffith Leeton Narrandera Temora Wagga 62 4466 53 2340 59 1833 82 2001 25 4184 L • • FERNLEIGH ROAD, WAGGA WAGGA - PHONE 311511 • 9', 36 5 Watch a replay of Junee-Kapooka's h ome gam es BALL LEAGUE FINISHED FOR 1984 with hos ts Terry Mulquiney and Marie Ford in the g reat atmosphere of the . LOFTUS HOTEL-MOTEL HONOUR.. ROLL * ... • O P EN 7 D A YS • C lllNESES R EST AURANT H U MPHRE Y ST . J UNEE - PHONE 24 151 1 • LEAGUE BEST & FAIREST: • FINALS RESULTS: * Jim Quinn Medal (!st XVIII): (lst XVIII) First Semi: Narrandera ( 175) d Wayne Evans (Ganmain-G.G .-M.). C oo l a m o n (92 ) . Second Semi: A USTRALIA FOOTBALL 1934 D. Ryan, Albury Rovers 1976 P. Elliou,T.R.Y.C. Lanham T rophy (2nd XVIII): Gan.G .G.M. (126) d Ariah Park-M. (85). HONOUR ROLL (cont.) 1935 T . Eames. Albury Rovers 1977 L. Pendrick, Nth. Wagga; 1936 R. Nolan , Cookardinia Kerry Vaughan-Niven (Leeton). Preliminary Final: Ariah Park-M. (70) d 1948 Mangoplah d The Rock D. Priest, Wagga 1937 M. Cooper, Mangoplah Petts Trophy (U 19s): Narrande r a ( 69). Grand Final: 1949 Mangoplah d Wagga 1978 G. Smith. EWK 1938 J . Kendall, Holbrook 1979 R. Hamilton, Holbrook Brian Gaynor (Ganmain-G.G .-M.). 1950 Mangoplah d Holbrook ·· ··· ·· ·········· d ················ 1939 I. Clay, Henly 1980 G. McDougall , Temora 1951 Holbrook d Culcairn • LEADING GOALKICKERS: 1940 R. Robertson, 1981 G. Galvin,EWK • GATE RECIEPTS: 1952 Culcairn d Wagga Mangoplah Keisling Trophy (1st XVIII): Scott Barber 1953 Culcairn d Wagga GOALKICKERS: !st Semi : $4200; 2nd Semi: $5200; Pre- 1946 H . Papworth, Culcairn (Griffith). liminary: $6100. Grand Final: $ ... ........ 1954 Culcairn d Wagga 1947 C. Craig, Holbrook 1959 M. Vickery.Cul. ....... 98 Griggs Trophy (2nd XVIII): Jim Lyons 1955 Holbrook d MCU 1948 J. M,ullarvey, 1960 H. Robb,Wagga ...... 69 1956 MCU d The Rock (Leeton). Woomargama 1961 R. Campbell . Wagga 61 Daleo Trophy (U l 9s): P a t Russell 1957 MCU d Holbrook 1949 B . Brennan, Holbrook 1962 R . Richardson, Tem. 52 MATIHEW WOOLNOUGH 1957 Wagga d The Rock (Leeton). 1950 0 . Donkin, The Rock 1963 H. Gardiner, Culcairn 65 OF GANMAIN WON THE 1958 Wagga d MCU 1951 J. Stockton, North Wagga 1964 J. Condon, TRYC ..... 62 • MINOR PREMIERS: 1959 Wagga d Lockhart BazMedal, lsts: 1965 R . Burge, MCU .. .. 70 Ron Hutchins Shield (!st XVIII): Ariah FAULKNER FOOTY. 1960 Lockhart d Wagga 1966 R . Burge, MCU ........ 70 1952 R. Bunyan, Cookardinia Park-Mirrool. JOEL DANIHER OF 1961 Waggad Culcairn 1953 M. Pieper, North Wagga 1967 R . Burge, MCU ........ 85 Max Crocke r Shie ld (2nd XVIII): 1962 Waggad Culcai rn 1954 H. Gardiner. Culcairn 1968 K. Morrow, Coll. 72 WAGGA WON THE 1963 Culcairn d Temora 1969 B. Walker, TRYC ..... 118 Ganmain-Grong Grong-Matong. 1955 I. Wornes, Holbrook Phillip Wines Memorial Trophy (U 19s): VFLSUPPORTERSJACKET 1964 Holbrook d Tcmo ra 1956 H. Hensel, Culcairn 1970 K. Morrow, Coll ....... 105 1965 MCUdWagga 1957 H . Hensel, Culcairn 1971 R . Burge, Nth.W ...... 100 Leeton. 1966 MCU d Collingullie 1972 R . Burge, Nth.W ...... 73 1957 E. Feeney, The Rock • CLUB BEST & FAIREST: 1967 MC U d Collingullie 1958 H. Hensel. Culcairn 1973 G. Sheather, Wagg<1 107 FOR FOOTBALL & GE:\ERAL 1968 Culcairn d Lockhart 1974 S. Goodwin, Lock ..... 111 Wagga: lsts Russell Pie per, 2nds John CATERING REQl'IREl\1E:\TS SEE: 1959 R . Habcrccht. Lockhart Bannister, Ul9s Scott Bance. Narrandera: 1969 Collingullic d MCU 1960 L. Morrow, Wagga 1975 R. Driscoll, TRYC .. .. 82 1970 Holbroo k d Collingullie 1961 H. Gardiner, Cukairn 1976 L.Pendrick,Nth.W. 114 lsts Russell Durnan, 2nds Peter Anthony, 197 1 MCU d Henty 1962 H. G ardiner, Culcairn 1977 L. Pendrick, Nth.W. 132 Ul9s Ian Bloomfield. Ariah Park-Mirrool: 1972 MC U d Wagga 1978 G. Sheather, Wagga 136 lsts Brett Vearing, 2nds Ph il Short, Ul9s DALCO AGENCIES 1963 B. Czislowltik. No rth S11pplwr1 of all rn11/<'Cl1<•11<'rr t\ 11111d 1111•1'1 1973 North Wagga d Hcnty Wagga 1979 D. Elliott, Nth. W . .... 113 Brian Gaynor. Turvey Park: lsts Gerald 1974 Collingullie dMCU 1964 1-1 . Gardiner, Culcairn 1980 A. Bruest, Temora .... 108 Pieper, 2nds Tim McGregor, Ul9s Alan Hammond Ave .• WA(;(; ..\· Ph. 21 ~863 1975 Wagga d Henty 1965 T . Beasley, North Wagga 1981 G . Sheather, Wagga 92 1976 Nth. Waggad Collingullie Bartholomew. Ganmain-Grong Grong­ 1966 D. Maher, MCU Matong: Undecided. Griffith: lsts Scott 1977 Wagga d Nth. Wagga 1967 A . Tipping, Collingullic Riverina District 1978 WaggadMCU Barber, 2nds Ian Wade, U l 9s Michael H.IVEH.IN".A 1968 J . Wright. Lockhart League: 1979 EWK d Wagga 1969 G. Hardie, North Wagga Agnew. Leeton: Undecided. Coolamon: 1980 Wagga d EWK PREMIERS: Undecided. Ardlethan: lsts Peter Sculley, SPRAYING SERVICE 1970 G. Hardie. North Wagga 33 DOBNEY AVENUE. WAGGA 1981 Waggad MCU 197 1 J. Kew, Collingullic 1982 Coll.-Ashmont d M.C.U. 2nds Graham Waters, Ul9s Undecided. 1972 J. !'limmo. Lockhart 1983 NorthWaggadM.C.U. e Servicing the rural industry. ~ BEST & FAIREST WINNERS: East Wagga-Kooringal: lsts Barry Suck­ Agents fo r A.F.L. Fertilize rs. ~ Carlto n Medal, lsts: 1973 J. Nimmo . Lockhart BEST & FAIREST: ling, 2nds Kerry Bourne , Ul9s Gerard Distributors of crop herbicide> 1932 W. Carroll , Culcairn 1974 C. 1-lounsell. Coll ingullic 1982 Bruce Rollins, Marrar Suckling. and animal health products. • · 1933 C . Kob, Albury Rovers 1975 J . Nimmo. Lockhart 1983 Laurie Pcndrick. Nth. Wagga 1984 Danny Malone. Marrar GOALKICKERS: 1982 Stephen Cole, MCU 144 1983 Martin King, N.Wagga ....................
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